Overcoming OET Listening Part C Challenges Overcoming OET Listening Part C Challenges: The OET Listening paper comprises three parts. In Part A, doctors and patients engage in two consultations, and test takers must fill in notes about the...
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PTE COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID Common Mistakes in the PTE Exam and How to Avoid Them PTE Common Mistakes To Avoid: Are you prepared to take the PTE Academic Test? Unfortunately, nervous test takers tend to make errors that can later have...
IELTS Reading True False Not Given
IELTS Reading True False Not Given IELTS Reading True False Not Given: Essential Tips IELTS Reading True False Not Given: The True, False, Not Given (TFNG) question type in the IELTS Reading section can pose a challenge to test-takers. Therefore,...
Five-step Guide to Preparing for PTE
Five-step Guide to Preparing for PTE Five-step guide to preparing for PTE: If you're new to PTE or English proficiency tests, the preparation journey may appear overwhelming. Fortunately, our five-step guide will assist you in planning how much to prepare and...
A Great Tip for CELPIP MCQs
A Great Tip for CELPIP MCQs A Great Tip for CELPIP MCQs - Reading and Listening A Great Tip for CELPIP MCQs: In this blog, I will cover a highly significant topic that can potentially save you three or four points in a reading section or listening....
IELTS Writing? Rules and Advice
IELTS Writing? Rules and Advice How Many Words for IELTS Writing? Rules and Advice IELTS Writing? Rules and Advice: What is the ideal length for your IELTS writing task 1 and 2? Discover how the examiner calculates your word count and the recommended essay...
IELTS/CELPIP – Know Your Level
IELTS/CELPIP – Know Your Level How to know what your level is in IELTS/CELPIP IELTS/CELPIP – Know Your Level: Both exams evaluate your English language skills, but how do you determine your level in IELTS or CELPIP? This blog will teach you about the...
OET Reading Part A – The Complete Guide
OET Reading Part A – The Complete Guide OET Reading Part A – The Complete Guide: One of the challenging sections of the OET is Reading Part A, where candidates need to skim and scan a variety of healthcare-related texts to find specific information. This...
PTE Part 3: Listening – Write from Dictation
PTE Part 3: Listening - Write from Dictation PTE Part 3: Listening - Write from Dictation: In this blog post, we will focus on Part 3 of the PTE Listening section, specifically the task known as "Write from Dictation." What is "Write from...
CELPIP- IELTS – Best & Practical Vocabulary
CELPIP- IELTS - Best & Practical Vocabulary CELPIP- IELTS, The Best & Most Practical Vocabulary To Use! CELPIP- IELTS - Best & Practical Vocabulary: In this blog, we will learn good words that not only improve your English level but also...