Slang Language in CELPIP?

Slang Language in CELPIP?

Slang Language in CELPIP?

Can You Use Slang Language in CELPIP? F Word is Okay?


Slang Language in CELPIP? Are you are preparing for the CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) test?  You may wonder whether using slang language, including profanity or vulgar language, is acceptable.

We receive numerous inquiries regarding the use of slang language in the CELPIP test. However, it is important to note that the use of such language is strictly prohibited in the test.


What is Slang Language?

Slang language refers to the use of non-standard words or expressions that are not generally accepted in formal writing or speech.  Noteworthy, slang words and expressions can vary by region, age, social group, or context, and they may not be understood or accepted by all listeners or readers.


“F-word, V-word, and S-word

The use of words such as “F-word, V-word, and S-word should be avoided at all costs, as they will result in a loss of marks. It is recommended to steer clear of slang language altogether. The CELPIP test is designed to evaluate your proficiency in using the English language in a variety of settings.  This includes academic and professional environments. Therefore, it is important for you to understand that using slang language, including profanity or vulgar language, is not appropriate in these settings.  Further, it may be viewed as unprofessional, disrespectful, or offensive.

Check out this video Can You Use Slang Language in CELPIP? 

Instead of slang language express Your Emotions this way


Extreme Words 

There are situations where expressing emotions, including anger, can be appropriate and even beneficial. Particularly in the speaking component of Part 7 of the CELPIP test. Utilizing words that convey emotion and emphasize something can demonstrate your humanity and help expand your vocabulary range. However, it is important to avoid curse words and instead opts for extreme words such as “senseless” or “damn” when criticizing someone or something. If you are unfamiliar with such vocabulary and extreme words like damn, chauvinistic, ostentatious etc more resources can be found on our website.


“-ly” formula of adverbs.

Another useful technique to make your ideas more emphatic is to use the “-ly” formula of adverbs.  Adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs and are used to add emphasis, clarity, or detail to a sentence. The “-ly” formula of adverbs involves adding the suffix “-ly” to an adjective to turn it into an adverb.

Example I, Instead of simply saying “This is bad,” you can say “This is extremely bad,” “This is utterly bad,” or “This is completely bad.” This technique not only expands your vocabulary range but also provides emphasis and versatility to your speech or writing. This will ultimately lead to higher marks on the test.

 Example II, instead of saying “The movie was good,” you can say “The movie was remarkably good,” or “The movie was exceptionally good.” By adding the adverb “remarkably” or “exceptionally,” you make the sentence more precise, descriptive, and impactful.

Using the “-ly” formula of adverbs can help you improve your vocabulary range, sentence structure, and communication skills. Adverbs can also demonstrate your ability to express yourself clearly and effectively.  This is very essential for scoring higher on the CELPIP test.



In summary, for you to improve your speaking and writing skills in the CELPIP test.  it is crucial to avoid slang language and instead use adverbs or complex vocabulary that conveys emphasis without being too offensive.

Also, focus on using proper grammar, syntax, and vocabulary to communicate effectively and professionally. If you are unsure about the appropriate language to use, it may be helpful to seek the advice of a language tutor or instructor who can provide guidance on how to effectively communicate in a professional or academic setting.

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CELPIP ALL INCLUSIVE 10+ Course! 15 Hours!

