9+ CELPIP Speaking Samples: Detailed

This blog provides you with the samples, templates, and other materials you'll need to ensure a 9+ on the CELPIP speaking part.

CELPIP Speaking Samples for a 9+: Tips and Sample Responses


Preparing for the CELPIP Speaking test without the right samples can be a challenging task, especially if you aim to score high (9 or more). Many test-takers excel in other sections but struggle with speaking, even native speakers. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore strategies, templates, and sample responses to help you achieve a score of 10, 11, or even 12 in the CELPIP Speaking test. We’ll break down the techniques for the first four questions and provide real-life examples to illustrate the concepts.


Sample Question 1: Giving Suggestions


Question: Your friend is deciding whether to travel from Calgary to Toronto by car or by plane. Offer your friend suggestions on what would work best for them.


Sample Response:

  • Introduction (0:01-0:38):
    • The speaker starts by greeting the friend and expressing excitement about their travel plans.
  • Suggestion 1 – Traveling by Car (0:51-1:59):
    • Suggestion 1: Traveling by car is discouraged due to the long duration (approximately 36 hours) and the burden it places on the traveler’s time and energy.
    • Emphasis is placed on the inconvenience of a long road trip and the need to drive alone.
  • Suggestion 2 – Weather Conditions (2:00-2:56):
    • The speaker discusses the current weather conditions, specifically mentioning snow and ice on the route, making it an undesirable option.
    • The tone becomes persuasive as the speaker advises against choosing this option, using phrases like “calling death upon yourself.”
  • Suggestion 3 – Traveling by Plane (2:57-4:05):
    • The speaker suggests traveling by plane, highlighting cost-effectiveness during COVID times and the potential to earn money during the time saved.
    • This option is presented as safer and wiser, appealing to the friend’s rationality.
  • Conclusion (4:06-4:18):
    • The speaker concludes by summarizing the suggestions and expressing hope that the friend understands the recommendations.

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  • The response follows a structured format: introduction, three suggestions, and a conclusion.
  • The speaker uses persuasive language and appeals to the friend’s rationality to justify the suggestions.
  • Effective vocabulary and expressions are employed to make the response more engaging.


Sample Question 2: Sharing a Childhood Memory


Question: Describe a childhood memory that you cherish. Explain why this memory is special to you.


Sample Response:

  • Introduction (0:01-0:27):
    • The speaker introduces the topic by mentioning the existence of many cherished childhood memories.
    • A template is hinted at for structuring the response.
  • Description of Childhood Memory (0:28-1:33):
    • The speaker describes a specific childhood memory, which is participating in an inter-school debating competition.
    • Emphasis is placed on the challenging nature of the competition and the speaker’s initial fear and inexperience.
  • Emotional Connection (1:34-2:18):
    • The speaker expresses pride and happiness at having won the competition.
    • The memory is linked to a college application, highlighting its significance.
    • The use of adjectives like “scared,” “weak,” and “inexperienced” adds depth to the emotional connection.
  • Conclusion (2:19-2:28):
    • The speaker wraps up the response by reiterating the significance of the memory and its impact on the college application.



  • The response adheres to a template structure: introduction, memory description, emotional connection, and conclusion.
  • A range of adjectives is used to convey emotions and enhance the response.
  • The narrative style makes the memory come to life and engages the listener.


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Sample Question 3: Describing a Picture


Question: Describe the picture and speculate on what might happen next.

Sample Response:

  • Description of the Picture (0:01-0:50):
    • The speaker begins by describing the picture, focusing on the cluttered classroom with charts and a teacher with a seemingly demotivated expression.
    • The foreground features a student raising their hand, and the other students appear agitated.
    • Adjectives like “cluttered,” “demotivated,” and “nervous” are used to create a vivid image.
  • Speculation on What Happens Next (0:51-1:59):
    • The speaker speculates that the student might ask a question, resulting in the teacher scolding them.
    • Anticipates that the rest of the class, including those on the right, may start laughing or giggling due to the troublemaker’s actions.
    • Concludes that the troublemaker might continue instigating, leading to an overall disruptive atmosphere.



  • The response effectively describes the picture’s elements, emphasizing the classroom’s atmosphere and the characters’ expressions.
  • Speculation about future events in the picture is provided, engaging the listener’s imagination.
  • A variety of adjectives and vocabulary words enhance the description and speculation.


Sample Question 4: Speculating on Future Events

Question: Predict what might happen next in the given situation.


Sample Response:

  • Speculation on What Happens Next (0:01-1:03):
    • The speaker starts by suggesting that the kid in the picture will likely continue causing trouble.
    • Anticipates that the teacher may lose patience and reprimand the student.
    • Speculates that the rest of the class, being young, might react by laughing or giggling, exacerbating the situation.
  • Conclusion (1:04-1:08):
    • The speaker wraps up the response by stating that the ongoing disruption is what they expect to happen next in the situation.



  • The response concisely speculates on future events, maintaining a clear and structured narrative.
  • Vocabulary choices, such as “lose patience” and “reprimand,” enrich the description of potential actions.
  • The response adheres to the format and timeframe, demonstrating effective time management.




Speaking Part 5: Giving Advice


Question: Your friend is deciding whether to purchase a classic mint condition car or an old, ugly-looking car. Offer your friend suggestions on what would work best for them.


CELPIP Speaking Samples – Response:

Hey buddy, how’s it going? I heard that you’re looking to purchase your first-ever car, and that’s pretty exciting! I can’t even express how thrilled I am for you. But listen, I noticed that you’re leaning towards that old, beat-up car. Now, I don’t mean to offend you, but it’s not the most appealing choice. Instead, have you considered that beautiful classic car in mint condition? It’s a gem! Not only is it in perfect condition, but it’s also environmentally friendly, which is a big plus in today’s world. You never know when those old, smoky cars might start costing you a fortune due to increased taxes.

Moreover, the classic car runs remarkably quietly, offering you a smooth and peaceful ride. You won’t have to deal with all that noise and commotion on the road. And let’s be honest, you’re not in the racing business anymore, right? Those older cars often require hefty maintenance, which can burn a hole in your pocket. So, my advice would be to go with the copper-colored car. It’s the wiser choice in the long run. Hope this helps, and I’ll catch up with you soon, buddy.


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Speaking Part 6: Giving Advice on a Dilemma

Question: Your friend promised to attend your wedding, but due to work obligations, they won’t be able to make it. Express your disappointment and then suggest they try to convince their boss for a schedule change to attend your wedding.


CELPIP Speaking Samples – Response:

Hey Mark, how’s it going? I got your message, and I have to admit I’m pretty disappointed that you won’t be able to make it to my wedding. I mean, I had really been counting on you being there, and it’s tough to imagine the big day without you. But I understand that work commitments can sometimes get in the way.

Here’s an idea, though. You’re such a dedicated and top-performing employee, always surpassing your quotas and making record sales. Why not try talking to your boss about adjusting your schedule? You could let him know how important this event is to you, and that you’ve been looking forward to it for a long time. Given your outstanding performance, it’s worth a shot, and maybe he’ll consider it.

I really hope you can make it, Mark. It won’t be the same without you, and your presence would mean a lot to me. So, give it a try, and let’s hope for the best. Talk to you soon!


Speaking Part 7: Expressing an Opinion

Question: Do you think a 40-hour workweek is justified, or should people be working more hours? State your opinion and support it with three points.


CELPIP Speaking Samples – Response:

The topic of a 40-hour workweek has always been a subject of interest in political discussions, and it’s likely to remain so in the foreseeable future. To form an opinion on this matter, we need to consider the current economic landscape. In a country like Canada, where we’re striving to catch up with more robust economies such as China, Japan, or the US, I believe that working more than 40 hours a week is justified.

Firstly, considering our economic context, we’re still lagging behind in many aspects. To bridge the gap, we need to step up our game. Working longer hours can contribute to improving our economic standing, whether through increased productivity, innovation, or the development of superior products.

Secondly, in an economy driven by inflation and high costs of living, working more hours can provide us with an edge. Not only can it help us remain competitive, but it can also afford us the luxuries in life that may otherwise be out of reach with just a 40-hour salary.

Lastly, working longer hours can lead to a more active lifestyle. In our age of technology, we tend to lead increasingly sedentary lives. By working around 50 to 60 hours a week, we can counteract this trend and become more physically active.

So, my opinion is that, given our current economic situation, working more than a 40-hour workweek is justifiable. It allows us to catch up, stay competitive, and maintain a healthier lifestyle.


Speaking Part 8: Describing a Situation


Question: You came across a strange street sign, and you decide to call your spouse to describe it. Provide a clear description of the sign.


CELPIP Speaking Samples – Response:

Hey honey, how’s it going? I know this might seem a bit random, but I stumbled upon this really odd street sign, and I couldn’t resist sharing it with you. It’s a little out of the ordinary for us to discuss street signs, but bear with me because this one’s quite unusual.

Imagine your typical street sign—a circular shape with a red border, like those used for speed limits. But here’s the kicker: there’s a guy peeking out from behind the red border. It’s as if someone’s trying to sneak a quick glance at something secretly. I know it’s a bit challenging to visualize, but picture someone tiptoeing behind you, trying to catch a glimpse without being noticed. That’s exactly what this sign depicts.

It’s positioned right above a parking area, and I’m honestly not sure whether it’s indicating that I should park there or if it’s meant to signify something else entirely. It’s just so bizarre, and I couldn’t help but call you about it. Do you have any idea what this sign means? Let me know when you get the chance.

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In these CELPIP speaking samples, we’ve covered Speaking Parts 5 to 8, providing you with strategies, templates, and sample responses for each question type. Remember that practicing these questions and using these strategies can significantly improve your performance in the CELPIP Speaking test. Good luck!
