Tips/Tricks: CELPIP READING PART 4: The Hardest Part!

Struggling with CELPIP Reading Part 4? Discover practical tips, key strategies, and examples to ace this challenging section. Results guaranteed or money back!

Mastering CELPIP Reading Part 4: Strategies for Success

CELPIP Reading Part 4 is often regarded as one of the most challenging sections of the CELPIP exam. If you’re preparing for CELPIP, it’s crucial to dedicate ample time and effort to mastering this section. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the strategies that can help you excel in CELPIP Reading Part 4, ensuring you achieve the score you need.

Understanding CELPIP Reading Part 4

The CELPIP Reading test is divided into four parts, with each part increasing in difficulty. Part 1 is the easiest, and Part 4 is the hardest. This section often determines your overall reading score, making it vital to perform well here. Part 4 typically presents a debate or argument between two or more individuals, organizations, or entities. Understanding the structure and key components of these debates is essential for answering the questions accurately.


In a typical Part 4 passage, you might find an argument between Karen Lopez and Samuel Davis, with both presenting opposing viewpoints on remote work.

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Key Strategy 1: Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is a crucial skill for tackling CELPIP Reading Part 4. The passages are often complex, with difficult vocabulary and scattered information. To effectively answer the questions, you must be able to rephrase the content in simpler terms.

How to Paraphrase:

  1. Read and Understand: Read the passage quickly to get the gist of the content.
  2. Simplify: Break down the sentences into simpler ideas in your own words.
  3. Identify Key Points: Focus on the main arguments of each individual or entity.


Karen Lopez, an HR manager, advocates for remote work, highlighting its benefits such as reduced commute time, increased productivity, and fewer office distractions. In contrast, Samuel Davis, a business consultant, raises concerns about the lack of supervision, isolation, and potential burnout associated with remote work.

Key Strategy 2: Identifying Tone and Perspective

Understanding the tone and perspective of the speakers in the passage is crucial. This helps in answering questions related to their viewpoints and attitudes.

How to Identify Tone and Perspective:

  1. Read Between the Lines: Look for words that indicate the speaker’s emotions and attitudes.
  2. Summarize Views: Summarize each speaker’s views in simple terms.


Karen Lopez’s perspective is positive, emphasizing the flexibility and productivity benefits of remote work. Samuel Davis, on the other hand, has a more cautious tone, pointing out the potential downsides like isolation and decreased job satisfaction.

Key Strategy 3: Using the Process of Elimination

The process of elimination can be a powerful tool when you are unsure about the correct answer. Often, you will encounter questions with one clearly correct option among several incorrect ones.

How to Use the Process of Elimination:

  1. Identify Keywords: Focus on keywords in the question and passage.
  2. Eliminate Incorrect Options: Rule out options that do not align with the passage’s content.
  3. Choose the Best Fit: Select the option that best matches the main idea or tone of the passage.


If a question asks about Samuel Davis’s perspective, and the options are overly optimistic, balanced and cautious, completely against remote work, and indifferent, you can eliminate “overly optimistic” and “completely against remote work” based on his balanced critique of remote work. The correct answer would be “balanced and cautious.”

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Practical Application of Strategies

Sample Question Analysis

Question: How would you define Mr. Davis’s perspective on remote work?

  • A) Overly optimistic
  • B) Balanced and cautious
  • C) Completely against remote work
  • D) Indifferent

Answer: B) Balanced and cautious

Explanation: Mr. Davis acknowledges the benefits of remote work but also highlights significant challenges, making his view balanced and cautious.

Sample Passage Breakdown

Let’s consider a sample passage about remote work:

Passage: Karen Lopez, an HR manager, argues that remote work offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing employees to manage their personal and professional lives better. It reduces commute time, enhancing overall productivity and well-being. In contrast, Samuel Davis, a business consultant, raises concerns about the lack of direct supervision, which he believes can lead to decreased productivity and a sense of isolation. He also mentions that the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life can result in burnout and decreased job satisfaction.

Simplified Breakdown:

  • Karen Lopez: Advocates for remote work due to flexibility, productivity, and well-being.
  • Samuel Davis: Highlights challenges such as lack of supervision, isolation, burnout, and decreased job satisfaction.

Example Questions:

  1. What is one of Ms. Lopez’s main arguments?
    • A) Remote work decreases job satisfaction.
    • B) Remote work offers unparalleled flexibility.
    • C) Remote work hinders collaboration.
    • D) Remote work increases commute time.

    Answer: B) Remote work offers unparalleled flexibility.

    Explanation: Ms. Lopez focuses on the benefits of flexibility that remote work provides.

  2. What is the main concern raised by Mr. Davis?
    • A) Increased commute time
    • B) Lack of direct supervision
    • C) Enhanced well-being
    • D) Personalized work environment

    Answer: B) Lack of direct supervision

    Explanation: Mr. Davis is primarily concerned about the lack of direct supervision leading to decreased productivity.

Additional Tips for CELPIP Reading Part 4 (next part)

Understanding Comments and Questions

In Part 4, you will also encounter comments from individuals reacting to the debate. This will happen after the initial 5-6 multiple-choice questions are done. After that, you will get a paragraph that will have the views of someone who had read the given article (in part 4), and would now comment on what was written. They will state which opinion they support and why. About 5-6 questions will be embedded within their statements.

KEY STRATEGY: The first sentence of these comments often sets the tone for the entire response.


A comment might start with, “It’s interesting to see how Ms. Lopez highlights the benefits of remote work, particularly in terms of employee flexibility.” This indicates the commenter agrees with Ms. Lopez and will likely support her arguments throughout their comment.

Question Strategy:

For questions related to these comments, focus on the first sentence to understand the commenter’s stance, which will guide you in answering the related questions correctly.


Mastering CELPIP Reading Part 4 requires strategic preparation and practice. By paraphrasing, identifying tone and perspective, and using the process of elimination, you can tackle this challenging section with confidence. Remember, consistent practice and understanding the underlying arguments in the passages are key to success.

For more detailed tips and practice materials, check out our comprehensive CELPIP course, which guarantees results or your money back. Additionally, explore our free CELPIP videos and advice to further enhance your preparation.

With these strategies, you will be well-equipped to excel in CELPIP Reading Part 4 and achieve your desired score. Happy studying!


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