CELPIP Writing and Speaking Best Tips!

Boost your CELPIP Writing and Speaking score with 10 expert tips! Learn how to eliminate umms, manage time, and enhance your speech for top marks.

CELPIP Writing and Speaking Best Tips!

This blog details exactly what you need to do to boost your marks in the CELPIP writing and speaking sections!


Mastering CELPIP Writing: Task 1 and Task 2

Achieving high marks in the CELPIP writing section can significantly boost your overall score. By understanding the structure and key components of both tasks, you can improve your marks by at least three points. This guide will cover the essential aspects of CELPIP writing, focusing on structure, cohesion, flow, vocabulary, and task response. Each section includes examples to illustrate the points discussed.




CELPIP Writing Task 1 Structure

Understanding the Task

In CELPIP Writing Task 1, you are required to write an email. The question can be either formal or informal, and understanding the difference between these two types is crucial. Formal emails are written to people you do not know personally, such as a company or official. Informal emails are written to friends or family.


Formal Email:

Subject: Request for Information Regarding Account Closure

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inquire about the process of closing my bank account.


Subject: Summer BBQ Plans

Hey John,

How have you been? I hope your summer is going well. I wanted to check if you are available for a BBQ at my place next weekend.



Looking forward to catching up!

Take care,

[Your Name]


Structure of Task 1


In a formal letter, the introduction should clearly state the purpose of your email. This should be concise, ideally one sentence, to save space for the main content.


I am writing to request detailed information about your company’s new product line.

For an informal letter, start with a friendly greeting and a casual question or comment.


How have you been? I hope everything is going well with you and your family.

Body Paragraphs

There are three body paragraphs, each addressing one of the bullet points provided in the question. This ensures that you cover all the required aspects of the task.


The conclusion in a formal email should include a professional closing statement. Avoid casual phrases like “take care” or “miss you.”


I look forward to your response. Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

In an informal email, you can be more relaxed.


Let’s catch up soon. Looking forward to seeing you at the BBQ.

Take care,

[Your Name]



Why Students Fail CELPIP?

Students often fail CELPIP due to a lack of understanding of the structure and requirements of the tasks. Our course not only explains these details but GUARANTEES your results or your MONEY-BACK! With 100,000 copies sold, check out why this course has internet’s best reviews (IMMEDIATE ACCESS AVAILABLE): Course Link


CELPIP Writing Task 2 Structure

Understanding the Task

CELPIP Writing Task 2 involves writing an essay based on a survey question. This task requires you to choose between two options and support your choice with reasons.


Survey Question: Do you prefer online shopping or shopping in physical stores?

Option A: Online Shopping

Option B: Physical Stores


Structure of Task 2


Start by stating your opinion and briefly mentioning why you chose that option.


I prefer online shopping because it is more convenient and offers a wider variety of products.

Body Paragraphs

There are two main structures you can use:

  1. Single-Sided Argument:
    • Body 1: Detail one reason supporting your opinion.
    • Body 2: Detail another reason supporting your opinion.


Body 1: Online shopping saves time as it eliminates the need to travel to physical stores…

Body 2: It provides access to a wider range of products, often at better prices…

  1. Balanced Argument:
    • Body 1: Provide two points supporting your opinion.
    • Body 2: Discuss two points against the opposing option.


Body 1: Online shopping saves time and offers better prices…

Body 2: Physical stores can be time-consuming and often have limited stock…


Reaffirm your opinion, summarizing the points discussed in the body paragraphs.


In conclusion, online shopping is more convenient and economical, making it the better choice overall.


BEST FREE CELPIP Videos and Advice

For more in-depth advice and free resources, check out our YouTube channel, which offers the BEST FREE CELPIP videos and tips: YouTube Link


Tips for Success:


Use Templates

Using HZad Education’s structured templates can help you organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all required points. Our course provides comprehensive templates for all writing and speaking question types. These templates are designed to help you achieve the best possible marks.

Practice Regularly

Regular practice is key to success in CELPIP writing. Write sample emails and essays, and have them reviewed by a tutor or peer to get feedback on your performance.

Expand Your Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary can significantly enhance your writing. Use varied and precise words to express your ideas. Avoid repetition and try to use synonyms where possible.

Example: Instead of saying “good,” you could use “excellent,” “outstanding,” or “superb” depending on the context.

Focus on Cohesion and Flow

Ensure that your writing flows smoothly from one point to the next. Use linking words and phrases to connect your ideas.


  • “Firstly,” “Secondly,” “Furthermore,” “Moreover,” “In addition,” “However,” “On the other hand,” “In conclusion.”

Be Clear and Concise

Clarity and conciseness are crucial in CELPIP writing. Avoid unnecessary details and stay focused on the main points. Make sure each sentence adds value to your response.

Time Management

Manage your time effectively during the exam. Spend a few minutes planning your response before you start writing. Allocate enough time for each paragraph and leave a few minutes at the end to review and edit your work.

Mastering the structure and key elements of CELPIP Writing Tasks 1 and 2 is essential for achieving high marks. By following the guidelines and examples provided in this guide, you can improve your writing skills and increase your overall CELPIP score. Remember to practice regularly, use templates, and focus on clarity and cohesion in your writing. For more detailed advice and resources, check out our course and YouTube channel. Good luck!



Boost Your CELPIP Speaking Score: Tips and Strategies

This blog will help you increase your CELPIP speaking points by at least two to four points. We will cover ten tips, secrets, and hacks that people almost always get wrong. If you’re ready to improve your CLB level by two to four points, watch till the end of this video.


The Importance of Eliminating Filler Words


A common mistake is the overuse of filler words like “umms.” These words can destroy your marks in English as they indicate a lack of confidence and an inability to use complex vocabulary. Instead of using “umms,” use connectors like “furthermore,” “likewise,” “moreover,” “therefore,” “hence,” “however,” “nonetheless,” and “although.”


  • Instead of saying, “Umm, I think it’s a good idea,” say, “Furthermore, I believe it’s a beneficial option.”


The Power of Pausing


Contrary to popular belief, pausing does not indicate a lack of fluency. Pauses are essential and help you gain marks for tone. They also allow you to think about your next point and show confidence. Aim to pause for one to one and a half seconds between sentences and major points.


  • “I believe this is the best solution. [Pause] It will benefit our community significantly.”


Enhancing Your Speech with Adjectives


Using adjectives has two benefits: it expands your range of vocabulary and helps you describe your points better. Adjectives like “great,” “magnificent,” “terrific,” and “detrimental” can enhance your speech and emphasize quality.


  • “This piece of equipment is wonderful.”


Focusing on Quality over Quantity


A common mistake is trying to include too many points in your response. Instead, focus on providing two to four well-defined points. This allows you to use longer, complex sentences, which are necessary for a high score.


  • For a question about your best experience, instead of listing ten activities, describe two to four experiences in detail.


Being Realistic in Your Responses


When giving suggestions or advice, talk as if the person you’re addressing is real. This approach shows the examiner you can communicate naturally and effectively.


  • “Hey Bob, I know the gym across your street is just a block away. You can easily work out there.”


Maintaining a Natural Tone


Avoid being monotone. Use emphasis and natural expressions to keep your speech engaging. Think of how you speak normally to a friend or family member.


  • “This solution is absolutely fantastic because it solves the problem efficiently.”


Managing Your Time Effectively


Timing is crucial. Many students lose marks because they run out of time and cannot finish their responses. Practice finishing your answers five seconds before the actual time limit to ensure you don’t exceed it.


  • Aim to wrap up your response at the 55-second mark for a 60-second task.


Using Examples Wisely


Examples can be beneficial, but they are not mandatory. Use them only if they enrich your content and fit naturally into your response. Avoid using long examples that consume too much time.


  • “For instance, last year we implemented a similar strategy with great success.”


Concluding Your Responses


Ensure you conclude your responses properly. Use short, impactful phrases to wrap up your thoughts.


  • “Let me know if you have any questions,” or “I hope I have explained this well.”


Detailing Picture Descriptions

CELPIP Pictures

In picture questions, cover as many details as possible. Identify three to four main elements you must mention, and if you have extra time, add more details.


  • “In the picture, I see a busy market with people shopping, vendors selling goods, and children playing.”


Why Do Students Fail CELPIP?

Students often fail CELPIP due to common mistakes and a lack of understanding of the test structure and requirements. Our course not only explains these aspects but GUARANTEES your results or your MONEY-BACK! With 100,000 copies sold, check out why this course has internet’s best reviews. IMMEDIATE ACCESS AVAILABLE: Course Link


BEST FREE CELPIP Videos and Advice

For more tips and free resources, visit our YouTube channel. We offer the BEST FREE CELPIP videos and advice to help you succeed: YouTube Link


Summary of Key Points

  1. Eliminate Umms: Replace filler words with connectors to show confidence and use complex vocabulary.
  2. Pause Effectively: Use pauses to organize your thoughts and demonstrate fluency.
  3. Use Adjectives: Enhance your speech with descriptive words to improve vocabulary range and expression.
  4. Focus on Quality: Provide two to four detailed points rather than numerous short ones.
  5. Be Realistic: Communicate naturally as if speaking to a real person.
  6. Maintain Natural Tone: Avoid monotone speech and use natural emphasis.
  7. Manage Time: Practice completing responses five seconds before the time limit.
  8. Use Examples Wisely: Include examples only if they add value and fit naturally.
  9. Conclude Properly: Use short phrases to conclude your responses.
  10. Detail Picture Descriptions: Cover key elements and add more details if time allows.

By following these tips, you can significantly improve your CELPIP speaking score. Remember to practice regularly, focus on clarity and cohesion, and use these strategies to enhance your performance. Good luck!
