15 Hrs: CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) – All-Inclusive Course!

4k+ rating

Shayan Zaidi

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Our comprehensive online CNA training course is meticulously crafted to prepare you for your CNA certification exams across the United States. 

Whether you’re aiming to pass the National Nurse Aide Assessment Program (NNAAP) or state-specific exams like those required in California, Florida, New York, or any other state, this course provides tailored content that addresses the unique requirements and SPECIFIC TIPS/TECHNIQUES of each state’s examination.

This course is not a certification program itself but is specifically designed to guarantee your success in passing the CNA certification exams in your state. With detailed theoretical knowledge and extensive practical skills training, our course ensures that you are fully prepared to meet and exceed the testing standards required to become a certified nursing assistant.

The real exam is not easy and the number of FAILING candidates will surprise you!

You have limited exam booking chances; DON’T waste them!

What you’ll learn:

  • Comprehensive Knowledge for Written Exams: Gain an in-depth understanding of all necessary nursing concepts including patient rights, basic nursing skills, nutrition, and emergency procedures that are crucial for the written part of the certification exams.
  • Practical Skills for Clinical Assessments: Master essential clinical skills through detailed video demonstrations and step-by-step guides, covering everything from handwashing to complex patient care techniques required in the skills test.
  • State-Specific Requirements: Learn about specific protocols and guidelines unique to the state where you will be certified, ensuring no surprises on exam day.

Exam Preparation: Equip yourself with strategies to tackle multiple-choice questions and practical assessments. Pass your exam in one sitting. NO MORE FAILURES!

After this course, you will:

    • Be 100% Prepared for Any State’s CNA Exam: Whether it’s the NNAAP, California’s CNA exam, Florida’s CNA exam, New York’s CNA Exam, Alabama’s CNA Exam, or any other state-specific test, you will be ready to ace it.
    • Understand and Apply Core CNA Principles: Apply the knowledge and skills you’ve learned to provide top-notch care and meet the professional standards expected of a certified nursing assistant.
    • Handle Real-World Situations: With the practical experience gained from our course simulations, you’ll be able to handle real-life scenarios with professionalism and care.
    • Feel Confident and Prepared: Enter your exam and your subsequent career with confidence, knowing that you have been thoroughly prepared to meet the challenges and responsibilities of a CNA.
    • Never Fail Your CNA Exam Again! More than 40% of candidates fail their exams on the first attempt. You will not be one of them!

Course Features

    • Review Lessons Covering Every Topic: Each module is designed to cover all topics extensively, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of all areas tested in your exams.
    • 1000+ CNA Practice Questions: Test your knowledge and sharpen your test-taking skills with over a thousand practice questions that mimic the style and difficulty of the actual exams.
    • More than 500 Electronic Flashcards: Reinforce your memory and quick recall of key concepts with a vast array of electronic flashcards, making revision effective and engaging.
    • Guaranteed Success in Your Exam or All Your Money Back!


    Right after your purchase, you will receive a personalized link where you can start the course right away!

    Curriculum for the Written Exam:

    This theoretical component of the course is structured to provide in-depth knowledge of the fundamental and advanced concepts that a CNA needs to master. The content is organized to enhance understanding and retention, preparing students to ace the written CNA certification exams!

    • Introduction to CNA Roles and Responsibilities
        • Learn the scope of practice, the importance of CNAs in the healthcare system, and an overview of daily tasks.
    • Patient’s Rights
        • Understand the legal and ethical obligations related to patient care, including privacy, informed consent, and patient autonomy.
    • Interpersonal Skills
        • Develop effective communication strategies for interacting with patients, families, and healthcare teams.
    • Social Skills
        • Enhance skills in social perceptiveness and emotional intelligence to improve patient interaction and support.
    • Basic Nursing Skills
        • Cover fundamental nursing practices such as infection control, safety protocols, and emergency procedures.
    • Personal Care Skills
        • Gain proficiency in providing personal care, including bathing, grooming, dressing, and toileting.
    • Patient Care Procedures
        • Learn detailed procedures for patient assessment, care planning, and implementation.
    • Vital Signs
        • Understand methods for measuring and interpreting blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and temperature.
    • Nutrition
        • Acquire knowledge about dietary needs, feeding techniques, and special diets.
    • Emergency Procedures
        • Master the steps for handling acute medical emergencies, including CPR and first aid.
    • Long-Term Care Patient
        • Focus on the care of chronically ill and elderly patients, understanding their specific needs and challenges.
    • Rehabilitative Nursing
        • Learn techniques for helping patients regain independence through rehabilitation methods.
    • Observation and Charting
        • Develop skills in observing clinical signs and accurately documenting patient care.
    • Death and Dying
        • Gain sensitivity and skills to support patients and families during end-of-life care.
    • Introduction to Long-term Care
        • Understand the settings and requirements for long-term care facilities and services.
    • Mental Health and Social Service Needs
        • Address the psychological and social aspects of patient care, including coping with illness and accessing community resources.
    • Restorative Services
        • Learn about therapies and treatments that aim to restore health and improve quality of life.
    • Prevention Management of Catastrophe and Unusual Occurrence
        • Prepare for unexpected situations and disasters by learning proper response techniques.
    • Body Mechanics
        • Study proper body positioning and movement techniques to prevent injury to both the caregiver and the patient.
    • Medical and Surgical Asepsis
        • Delve into the principles and practices of maintaining a sterile environment to prevent infection.
    • Weights and Measures
        • Learn to accurately measure and record patient data critical for ongoing assessment and treatment.
    • Infection Control
        • Comprehensive training on preventing and controlling infectious diseases in healthcare settings.
    • Communication
        • Focus on enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication skills essential for effective caregiving.
    • Nutrition and Hydration
        • Understand the importance of proper nutrition and hydration in patient care.
    • Resident’s Environment
        • Learn to maintain and optimize the living environments for comfort and safety.
    • Personal Care and Hygiene
        • Emphasize the techniques and importance of personal hygiene care for patients.
    • Legal Responsibilities
        • Review the legal aspects of CNA work, including documentation and compliance with healthcare laws.
    • Psychology Support
        • Explore psychological support strategies for patients facing medical challenges.
    • Geriatric Practices
        • Understand the special considerations and care techniques required for elderly patients.
    • Rehabilitation and Basic Restoration Services
        • Learn about rehabilitation practices and services aimed at improving patient mobility and health.
    • Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
        • Study methods to prevent and manage pressure ulcers, a common issue in immobile patients.
    • CPR/First Aid
        • Obtain knowledge in basic life support techniques, including CPR and first aid.
    • Patients’ Rights
      • Deepen understanding of patients’ rights in the healthcare system to ensure respectful and compliant care.

    Curriculum for the Skills Exam:

    This practical component of the course is designed to ensure proficiency in essential clinical skills required for CNAs. Each skill is thoroughly covered through video demonstrations, step-by-step guides, and practice scenarios.

    1. Handwashing: Learn the correct handwashing techniques crucial for infection control in any healthcare setting.
    2. Indirect Care: Master the skills necessary to ensure the safety, comfort, and rights of residents, including cleanliness and infection control.
    3. Ambulate the Resident Using a Transfer/Gait Belt: Safely assist residents in walking with the aid of a gait belt to prevent falls and facilitate mobility.
    4. Assist Resident Needing to Use a Bedpan: Understand how to respectfully assist a resident with a bedpan, ensuring comfort and maintaining dignity.
    5. Change Bed Linen While the Resident Remains in Bed: Perform bed linen changes without requiring the resident to leave the bed, enhancing comfort and efficiency.
    6. Change Resident’s Position to a Supported Side-Lying Position: Learn to position a resident safely on their side to prevent pressure ulcers and enhance comfort.
    7. Dress a Resident Who Has a Weak Arm: Assist in dressing a resident with limited arm mobility, focusing on techniques that promote independence and respect.
    8. Empty Contents of Resident’s Urinary Drainage Bag, Measure and Record Urine Output on an I&O Form: Manage a urinary drainage system, ensuring accurate measurement and documentation of urine output.
    9. Feed a Resident Who Is Sitting in a Chair: Provide support with feeding, ensuring nutritional needs are met while encouraging independence and interaction.
    10. Measure and Record a Resident’s Radial Pulse: Accurately measure and document the radial pulse, a vital sign crucial for monitoring health status.
    11. Measure and Record a Resident’s Respirations: Learn to correctly measure and record respirations, an essential skill in assessing health status.
    12. Provide Catheter Care for a Female Resident Who Has an Indwelling Urinary Catheter: Perform catheter care to prevent infections and maintain urinary tract health.
    13. Provide Foot Care to a Resident Who Is Sitting in a Chair: Conduct foot care, which is vital for residents who are less mobile, to maintain foot health and comfort.
    14. Provide Mouth Care to a Resident Who Has Dentures and Who Has Teeth: Understand different techniques for oral hygiene care for residents with dentures and those with natural teeth.
    15. Provide Perineal Care to a Female Resident Who Is Incontinent of Urine: Carry out sensitive and thorough perineal care for residents who are incontinent, ensuring cleanliness and comfort.
    16. Provide Resident Hand and Nail Care: Maintain hand and nail hygiene to prevent infection and promote a sense of well-being.
    17. Provide Resident a Partial Bed Bath and Back Rub: Offer a partial bed bath and back rub, focusing on techniques that promote relaxation and skin health.
    18. Provide Resident with Passive Range of Motion (ROM) Exercises: Facilitate ROM exercises for the elbow, wrist, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle to maintain mobility and prevent joint stiffness.
    19. Transfer the Resident from the Bed to a Wheelchair Using a Pivot Technique and a Transfer/Gait Belt: Execute safe and efficient transfers from bed to wheelchair, ensuring resident security and caregiver safety.
    20. Applies One Knee-High Elastic Stocking: Teach how to apply and remove a knee-high elastic stocking, which is crucial for residents requiring venous support.
    21. Assists with Use of Bedpan: Further develop skills to assist with the bedpan, reinforcing dignity and promoting hygiene.
    22. Cleans Upper or Lower Denture: Provide care for upper and lower dentures, ensuring oral hygiene and denture maintenance.
    23. Counts and Records Radial Pulse and Respirations: Reinforce skills in counting and recording vital signs to ensure accurate health monitoring.
    24. Donning and Removing PPE (Gown and Gloves): Learn proper procedures for donning and removing personal protective equipment to ensure safety and prevent the spread of infection.
    25. Dresses Client with Affected (Weak) Right Arm: Adapt clothing techniques to assist clients with limited use of their right arm, promoting independence.
    26. Feeds Client Who Cannot Feed Themselves: Enhance skills in assisting clients who require full support during meals, focusing on nutrition and social interaction.
    27. Gives Modified Bed Bath (Face and One Arm, Hand, and Underarm): Conduct a modified bed bath that focuses on specific areas, ensuring cleanliness and comfort without full bed immersion.
    28. Measures and Records Electronic and Manual Blood Pressure: Master both electronic and manual techniques for measuring blood pressure, a critical skill in monitoring cardiovascular health.
    29. Performs Modified Passive Range of Motion (PROM) for One Knee and Ankle and One Shoulder: Apply modified PROM techniques to specific joints, aiding in mobility and pain relief.
    30. Positions on Side: Skillfully position a patient on their side to enhance comfort and prevent complications like pressure ulcers.
    31. Provides Catheter Care for Female: Ensure proper catheter care techniques are used to maintain urinary tract health and prevent infections.
    32. Provides Foot Care on One Foot: Focus on individual foot care practices to address unique foot health needs.
    33. Provides Mouth Care and Perineal Care (Peri-care) for Female: Offer comprehensive care practices for oral and perineal areas, crucial for maintaining hygiene and comfort.
    34. Transfers from Bed to Wheelchair Using a Transfer Belt: Solidify transfer skills using a belt to ensure safety and ease of mobility.


    Additional Training Points:

    • Patient/Resident-Centered Care: Deliver personalized care based on individual needs and preferences.
    • Compassion and Communication: Show empathy and maintain clear communication with all involved in care.
    • Safety and Critical-Thinking: Identify and address potential risks in care settings.
    • Teamwork and Technology: Collaborate effectively with healthcare teams and utilize technology in care delivery.
    • Legal/Ethical Responsibilities: Adhere to state laws and ethical standards in practice.
    • Employable Skills: Develop reliability, commitment, and professional accountability.

      At the forefront of our Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) training course is Dr. Shayan Zaidi! With an extensive background spanning over a decade in various sectors of the medical field, Dr. Zaidi brings a depth of knowledge and expertise that enriches this course immeasurably. His experience is complemented by a profound commitment to teaching and mentoring, which has seen him guide thousands of CNA candidates across the United States to success.

      Dr. Zaidi’s approach to curriculum development is meticulous and informed by the latest advancements in medical care and educational methodology. He has crafted our course content to be comprehensive and cutting-edge, ensuring it meets the diverse needs of students preparing for both the NNAAP and various state-specific CNA exams. His teaching method is not only informative but also inspirational. Dr. Zaidi excels at motivating students to reach their full potential, fostering a passion for patient care and a dedication to the ethical standards of the medical profession.

      Moreover, Dr. Zaidi is an advocate for lifelong learning and professional development. He encourages all his students to continue enhancing their knowledge and skills beyond the CNA exams, promoting continual education as a means to maintain competence and stay competitive in the healthcare industry.

      Under Dr. Zaidi’s expert guidance, students of this course gain far more than factual knowledge. They receive a comprehensive educational experience that prepares them thoroughly for their exams and equips them for a successful career in healthcare. Join Dr. Zaidi to transform your professional aspirations into reality with confidence and competence.

      1. How does this course cater to my state?
        • Select your state from the dropdown menu on the course page to access tailored content specific to your state’s CNA exam requirements.
      2. What type of exam preparation does the course provide?
        • Offers comprehensive preparation for both the written and skills components of the CNA exams.
      3. How many practice questions are included?
        • Over 1000 practice questions to test your knowledge and readiness.
      4. Are there resources for quick revision?
        • Yes, more than 500 electronic flashcards for effective, rapid review.
      5. Can I access the course material on mobile?
        • Yes, all course materials are accessible on various devices, including mobile.
      6. How long do I have access to the course materials?
        • You will have unlimited access. No expiration.
      7. Is there a trial period or money-back guarantee?
        • Yes, a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with the course.
      8. Do I receive any certification from this course?
        • This course prepares you for certification; it does not provide an official CNA certification.
      9. How often is the course content updated?
        • Content is regularly updated to reflect the latest CNA standards and exam formats.
      The complete CNA course for nursing assistants in any US state!


      This Course Includes:

      -10 Hours of Detailed Video Lectures

      -State-Specific Exam Prep

      -1,000+ Interactive Practice Questions

      -500+ Electronic Flashcards

      -Real-World Skill Simulations

      -Easy User-Friendly Interface

      -Explanation of Answers

      -Content Memorization Simplified

      -Practical Skills Mastery

      -NNAAP & State Exams Covered

      -Multiple-Choice Strategy

      -Exam Hacks/Tips/Tricks

      -Access on PC and Mobile

      -100% Money-Back Guarantee!

      -IMMEDIATE Access

      -Lifetime Access


      Best Online CNA Course and Training Program!

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 412 reviews
      Anastasia Kuznetsova

      "Dr. Zaidi is knowledgeable and passionate, making learning enjoyable and effective. This course was instrumental in helping me pass my exam."

      Sarah Davis

      “This guy is a phenomenal instructor. His expertise is evident in every lesson!”

      Sarah Davis


      Priya Singh

      "The perfect course for CNA prep. Affordable, easy to navigate, and full of useful information. Passed my exam on the first try thanks to the clear and comprehensive lessons. Highly recommend!"

      Carlos Rodriguez

      "Great course! The affordability and clear content helped me pass my CNA exam. Highly recommend!"

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