100 CELPIP Speaking Part 1 and 2 Questions

Improve your CELPIP Speaking skills with 100 practice questions for Parts 1 and 2. Prepare confidently and boost your exam results today!

100 CELPIP Speaking Part 1 and 2 Questions:

In this post, we’ve gathered 100 CELPIP Speaking Part 1 and Part 2 questions to help you build your skills and get familiar with the exam format. Whether you’re preparing for everyday situations or personal experiences, these questions will give you the practice you need to ace your CELPIP test!

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100 Speaking Part 1 Questions Preparation Time: 30 Sec / Recording Time 90 Sec:


  1. Your friend is starting their first job. Offer them some tips on how to make a good impression on the first day.
  2. Your neighbor is planning to adopt a dog. Give them advice on how to take care of a pet.
  3. A family member is considering going on a camping trip for the first time. Provide some suggestions for preparing for the trip.
  4. Your cousin is moving to a new city for work. Give advice on how they can quickly adjust to the new environment.
  5. A friend is considering learning a new language. Offer guidance on how they can start learning and stay motivated.
  6. Your colleague is nervous about giving a presentation at work. Provide some tips on how to handle the nerves and deliver a good presentation.
  7. Your younger sibling is about to start university. Offer advice on how to succeed in their studies.
  8. Your friend is trying to lose weight. Give them some advice on healthy eating habits and exercise routines.
  9. A family member is planning a road trip. Provide suggestions on how to prepare for the trip and stay safe.
  10. Your neighbor wants to start gardening. Give them advice on choosing plants and maintaining a garden.
  11. Your friend is having trouble managing their time between work and personal life. Offer tips on balancing both.
  12. A coworker is struggling with staying organized at work. Give advice on how they can improve their organizational skills.
  13. Your friend is planning a surprise party for someone. Offer advice on how to organize a successful surprise party.
  14. Your family member is preparing for an important exam. Give them tips on how to study effectively.
  15. A colleague is dealing with stress from work. Provide suggestions on how to manage stress.
  16. Your friend is considering buying their first car. Give them advice on what to consider before making the purchase.
  17. Your cousin is planning a trip to your country. Offer advice on what places to visit and how to enjoy the trip.
  18. A coworker is thinking about starting their own business. Offer advice on the steps to take before starting.
  19. Your friend is moving into their first apartment. Give them advice on how to make the transition smoothly.
  20. Your sibling is preparing to study abroad. Provide suggestions on how to make the most of their time in a foreign country.
  21. A family member is thinking of switching careers. Offer guidance on what they should consider before making the change.
  22. Your friend is planning a beach vacation. Provide advice on how to prepare and enjoy their time at the beach.
  23. A colleague is struggling with their workload. Give them suggestions on how to manage their tasks effectively.
  24. Your neighbor is looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly. Offer advice on how they can reduce their environmental impact.
  25. A family member is planning a family reunion. Give them advice on how to organize the event successfully.
  26. Your friend is considering buying a house. Provide advice on what factors they should consider before making the purchase.
  27. A colleague is thinking about applying for a promotion. Offer tips on how they can prepare for the interview and make a strong case.
  28. Your cousin is trying to save money for a big purchase. Give them advice on how to manage their finances and save effectively.
  29. Your sibling is preparing for their first job interview. Provide tips on how to answer common interview questions and make a good impression.
  30. Your friend is looking for ways to improve their fitness. Offer suggestions on exercises they can do and how to stay motivated.
  31. Your friend is planning to buy a computer. Offer advice on what to consider when choosing a new computer.
  32. A family member is thinking about getting into photography as a hobby. Give advice on how to start.
  33. Your friend is struggling with keeping up with their household chores. Offer tips on how to manage housework effectively.
  34. A colleague is planning to ask their boss for a raise. Offer advice on how to approach the conversation.
  35. Your friend wants to start a blog. Give advice on how to create content and attract readers.
  36. A family member is thinking about redecorating their house. Offer suggestions on how to plan the redesign.
  37. Your neighbor is considering joining a gym. Provide tips on how to choose the right gym and stay motivated.
  38. Your friend is planning a hiking trip. Give advice on how to prepare for the trip and what essentials to bring.
  39. A family member is planning to switch to a healthier diet. Offer tips on how to make healthier food choices.
  40. Your colleague is moving to a different country for work. Provide advice on how to adapt to the new culture and environment.
  41. Your friend wants to start saving money for retirement. Offer advice on how to plan and invest wisely.
  42. A family member is struggling with public speaking. Give them tips on how to improve their confidence when speaking in front of others.
  43. Your friend is thinking about starting a YouTube channel. Provide advice on how to create engaging content and grow their audience.
  44. A colleague is struggling with managing their workload. Offer suggestions on how to prioritize tasks and stay organized.
  45. Your sibling is planning to start a side business. Give them advice on how to manage their time effectively and balance it with their full-time job.
  46. Your friend is considering joining an online dating platform. Offer advice on how to stay safe and meet compatible people.
  47. A family member is trying to build a healthier sleep routine. Give advice on how to improve their sleep quality and habits.
  48. Your colleague is preparing for a major presentation. Provide tips on how to structure the presentation and engage the audience.
  49. Your friend wants to improve their cooking skills. Offer advice on how to start and develop their culinary techniques.
  50. A neighbor is thinking about adopting a sustainable lifestyle. Provide tips on how they can reduce waste and live more sustainably.
  51. Your friend is preparing for a job interview. Offer advice on how to answer difficult questions and make a good impression.
  52. A family member is thinking of starting a blog about travel. Offer suggestions on how they can create engaging content.
  53. Your colleague is planning to give a presentation to senior management. Provide tips on how to prepare and present effectively.
  54. A friend is struggling with work-life balance. Offer suggestions on how they can manage their time better.
  55. Your cousin is considering becoming a vegetarian. Give advice on how to make the transition and maintain a balanced diet.
  56. A neighbor is about to host their first large family gathering. Provide tips on how to organize and entertain guests.
  57. Your friend is learning to drive. Give them advice on how to stay calm and focused behind the wheel.
  58. A family member is struggling to quit smoking. Offer advice on how they can quit successfully.
  59. Your friend is preparing to run a marathon. Give advice on how to train and avoid injuries.
  60. A colleague is looking for ways to improve their productivity at work. Offer tips on how they can stay focused and achieve more.
  61. Your neighbor is looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint. Provide suggestions on how they can live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
  62. A family member is thinking of adopting a new hobby. Offer advice on how to find a hobby that suits their interests and schedule.
  63. Your friend is trying to organize a surprise birthday party for their partner. Offer tips on how to keep it a secret and make it special.
  64. A colleague is considering a career change. Give them advice on how to evaluate their options and make a smooth transition.
  65. Your friend is planning their wedding. Provide suggestions on how to plan the event and manage the stress.
  66. A family member is preparing to take a long international flight. Offer tips on how to stay comfortable and deal with jet lag.
  67. Your friend is trying to stay organized while working from home. Provide advice on how to create a productive work environment.
  68. A colleague is planning to attend a professional networking event. Offer tips on how to make connections and leave a positive impression.
  69. Your friend is thinking about buying a bicycle for commuting. Provide advice on how to choose the right bike and stay safe on the road.
  70. A neighbor is struggling with maintaining their garden. Offer tips on how to care for plants and keep a garden healthy.
  71. Your sibling is thinking about studying abroad. Offer advice on how to choose the right program and prepare for living in a new country.
  72. A friend is starting their own business. Provide suggestions on how to create a solid business plan and attract customers.
  73. Your colleague is nervous about an upcoming job performance review. Offer tips on how to prepare and respond to feedback.
  74. A family member is trying to save money for a big purchase. Give them advice on how to create a budget and stick to it.
  75. Your friend is planning their first solo trip. Offer advice on how to stay safe and make the most of their adventure.
  76. A neighbor is considering homeschooling their children. Provide tips on how to create a curriculum and maintain a structured learning environment.
  77. Your cousin is preparing for a big exam. Offer advice on how to study effectively and manage test anxiety.
  78. A friend is starting a fitness routine. Give suggestions on how to stay motivated and avoid burnout.
  79. Your colleague is looking to improve their public speaking skills. Offer tips on how to overcome nervousness and deliver a strong presentation.
  80. A family member is thinking of renovating their home. Provide advice on how to plan the project and choose the right contractors.
  81. Your friend is preparing to move to a new city. Offer suggestions on how to adjust to the new environment and make friends.
  82. A neighbor is thinking about starting a vegetable garden. Give tips on how to grow their own food and maintain the garden.
  83. Your cousin is planning a backpacking trip across Europe. Provide advice on how to pack efficiently and stay within budget.
  84. A friend is struggling to stick to their New Year’s resolutions. Offer suggestions on how to stay committed and achieve their goals.
  85. Your colleague is considering enrolling in an online course. Give advice on how to choose the right course and stay disciplined with self-paced learning.
  86. A family member is looking to declutter their home. Offer tips on how to organize and maintain a clutter-free space.
  87. Your friend is thinking about adopting a pet. Provide advice on how to prepare for pet ownership and choose the right pet.
  88. A neighbor is planning to host a yard sale. Offer suggestions on how to organize the sale and attract buyers.
  89. Your cousin is trying to get better at cooking. Give advice on how to improve their skills and experiment with new recipes.
  90. A friend is considering learning a new language. Offer suggestions on how to stay motivated and find useful learning resources.
  91. Your colleague is preparing to negotiate a raise at work. Provide tips on how to prepare for the conversation and present their case effectively.
  92. A family member is planning a road trip. Offer advice on how to plan the route, stay safe, and make the trip enjoyable.
  93. Your friend is trying to cut down on their screen time. Provide tips on how to develop healthier habits and reduce digital distractions.
  94. A neighbor is interested in volunteering for a cause. Offer suggestions on how to find the right opportunities and make a meaningful impact.
  95. Your cousin is preparing for a big family reunion. Provide advice on how to organize the event and ensure it runs smoothly.
  96. A friend is considering investing in the stock market. Offer tips on how to start and make informed investment decisions.
  97. Your colleague is looking to improve their work-life balance. Provide suggestions on how to set boundaries and manage their time more effectively.
  98. A family member is thinking about starting a podcast. Offer advice on how to plan the content and grow an audience.
  99. Your friend is preparing to redecorate their home. Provide suggestions on how to choose the right color scheme and furnishings.
  100. 100.A neighbor is looking for ways to reduce food waste. Offer tips on how to plan meals and store food more efficiently.


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100 Speaking Part 2 Questions Preparation Time: 30 Sec / Recording Time 60 Sec:


  1. Describe a time when you volunteered for a community service project. What did you do, and how did it impact you?
  2. Recall a time when you had to give a presentation. How did you prepare, and how did it go?
  3. Talk about a time when you set a personal goal for yourself. How did you achieve it, and what was the outcome?
  4. Describe a situation where you had to resolve a conflict with a friend or family member. How did you handle it, and what was the result?
  5. Recall a time when you had to learn a new skill for your job. How did you approach it, and how has it benefited you?
  6. Talk about a time when you had to make a difficult decision. What was the situation, and what factors did you consider?
  7. Describe a time when you received constructive feedback. How did you respond, and what did you learn from it?
  8. Recall an experience where you had to manage your time effectively to meet a deadline. What strategies did you use?
  9. Talk about a time when you helped someone achieve their goals. How did you support them, and what was the result?
  10. Describe a situation where you had to adapt to a major change in your life. How did you cope, and what was the outcome?
  11. Recall a time when you took on a leadership role. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
  12. Talk about a time when you learned from a mistake. What happened, and how did you apply what you learned in the future?
  13. Describe a time when you had to collaborate with people from different cultural backgrounds. How did it influence your approach to teamwork?
  14. Recall an instance where you had to solve a problem creatively. What was the challenge, and what solution did you come up with?
  15. Talk about a time when you helped someone in need. What was the situation, and how did your assistance make a difference?
  16. Describe a time when you improved a process at work or school. What steps did you take, and what was the impact?
  17. Recall an occasion when you had to step out of your comfort zone. What motivated you, and what did you learn from the experience?
  18. Talk about a time when you had to balance multiple responsibilities. How did you manage your time, and what was the outcome?
  19. Describe a time when you received praise for your work. How did it make you feel, and how did it motivate you going forward?
  20. Recall a time when you mentored or coached someone. What was the situation, and how did you help them succeed?
  21. Talk about a time when you had to handle criticism. How did you react, and how did you use the feedback to improve?
  22. Describe an instance where you worked under pressure to meet a tight deadline. How did you manage the stress, and what was the result?
  23. Recall a time when you had to make a significant sacrifice for something important. What was the situation, and was it worth it?
  24. Talk about a time when you overcame a fear. What was the fear, and how did you push through it?
  25. Describe a time when you took a risk and tried something new. What was the result, and what did you learn from the experience?
  26. Recall a time when you had to persuade someone to see things from your perspective. How did you approach it, and what was the outcome?
  27. Talk about a time when you were part of a successful project or event. What was your contribution, and what did you learn from the experience?
  28. Describe a time when you worked towards improving a personal weakness. How did you go about it, and what progress did you make?
  29. Recall an experience where you had to demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity. What was the situation, and how did you persevere?
  30. Talk about a time when you achieved something you didn’t think was possible. What motivated you to keep going, and how did it feel to accomplish it?
  31. Describe a time when you had to motivate others. How did you inspire them, and what was the result?
  32. Recall a time when you took initiative to solve a problem without being asked. What was the situation, and what did you do?
  33. Talk about a time when you handled a difficult customer or client. How did you resolve the issue?
  34. Describe a time when you had to learn something quickly. How did you approach it, and how did you succeed?
  35. Recall a situation where you made a significant contribution to a team project. What was your role, and how did it impact the outcome?
  36. Talk about a time when you had to manage a limited budget. How did you allocate resources, and what was the result?
  37. Describe a situation where you had to navigate a cultural difference. How did you handle it, and what did you learn?
  38. Recall a time when you had to stay calm under pressure. What was the situation, and how did you manage it?
  39. Talk about a time when you received an unexpected opportunity. How did you take advantage of it?
  40. Describe a time when you set a challenging goal. How did you stay motivated to achieve it?
  41. Recall a time when you had to give or receive bad news. How did you handle the situation, and what was the outcome?
  42. Talk about a time when you had to negotiate a deal or agreement. What strategies did you use, and what was the result?
  43. Describe an instance where you had to resolve a misunderstanding. How did you clarify the situation?
  44. Recall a time when you worked with someone who had a different working style. How did you adapt?
  45. Talk about a time when you failed at something. What happened, and how did you bounce back?
  46. Describe a situation where you were praised for your communication skills. What was the context, and what did you say or do?
  47. Recall a time when you had to organize an event. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
  48. Talk about a time when you had to teach someone a new skill. How did you ensure they understood it?
  49. Describe a time when you faced a professional setback. How did you recover, and what did you learn?
  50. Recall an occasion where you had to deal with ambiguity. How did you make decisions with limited information?
  51. Talk about a time when you had to change your approach to achieve success. What prompted the change, and what was the result?
  52. Describe a situation where you exceeded expectations. What was your strategy, and how did it pay off?
  53. Recall a time when you made a difficult ethical decision. What was the situation, and how did you navigate it?
  54. Talk about a time when you worked on a project that failed. What went wrong, and how did you handle the aftermath?
  55. Describe a time when you had to learn from someone else’s expertise. How did you collaborate, and what did you gain from it?
  56. Recall an experience where you had to take responsibility for a mistake. How did you address it, and what was the outcome?
  57. Talk about a time when you had to manage a personal crisis. How did you keep things in control?
  58. Describe a situation where you faced opposition to your ideas. How did you handle it, and what was the result?
  59. Recall a time when you mentored or guided someone in their career. What advice did you give, and how did they respond?
  60. Talk about a time when you had to make a major lifestyle change. What prompted it, and how did you adapt?
  61. Describe a time when you collaborated with a difficult colleague. How did you find common ground?
  62. Recall a time when you had to stay committed to a long-term project. How did you maintain focus?
  63. Talk about a time when you had to manage multiple projects at once. How did you prioritize your tasks?
  64. Describe a situation where you helped implement a new system or process. What was your role, and how did it improve things?
  65. Recall a time when you had to make a decision based on limited information. What approach did you take, and how did it turn out?
  66. Talk about a time when you had to motivate yourself to accomplish something difficult. How did you stay on track?
  67. Describe a time when you had to deal with a sudden change in your work or personal life. How did you adapt, and what was the outcome?
  68. Recall an occasion where you had to work with a team under strict time constraints. How did you ensure success?
  69. Talk about a time when you received unexpected recognition for your work. How did it feel, and what impact did it have on you?
  70. Describe a time when you helped improve the efficiency of a process. What steps did you take, and what were the results?
  71. Recall a time when you were faced with a moral dilemma. What did you do, and how did you justify your actions?
  72. Talk about a time when you learned something valuable from a difficult situation. How did the experience shape your future actions?
  73. Describe a situation where you had to mediate a disagreement. How did you handle both sides, and what was the resolution?
  74. Recall a time when you had to rely on others to achieve a goal. How did you ensure everyone contributed effectively?
  75. Talk about a time when you handled a high-pressure situation successfully. What skills did you use?
  76. Describe a time when you had to work with limited resources. How did you make the best of the situation?
  77. Recall an instance where you helped someone improve in a specific area. What approach did you take?
  78. Talk about a time when you took on more responsibility than usual. How did you manage it, and what did you learn?
  79. Describe a time when you had to take a risk to achieve a goal. What was the outcome, and would you do it again?
  80. Recall a situation where you had to apologize for something you did. How did you handle it, and what was the response?
  81. Talk about a time when you worked on a project outside your comfort zone. How did you grow from the experience?
  82. Describe a time when you set a personal or professional boundary. How did you communicate it, and what was the reaction?
  83. Recall a time when you had to make a quick decision under pressure. What factors did you consider, and how did it turn out?
  84. Talk about a time when you took ownership of a complex project. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
  85. Describe a situation where you helped improve team morale. What did you do, and how did the team respond?
  86. Recall a time when you made a significant life change. How did it affect you, and how did you adjust?
  87. Talk about a time when you were faced with an unexpected obstacle. How did you find a solution?
  88. Describe a time when you worked with someone you didn’t get along with. How did you manage the relationship?
  89. Recall an experience where you had to meet a tight deadline. How did you handle the pressure, and what was the result?
  90. Talk about a time when you had to learn something outside your expertise. How did you approach it, and what was the outcome?
  91. Describe a situation where you had to give critical feedback. How did you deliver it, and how was it received?
  92. Recall a time when you took part in a challenging competition. How did you prepare, and what did you learn from the experience?
  93. Talk about a time when you had to work with limited guidance. How did you ensure you stayed on track?
  94. Describe a situation where you had to handle an emergency. What did you do, and what was the outcome?
  95. Recall a time when you had to persuade others to see things your way. How did you convince them, and what was the result?
  96. Talk about a time when you had to make a significant investment in your future. What was the investment, and how has it paid off?
  97. Describe a situation where you had to change your mindset to succeed. What did you do, and what was the impact?
  98. Recall a time when you had to collaborate with someone remotely. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
  99. Talk about a time when you had to resolve a difficult technical problem. How did you approach it, and what was the outcome?
  100. 100.Describe a time when you had to manage conflicting priorities. How did you decide what to focus on, and what was the outcome?

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Practicing with these 100 CELPIP Speaking questions will not only help you get comfortable with the exam structure but also improve your ability to express your thoughts clearly. Consistent practice is key to success, and by working through these questions, you’ll be better prepared to impress the examiner and achieve the scores you need. Good luck on your CELPIP journey!

