How to Prepare for OET in 30 Days in 2023?

This comprehensive guide will show you how to use our most up-to-date tools and methods to earn the best score possible on the OET test in 2023.

Prepare for the OET course in 30 days! 2023!


To prepare for the Occupational English Test (OET) in just 30 days in 2023 can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. In this guide, we will outline a comprehensive plan to help you make the most of this limited time frame. We’ll break down the preparation process into key steps and provide examples to illustrate each point.


Step 1: Find Out Your Current Level


Before diving into intensive OET preparation, it’s essential to assess your current proficiency level in English. Knowing where you stand will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Here’s how to go about it:


Substep 1: Determine Your Test Date and Target Scores

  • You likely already have a test date and target scores in mind. For instance, if your test date is in 30 days, you should have a clear understanding of your goals, such as achieving a score of 350 in each OET section.


Substep 2: Take a Mock Test

  • If you’re a first-time OET test taker, consider taking a mock test rather than the official one. This is a cost-effective way to gauge your current abilities without wasting money and time on the actual exam.

Example: Let’s assume you’re aiming for a score of 350 in each section. After taking a mock test, you receive the following results:

  • Listening: 400
  • Reading: 330 (20 points short of your goal)
  • Writing: 340 (10 points below your target)
  • Speaking: 370

In this scenario, you need to focus on improving your reading and writing skills, while also paying attention to the speaking section, which is close to the minimum required score.


Substep 3: Identify Weaknesses within Subtests

  • It’s crucial to determine which specific subtests within each OET section you struggled with during the mock test. Knowing where you made mistakes is vital for targeted improvement.

Example: In the reading section, you might find that you had difficulty with specific types of questions, such as scanning for information in Part A, comprehending technical texts in Part B, and understanding magazine-style articles in Part C.


Step 2: Improve Your Listening Skills


The OET listening section consists of three subtests (Part A, Part B, and Part C), each with its own focus. Here’s how to enhance your listening abilities:

Listening Part A: Focus on Specific Information

  • Part A assesses your ability to listen for specific information, such as keywords or phrases in patient conversations. Engage in authentic listening exercises, particularly those involving medical professionals and patients.

Example: Listen to real-life medical dialogues available online, paying close attention to essential patient information and keywords.

Listening Part B: Grasp Gist, Detail, and Purpose

  • In Part B, you need to listen for the gist, specific details, reasons, next steps, and more in short audio files. Since authentic practice materials might be scarce, rely on high-quality test practice.

Example: Utilize reputable OET test practice resources to develop your skills in listening for overall meaning, specific details, and the purpose of the information in these short recordings.

Listening Part C: Follow Healthcare Presentations

  • Part C evaluates your ability to follow a healthcare presentation or interview on a medical topic. It involves answering multiple-choice questions related to meaning, detail, attitude, opinions, and more. To prepare effectively:

Example: Listen to medical lectures or interview podcasts available online to familiarize yourself with healthcare topics. Focus on comprehension, as this will be crucial for answering questions accurately.

Listening Recap: The key to improving your listening skills in 30 days is a combination of authentic listening practice and concentrated test practice. Analyze your mistakes and refer to transcripts when necessary. Quality always trumps quantity in practice.

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Step 3: Enhance Your Reading Skills


The OET reading section comprises three subtests (Part A, Part B, and Part C), each with specific demands. Here’s how to rapidly prepare for reading:

Reading Part A: Develop Scanning Skills

  • Part A requires you to scan text quickly and locate key information. Practice scan reading techniques by focusing on headings, subheadings, and keywords.

Example: Practice scanning medical texts online, mimicking the style and format of OET reading Part A.

Reading Part B: Grapple with Technical Texts

  • Part B involves comprehending technical texts commonly found in hospital or clinic instructions. These texts can be challenging, so it’s essential to read them carefully.

Example: Start reading technical texts related to healthcare procedures or equipment in your workplace to familiarize yourself with this type of content. Additionally, practice with high-quality test questions.

Reading Part C: Handle Magazine-Style Articles

  • Part C consists of articles that resemble online magazine pieces. These are less technical and more reader-friendly. Engage in extensive reading of similar content.

Example: Read healthcare-related magazine articles available on the internet to get accustomed to the style. Combine this with practice questions to reinforce your skills.

Reading Recap: While you may not have sufficient time to expand your vocabulary extensively, you can improve your reading speed and depth. Focus on quality over quantity in your practice materials.


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Step 4: Hone Your Clinical Communication Skills for Speaking


The OET speaking section assesses your clinical communication skills in role-play scenarios. While you may not significantly improve your linguistic skills in 30 days, you can enhance your clinical communication. Here’s how:

Understand the Scoring Criteria

  • Familiarize yourself with the scoring criteria used by examiners. Knowing how you’re assessed can help you tailor your performance accordingly.

Example: Study the scoring criteria for the OET speaking section, including language skills and clinical communication skills, by referring to resources like

Engage in Simulated Exam Practice

  • Participate in simulated OET speaking exam practice to acclimate yourself to the format and level of stress you might experience on test day.

Example: Join practice sessions with professionals, friends, or family members to simulate real role-play scenarios. This will help you become more comfortable with the process.

Speaking Recap: Focus on understanding how you’re scored, and seek out opportunities for simulated practice to build confidence and improve your clinical communication skills.


Step 5: Master OET Writing with a Focus on Criteria




The OET writing section requires you to compose referral, discharge, or transfer letters based on provided case notes. While you may not have time to extensively enhance your grammar and vocabulary, you can maximize your scores by aligning your writing with the scoring criteria:

Familiarize Yourself with Scoring Criteria

  • Understand the scoring criteria, as your writing will be evaluated based on how well it aligns with these criteria.

Example: Study the scoring criteria for OET writing, including content, organization, language, and genre, to gain insights into what examiners look for.

Seek Quality Feedback

  • Before your test, obtain feedback on at least one letter to identify and rectify potential mistakes or issues in your writing.

Example: Submit a practice letter to a language expert or tutor who can provide feedback on your adherence to the criteria and suggest improvements.

Writing Recap: While improving fundamental writing skills in 30 days may be challenging, aligning your writing with the scoring criteria and seeking expert feedback can significantly enhance your performance.


To prepare for OET in just 30 days in 2023 is a demanding task, but with a well-structured plan and a focus on specific areas of improvement, it is achievable. Remember to practice with high-quality materials, understand the scoring criteria, and engage in simulated exam experiences. Whether it’s listening, reading, speaking, or writing, targeted efforts can help you make the most of your limited preparation time. Good luck with your OET journey!

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