PTE CORE READING: Best Strategies for 2024

Get the finest advice and strategies to earn a CLB 10 in the PTE Core reading module by using this tutorial. addressing every kind of question.

PTE Core Reading Structure (Practice Test Attached Below!)


In the PTE Core reading section, understanding the structure and implementing tailored strategies is crucial for success. Let’s delve deeper into specific techniques and examples to optimize your performance:

  • Time Allocation Strategy: Since there’s no timer for each section, it’s essential to allocate time wisely. For instance, if the reading test offers 27 to 38 minutes, aim to spend approximately 10 to 15 minutes on each section, leaving some buffer time for the more challenging tasks.
    • Example: If you have six fill-in-the-blanks questions and 15 minutes allocated, aim to spend around 2 to 2.5 minutes per question, adjusting based on difficulty.
  • Predictive Approach: Anticipating possible answers based on contextual clues can expedite the process and improve accuracy.
    • Example: In a fill-in-the-blanks question where the passage discusses a search for student accommodation, predicting words like “yet” or “up to now” for a blank indicating ongoing search progress can guide your answer selection.


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PTE Core Reading Tips and Tricks

To excel in the PTE Core reading section, employ specific techniques tailored to each task:

  • Reading Fill-in-the-Blanks:
    • Prediction Technique: Before looking at answer choices, predict words or phrases that fit the context. Scan the surrounding text for clues to refine your predictions.
      • Example: If the passage discusses challenges in finding accommodation, predict words like “yet” or “still” to complete sentences reflecting ongoing search efforts.
    • Contextual Analysis: Consider the flow and tone of the passage to ensure chosen words or phrases align with the overall context.
      • Example: If the passage describes frustrations in the search process, ensure the chosen word for a blank conveys a sense of ongoing struggle or persistence.
  • Multiple Choice Questions:
    • Keyword Identification: Scan both the question and answer choices for keywords or key phrases to quickly identify relevant information in the passage.
      • Example: If the question asks about the main theme of a passage, scan for keywords like “main idea” or synonyms like “central theme” to locate relevant information.
    • Paraphrasing Skills: Practice paraphrasing answer choices to match them with corresponding information in the passage.
      • Example: If an answer choice mentions “reducing expenses,” paraphrase it as “cutting costs” or “saving money” to match with relevant passages discussing financial strategies.


The Hardest Part: Reorder Paragraphs:

Reorder paragraphs in the PTE Core exam assesses your ability to understand the logical flow of information within a text. Here are five specific tips to approach this question effectively:

  1. Identify Topic Sentences: Look for sentences that introduce a main idea or topic. These are usually found at the beginning of a paragraph and provide a clear indication of what the paragraph will discuss. Organizing paragraphs around these topic sentences can help establish the logical sequence.
  2. Pay Attention to Transition Words: Transition words such as “however,” “therefore,” “in addition,” etc., signal shifts in ideas or relationships between sentences. Recognizing these words can help you understand the order in which ideas are presented and how they connect to each other.
  3. Consider Chronological or Logical Order: Sometimes paragraphs present information in a chronological order (time-based) or in a logical sequence (cause and effect, problem-solution, etc.). Analyze the content to determine if there’s a natural flow that makes sense, and reorder paragraphs accordingly.
  4. Look for Repetition or References: Sentences or phrases that refer back to or repeat information from earlier paragraphs can serve as clues for the correct order. Pay attention to pronouns, synonyms, or repeated concepts that link paragraphs together.
  5. Read for Coherence and Cohesion: Coherence refers to the clarity and logical progression of ideas within a text, while cohesion relates to the use of linguistic devices (pronouns, conjunctions, etc.) to connect ideas. Ensure that your reordered paragraphs maintain coherence and cohesion throughout.


Let’s Look at an Example!


Reorder the following sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

  1. In addition to his regular commitments, John also participated in several charity events organized to raise significant funds for local schools.
  2. John was widely recognized in his community for his unwavering dedication to community service, which had a lasting impact on everyone around him.
  3. As a direct result of these charity events and his tireless efforts, many underprivileged families were able to afford to send their children to school, providing them with better educational opportunities.
  4. He volunteered at the local food bank every weekend without fail, helping to distribute food and resources to those in need, demonstrating his deep commitment to alleviating hunger.
  5. Additionally, he organized annual neighborhood clean-up drives, mobilizing volunteers to beautify the area and promote environmental responsibility among residents.
  6. Overall, his various efforts, from volunteering to organizing events, made a significant and positive impact on the community, improving the lives of countless individuals.

Correct Order:

2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 6


  1. Identify the Opening Sentence:
    • Look for a sentence that introduces the main subject or sets the scene. Sentence 2 introduces John and his dedication to community service, which is a general introduction to the main topic.
    • Why: Sentence 2 provides a broad overview of John’s impact on the community, making it a suitable opening sentence.
  2. Find Supporting Details:
    • Look for sentences that provide specific examples of John’s community service activities. Sentence 4 mentions that John volunteered at the local food bank every weekend without fail.
    • Why: Sentence 4 elaborates on the type of community service John was involved in, supporting the introductory sentence by giving a specific example of his dedication.
  3. Add More Examples:
    • Sentence 5 further details John’s community service by mentioning his organization of annual neighborhood clean-up drives.
    • Why: Sentence 5 adds another specific example of John’s community efforts, logically following the previous sentence about his regular volunteering activities.
  4. Introduce Additional Activities:
    • Sentence 1 introduces another facet of John’s community involvement by mentioning his participation in charity events to raise funds for local schools.
    • Why: Sentence 1 transitions smoothly from his ongoing commitments to his involvement in special events, providing a broader picture of his efforts.
  5. Explain the Impact:
    • Sentence 3 explains the direct impact of John’s participation in charity events, emphasizing the positive outcomes for underprivileged families.
    • Why: Sentence 3 logically follows the mention of charity events, detailing the benefits and results of those activities.
  6. Conclude with Overall Impact:
    • Sentence 6 summarizes the overall impact of John’s efforts on the community, wrapping up the paragraph by highlighting the significance of his contributions.
    • Why: Sentence 6 effectively concludes the paragraph by encapsulating the various aspects of John’s community service and their positive effects.

Detailed Strategy:

  1. Read All Sentences First:
    • Read all the sentences to understand the overall theme and main idea.
  2. Identify the Topic Sentence:
    • Look for introductory phrases, general statements, or sentences that set the scene. This helps establish the starting point.
  3. Use Transition Words:
    • Pay attention to transition words like “Additionally,” “As a result,” “Overall,” etc. These words help in understanding the sequence and flow of events.
  4. Look for Logical Connections:
    • Check for logical connections between sentences. Ask questions like:
      • Does this sentence introduce new information that builds on the previous sentence?
      • Is there a cause-and-effect relationship?
      • Does this sentence explain, elaborate, or conclude the previous sentence?
  5. Chronological Order:
    • If the sentences describe a sequence of events, arrange them in chronological order.
  6. Ensure Cohesion and Coherence:
    • After arranging the sentences, read the paragraph as a whole to ensure it flows smoothly and makes sense.


Why do students fail PTE Core?

Understanding the common pitfalls can help students avoid them and adopt effective strategies for success:

  • Time Management Challenges: Many students struggle with allocating time effectively due to the absence of individual timers for sections, leading to rushed responses or incomplete tasks.
  • Lack of Contextual Understanding: Failure to grasp the nuances of passages and questions often results in misinterpretation and incorrect answers.
  • Ineffective Strategy Implementation: Without specific techniques tailored to each task, students may find it challenging to navigate through the varied question types effectively.


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By implementing specific techniques such as predictive approaches, contextual analysis, keyword identification, and paraphrasing skills, students can overcome common challenges and excel in the PTE Core reading section. Practice these strategies diligently to optimize your performance and achieve success in the exam. Stay tuned for more detailed insights and tips to ace the PTE Core exam!


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