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IELTS Vocabulary Building Tips

IELTS Vocabulary Building Tips

A strong IELTS vocabulary is key to success in both the speaking and writing sections. Unfortunately, building a robust vocabulary doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and effort to expand your word knowledge, and it can be daunting if you're not sure where to...

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Habits of Successful CELPIP Candidates

Habits of Successful CELPIP Candidates

If you are preparing for the CELPIP exam, you want to learn the top habits of successful CELPIP candidates. In this blog, we will explore some of the habits of successful CELPIP candidates and cover how you can adopt these habits to improve your performance on the...

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How To Sound Amazing in English Speaking

How To Sound Amazing in English Speaking

As a non-native English speaker, speaking in front of others can be intimidating, especially if you are trying to make a good impression. However, with some practice and following these tips, you can sound amazing in English speaking. Avoid Using Fillers Fillers are...

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IELTS Writing Task Preparation: Tips & Tricks

IELTS Writing Task Preparation: Tips & Tricks

The IELTS writing test is important if you plan to study or work in an English-speaking country. The test consists of two tasks: Task 1 and Task 2. In IELTS writing Task 1, you are given a graph, chart, table, or diagram and asked to describe, summarize, or explain...

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How To Paraphrase In IELTS Speaking & Writing

How To Paraphrase In IELTS Speaking & Writing

Learning to paraphrase in IELTS speaking or writing is an essential skill for test takers to master, as it is an important part of the exam. Paraphrasing involves rephrasing a given text or passage in your own words without changing its meaning. This is important...

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5 Common CELPIP Exam Mistakes to Avoid

5 Common CELPIP Exam Mistakes to Avoid

Many students score below average in the CELPIP Exam because they do not take the time to familiarize themselves with the common CELPIP exam mistakes to avoid. This article will discuss some of the most common CELPIP exam mistakes to avoid. By understanding and...

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CELPIP Task 1 and 2 Topics

CELPIP Task 1 and 2 Topics

CELPIP practice task helps learners test their understanding, especially when preparing for the CELPIP writing test. If you have taken our self-paced CELPIP course,  you may be looking for some CELPIP practice task to test your knowledge and help you wow the examiner....

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IELTS Writing Task Samples (Corrections)

IELTS Writing Task Samples (Corrections)

Here are 4 IELTS Writing Task Samples With Teacher Corrections! Check these IELTS writing task 1 and 2 samples and review how the teacher marks these. The corrections are in bold. This is how examiners mark you! Do you make the same mistakes? If you write like this...

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IELTS Vocabulary Building Tips

IELTS Vocabulary Building Tips

A strong IELTS vocabulary is key to success in both the speaking and writing sections. Unfortunately, building a robust vocabulary doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and effort to expand your word knowledge, and it can be daunting if you're not sure where to...

Habits of Successful CELPIP Candidates

Habits of Successful CELPIP Candidates

If you are preparing for the CELPIP exam, you want to learn the top habits of successful CELPIP candidates. In this blog, we will explore some of the habits of successful CELPIP candidates and cover how you can adopt these habits to improve your performance on the...

How To Sound Amazing in English Speaking

How To Sound Amazing in English Speaking

As a non-native English speaker, speaking in front of others can be intimidating, especially if you are trying to make a good impression. However, with some practice and following these tips, you can sound amazing in English speaking. Avoid Using Fillers Fillers are...

IELTS Writing Task Preparation: Tips & Tricks

IELTS Writing Task Preparation: Tips & Tricks

The IELTS writing test is important if you plan to study or work in an English-speaking country. The test consists of two tasks: Task 1 and Task 2. In IELTS writing Task 1, you are given a graph, chart, table, or diagram and asked to describe, summarize, or explain...

How To Paraphrase In IELTS Speaking & Writing

How To Paraphrase In IELTS Speaking & Writing

Learning to paraphrase in IELTS speaking or writing is an essential skill for test takers to master, as it is an important part of the exam. Paraphrasing involves rephrasing a given text or passage in your own words without changing its meaning. This is important...

5 Common CELPIP Exam Mistakes to Avoid

5 Common CELPIP Exam Mistakes to Avoid

Many students score below average in the CELPIP Exam because they do not take the time to familiarize themselves with the common CELPIP exam mistakes to avoid. This article will discuss some of the most common CELPIP exam mistakes to avoid. By understanding and...

The 5 Main Secrets of The CELPIP Exam And a Bonus Tip!

The 5 Main Secrets of The CELPIP Exam And a Bonus Tip!

Do you want to know the main secrets of the CELPIP Exam that examiners have been hesitant to share with students? If you’re preparing to take the CELPIP exam, it’s essential to understand what to expect and how to best prepare for it. In this post, we’ll share with...

CELPIP Task 1 and 2 Topics

CELPIP Task 1 and 2 Topics

CELPIP practice task helps learners test their understanding, especially when preparing for the CELPIP writing test. If you have taken our self-paced CELPIP course,  you may be looking for some CELPIP practice task to test your knowledge and help you wow the examiner....

How to start and finish your task 1 CELPIP writing (letter/email)

How to start and finish your task 1 CELPIP writing (letter/email)

To start your CELPIP Writing Task 1, you should carefully read the prompt and make sure you understand what you are being asked to do. The prompt will usually ask you to write a letter or an email to someone, explaining a situation or giving some information. Tips For...

IELTS Writing Task Samples (Corrections)

IELTS Writing Task Samples (Corrections)

Here are 4 IELTS Writing Task Samples With Teacher Corrections! Check these IELTS writing task 1 and 2 samples and review how the teacher marks these. The corrections are in bold. This is how examiners mark you! Do you make the same mistakes? If you write like this...

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