CELPIP SCORING – Key Tips: Writing/Speaking

Discover effective strategies to excel in the CELPIP exam. Improve your grammar and vocabulary with expert advice and top-rated courses. Achieve your goals today!

Mastering CELPIP Scoring: A Comprehensive Guide

The CELPIP exam and its scoring is crucial for those aiming to achieve their immigration dreams in Canada. However, many students face repeated failures, especially in the writing and speaking sections. This guide provides detailed insights into CELPIP scoring, highlighting common mistakes and offering practical advice to help you succeed. Our focus will be on grammar and vocabulary, with examples for better understanding. Let’s dive into the intricacies of CELPIP scoring.

Why Do Students Fail CELPIP?

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The Importance of Grammar and Vocabulary


Grammar is a fundamental aspect of CELPIP scoring. Mistakes in grammar can significantly impact your overall score. Tools like Grammarly can assist with writing, but their accuracy is only about 70%. For speaking, you need personalized feedback from a teacher. At HZAD Education, our qualified CELPIP teachers will guide you on grammar and other essential aspects. Here’s an example:

  • Incorrect: “He go to school every day.”
  • Correct: “He goes to school every day.”


Vocabulary is equally crucial. Basic vocabulary won’t suffice; you need advanced words to score high. For instance, instead of saying “bad,” use “detrimental.” Our CELPIP course includes a list of 1,000 essential words to enhance your vocabulary. Examples:

  • Basic: “The results were bad.”
  • Advanced: “The results were detrimental.”

Understanding the CELPIP Marking Scheme


The speaking section evaluates several factors: coherence, vocabulary, listenability, and task fulfillment. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Coherence and Content

Coherence refers to how well you organize your thoughts. For example, in part six of the speaking test, you might need to deliver bad news. Use a structured approach:

  1. Greeting: “Hello, I hope you’re well.”
  2. Situation Explanation: “I have some unfortunate news.”
  3. Apology: “I’m sorry to inform you that…”
  4. Alternative: “However, I can offer this solution…”

Use advanced vocabulary and idiomatic expressions. Avoid clichés like “it’s raining cats and dogs.” Instead, use phrases like “going the extra mile” or “kick the bucket.”


Maintain a steady pace, pause between sentences, and use a confident tone. Emphasize key words and phrases to sound natural.

Task Fulfillment

Ensure you answer the question directly. For instance, if asked about a time you helped someone, focus on that specific instance rather than general experiences.

Writing Section Insights

The writing section is evaluated similarly to speaking but includes additional elements like punctuation and capitalization. Here’s what you need to focus on:

Coherence and Content

Use a mixture of simple and complex sentences. For example:

  • Simple: “We need to plant trees.”
  • Complex: “Since the garden looks dull, we need to plant more trees to enhance its appearance.”


Use precise and varied vocabulary. For instance:

  • Basic: “The view is beautiful.”
  • Advanced: “The view is breathtaking and serene.”


Organize your essay into clear paragraphs. For task one, use five paragraphs: introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. For task two, use four paragraphs: introduction, two body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Example Structure for Task One (Formal Email)
  1. Introduction: State the purpose.
  2. Body Paragraph 1: First main point.
  3. Body Paragraph 2: Second main point.
  4. Body Paragraph 3: Third main point.
  5. Conclusion: Final greeting.
Example Structure for Task Two (Opinion Essay)
  1. Introduction: State your opinion.
  2. Body Paragraph 1: Positive points.
  3. Body Paragraph 2: Negative points.
  4. Conclusion: Rephrase your opinion.

CELPIP Speaking and Writing Templates

To better understand these concepts, check out our CELPIP speaking and writing templates. These resources provide structured approaches to answering each type of question effectively.

Example Speaking Template

  1. Greeting: “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.”
  2. Situation: “I wanted to discuss a recent issue.”
  3. Explanation: “Unfortunately, we encountered a problem…”
  4. Solution: “To resolve this, I suggest…”

Example Writing Template (Opinion Essay)

  1. Introduction: “The debate on environmental conservation is ongoing.”
  2. Body Paragraph 1: “One significant benefit of conservation is…”
  3. Body Paragraph 2: “However, some argue that it can be costly…”
  4. Conclusion: “In conclusion, while there are costs, the benefits of conservation outweigh them.”

Effective Preparation Strategies

Grammar and Vocabulary Practice

Regular practice is key. Use tools like Grammarly for writing and seek feedback from a teacher for speaking. Study advanced vocabulary and practice using it in sentences.

Understanding Marking Criteria

Familiarize yourself with the CELPIP marking criteria. Understand what the examiners are looking for in each section.

Additional Resources

For more free CELPIP videos and advice, check out our YouTube channel: BEST FREE CELPIP Videos and Advice.


Achieving a high score on the CELPIP exam requires dedication and strategic preparation. Focus on improving your grammar and vocabulary, understand the marking criteria, and practice regularly. Utilize available resources like our CELPIP courses and templates to guide your preparation. Remember, success is within your reach with the right approach and effort. Good luck!
