Take Advantage of Time in CELPIP

CELPIP: Time Management:

Let’s break down the CELPIP time management requirements per module:


1. Reading


Reading Time: 55-60 minutes

Tasks: Part 1 – Practice Task, Part 2 – Matching, Part 3 – Gapped Text, Part 4 – Multiple Choice

Advice and Examples:

  • Skim and Scan: Don’t read every word. Skim the text to get a general idea, and then scan for specific details when answering questions.
    • Example: For a question asking for the main idea, skim the entire passage. For a date or name, scan quickly to locate the detail.
  • Prioritize Questions: Start with questions you find easier and return to difficult ones later.
  • Stay Calm: If a passage seems difficult, don’t panic. Focus on what you understand and use context clues.


2. Listening


Listening Time: 47-55 minutes

Tasks: Part 1 – Practice Task, Part 2 – Listening to Problem Solving, Part 3 – Listening to a Daily Life Conversation, etc.

Advice and Examples:

  • Note-taking: Quickly jot down main points and keywords while listening. This aids in remembering details.
    • Example: If the conversation is about planning a party, note down: “Party – Saturday, John’s house, bring snacks.”
  • Focus on the Context: Listen for the general idea first, then concentrate on details.
  • Predict Answers: Try to anticipate what information might be asked based on the conversation topic.


3. Writing


Writing Time: 53-60 minutes

Tasks: Part 1 – Writing an Email, Part 2 – Responding to Survey Questions

Advice and Examples:

  • Plan Ahead: Spend the first few minutes outlining your main ideas.
    • Example: For an email task, jot down: “Greeting, Purpose of the email, Main Points, Conclusion/Request.”
  • Stay on Topic: Always refer back to the given prompt to ensure you’re addressing the main points.
  • Proofread: Leave 2-3 minutes at the end to review for grammatical errors or missing information.


4. Speaking

Best speaking resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSDLKeI_mNM


Speaking Time: 15-20 minutes

Tasks: Part 1 – Giving Advice, Part 2 – Talking about a Personal Experience, etc.

Advice and Examples:

  • Think Aloud Strategy: Since you’re given some preparation time, quickly jot down main points you want to cover.
    • Example: For a topic about your favorite vacation, note down: “Bali, 2019, beach, delicious food, cultural dance.”
  • Stay Structured: Stick to a simple structure – introduction, main points, conclusion.
  • Practice: Before your exam, practice speaking on various topics to build confidence and fluency.

In all sections, be mindful of the clock. It can be helpful to wear a wristwatch (if allowed) or keep an eye on any clock in the testing room. Practicing full-length sections or even full-length tests under timed conditions can also help you get a feel for the pacing.


Today is another day of reminding you on certain tips you can keep for yourselves OR you can also share them to your fellow colleagues.
One the biggest malpractices that students habitually do is avoiding constant practice.
Practice is the biggest advocate of growth and eventually as time goes, you become better.
But when you don’t practice or do anything, you become stagnant and complacent. You don’t want that in your life.
This is a great reminder that you should always use your time to your advantage.


Choose your time.
Here is a strategic reminder, choose time as a gift. Use it wisely. ESPECIALLY, when you are taking your exam, whether that’s for CELPIP or IELTS.

Also, when you are taking your exam: while waiting for the speaking examiner, practice with the candidates sitting with you.



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