IELTS Tips - IELTS WRITING TASK 1:  CONCLUSION OR OVERVIEW - eep your conclusion or overview brief and to the point, and always proofread your work to check for errors. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to achieving success in your IELTS Writing Task 1.




IELTS Tips – IELTS WRITING TASK 1: Many individuals are uncertain about whether to include a conclusion or an overview in their IELTS writing task 1 reports.  Therefore, understanding which one to use can have a significant impact on your test results.


Conclusion or Overview for IELTS Writing Task 1

The question of whether to use a conclusion or an overview is frequently asked by students and is of significant importance.

This blog aims to guide whether to include a conclusion or an overview in your IELTS writing Task 1 report by answering the following questions.

  1. Do I need a conclusion for IELTS Writing Task 1?
  2. What is an overview?
  3. Is the overview important?
  4. Can I write an Overview and a conclusion?
  5. Where can I put the overview?


Do I need a conclusion for IELTS Writing Task 1?

The answer to whether you should include a conclusion in your IELTS writing Task 1 report is no. Including a conclusion in Task 1 is not recommended and is considered a poor choice. You should have an overview for task 1 and you have a conclusion for task 2 for your essay.

In the conclusion paragraph, the main points of the report are reiterated and restated. However, in a short report such as Task 1, there should not be any information repeated, hence there is no need for a conclusion. Nevertheless, it is important to have an overview of Task 1.


What is an overview?

An overview is a paragraph it contains all the essential features of the chart or graph presented in your Task 1 report. It is a concise summary of the key points presented in the report. The purpose of the overview is to collect and present all the main features together in a single paragraph.


Is the overview Important?

It is so important, it is critical for your IELTS writing task 1 this is for the criteria, task achievement.  That’s 25 % of your marks and if you don’t have an overview, it will be almost impossible to get above a band score of five for that criteria.  So very important indeed.


Yes, having a clear and accurate overview is crucial for achieving a high score in the Task Achievement criterion of IELTS Writing Task 1. The overview provides a summary of the main trends or features that are presented in the data.  Hence, it should be included in the introduction paragraph of the essay.

Without an overview, the essay may lack coherence and fail to address the key features of the data, which can result in a lower score. Therefore, it is essential to spend enough time analyzing the data and identifying the main trends before writing the overview.

In summary, including a clear and accurate overview is an important aspect of achieving a high score in IELTS Writing Task 1.  Further, it is necessary to pay attention to this aspect while preparing for the exam.


Can I write an overview and a conclusion?


Please don’t.  Again the overview contains all the key features and the conclusion is a repeat.  We don’t want repetitive information.  Also when you have an overview and a conclusion together, it means that you are dividing your key features into two different places and this will affect the criteria of coherence and cohesion, which is all about paragraphs.  So it’s very important that all your key features are collected in one paragraph, in the overview, and they are not again repeated anywhere else in that report.  So definitely you cannot have both.  And the last one.


Where can I put the overview?


The overview statement usually goes after the introduction but it is possible to put it at the end of your report after the body paragraphs.  Which is the best place?  I prefer it after the introduction.  I like to read all the main points before I read the details but again, that is up to you.  Both places are logical.


In conclusion, when deciding whether to include a conclusion or an overview in your IELTS Writing Task 1 report.  Firstly, it is important to consider the instructions provided in the question and the nature of the data you are presenting. Secondly, remember to keep your conclusion or overview brief and to the point.  Further, always proofread your work to check for errors. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving success in your IELTS Writing Task 1.


