How NOT To Fail CELPIP/IELTS Writing? 10 Major Must Knows! How NOT To Fail CELPIP/IELTS Writing?: A certified CELPIP/IELTS examiner thoroughly evaluates this part of the exam. To ace the CELPIP/IELTS exam, you need to check out these tips, which are considered when...
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Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes!
5 Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes! 5 Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes: One of the most anticipated parts of the CELPIP Test by test takers is the speaking component. This blog is meant to help you prepare better by pointing out these...
10 Reasons Why Your English Never Improves!
10 Reasons Why Your English Never Improves! 10 Reasons Why Your English Never Improves!: In this article, we'll explore 10 reasons why your English never improves. With the prevalence of the English language in the global community, it is no wonder many people are...
CELPIP Study Tips
CELPIP Study Tips |CELPIP Pathway to Success CELPIP Study Tips: Although it may seem daunting to Study for the CELPIP exam, the following CELPIP Study Tips can help boost your score to a 12. 1. Listening to CELPIP Study Tips Pay close attention to the...
How to Prepare for CELPIP
How to Prepare for CELPIP| Tips from the Experts Do you have the CELPIP exam coming up? If so, here are tips on preparing for CELPIP to ensure you perform at your best on test day. When you are getting ready for CELPIP, the best advice we can give you is to take...
10 Reasons Why People Fail CELPIP Test
10 Reasons Why People Fail CELPIP Test 10 Reasons why people fail the CELpip Test: Failing the CELPIP Test can be a difficult experience, but it does not have to be permanent. Understanding why people fail the CELPIP TEst can help you prepare more effectively...
5 Main IELTS Writing Mistakes
5 Main IELTS Writing Mistakes Today we'll go over the top 5 IELTS Writing Mistakes: Preparing and sitting for an IELTS writing exam can make you feel nervous and stressed. We understand what you may feel and are here to help you prepare, gain confidence, avoid...
IELTS Survival Guide
COMPLETE IELTS GUIDE FOR SUPERIOR BANDS: Are you preparing to take the IELTS exam? Whether this is your first time or you’ve taken the exam, it’s essential to be prepared for what to expect on exam day. Check out this survival guide! The IELTS exam can be challenging,...
Time Management Tips: CELPIP
Tips for Effective Time Management During Your CELPIP Test __ Time management tips are critical to the success of the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) test, which consists of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Here are some...
Our Top Writing Tips & Tricks for CELPIP (With Examples)! When doing writing in CELPIP, there are lots of situations you face where you want to figure out better (or the best) tips to use sentences and phrases. Here is a list of the situations you might want to...