50 Hardest CELPIP Writing Questions

Answer these 50 tough CELPIP writing task 1 and 2 questions that reflect the real exam's difficulty level. Can you do good here?

50 Hardest CELPIP Writing Questions Task 1 and 2

Navigating the CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to the writing component; this blog will show you the 50 hardest task 1 and 2 CELPIP writing questions to test you to your limits!

The writing section of the CELPIP test is designed to assess your ability to communicate effectively in written English, and some questions can be particularly challenging. Whether you’re aiming for a high score to meet immigration requirements or to enhance your professional credentials, understanding and preparing for the hardest CELPIP writing questions is crucial. In this blog, we’ll delve into some of the most difficult writing tasks you might encounter, providing insights and strategies to help you tackle them with confidence.

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CELPIP Writing Task 1 (Email) Questions:

  1. Scenario: Online language course Write an email to the language course provider in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Describe the situation when you purchased the course
    2. Explain the specific aspects you found unhelpful
    3. Request additional learning materials
  2. Scenario: Travel booking service Write an email to the travel booking service in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Describe your travel plans and booking date
    2. Explain two major issues you encountered
    3. Ask for a partial refund or compensation
  3. Scenario: Online cooking class Write an email to the cooking instructor in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. State when and where you attended the class
    2. Describe why the recipes were difficult to follow
    3. Suggest improvements for future classes
  4. Scenario: Purchased a defective gadget Write an email to the gadget retailer in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Mention the purchase date and place
    2. Explain the malfunction and how it affected you
    3. Request a replacement or refund
  5. Scenario: Subscription to a streaming service Write an email to the streaming service provider in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. State when you subscribed to the service
    2. Describe the technical issues you are facing
    3. Ask for troubleshooting advice or a refund
  6. Scenario: Fitness club membership Write an email to the fitness club manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Describe when you joined the club
    2. Explain why the facilities did not meet your needs
    3. Request a change in your membership terms
  7. Scenario: Online tutoring service Write an email to the tutoring service in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Mention when you started the tutoring sessions
    2. Describe the issues with the tutor’s teaching style
    3. Suggest a different tutor or additional resources
  8. Scenario: Delivered a damaged product Write an email to the online store in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. State when you received the product
    2. Describe the damage and how it happened
    3. Request a replacement or a refund
  9. Scenario: Online webinar Write an email to the webinar host in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Mention the date and title of the webinar
    2. Explain why the content was unsatisfactory
    3. Ask for access to a recording or additional resources
  10. Scenario: Hotel booking Write an email to the hotel manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Describe your stay dates and room type
    2. Explain two issues you experienced during your stay
    3. Request compensation or corrective measures
  11. Scenario: Online software course Write an email to the course provider in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. State when you enrolled in the course
    2. Describe why the software tutorials were inadequate
    3. Ask for more detailed tutorials or a refund
  12. Scenario: Home cleaning service Write an email to the cleaning service provider in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Mention when you booked the cleaning service
    2. Describe the areas that were not cleaned properly
    3. Request a re-cleaning or a partial refund
  13. Scenario: Delivered incorrect order Write an email to the online retailer in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. State the date of your order
    2. Describe the incorrect items you received
    3. Request the correct items to be sent or a refund
  14. Scenario: Online personal training Write an email to the personal trainer in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Specify when you started the training sessions
    2. Describe why the training program did not meet your goals
    3. Suggest changes to the program or ask for a refund
  15. Scenario: Purchased an e-book Write an email to the e-book seller in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Indicate the purchase date and platform
    2. Explain the issues with the e-book’s content or format
    3. Request a replacement or a refund
  16. Scenario: Online art class Write an email to the art instructor in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Mention when and where you took the class
    2. Describe why the class did not meet your expectations
    3. Suggest improvements or ask for a refund
  17. Scenario: Streaming service subscription Write an email to the customer service of the streaming service in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. State when you subscribed to the service
    2. Describe the content or technical issues you faced
    3. Ask for a solution or compensation
  18. Scenario: Purchased a faulty appliance Write an email to the appliance retailer in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Indicate the date and store of purchase
    2. Describe the fault and its impact on your usage
    3. Request a repair, replacement, or refund
  19. Scenario: Online music lessons Write an email to the music teacher in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Mention when you started the lessons
    2. Explain why the lessons were unsatisfactory
    3. Request additional resources or a refund
  20. Scenario: Online writing course Write an email to the course provider in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. State when you enrolled in the course
    2. Describe the issues with the course content or delivery
    3. Ask for additional support or a refund
  21. Scenario: Travel tour package Write an email to the tour operator in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Mention when you booked the tour
    2. Describe two problems you encountered during the tour
    3. Request compensation or a corrective action
  22. Scenario: Online yoga class Write an email to the yoga instructor in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Specify when and where you took the class
    2. Explain why the class did not meet your expectations
    3. Suggest improvements or ask for a refund
  23. Scenario: Purchased a digital marketing course Write an email to the course provider in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Indicate the purchase date and platform
    2. Describe the issues with the course content or delivery
    3. Request a refund or additional resources
  24. Scenario: Online makeup tutorial Write an email to the makeup artist in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. Mention when and where you took the tutorial
    2. Describe why the tutorial did not meet your expectations
    3. Request additional support or a refund
  25. Scenario: Online career counseling Write an email to the career counselor in about 150-200 words. Your email should include the following things:
    1. State when you received the counseling
    2. Explain two specific issues with the advice or service
    3. Request a follow-up session or a refund


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CELPIP Writing Task 2 (Survey) Questions:

1. Movie Genre Survey

Your local cinema is deciding between showcasing a new action movie or a romantic drama for the weekend. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Action Movie: The movie will feature thrilling sequences, special effects, and popular action stars.

Option B: Romantic Drama: The drama will focus on emotional and romantic themes with acclaimed actors.

2. Restaurant Menu Survey

Your favorite restaurant is planning to introduce either a new vegan menu or a seafood menu. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Vegan Menu: The menu will include plant-based dishes with fresh, local ingredients.

Option B: Seafood Menu: The menu will offer a variety of seafood dishes sourced from sustainable fisheries.

3. Library Event Survey

Your local library wants to organize either a book reading event or a writing workshop. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Book Reading Event: The event will feature popular authors reading from their latest books.

Option B: Writing Workshop: The workshop will provide tips and exercises to improve writing skills, led by experienced authors.

4. School Program Survey

Your school is considering introducing either a robotics club or a drama club. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Robotics Club: The club will focus on building and programming robots with opportunities to compete in contests.

Option B: Drama Club: The club will involve acting, scriptwriting, and staging performances.

5. Fitness Class Survey

Your local gym is planning to start either a yoga class or a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Yoga Class: The class will focus on flexibility, balance, and mindfulness.

Option B: HIIT Class: The class will offer high-energy workouts aimed at improving cardiovascular health and strength.

6. Community Project Survey

Your neighborhood association is deciding between creating a community garden or a playground. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Community Garden: The garden will provide space for residents to grow their own vegetables and flowers.

Option B: Playground: The playground will offer a safe and fun area for children to play and socialize.

7. Office Improvement Survey

Your workplace is considering either adding a break room with a coffee machine or a gym. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Break Room: The room will include comfortable seating, a coffee machine, and snacks.

Option B: Gym: The gym will feature exercise equipment and space for fitness classes.

8. Vacation Destination Survey

Your family is choosing between a beach resort or a mountain cabin for your next vacation. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Beach Resort: The resort will offer sunbathing, swimming, and various water sports.

Option B: Mountain Cabin: The cabin will provide hiking, wildlife viewing, and a cozy retreat.

9. School Trip Survey

Your school is planning a trip either to a science museum or an amusement park. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Science Museum: The museum will feature interactive exhibits and educational demonstrations.

Option B: Amusement Park: The park will offer thrilling rides and entertainment shows.

10. Concert Event Survey

Your city is organizing a concert and is deciding between a rock band or a classical orchestra. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Rock Band: The concert will feature high-energy performances by a popular rock band.

Option B: Classical Orchestra: The concert will include symphonies and classical pieces performed by a renowned orchestra.

11. Streaming Service Survey

Your streaming service is deciding between adding more comedy shows or mystery series. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Comedy Shows: The shows will feature humorous content and well-known comedians.

Option B: Mystery Series: The series will include suspenseful plots and intriguing characters.


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12. Park Renovation Survey

Your local park is being renovated and needs to decide between a new skate park or a botanical garden. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Skate Park: The park will include ramps, rails, and other features for skateboarding and rollerblading.

Option B: Botanical Garden: The garden will feature a variety of plants, flowers, and walking paths.

13. School Curriculum Survey

Your school is deciding between offering a new course in computer programming or financial literacy. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Computer Programming: The course will teach coding skills and software development.

Option B: Financial Literacy: The course will cover budgeting, investing, and managing personal finances.

14. Charity Fundraiser Survey

Your community is planning a fundraiser and is choosing between a bake sale or a charity run. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Bake Sale: The event will involve selling homemade baked goods to raise funds.

Option B: Charity Run: The event will be a sponsored run to raise money for a good cause.

15. School Library Survey

Your school library is considering adding more graphic novels or science fiction books to its collection. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Graphic Novels: The collection will include visually engaging stories with illustrations.

Option B: Science Fiction: The collection will feature imaginative stories about futuristic technology and space exploration.

16. Fitness Equipment Survey

Your local gym is deciding between purchasing new treadmills or stationary bikes. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Treadmills: The treadmills will offer advanced features for running and walking workouts.

Option B: Stationary Bikes: The bikes will provide a variety of resistance levels and cycling programs.

17. School Assembly Survey

Your school is planning a special assembly and is choosing between a motivational speaker or a talent show. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Motivational Speaker: The speaker will share inspiring stories and life lessons.

Option B: Talent Show: The show will feature performances by students showcasing their skills and talents.

18. Restaurant Theme Survey

Your favorite restaurant is deciding between a new Italian cuisine night or a Mexican cuisine night. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Italian Cuisine: The night will feature classic Italian dishes such as pasta, pizza, and gelato.

Option B: Mexican Cuisine: The night will include traditional Mexican dishes like tacos, enchiladas, and churros.

19. Tech Gadget Survey

Your favorite tech store is deciding between stocking more smart home devices or wearable fitness trackers. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Smart Home Devices: The devices will include smart lights, thermostats, and security systems.

Option B: Wearable Fitness Trackers: The trackers will monitor physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns.

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20. School Dance Survey

Your school is planning a dance and needs to decide between a formal dance or a casual dance. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Formal Dance: The dance will include formal attire, a live band, and elegant decorations.

Option B: Casual Dance: The dance will feature casual clothing, a DJ, and fun activities.

21. Company Retreat Survey

Your company is organizing a retreat and is choosing between a team-building workshop or a relaxation retreat. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Team-Building Workshop: The workshop will include activities and exercises to improve teamwork and collaboration.

Option B: Relaxation Retreat: The retreat will offer spa services, yoga sessions, and relaxation activities.

22. Community Festival Survey

Your town is planning a festival and is deciding between a music festival or a food festival. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Music Festival: The festival will feature live performances by various bands and musicians.

Option B: Food Festival: The festival will offer a variety of food stalls and cooking demonstrations.

23. School Club Survey

Your school is considering starting either a debate club or an environmental club. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Debate Club: The club will focus on developing public speaking and critical thinking skills through debates.

Option B: Environmental Club: The club will promote sustainability and environmental awareness through projects and activities.

24. Office Event Survey

Your office is planning an event and needs to decide between a holiday party or a team-building day. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: Holiday Party: The party will include festive decorations, food, and entertainment.

Option B: Team-Building Day: The day will feature activities and games designed to strengthen team bonds.

25. Fitness Challenge Survey

Your local community center is planning a fitness challenge and is choosing between a 5K run or a cycling event. Choose between options A and B. Why do you prefer your option? Explain the reasons for your choice, and write about 150-200 words.

Option A: 5K Run: The event will involve a 5-kilometer run through the local area with prizes for top finishers.

Option B: Cycling Event: The event will feature a scenic cycling route with checkpoints and refreshments along the way.

Mastering the hardest CELPIP writing questions requires practice, strategy, and a clear understanding of what the examiners are looking for. By familiarizing yourself with these challenging tasks and applying the tips and techniques discussed in this blog, you’ll be better prepared to achieve a high score on your CELPIP writing test. Remember, consistent practice and seeking feedback on your writing can make a significant difference in your performance. Stay focused, keep improving, and you’ll find yourself well-equipped to meet the demands of the CELPIP writing section. Good luck!
