CELPIP Writing Sample Answers for CLB 10!

This blog discusses how to get a 9+ in CELPIP writing and goes into great detail on how CLB levels 6, 8, and 9 differ from one another.


Check out this detailed CELPIP Writing Task 2 question and sample answer. It goes over the complete details of what to do and WHAT NOT TO DO in your exam! Follow these tips and tricks, vocabulary, and sentence structure to score a CLB 10 in your CELPIP Exam!


Many countries have begun utilizing old folks’ homes. This means when a person gets old, they are invited to live with members of the community around their age and nurses who are trained to look after them. Some people across the globe believe that this practice is incorrect because the children of older parents should take responsibility for their care.

Write 150-200 words explaining who has the best method of caring for older citizens.
Give an explanation as to why that method works. Provide evidence and specific examples to support your claim.

Option A: Old folks’ homes are the correct method of elder care.
Option B: Children of those who would be placed in homes should take care of them.


CELPIP WRITING Sample Level 6:

It is not something we want to think about, but eventually our parents, aunts, uncles, and even siblings are going to get too old to take care of themselves. What does this mean for us and what will happen in our family members’ future plans? Do we place them in a care home or take on the responsibility ourselves? I personally think that old folks’ homes are worth considering.

First off, they have trained nurses to take care of our loved ones. Secondly, they have the time and resources to look after them without the distractions of life. There are also ways for them to make friends and take part in fun activities. On the other hand, sometimes there are so many people living there that some of them are overlooked. Also, there have been a few times where people were mistreated there because of staff problems. Some might think it is heartless to send family to be taken care of by a stranger.

To conclude, old folks’ homes help give care to people who need it. It is a safe way to make sure family members are taken care of when we can’t do it ourselves.


CELPIP WRITING Sample Level 9+:

Inevitably, whether we wish it or not, our family members will become olden and timeworn. At that stage, we will be faced with a seemingly impossible decision: how to ensure that our elderly loved ones receive the best care feasible.

To begin with, old folk’s homes hire skilled professionals to look after their residents. This ensures that they will receive the best care. With specific reserves set aside to nurture the community there without time constraints or interference, it is much less likely someone gets suppressed. It offers opportunities to socialize and engage in pleasurable activities.

Diversely, these homes may become overcrowded and understaffed, leaving the residents unintentionally neglected. Additionally, evidence has surfaced regarding maltreatment in some facilities. Some might consider it cruel to place family members in an unknown place with unfamiliar people.

Subsequently, these communities make it easier to trust that your mother, father, aunts, and uncles are being suitably cared for. This is comforting and alleviates stress for countless families.



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CELPIP WRITING Sample Sentences:

CELPIP 6 It is not something we want to think about, but eventually our parents, aunts, uncles, and even siblings are going to get too old to take care of themselves.

CELPIP 8 Though we don’t want to consider our family members growing old, it is inevitable, and we must prepare for how we will take care of them.

CELPIP 9+ At that stage, we will be faced with a seemingly impossible decision: how to ensure that our elderly loved ones receive the best care feasible.


CELPIP 6 First off, they have trained nurses to take care of our loved ones.

CELPIP 8 There are nurses and staff whose job is to make sure people there are safe and healthy.

CELPIP 9+ To begin with, old folk’s homes hire skilled professionals to look after their residents.


CELPIP 6 Secondly, they have the time and resources to look after them without the distractions of life.

CELPIP 8 These homes were created with the purpose of caring for elders in mind, meaning that is their sole focus.

CELPIP 9+ With specific reserves set aside to nurture the community there without time constraints or interference, it is much less likely someone gets suppressed.

CELPIP 6 On the other hand, sometimes there are so many people living there that some of them are overlooked.

CELPIP 8 Opposing the support provided, there is a possibility of crowdedness.

CELPIP 9+ Diversely, these homes may become overcrowded and understaffed, leaving the residents unintentionally neglected.


CELPIP 6 Also, there have been a few times where people were mistreated there because of staff problems.

CELPIP 8 Staffing issues have caused mistreatment and neglect in some cases.

CELPIP 9+ Additionally, evidence has surfaced regarding maltreatment in some facilities.


CELPIP 6 To conclude, old folks’ homes help give care to people who need it.

CELPIP 8 Most importantly, homes for the elderly create a safe place for them to live, receive care, and be social.

CELPIP 9+ Subsequently, these communities make it easier to trust that your mother, father, aunts, and uncles are being suitably cared for.


CELPIP WRITING Sample Vocabulary:


like / wish
possible / feasible
care for / nurture
distractions / interference
fun / pleasurable
accidentally / unintentionally
also / additionally
places / facilities
strangers / unfamiliar people


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