OET- Answers in CAPITAL LETTERS: While it is possible to write your answers in all capital letters on the OET, it is not recommended but can only be used on some parts.



OET- Answers in CAPITAL LETTERS: The Occupational English Test (OET) is a language proficiency test designed for healthcare professionals who are seeking to work or study in English-speaking countries. One question that often arises among test-takers is whether they can write their answers in all capital letters. In this blog post, we will explore this question in-depth and provide you with the information you need to know and also some bonus OET study Tips.


Can I write answers in CAPITAL LETTERS only?


Candidates will often ask if they can write their answers completely in capital letters. The straightforward answer is simple: yes, you can.

However, some test takers are confused about whether they can do this in the OET Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking sub-tests.

So let’s explore appropriate instances and circumstances to use all capital letters


Writing in Capital Letters


You might be surprised but a lot of people write in block capitals. Some people find it easier to write in all capitals. Others prefer to read in all capitals because it’s clearer to them. However, whatever the reason, you can use block capitals during OET but only on certain parts.


Where can I use it?


You can use CAPITAL LETTERS in the following sections:

  • Reading Part A
  • Listening Part A
  • The Writing sub-test

However, if it is your preference to write in capital letters, you must be consistent. In other words, don’t switch between CAPITAL and lower-case letters.

In Conclusion, while it is possible to write your answers in all capital letters on the OET, it is not recommended but can only be used on some parts. Writing in all capital letters can make your writing difficult to read, may impact your ability to communicate effectively, and may result in a loss of marks for grammar and punctuation errors. It is important to strive for a clear, concise, and professional writing to achieve the best score on the OET.


OET Study Tips

Use your memory to study for OET better


Do you typically begin each study session for OET with a new topic? Consider trying something different for your next session. Here are two helpful tips to use while practising for each sub-test. Give them a try in your next study session:


Improve your memory retention


Rather than jumping right into new material, spend the first 5-10 minutes of your session reviewing what you learned in the previous session. This will help you embed the content into your long-term memory, which is essential for effective learning. Research shows that humans need to encounter information at least 5 times before it can be retained. If you only review a grammar point or other topic once, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to apply that learning in the future.


Start with a quick recall


Begin your session with a blank piece of paper or document on your screen, and jot down everything you remember from the last session. This could be facts you learned about a particular part of the test or strategies you discovered to improve your performance. Once you’ve done this, move on to new material. Incorporating this simple recall exercise into your daily routine can help each study session have a greater impact on your overall progress toward success on the test.


Using your memory to study for the OET can be an effective way to prepare for the exam. Remember to practice these techniques regularly, and you’ll be well on your way to success in your OET exam.

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