PTE: SPEAKING TIPS & TRICKS: Practice these tricks and also familiarize yourself with the PTE Speaking format and improve your performance.




PTE: Speaking Tips & Tricks: The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Speaking section can be challenging for many test-takers, especially those unfamiliar with speaking in a formal academic setting. However, with these tips and tricks, you can improve your PTE Speaking score and achieve your desired results. Here are some tips and tricks to help you ace the PTE Speaking section

In the PTE (Person PTE Academic Test) speaking section, we get “describe image” questions to describe images that appear on the screen verbally.  You will often get bar charts, pie, line graphs, or pictures in the speaking part of PTE.

 Let us look at the bar charts

Bar Charts

The PTE Speaking section may include questions that require you to describe and interpret data from bar charts. Read the instructions carefully, ensure you understand the task requirements, and identify the critical features of the bar chart, such as the title, labels, and units of measurement.

Example: When describing a graph on GDP(Gross Domestic Product), you should follow these steps:

1.  Introduce the graph:

Begin by introducing the graph and providing some context about what it shows. For example, “The following graph illustrates the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United Kingdom from 1992 to 2000.”


2.  Describe the trends:

Identify any trends or patterns in the graph, and use appropriate vocabulary to describe them. For example, “Overall, the GDP increased steadily from 1992 to 1997, with a slight dip in 1995. However, there was a significant decline in 1998, followed by a slow recovery in the following two years.”

3.  Highlight significant features:

Identify any significant features of the graph, such as peaks, valleys, or sudden changes in the trend. For example, “The highest point in the graph was in 1997 when the GDP reached over 1 trillion pounds. The lowest point was in 1998 when the GDP dropped to just over 900 billion pounds.”  You can use phrases like “In general,” “On the one hand,” and “On the other hand” to structure your response.


4.  Practice summarizing:

Practice summarizing the data in the bar chart in one or two sentences. This will help you to be more concise and focused in your response.


5.  Use accurate numbers:

If the bar chart contains specific numbers or percentages, use them accurately in your response. Round off the numbers to the nearest whole number if necessary.


6.  Conclude your description:

Summarize the main points of your description and make any final comments or observations about the graph. For example, “Overall, the graph shows a gradual increase in the GDP of the UK over the period from 1992 to 2000, with some fluctuations along the way.”


Remember to use appropriate language to describe the graph, such as adjectives and adverbs to show changes and comparative language to highlight differences. Speak clearly and confidently: Speak slowly and clearly, and use correct pronunciation and intonation. Make eye contact with the examiner and speak confidently. Also, use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your description more coherent. Examples of linking words include “moreover,” “however,” “consequently,” and “thus.”

Check out this video on PTE: Speaking Tips & Tricks


Here are some tips and tricks for the PTE Speaking section:


Practice speaking English regularly:

The more you speak English, the better you become at it. Try to speak English with your friends, family, or anyone you feel comfortable with. As a result, you gain confidence and improve your fluency.


Listen carefully to the instructions:

Make sure you understand the instructions before you begin the test. Ask the examiner to repeat or clarify instructions you need help understanding.


Speak clearly and confidently:

Speak slowly and clearly, and use correct pronunciation and intonation. Make eye contact with the examiner and speak confidently.


Use a variety of vocabulary and grammar structures:

Try to use a range of vocabulary and grammar structures. Further, this will show the examiner that you understand English well.


Don’t hesitate or pause for too long:

Avoid long pauses or hesitation while speaking. If you don’t know a word, try to use a synonym or describe the word in other words.


Manage your time effectively:

Allocate your time wisely for each speaking task. Take your time on one task and rush through the others.


Be prepared for any topic:

The speaking tasks can cover various topics, so ensure you are familiar with common themes such as technology, health, education, and current affairs.


Practice with sample questions:

Practice with sample questions and familiarize yourself with the PTE Speaking format. You can find sample questions on the PTE website or in the PTE preparation books.


Take notes:

During the speaking tasks, you can take notes to help you organize your thoughts and ideas. Hence, this will help you to structure your response more effectively.


Stay calm and focused:

Finally, stay calm and focused throughout the speaking section. Don’t let nerves or anxiety get the better of you. Remember to take deep breaths and speak at a comfortable pace.

Remember to use appropriate language to describe the graph, such as adjectives and adverbs to show changes and comparative language to highlight differences. Speak clearly and confidently: Speak slowly and clearly, and use correct pronunciation and intonation. Make eye contact with the examiner and speak confidently. Also, use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas and make your description more coherent. Examples of linking words include “moreover,” “however,” “consequently,” and “thus.”


 The PTE Speaking section tests your ability to communicate effectively in English, so try to be as clear, concise, and accurate as possible in your responses. Practice with sample questions to familiarize yourself with the PTE Speaking format and improve your performance.

Check out this 15 hr self-paced PTE course designed to help you achieve your desired score. 

15-hour All-Inclusive PTE Course!
