PTE Core Reading and Listening (Tips and Format)

Master the PTE Core Reading and Listening sections with our guide on formats and tips to boost your scores and ace your exam.

PTE Core Reading and Listening (Tips and Format):

Understanding the PTE Core Listening Section

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Core is a widely recognized English language proficiency exam designed for non-native speakers. It evaluates essential language skills such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The Listening section, in particular, is crucial as it assesses your ability to understand spoken English in various contexts. This blog will provide an overview of the PTE Core Listening section and explain the requirements for each type of question.

Overview of the PTE Core Listening Section

The PTE Core Listening section consists of several question types that test different listening skills. These include understanding spoken English in various accents and contexts, identifying specific information, summarizing spoken texts, and more. The section is designed to be completed in 30-43 minutes and includes the following question types:

  1. Summarize Spoken Text
  2. Multiple-choice, Multiple Answer
  3. Fill in the Blanks
  4. Highlight Correct Summary
  5. Multiple-choice, Single Answer
  6. Select Missing Word
  7. Highlight Incorrect Words
  8. Write from Dictation

Each question type has specific requirements and strategies to tackle them effectively.



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1. Summarize Spoken Text

Task: You will listen to a short lecture or talk and then write a summary of what you heard.


  • Write a summary of 20-30 words.
  • Summarize the main points and key details.
  • Use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Complete the task within 10 minutes.


  • Focus on the main ideas and supporting details.
  • Take notes while listening to capture essential points.
  • Use your own words to avoid plagiarism.

2. Multiple-choice, Multiple Answer

Task: Listen to a recording and select all the correct answers from a list of options.


  • Identify multiple correct answers.
  • Pay attention to specific details and keywords.
  • Manage your time efficiently, as there is no negative marking.


  • Listen carefully to the entire recording before selecting answers.
  • Eliminate obviously incorrect options to narrow down your choices.

3. Fill in the Blanks

Task: You will hear a recording with missing words and must fill in the blanks.


  • Type the missing words exactly as you hear them.
  • Focus on understanding the context of the sentence.
  • Use correct spelling and grammar.


  • Listen to the recording carefully to catch every word.
  • Use contextual clues to predict missing words.

4. Highlight Correct Summary

Task: After listening to a recording, choose the summary that best matches the content.


  • Select the summary that accurately represents the recording.
  • Pay attention to the main ideas and supporting details.
  • Understand the overall message of the recording.


  • Summarize the recording in your mind before looking at the options.
  • Eliminate summaries that contain incorrect information or irrelevant details.

5. Multiple-choice, Single Answer

Task: Listen to a recording and choose the single correct answer from a list of options.


  • Select the one correct answer that best matches the content.
  • Pay attention to specific details and keywords.


  • Focus on understanding the main idea and specific details.
  • Eliminate clearly incorrect options to improve your chances.


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6. Select Missing Word

Task: Listen to a recording and select the word or phrase that completes the recording.


  • Choose the option that best completes the recording.
  • Pay attention to the context and overall meaning.


  • Predict the missing word or phrase before looking at the options.
  • Eliminate options that do not fit the context or meaning.

7. Highlight Incorrect Words

Task: Listen to a recording and identify the words that differ from the transcript.


  • Highlight the incorrect words in the given transcript.
  • Pay attention to both the recording and the transcript simultaneously.


  • Listen carefully to the recording and compare it with the transcript.
  • Highlight any words that do not match what you hear.

8. Write from Dictation

Task: Listen to a short sentence and write it down exactly as you hear it.


  • Type the sentence correctly, including punctuation.
  • Use correct spelling and grammar.


  • Listen carefully and try to remember the entire sentence.
  • Type quickly and accurately to avoid errors.


Detailed PTE Core Listening Tips and Tricks:

1. Summarize Spoken Text


  • Take Notes: Jot down key points, main ideas, and supporting details while listening.
  • Focus on Structure: Ensure your summary has a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  • Paraphrase: Use your own words to avoid plagiarism and demonstrate your understanding.
  • Practice Typing: Speed and accuracy are important, so practice typing your summaries within the time limit.

2. Multiple-choice, Multiple Answer


  • Listen for Keywords: Focus on specific details mentioned in the question and options.
  • Eliminate Incorrect Answers: Cross out obviously wrong options to narrow down your choices.
  • Time Management: Don’t spend too much time on one question; move on if you’re unsure and return if time allows.
  • Use the Process of Elimination: This increases your chances of selecting the correct answers.

3. Fill in the Blanks


  • Predict Words: Use the context to anticipate the type of word that fits in the blank.
  • Pay Attention to Grammar: Ensure that the words you fill in match grammatically with the rest of the sentence.
  • Practice Spelling: Incorrect spelling will result in lost points, so practice common words and phrases.
  • Replay in Mind: Mentally replay the sentence if possible to catch missed words.

4. Highlight Correct Summary


  • Understand the Main Idea: Summarize the recording in your mind before reviewing the options.
  • Match Details: Ensure the summary you choose covers all main points without adding irrelevant information.
  • Avoid Distractors: Beware of summaries that include correct details but misrepresent the main idea.
  • Practice Paraphrasing: This helps in identifying summaries that paraphrase the original content accurately.

5. Multiple-choice, Single Answer


  • Focus on the Main Idea: Concentrate on the overall message rather than getting lost in details.
  • Eliminate Wrong Options: Quickly remove options that are clearly incorrect.
  • Listen Actively: Pay attention to the tone and emphasis, as they can provide clues to the correct answer.
  • Take Notes: Jot down keywords and phrases while listening to aid in selecting the correct answer.

6. Select Missing Word


  • Predict the Missing Word: Try to guess the missing word before looking at the options.
  • Focus on Context: Ensure the word you select fits logically and grammatically into the sentence.
  • Listen for Clues: Pay attention to the tone and pace of the speaker, as they can hint at the missing word.
  • Eliminate Implausible Options: Remove options that don’t fit the context of the sentence.

7. Highlight Incorrect Words


  • Compare Carefully: Listen closely to the recording while reading the transcript to spot discrepancies.
  • Highlight with Precision: Ensure you mark only the incorrect words to avoid losing points.
  • Stay Focused: Maintain concentration throughout the recording to catch all incorrect words.
  • Practice Dictation: Regular practice will improve your ability to catch mismatched words quickly.

8. Write from Dictation


  • Memorize in Chunks: Break the sentence into manageable parts to remember it more easily.
  • Focus on Accuracy: Pay attention to punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
  • Type Quickly: Develop your typing speed to ensure you can keep up with the recording.
  • Repeat in Your Mind: Mentally repeat the sentence to reinforce your memory before typing.

General Tips for the PTE Core Listening Section

  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice will help you become familiar with the question types and improve your listening skills.
  • Improve Vocabulary: A strong vocabulary will help you understand and accurately respond to various question types.
  • Listen to Various Accents: Exposure to different English accents will enhance your comprehension skills.
  • Manage Time Efficiently: Practice completing questions within the allotted time to ensure you can handle the pace of the exam.

By following these tips and regularly practicing, you can enhance your performance in the PTE Core Listening section and increase your chances of achieving a high score. Good luck with your preparation!

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Understanding the PTE Core Reading Section

The Pearson Test of English (PTE) Core is designed to assess the English language proficiency of non-native speakers. The Reading section of the PTE Core exam evaluates your ability to understand written English in various contexts, requiring skills such as comprehension, interpretation, and analysis. This blog will provide an overview of the PTE Core Reading section and explain the requirements for each type of question.

Overview of the PTE Core Reading Section

The PTE Core Reading section comprises several question types designed to test different reading skills. The section aims to evaluate your ability to understand the content, structure, and purpose of written texts. This section typically takes 32-41 minutes to complete and includes the following question types:

  1. Multiple-choice, Single Answer
  2. Multiple-choice, Multiple Answer
  3. Re-order Paragraphs
  4. Reading: Fill in the Blanks
  5. Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks

Each question type has specific requirements and strategies to approach them effectively.

1. Multiple-choice, Single Answer

Task: Read a passage and select the single correct answer from a list of options.


  • Identify the main idea or specific details in the passage.
  • Choose the one correct answer that best matches the content.
  • Understand the context and overall meaning of the text.


  • Focus on the Main Idea: Identify the central theme or main point of the passage.
  • Eliminate Incorrect Options: Narrow down your choices by eliminating clearly incorrect answers.
  • Refer Back to the Text: Always refer back to the passage to verify your answer.

2. Multiple-choice, Multiple Answer

Task: Read a passage and select all correct answers from a list of options.


  • Identify multiple correct answers based on the passage.
  • Pay attention to specific details and keywords.
  • Manage your time efficiently, as there is no negative marking.


  • Listen for Keywords: Focus on specific details mentioned in the question and options.
  • Eliminate Incorrect Answers: Cross out obviously wrong options to narrow down your choices.
  • Time Management: Don’t spend too much time on one question; move on if you’re unsure and return if time allows.
  • Use the Process of Elimination: This increases your chances of selecting the correct answers.

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3. Re-order Paragraphs

Task: Read a set of text boxes and arrange them in the correct order to form a coherent paragraph.


  • Understand the logical flow and structure of the text.
  • Arrange the paragraphs in a sequence that makes sense.


  • Identify Topic Sentences: Look for sentences that introduce new ideas or topics.
  • Look for Connectors: Pay attention to linking words or phrases that indicate a sequence.
  • Logical Flow: Ensure that the arranged paragraphs form a coherent and logical narrative.

4. Reading: Fill in the Blanks

Task: Read a passage with missing words and fill in the blanks using the provided options.


  • Choose the correct words to complete the passage meaningfully.
  • Focus on grammar, vocabulary, and context.


  • Predict Words: Use the context to anticipate the type of word that fits in the blank.
  • Pay Attention to Grammar: Ensure that the words you fill in match grammatically with the rest of the sentence.
  • Practice Vocabulary: Regular practice with vocabulary can help improve your ability to choose the correct words.

5. Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks

Task: Read a passage with missing words and fill in the blanks by selecting from a list of words provided.


  • Choose the correct words to complete the passage meaningfully.
  • Focus on both the grammatical and contextual fit of the words.


  • Use Context Clues: Look at the surrounding words and sentences to understand the context.
  • Check Grammatical Fit: Ensure that the word fits grammatically within the sentence.
  • Practice Regularly: Frequent practice with different texts can enhance your ability to fill in the blanks accurately.


Detailed PTE Core Reading Tips and Tricks:

1. Multiple-choice, Single Answer


  • Identify the Main Idea: Focus on understanding the main idea or primary theme of the passage.
  • Eliminate Clearly Incorrect Options: Narrow down your choices by removing answers that are obviously incorrect.
  • Refer Back to the Text: Always double-check the passage to confirm your answer.
  • Look for Keywords: Identify keywords in the question and locate them in the passage to find the correct answer.

2. Multiple-choice, Multiple Answer


  • Scan for Keywords: Quickly scan the passage for keywords related to the question.
  • Use Process of Elimination: Remove options that are clearly incorrect to narrow down your choices.
  • Focus on Details: Pay close attention to specific details and information within the text.
  • Beware of Distractors: Some options may contain partial truths; ensure your selections are fully correct.

3. Re-order Paragraphs


  • Identify the Topic Sentence: Look for sentences that introduce new ideas or topics, which are usually the first sentence in a sequence.
  • Look for Logical Connections: Pay attention to linking words and phrases that indicate a logical flow (e.g., however, therefore, furthermore).
  • Understand the Overall Theme: Grasp the main idea of the entire text to help you determine the correct order.
  • Check for Coherence: Ensure that the rearranged paragraphs form a coherent and logical narrative.

4. Reading: Fill in the Blanks


  • Predict the Missing Words: Use the context of the sentence to predict the type of word that fits in the blank.
  • Focus on Grammar and Context: Ensure that the words you choose fit grammatically and contextually within the sentence.
  • Expand Your Vocabulary: Regularly practice and learn new vocabulary to improve your ability to choose the correct words.
  • Use Context Clues: Look at the surrounding words and sentences for clues about the missing word.

5. Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks


  • Contextual Understanding: Use the overall context of the passage to determine the correct word.
  • Grammar Check: Ensure that the word fits grammatically within the sentence structure.
  • Practice Vocabulary: Enhance your vocabulary through regular reading and practice.
  • Eliminate Implausible Options: Remove words that do not fit the context or grammatical structure.

General Tips for the PTE Core Reading Section

  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice with different types of reading materials will improve your reading comprehension skills.
  • Improve Vocabulary: A strong vocabulary will help you understand and respond to various question types more effectively.
  • Time Management: Practice completing questions within the allotted time to ensure you can handle the pace of the exam.
  • Read Actively: Engage with the text by summarizing main ideas, questioning the content, and making predictions.
  • Use Practice Tests: Take practice tests to familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types.


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