5 Hard CELPIP Reading Tests

Take a look at THESE challenging reading practice exams for the CELPIP, which includes parts 1 through 4. Are you able to get a 12?

CELPIP Hard Reading Practice Tests (With Answers):

Check out these extremely difficult CELPIP READING PRACTICE TESTS by HZad Education. The answers are included! How will you fare against this challenging CELPIP reading mock test? Let’s find out!


10 minutes: 

Martin Gavin 

175 Pitkin Park Road 

Apt. No. 15 

Montpelier, VT 


Dear Martin: 

Re: Parking Garage Problem 

Please regard this as a letter of apology for the recent problems that I caused you by moving your belongings in the parking garage without your permission. 

Believe me, I had no intention of causing you any issues. Over the long weekend, I decided to rearrange my space in the garage and install some new shelving on the front wall opposite my parking space. While I was at it, I thought I would also tidy up the entire garage. It was during that process that I noticed that your boxes of books were stored, what I thought was, dangerously close to the electric heating element. So, I took the liberty of moving those boxes to the other side of the garage. It didn’t occur to me at the time that this would block the entry and exit on the passenger side of your vehicle. 

After you brought this to my attention Monday evening, I  immediately moved your boxes back to where they were stored originally. As you suggested, by stacking them carefully I was able to place them so that there was sufficient safe clearance from the heating element. I trust you will find everything in order now. 


A thousand apologies for not checking with you first before moving your belongings. I can now see how it would have upset you to return after the holiday weekend and find your belongings moved for no apparent reason. All I can say is that it won’t happen again. 


Jeff Gibson 



  1. What is Jeff’s and Martin’s relationship? 
  • friends 
  • formal contacts 
  • neighbours 
  • family 


  • 2. Why was Jeff organizing everything? 
  • he had some free time on his hands 
  • everything looked messy 
  • he didn’t want the area to be dangerous 
  • he wanted a safe clearance 


  • 3. How would you describe Jeff’s attitude? 
  • friendly 
  • apologetic 
  • straightforward 
  • timid 


  • 4. What possession of Martin was moved? 
  • heating element 
  • shelving 
  • belongings
  • boxes 


  • 5. What was another worry of Jeff? 
  • stacking height of the boxes 
  • if Martin would accept his apology 
  • an unclean garage 
  • Martin’s other family members 


  • 6. How does Jeff finish his letter? 
  • by blaming himself 
  • by asking for another chance 
  • by reflecting on the situation 
  • by offering compensation 


Have a look at the below response letter from Martin to Jeff and answer the following multiple-choice questions:  


Hi Jeff, 

Thank you for taking out the time to explain everything. Although  I was 7. (okay about it/upset at first/indifferent to the situation/ concerned about my missing items), I later realized you were just trying to help. After 8. (the long weekend/the long drive/tiring drive home/rainy weather), I just didn’t want any surprises and  Sarah was a little upset when she 9. (couldn’t get out of the car/ lost her stuff/had to search through the boxes/was so close to the heating element). Also, when I came back 10. (on Sunday/the  other day/two weeks ago/on Monday), I noticed the 11. (stacked boxes/books/new shelves/the other side of the garage). The new look is very good.

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8 minutes: 

Dear Students, 

Have a look at the letter format above. The first thing you will notice from my email today is that the letter in question is 1. (a detailed one/a friendly one/an informal one/a knowledgeable one).  

As you can notice, from the first few instructions, the 2. (punctuation/signoff/margin line/ practice of leaving lines) is not what many think it is. To further this point, I will also add that you may avoid wasting unnecessary time by 3. (keeping it structured/using less lines/avoiding needless commas/writing fewer paragraphs).  

It’s easy to tell that Clint writes 4. (with way too many details/a near perfect letter/with too much emotion/to his Granny often). He also has a technique where he communicates his thoughts by writing the whole thing with a structure that breaks down the details into 5. (four/ two/seven/three) main parts. 

I would need you all to do your research and check similar letter formats. The last exam was very disappointing and I don’t want us to go over this for more than an hour in class, so please take this assignment as homework. I will ask you your opinions on this exercise tomorrow.






  • 6. Mike… 
  • sets class expectations clearly at the beginning 
  • is very detailed in his explanations 
  • went over the letter fairly quickly 
  • expects way too much from his class 


  • 7. What does the teacher think of this letter? 
  • the best version to use 
  • flawed 
  • he wants the class to not write like this 
  • impressive 


  • 8. What can we conclude about the students from this letter? 
  • they are lazy 
  • they cannot live up to Mike’s standards 
  • they always fail 
  • they feel pressured 


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10 minutes: 

A. Magnets are easy to use, safe, and amusing. Two magnets snap together and can stick like glue. Certain objects push  or pull on things because they are magnetic. Magnetism is  another property of some kinds of matter. A magnet has a  north and south pole. The north pole of a magnet will  attract the south pole of a magnet. The north pole of a  magnet will resist the north pole of a magnet, and the  south pole will also resist the south pole. In short, the same poles repel, and opposite poles attract.

B. Two different kinds of permanent magnets are called bar magnets and horse show magnets. The area surrounding  a magnet is called its magnetic field. The magnetic field of  a magnet is an invisible field which is created by its  magnetism. To ancient people, magnetism probably  seemed like magic. The force for magnets to attract or  repel each other or to attract other objects is caused by  moving electrons. 

C. The Earth also contains magnetic materials and behaves like a gigantic magnet. The north pole of a magnet will  point approximately to the Earth’s North Pole and south pole of a magnet to the Earth’s South Pole. A compass  has a magnetic tip on the needle which points towards the  North Pole. Compasses are used to help people prevent  getting lost such as hikers or captains on a ship,   especially many years ago when there was no GPS or  maps to help guide them. A magnet may also be used to  convert an unmagnetized piece of magnetic material, such  as an iron nail, into a magnet. This is done by rubbing it  with the magnet. This is called magnetization. Magnets  made this way are called temporary magnets because  they eventually lose their magnetism.

D. Another method in creating a temporary magnet is by using electricity. This can be done by wrapping an iron nail  with a coil of wire. By passing electricity through the coil of  wire the iron nail will become a temporary magnet or an  electromagnet. The strength of the electromagnet  depends on the size of the electric current and the number  of times the coil is wrapped around the nail. If the electricity stops flowing through the coil the nail will no  longer be magnetic. There are many uses for permanent  magnets and temporary magnets like an electromagnet.  Electric appliances with electric motors use magnets to  turn electricity into motion. Other examples include  electric toothbrushes, fans, lawnmowers, and anything  else containing a motor. Magnets are used to hold doors  closed, such as in refrigerators, kitchen cabinets and others. Magnets are also used to read and write data on a  computer’s hard drive or on old-fashioned cassette tapes.  There are more magnets in headphones and stereo  speakers which help to turn stored music back into the  sounds you can hear. 

Now read the following statements and match the paragraphs where the information in each statement is provided. Write E  against the statements that were not discussed in any paragraph. 
  1. Applications of temporary magnets. ______ 
  2. The reason why compasses work. ______ 
  3. Conflicting qualities of the poles. ______ 
  4. Correlation between size and output. ______ 
  5. A knot in the coil stops electrical flow. ______ 
  6. Unseen forces. ______ 
  7. One pole attracts more than the other. ______ 
  8. Changes in the property of an element. ______ 
  9. The magnetic field theory is the most important concept about magnetism. ______ 



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12 minutes:  

Jack Moore is a unique 18-year-old. He is quite different from the rest of his generation due to his intense dislike towards music. Music, he believes, is a very baseless and meaningless concept where people just react to some noise. They would either sing along or dance along to a melody which at its core is a combination of very basic sounds made by the vibrations of strings or connection of matter. There is nothing more to it. It does not provide any value like a good or service usually provides. It is, in fact, the most random thing on the planet that has the most non-random impact. To elaborate further on the latter, he talks about how the music industry is a multi-billion dollar empire in North America and probably worth trillions when the worldwide influence is taken into account. “Then this word triggers me more, A.K.A. ‘influence’. It is poison. Especially for our generation, it can cloud the youth’s judgement. You often see the passed-out teenagers on dance floors as well as the metalheads who insist on looking anything but normal when under the trance of music,” he boldly asserts. 

Ian Nelson, 67, a senior by quite a margin, goes in a completely  opposite argument, even though you would think the contrary.  For him, he misses how music rejuvenated him during his youth through motivation, and provided for him when he was down. “As a teenager, I used to suffer with a lot of depression along with mental and psychological struggles, just like any normal teenager. Music was always the light at the end of the tunnel for me, lifting me up in my spirits and helping me go through hard times. What’s interesting about Jack’s arguments is that he also mentioned possibly the biggest benefit of music and that is towards the economic area where it creates jobs for millions of people while creating some really lucky superstars who measure their worth in billions now, all thanks to music. It is after all a service that does provide value. Entertainment is value and cannot be overlooked. If you think of what music does to a dance floor or how it makes even the weakest presentations or business advertisements into something that captivates people’s attention and makes them listen, it becomes a force to reckon with. It also is used to compliment a lot of things like movies, occasions such as marriages or funerals, memory albums, and so much more. If this were not a needed service then so wouldn’t be many things like movies or massages or even decorating houses. We can live without all those things too. The point is that somethings just make us happier as human beings even if they have a very little impact or ‘appear’ to provide no meaning”. 


  • 1. To what extent is Jack against music? 
  • Not at all 
  • To some extent 
  • To a great extent 
  • He is indifferent 


  • 2. Jack and Ian… 
  • have different opinions due to their ages 
  • are pessimistic and optimistic people respectively
  • cannot agree on a single point 
  • both comment on the randomness of music 


  • 3. Ian Nelson… 
  • is aware of youth issues 
  • enjoys music with something else 
  • calls music a need 
  • exaggerates by saying music lights up a tunnel 


  • 4. Against which group was sarcasm used? 
  • teenagers 
  • Americans 
  • nightclub’s customers 
  • metalheads 


  • 5. According to Ian, which of the following is NOT an impact of music?
  • financial 
  • social 
  • political 
  • psychological 

Now read the following comment made by a visitor to the article above, and answer the multiple choice questions. 

Wow, Ian completely won this argument just by explaining the various 6. (uses of music/job opportunities/movies/social factors)  as well as his 7. (childhood story/life story/memory albums/ career advantages) which makes it all the more real for him. He’s also correct about how it assists people in 8 (cheap advertising/ clout chasing/office meetings/job hunting). It is kind of awkward when he compares music to 9. (similar areas/entertaining services/random things/questionable areas) like movies or massages but I see where he’s going with this. What’s ironic is that Jack complains about how music does not provide value but then goes on to talk about how metalheads and people in nightclubs enjoy it so much. I think Jack needs to 10. (be more open-minded/loosen up a bit more/be less aggressive/be a music lover).


CELPIP Reading Practice Test – Answers:


Part 1:  

  1. neighbours: they have a shared parking space and they are talking very formally.  Option B is a close one but the formal factor combined with them living in the same place makes Option C a better choice. 
  2. he had some free time on his hands: he mentioned doing this over the long weekend. 
  3. apologetic: he repeatedly apologized throughout this letter. 
  4. boxes: Don’t let the ‘belongings’ option confuse you. It wouldn’t make sense since possessions and belongings mean the same thing. 
  5. Martin’s other family members: He was concerned about the passenger side of  Martin’s car opening. 
  6. by reflecting on the situation: The last paragraph mentioned: “I can now see how it would have upset you to return after the holiday weekend”. 
  7. upset at first. The sentence changes to a positive tone so it must have started with something negative. Also, Martin could not be concerned about ‘missing items’  since things were just moved and nothing was really missing. 
  8. tiring drive home. From the tone of the letter, this could be the reason that Martin just wanted to relax. 
  9. couldn’t get out of the car. This was because Jeff had blocked the passenger side. 10. on Monday. This was mentioned in the initial letter.  
  10. new shelves. Jeff mentioned that he was installing new shelves over the weekend. 

Part 2:  

  1. an informal one (the sentence was referring to the subject of the email by mentioning “you will notice from my email today”. The subject of the email was “Informal letter format”). 2. punctuation (the box on the top-right mentions “contrary to popular opinion”, you don’t really need punctuations in the address field). 
  2. avoiding needless commas (the top-left box mentions that commas in such places are optional. If you avoid them, you can save some time). 
  3. a near-perfect letter (this letter is being used as a sample to teach students which makes it a near-perfect example). 
  4. three (intro/bodies/conclusion). 
  5. went over the letter fairly quickly (this can be tricky since each option is very subjective.  However, given the amount of details in the letter compared with the few sentences Mike used to explain it will make option 3 the best answer).
  6. impressive (he used this as a sample and admired how pointed to how Clint structured it nicely. It is not the best version to use since he asked the class to find other samples similar to this). 
  7. they cannot live up to Mike’s standards (all options look close but we can use elimination here. Option 1 and 4 are incorrect since we don’t know what the students’ personalities are. They might be enjoying the class and they maybe hardworking while the last exam might just have been a tough one. Option 3 is not correct since the information provided just refers to a bad last exam. We don’t know if they ‘always’ fail.) 

Part 3:  

  1. D: There are many uses for permanent magnets and temporary magnets like an electromagnet.  
  2. C: A compass has a magnetic tip on the needle which points towards the North Pole. 3. A: The north pole of a magnet will attract the south pole of a magnet. The north pole of a magnet will resist the north pole of a magnet, and the south pole will also resist the south pole. In short, the same poles repel, and opposite poles attract. 
  3. D. The strength of the electromagnet depends on the size of the electric current and the number of times the coil is wrapped around the nail. 
  4. E. 
  5. B. The magnetic field of a magnet is an invisible field that is created by its magnetism. 7. E. 
  6. C. A magnet may also be used to convert an unmagnetized piece of magnetic material,  such as an iron nail, into a magnet. This is done by rubbing it with the magnet. This is called magnetization. 
  7. E. 

Part 4:  

  1. To a great extent. They used the words ‘intense dislike’ in the first paragraph. 2. cannot agree on a single point. Option B would be incorrect since we don’t know if their personalities are like that. 
  2. is aware of youth issues. While talking about his own past teenage issues, he referred to other teenagers by saying ‘just like any normal teenager”. This shows he is mindful of the troubles for the youth. 
  3. metalheads. Jack mentioned: “as well as the metalheads who insist on looking anything but  normal when under the trance of music” 
  4. political. Nothing about music and politics was mentioned. 
  5. uses of music. While other answers may also be correct, the first one incorporates all of them. 
  6. childhood story. He talked about how music lifted him from depression when he was young. 
  7. office meetings. He mentioned how music makes presentations better. 9. random things. There was no relation between music, movies, and massages. 10. loosen up a bit more. From the tone of the sentence, this is the best choice.





CELPIP Hard Reading Practice Tests

#2 (With Answers)

Check out this extremely difficult CELPIP READING PRACTICE TEST 2 by HZad Education. The answers are included! How will you fare against this challenging CELPIP reading mock test? Let’s find out!


Also, this is part 2 of the reading practice test. For more CELPIP reading practice tests, subscribe to our blog.




10 minutes: 

Dear Friends,  

As a number of you already know, I have recently accepted a  position with another company and will be leaving at the end of  this week. Please consider this to be my sincere goodbye to  each and every one of you. 

I want you all to know that I am truly leaving here with mixed  feelings; happy about my new career opportunity, but sad to be  leaving such a great company where I have so many wonderful  friends and colleagues. The last three years as a member of the  SysTek team was the best period of my career so far. Whether it  was me teaching you guys how to be creative while juggling  multiple big projects at once, or you all teaching me how to take  things more lightly, it was always a memorable experience. I  learned a great deal and worked with many people with whom I  am sure I will remain friends for a long time. I can only wish that  my new job will give me such rewarding experiences and  supportive friends though I seriously doubt that! Not only is the  social nature of our work something I hold dearly, it is also the  tons of career-related knowledge and experience that I have  gained which will enable me to shine in my future endeavours. 

Thank you so much for making my time at SysTek a truly  enjoyable one. I invite any of you who would like to keep in  touch, to speak to me before I leave on Friday and I will be happy  to give you my new phone and email address. 

My very best wishes for the future go out to each and every one  of you. 

 Yours sincerely, 

Jason Hurley 


1. Jason Hurley is sending the letter to his…. 






2. The purpose of the letter is…

for his boss to know that he has resigned 

for his colleagues to know that he has resigned C. to inform his clients that he has resigned 

to inform his workers that he has resigned 

3. Jason sincerely hopes that his new job will give… 

Executive position  

More financial support

Meaningful experiences 

New career opportunities 


4, Which of the people Jason Hurley would like to invite?

Every one of his directors

All of his colleagues 

His coordinator 

His team members 


5. What was the best period of Jason Hurley’s career?

The relationships 

When he wrote this letter 

When he received the new position 

Being a team member   


Dear Jason, 

We just want to say congratulations for accepting a new job. We  couldn’t be more 6.) (flushed / proud / concave / curious) to see  your success come into fruition. We remember the last 7.) (project / position / community enterprise / team conference). We  did a great job working as a SysTek team. You had better  experience to tackle any 8.) (conflict / difficult task / massive  projects / new experiences) with your multi-tasking 9.) (knowledge / skills / talent / intention). We hope you will receive  great experiences at your new workplace!  

Thank you so much for being a part of the SysTek team. We  would like to talk to you before 10.) you leave (tomorrow / the  end of your shift today / the SysTek’s official termination / the day  last of the week).  


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I hope you are having an amazing day! Sales numbers have been showing promising signs, especially lately, and I am looking forward to briefing you about them on Monday. For now, I have compiled a brief summary for your  personal cell phone options as you requested. 

If you are looking for a good height, look no further than 1.) (Sang, Click,  Cloro, I6) since even the width is quite significant. However, if you feel that the colour choices are 2.) (a lot/limited/white/different), go for 3.) (Sang,  Click, Cloro, I6). 

If you ask me, I particularly found Cloro to be most interesting since it stands out from others on 4.) (loudspeaker and noise cancellation/design/ width and colour/height and colour). One last thought I wanted to share is  that you can look at further model options when it comes to 5.) (I6/Sang/ Click/Mega X). 

That’s all I could muster up given the tight deadline, but was it what you had expected? Being a novice at this, I hope I have done my best to  satisfy your requirements. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Paul Jones 

6. Paul… 

deeply admires Scott 

is a nervous person 

wants to do his best 

explains way too much 


7. The cell phone project… 

is a non-business matter 

needs to be done if Paul wants to keep his job 

is crucial to the business 

hard to research on 


8. What kind of a business person do you think Mr.  Hernandez is?

 a strict one

a successful one 

a thorough one 

a bad one 


CELPIP READING PRACTICE TEST 2:  Part 3: Reading for Information 

Read the following passage. 

A. There are different types of storms which can occur anywhere in the world are thunderstorms, tornadoes, and   Each of these thunderstorms can become  strong enough to cause severe damage, property loss, or  worse. The first type is the thunderstorm, which is the  most common kind of storm. Thunderstorms can produce  lightning, thunder, rain, sleet, hail, or even snow. Thunderstorms form in clouds called thunderheads or  cumulonimbus clouds where the storms cause lightning.  The lightning in turn heats the air and causes a noise  called thunder. Most thunderstorms have heavy rain and  high winds. Thunderstorms can occur anywhere in the  world.

B. A second type of storm which is spun off of violent thunderstorms is called a tornado. A tornado is a powerful  spinning wind that moves across the ground in a narrow  path. These form when the Earth’s surface is very warm  and the warm air rises and gets very strong. This can lead  to a tornado. The air rushes in from all sides at very high  speeds, and the air curves into a spin. As the tornado gets  stronger, a funnel will form and in most cases it will  eventually touch the ground. In the center of a tornado the wind speeds can reach about 300 miles per hour. The  speed inside the funnel, though, is not the same speed at  which the tornado moves across the ground. The tornado  moves at different speeds and may change directions.  Everything in the path of a tornado can be destroyed.  Most tornadoes in the United States take place in the  Midwest and in the South during the early spring or  summer. When a tornado forms over water it is called  a waterspout.

C. The final type of storm is a hurricane. Hurricanes are very large swirling storms with very low pressure at their center  that form over warm tropical oceans near the equator.  Hurricanes create a large number of thunderstorms while  they are moving across the water and when heading  towards landfall. Some hurricanes may also produce  tornadoes as they move closer to land. In addition, they  cause high waves and widespread flooding in coastal  areas. 

D. The weather in the eye of a hurricane is usually calm. The eye of a hurricane can be anywhere from 2 to 200 miles in  diameter. When a hurricane arrives on land, they begin to  lose some of their strength but are still very dangerous and  can cause serious damage to property and may cause the  loss of life. The wind flow of hurricanes above the equator  is clockwise, but the wind flow for hurricanes below the  equator are counter-clockwise. Hurricanes may also be  called or referred to as tropical storms, cyclones, or  typhoons.

E. Not Given



  1. This type of storm is also called typhoons. _______
  2. A violent storm that can wreak havoc to livestocks and/ or houses and usually occurs after hitting 40 degree celsius in temperature ________.
  3. This type of storm can look less scary but can actually be dangerous _________.
  4. This storm typically occurs around the middle of the planet _________.
  5.  The most common type of storm that occurs here and there ______.
  6. This type gradually starts from the ground swooping up creating a swirly motion in the air _____.
  7. Usually moves unpredictably – it can slow down or move into different directions _______.
  8. This storm can also produce tornado like as it gets closer to the ground ______.
  9. This storm can form differently and produce rain or snow ______. 10. This storm usually forms just below the clouds ________. 


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12 minutes:  

Burt Clark is fed up of dropping his wife to the shopping mall twice a week  and sometimes thrice. He doesn’t get the glamour of shopping. He says  that the only positive about shopping is when friends hang out and think of  it as a socialization opportunity. He asserts, “we are in dearth of that and  anything that can push you positively in communication is more than  welcome. However, when was the last time we thought of shopping as a  means to engage in social opportunities? Shopping means one thing and  that is wasting money on things that are not needed. When you go to a  shopping mall, you are bombarded with products that you have no need  for. If you did, you would’ve gone out with the intention to buy those  instead of figuring it out as you go based on shop displays. It also  becomes a mindset that when you enter a shopping mall, you should be  carrying multiple bags and that walking out with just one might put you  behind the competition with other shoppers. This is not made any better  by the smart cashiers who will give you a giant bag at the entrance just so  you would feel the obligation of filling it up. I also think it’s mostly aimed at  poor people. We have something to prove and a shopping spree is our  redemption. When you have money, you stop having the thirst for luxuries  since you know you can afford them. Finally, what’s more important than  money? Time. How many hours do you waste just aimlessly wandering in  shops thinking that you will end up with a useful purchase that will change  your life, but again, when has that ever happened?” 

Sandra Taylor, an avid shopper on the other hand, firstly admires Burt  based on his unbiased opinion on socialization opportunities. “You’d be  surprised just how much shopping malls assist in that department”, she  says. She does take offence to how Burt discards the idea of shopping  malls actually being a source of changing lives. “Let’s just take the  example of clothes”, she says. “When we buy newer clothes, it changes  our personalities and that in turn changes our activities as well as results  that we produce. The same can be said for accessories that we buy either  for ourselves, our house or our cars, etc. These little purchases create  bigger impacts on our personalities as we are surrounded by our goods  bought, and if you buy the right stuff, you can get your life on the right  track. Plus, why not engage in our natural instincts? Purchasing stuff, as 


long as it’s not borderline hoarding, can bring mental joy, especially to  women, and if so, I say let them have it. There are already too many  difficulties in this world. If shopping can let us take a break from them, let’s  be optimistic and encourage that”. 


1. According to Burt…

shopping is only for the rich

shopping is a trap for the poor

all cashiers are very smart

shopping has zero benefits

2. Ms. Clark…

shops at least 8 times a month

is an optimist

believes in socialization via shopping

is against hoarding


3. What was Sandra hurt about?

Burt’s misunderstanding about the impact of shopping

Burt disparaging women

Burt stereotyping cashiers

Burt’s focus on other areas that are far less crucial


4. What is Burt’s view on ‘needs’?

The most important human need is to save time

The need for socialization is constantly under threat

If you really need something, you will intentionally go out to buy it

The more you buy, the more you need


5. Who claims that shopping can impact moods?




Nobody said that


Here is a comment made by a visitor the the  website page. Answer the multiple choice questions  within the comments. 

For me, both of them have ignored the 6. (social/mental/physical/ economic) benefits of shopping when you are walking the whole time with  or without friends. Among the two, I would rather side with Burt. I am one  of the husbands who sits with other husband as the wife shops 7. (non stop/multiple times per week/monthly/for hours). From my personal  experience, yes, 8. (personality changes/needless purchases/ communication training/socialization) is/are never on the table. It is rather  the 9. (important buys/branded items/fashionable clothes/needless  purchases) that provide the poor an impression of 10. (feeling happy/being  on top/keeping ahead of the competition/hoarding) while the reality is far  from that. What Sandra is saying looks good in theory but in reality, I’ve  never bought a shirt and felt like a different person by wearing it. Your  personality isn’t dictated by what you purchase. It doesn’t make sense to  me.


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CELPIP Reading Practice Test – Answers:


Part 1:  

  1. Correct B – Colleagues – They are in a company setting. 
  2. Correct B – For his colleagues to know that he has resigned. Apparent from the first paragraph. 
  3. Correct C – Meaningful experiences. He  mentioned: “I can only wish that my new job will  give me such rewarding experiences and  supportive friends though I seriously doubt that!” 
  4. Correct B – All of his colleagues. He didn’t single out anyone as he referred to ‘any of you’. 
  5. Correct A – The relationships. We can tell this from his emotional second paragraph. 
  6. Proud. Apparent from the tone. 
  7. Project. Since they are talking about working as a team in the next sentence, this option should reflect some work they did. 
  8. Massive projects. He mentioned: “Whether it was  me teaching you guys how to be creative while  juggling multiple big projects at once, or you all teaching me how to take things more lightly, it  was always a memorable experience.”
  1. Skills. Same as the previous explanation.
  2. 10. The last day of the week, [AKA. Friday] 

Part 2: 

1) Click (Sang and Click have the top heights. With the mention of a better width, Click will be the right option). 

2) limited (Sang has more options than Click and we are still following up from the previous sentence where  Sang and Click were the best options based on their heights). 

3) Sang (same explanation as above). 

4) width and colour (its width is the highest and it has the golden colour which others do not). 

5) Click (for noise cancellation, Click mentioned the option of other models which means this phone has multiple variations of models). 

6) wants to do his best (while other options are close, this option would work best due to the final sentence of the email). 

7) is a non-business matter (Paul mentioned that this was about Scott’s ‘personal cell phone options’). 

8) a successful one (Paul mentioned at the start how sales numbers were going up). 

Part 3:  

  1. D – Hurricanes may also be called or referred to as tropical storms, cyclones, or typhoons.
  2. B – A second type of storm which is spun off of violent thunderstorms is called a tornado. A tornado is a powerful spinning wind that moves across the ground  in a narrow path. These form when the Earth’s surface  is very warm and the warm air rises and gets very  strong. 
  3. D – The weather in the eye of a hurricane is usually calm.
  4. C – Hurricanes are very large swirling storms with very low pressure at their centre that form over warm tropical oceans near the equator.  
  5. E.
  6. B – A second type of storm which is spun off of violent thunderstorms is called a tornado. 
  7. B – The speed inside the funnel, though, is not the same speed at which the tornado moves across the ground. The tornado moves at different speeds and  may change directions. 
  8. C – Hurricanes create a large number of thunderstorms while they are moving across the water  and when heading towards landfall.
  1. A – Thunderstorms can produce lightning, thunder, rain, sleet, hail, or even snow. Thunderstorms form in clouds called thunderheads or cumulonimbus clouds  where the storms cause lightning.  
  2. E.

Part 4:  

  1. CORRECT: B: shopping is a trap for the poor. He mentions how shopping malls play with the poor making them feel like they have something to prove. 
  2. CORRECT: A: shops at least 8 times a month. The first sentence mentioned: “Burt Clark is fed up of dropping his wife to the shopping mall twice a week and  sometimes thrice.” 
  3. CORRECT: Burt’s misunderstanding about the impact of shopping. The passage mentioned: “She does take offence to how Burt discards the idea of shopping malls actually being a source of changing lives.”
  4. 4. CORRECT: C. If you really need something, you will  intentionally go out to buy it. The passage mentioned:  “When you go to a shopping mall, you are bombarded  with products that you have no need for. If you did,  you would’ve gone out with the intention to buy those  instead of figuring it out as you go based on shop  displays.” 
  5. CORRECT: C. Sandra. She mentioned how new clothes and similar purchases change how we feel about ourselves. 
  6. CORRECT: physical. He referred to ‘walking’ in the same sentence.
  7. CORRECT: multiple times per week. Burt’s wife shops 2-3 times per week.
  8. CORRECT: socialization. He would agree with Burt that socialization mostly never happens.
  9. CORRECT: needless purchases. Burt called the purchases needless as well.
  10. CORRECT: being on top. Burt said how the poor feel  the pressure of buying more in order to feel they are  better than others.






CELPIP [Tough] Reading Practice Tests

#3 (With Answers)

Check out this extremely difficult CELPIP READING PRACTICE TEST 3 by HZad Education. The answers are included! How will you fare against this challenging CELPIP reading mock test? Let’s find out!


Also, this is part 3 of the reading practice test. For more CELPIP reading practice tests, subscribe to our blog.




Time: 10 minutes

Dear Frank,

All the best to you for the New Year! How are things going in the Land of the Rising Sun? I must say, I really envy you getting that Tokyo gig with the company. Somehow, they overlooked me on that one, and I am forced to slug it out here through another frigid and snowy Montreal winter. Brrrr! I heard through the grapevine that business is going well there. Rumor has it that you guys are just about to close a big deal with the Japanese government for an M-750 Simulator. Great news! Good for the company and good for you. Keep up the great work!

Did you hear about Margie Bronson suddenly leaving the company just before year-end? It was a bit of a shock to say the least. She gave one week’s notice and was gone. Nobody knows for sure what’s up with her, but rumors have been flying fast and furious that she went through a bit of a personal meltdown and has now gone underground to lick her wounds for a while. There could be some truth to that since her long-time relationship ended recently, and three months ago, she was passed over for that director position that was up for grabs. I’ll keep you posted when we find out more, but I am sure your bosses were told about this a few weeks ago.

As for me, I am quite busy these days on the Branscombe Systems Project. We are entering Phase Two now, and that is expected to run for three years, at least. Frank Schindler is Senior Project Manager and I am Team Leader of the Embedded Systems Group. I am enjoying it so far. Whether I’ll feel the same way in three years, I’m not sure. By then, I might be ready to join you in Japan. I’m still kicking butt in the squash court and am managing to get in two or three matches per week. What about squash in Japan? Have you been able to play any over there? Are there even any squash courts? I suppose since you are in Tokyo, there must be some. Let me know.

I have to go now and attend to family duties. Jonathon needs some help with his homework, and Angie wants me to fix something in the kitchen. You single guys traveling the world sure are lucky!

Keep me posted whenever you can. I really enjoy receiving your letters and getting the details of your life in Japan.

Your squash buddy,



  • Who failed to notice Dave?
    • A. Frank
    • B. The Japanese government
    • C. Margie Bronson
    • D. Embedded Systems Group
  • Who is the team leader of the group?
    • A. Frank
    • B. Dave
    • C. Angie
    • D. Jonathon
  • Rumor has it that Margie Bronson has been…
    • A. Fired due to her attitude towards work
    • B. Depressed and had panic attacks at work
    • C. Burnt out and could not work any longer
    • D. Refused to work due to lack of motivation
  • What was the name of the project?
    • A. Branscombe Systol Project
    • B. Branscombe Systems Protect
    • C. Branscombe System Project
    • D. Branscombe Systematic Project
  • How many week’s notice was given by Margie Bronson?
    • A. 1 week
    • B. 2 weeks
    • C. 3 weeks
    • D. 4 weeks
  • Margie Bronson has offered the designation of…
    • A. Director
    • B. Team lead
    • C. Senior Project Manager
    • D. Team lead director
  • What is the relation between Dave and Frank?
    • A. Teammate
    • B. Squash buddies
    • C. Business owners
    • D. Coworkers
Answer the following multiple-choice questions in the response letter:

Dear Dave,

I am glad to hear from you after some time. I know you are not really (7. ecstatic / fond / pleased / dejected) with the company’s decision. Yes, we are going to close a big deal with (8. Branscombe / Squash / the Japanese government / Embedded) for an M-750 simulation. I heard about Margie Bronson abruptly; I did not know the (9. situation / extremity / cause / idea) of her resignation, but (10. a month / 2 weeks / a few months / 6 months) ago, we came to know her relationship was over. That’s good to hear about the new Branscombe system project. I wish you could complete the project within the deadline. I have found a squash court near my home. I go there on Sunday with my new colleagues to play (11. a few games / a few leagues / a few matches / a few rounds).

Yours sincerely,



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Time: 8 minutes

Read the following email about the diagram above and answer the below multiple choice questions within 8 minutes.

Subject: Weekend’s plans
To: Sarah Brown
From: Matt Jones

Hi Sarah,

I know you must be super busy at work and that you probably have an irritating look right now seeing an email from your old man pop up on the screen; at least I hope I am wrong there. But hey, I am still over the moon with the fact that we will be having some quality time together this weekend. Your mom and I thought that since we are a large family and since we prefer something without activity, the 1. (picnic/downtown tour/carnival/park tour) will be most suited to us. I also don’t think the carnival is a good option for your boy since 2. (there is a huge risk with rides/he is 4 years old/you are in the suburbs/it’s dirty).

Since the park has its own issues, can you and Bob bring 3. (a fire extinguisher/park permit/sports equipment/pepper spray)? Compared to the other options, at least the park will 4. (have bus routes/be open 24/7/be safe/need maintenance), and since almost every option presents the 5. (transport/group size/maintenance/weather) issue, I am not even taking that into account.

Stay safe!


6. Matt is Sarah’s…

  • A. old man
  • B. dad
  • C. husband
  • D. relative
  • How would you describe Matt and Sarah’s relationship?
    • A. rocky
    • B. amicable
    • C. stable
    • D. unpleasant
  • Which statement is likely true?
    • A. Matt and Sarah meet occasionally
    • B. Sarah will be excited for the weekend
    • C. Sarah has two kids
    • D. Bob is probably the name of Sarah’s son




Time: 10 minutes

A. Every beverage and other kinds of drinks or food that are eaten have a specific taste to them. There are various foods with sour tastes like buttermilk, lemon juice, orange juice, and certain candies. There is also a second taste that is bitter, leading someone to immediately want to spit it out of their mouth. These sour and bitter tastes are caused by acids and bases. The sour taste, like in orange juice, is tangy and is caused by acids found in drinks or other foods. The word acid itself comes from a Latin word which means sour: acere. There are natural acids in most of the liquids people drink, like orange or lemon juice, meaning they are found in nature. Chemically, acids are molecules that split apart in water releasing hydrogen ions, increasing the number of these ions.

B. On the other hand, bases have a bitter taste, like baking soda, and have a soap-like texture. It will feel soapy if rubbed between the fingers. Both acids and bases were defined in 1887 by a chemist named Svante Arrhenius. Chemically, bases are molecules that split when put in water and release hydroxide ions, but reducing the number of hydrogen ions. Determining whether a substance is an acid or base cannot be done by tasting every liquid in nature. Instead, there is a special type of substance used to discover whether a liquid is acidic or basic in nature. The different substances are known as indicators. The indicators will change color depending on whether the substance is an acid or base. The indicators, such as litmus, turmeric, and China rose, are naturally occurring and are dipped into the liquid to determine its sourness or bitterness.

C. Litmus is the most commonly used natural indicator. Its natural color is purple, but when an acidic solution touches it, it will turn red. If it is dipped into a basic solution, the litmus will turn blue. Litmus is made from organisms called lichens, which come from fungus and alga, and are found in the form of a paper strip or a solution used by chemists and other scientists. A pH scale is used to indicate the number of hydrogen ions in a specific solution. The more hydrogen ions in a liquid, the more acidic the solution. If a solution has more hydroxide ions in it, meaning less hydrogen ions, the liquid would be less acidic and more basic. The pH scale uses a range from 1 to 14, with liquids having a pH value between 0 and 7 as being acidic, with a score of 0 as being the strongest acid. Bases score between 7 and 14, with a liquid having a pH score of 14 being the strongest base. A score of 7 indicates a solution is neutral, meaning the hydrogen and hydroxide ions in the solution are equal, such as water.

D. Acids with a low pH and bases with a high pH are both very reactive and dangerous. They can be corrosive and burn a person’s skin. Acids and bases can be found in nature, such as those located in the leaves, thorns, seeds, or sap of plants. In bodies, the stomach has hydrochloric acid used to digest food and for killing disease-causing germs. The pancreas of the body is basic in nature and also helps with digestion. Acids and bases work together to help keep the body healthy. In addition, acids are used in batteries of cars, and bases are used in household cleaning products and as fertilizers for crops. In summary, solutions are either acidic or basic, and its strength is measured using a pH scale. Acids and bases are used for producing a number of products in society but are also found naturally in plants and inside the human body. Acids and bases can be dangerous depending on their value on a pH scale.

E. Not mentioned above

Choose which paragraph matches the following statements. Answers A to D next to the statements and if the answer is not given, write E.
  • Bases have interesting tastes and bubble-like texture. ________
  • Litmus is manufactured from organisms like lichens. _______
  • Indicators will change colour depending on the nature of the substance, basic or acidic. _______
  • A tool for measuring ions. _______
  • Acere is acid in Latin. _______
  • The release of hydroxide ions. _______
  • Acid and bases work in coordination. _______
  • Bases are present in most of the beverages. ________
  • Bases are not naturally occurred indicators. ________


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Time: 12 minutes

Garrett Rogers, an avid NBA fan for over 15 years, has been decorating his room with posters of ‘the greatest NBA player of all time, AKA the G.O.A.T.’ as he calls him. We are talking about none other than LeBron James. “It’s sad that Bryant and Jordan’s fans are going to have a fit but facts cannot be argued. LeBron just has an overall ‘complete player’ profile.” He then goes on to list some of the many successes that have made LeBron a fan favourite.

Mainly, James is just a better clutch player according to Rogers. In under-pressure and last-minute situations, he is able to use not only amazing athleticism and playmaking skills but also one of the most dominant inside scoring tactics ever known to an NBA player. Moreover, James has true leadership skills. This is probably a point that is not arguable at all. There is a wide consensus that LeBron’s communication skills and motivational methods, as displayed in many games, is something that lifts up every team member around him. We have noticed this all the more since he joined the Lakers in July 2018 as the team has been on an upwards trajectory ever since. This is nothing new. Taking Cleveland Cavaliers to four playoffs in his first four years was another display of how LeBron has a gift of lifting up everyone around him. He is also full of humour which helps. “Kobe on the other hand, is a very selfish player who doesn’t really take this as a team sport”, says Garrett. He further states that while Kobe has five rings compared to LeBron’s three, the latter has his name written all over those championships. In all these instances, James was the most dominant player while Kobe had support from top teammates like Shaq and Pau Gasol.

Todd Carter, a renowned sports critic, completely blasts Garrett on his point about James being versatile. “Yes, he can have a lot of explosive power when he is charging at you. I don’t think Kobe was that scary when he ran towards you but Kobe Bryant had better instincts on-court; he was a better defender and a better finisher. He could come from multiple directions and pull off unexpected moves which kept his opponents second guessing”. Likewise, Kobe is a special player who has fought on occasions with a broken ankle and a damaged index finger. He used to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to hit the gym while his teammates would either be out partying or sleeping. He was just a different animal in his approach to the game. Lastly, Kobe simply outshined LeBron in defense. While James was named 6 times in NBA All-Defensive team, Bryant was listed there 12 times. His counters and understanding where the opponent will move, made him an impeccable defender. Todd claims this skill is where James is light years behind and no amount of his superior athleticism can make up for the weak defense.

  • Which of the following claims are arguable?
    • a. Bryant was a better defender
    • b. James was a good leader
    • c. LeBron had more ferocity when running towards the basket
    • d. LeBron was more well-rounded
  • On which point do Todd and Garrett probably agree?
    • a. Kobe has more awards
    • b. LeBron is more energetic
    • c. Kobe is more selfish
    • d. LeBron is more dependent on his teammates
  • Which of the following is true about Garrett?
    • a. He is concerned about other people’s opinions
    • b. He can be called a ‘LeBron fanatic’
    • c. He cannot acknowledge any of Kobe’s accomplishments
    • d. He exaggerates too much
  • From your understanding, who had a better work ethic?
    • a. LeBron James
    • b. Todd Carter
    • c. Kobe Bryant
    • d. Pau Gasol
  • Where did LeBron outshine Bryant?
    • a. Defense
    • b. Teamwork
    • c. Instincts
    • d. Inside Scoring


Read the following comments by a website visitor and answer the multiple-choice questions:

While LeBron will no doubt go down in history as one of the greatest, let me list some of Kobe’s attributes that will settle this debate. Garrett referred to James’s 6. (inside scoring/gym routine/complete player profile/successes) but when it came to taking shots far away from the basket, Kobe was in God mode all the time. On top of that, I disagree with Garrett that James 7. (was a great leader/was explosive/was a superior clutch player/was a good playmaker) since Kobe turned into an absolute monster in the final moments of some of the most important games. That combined with Kobe’s 8. (attack/defense/instincts/rings) meant that goals were extremely hard to make against his team. If Kobe and LeBron played one-on-one, LeBron’s 9. (motivation/speed/power/inside scoring) may be too much for Kobe but he can make up for that easily with his 10. (second guessing/defense/offense/approach).

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Answer Key


  • Correct: D – Embedded Systems Group is the company that both Dave and Frank are working for.
  • Correct: B – Dave is the team leader of the group, while Frank Schindler is the Senior Project Manager.
  • Correct: B – Rumors suggest she went through a personal meltdown and has now gone underground.
  • Correct: B – Branscombe Systems Project.
  • Correct: A – Margie only gave one week’s notice.
  • Correct: B – Dave and Frank are coworkers.
  • Correct: Pleased – Dave expressed dissatisfaction with staying through another winter.
  • Correct: The Japanese government – Mentioned in the second paragraph as a big deal closing.
  • Correct: Cause – The reason for Margie’s departure was not widely known.
  • Correct: 2 weeks – Implied that Frank was informed about Margie’s situation around the same time as others.
  • Correct: A few rounds – Referring to playing multiple rounds of squash.



  • Correct: Picnic – Suited for a large family preferring an activity-free option.
  • Correct: He is 4 years old – Age-related restriction for carnival rides.
  • Correct: Pepper spray – Due to safety concerns, likely regarding wildlife.
  • Correct: Be open 24/7 – Implies park’s accessibility compared to other options.
  • Correct: Weather – Considered a universal constraint for the options.
  • Correct: Dad – “Old man” refers to father.
  • Correct: Rocky – Despite making plans, there’s a hint of strained interaction.
  • Correct: Matt and Sarah meet occasionally – Email communication suggests infrequent meetings.



  • Correct: B – Bases have a bitter taste and soap-like texture.
  • Correct: C – Litmus is derived from lichens.
  • Correct: B – Indicators change color to signal acidity or basicity.
  • Correct: C – The pH scale measures hydrogen ion concentration.
  • Correct: A – “Acere” is Latin for sour, related to acids.
  • Correct: B – Acids release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.
  • Correct: D – Acids and bases contribute to bodily health.
  • Correct: E – Not mentioned.
  • Correct: E – Not mentioned.



  • Correct: D – LeBron was described as more well-rounded, with other claims supported by statistics.
  • Correct: B – Both mentioned LeBron’s superior athleticism, suggesting he is more energetic.
  • Correct: A – Concern about fan reactions indicates Garrett cares about others’ opinions.
  • Correct: C – Kobe Bryant’s exceptional dedication to training and playing through injuries highlighted his work ethic.
  • Correct: B – Teamwork is where LeBron, noted for his leadership, excels over Kobe, who was portrayed as more individualistic.
  • Correct: Inside scoring – Garrett compared LeBron’s scoring ability, particularly inside.
  • Correct: Was a superior clutch player – Highlighting LeBron’s performance in crucial game moments.
  • Correct: Defence – Kobe’s defensive skills were emphasized as a standout quality.
  • Correct: Power – Refers to LeBron’s notable strength and athleticism.
  • Correct: Defence – Again, Kobe’s defensive prowess is acknowledged as a significant asset.




CELPIP [Tough] Reading Practice Tests

#4 (With Answers)

Check out this extremely difficult CELPIP READING PRACTICE TEST 4 by HZad Education. The answers are included! How will you fare against this challenging CELPIP reading mock test? Let’s find out!


Also, this is part 4 of the reading practice test. For more CELPIP reading practice tests, subscribe to our blog.



Reading Part 1:

10 minutes:

December 5, 2022

Frank and Joan LeRoy

245 Mansfield Drive

Wiltshire, CT 06897


Dear Frank and Joan,

David’s first birthday is approaching and I wanted to take this opportunity to greet YOU a Happy Birthday as well.

While a child hardly realizes the significance of a first birthday, to the parents it is a wonderfully joyous occasion as they pause and reflect on the events of the past year (and 9 months). I don’t have to tell you, but profound changes have taken place in your life such as lost sleep, sacrifice of personal time, juggling of schedules, etc.

With all of these changes though, it is so wonderful to have and to hold a child created in the image of God Himself. The Bible tells us in Genesis 1:26: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” What an awesome thought! That we are created in the image of God!

He also assures us that He knows our future, and as a matter of fact has it all planned out if we will only follow that plan. Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

It is my hope that as the years pass, you will continue to make the church an important part of David’s life. This will serve to give him a foundation for the storms and trials that no doubt lie ahead.

Again, Happy Birthday to YOU, and if there is anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

In Christ’s Love,

Rev. Arthur Morrissey


Choose the best answer from the given multiple choice questions:

1. David’s parents live in…

A. Wiltshire, Washington

B. Wiltshire church

C. Wiltshire, Connecticut

D. Wilshire, Mansfield


2. Who are the parents of David?

A. Joan and Arthur

B. Frankie and Joan

C. Joan and David

D. Frank and Joan


3. The main motive behind this letter is…

A. Show gratitude towards David’s parents

B. To demonstrate the relevance of the church in David’s life

C. To encourage them to be great parents

D. Greetings for David’s birthday


4. David is turning…

A. 12 months

B. 24 months

C. 18 months

D. 21 months


5. Arthur Morissey demonstrates…

A. Courteous attitude

B. Encouragement towards the parents

C. Hospitality



6. Whose birthday greeting is Arthur referring to?

A. David’s

B. Joan

C. Frank

D. Arthur himself


Have a look at the response letter below and answer the multiple choice questions:

Dear Rev. Arthur Morissey,

We are really thankful to you for giving 7.) (your sincere gratitude / sweet birthday greetings to me/ honest response / encouragement) on David’s 8.) (growth / first birthday/ celebration / party). As 9.) (for the importance of understanding faith and service / for the birthday celebration/ the inspiration / for the foundational growth) of David, we will definitely try to explain 10.) (the vitality of church/ serving/ his christ-like identity/ the importance) of understanding theological bases of his faith which can be beneficial in his future. The 11.) (family in the house / reverence of God / house of prayer / community) is the most important refuge in our life where we get to learn about our identity in faith and it is going to be the same with David as well.

Again, thank you very much for your kind concern.

Joan and Frank

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8 minutes

Detailed CELPIP reading test with answers!

Read the following email about the diagram above and answer the below multiple choice questions within 8 minutes.

Subject: Movie ticket options

To: Reynaldo Cruz

From: Jeremy Munroe


Hi Rey!

How’s it going? Don’t mind answering that; it’s rhetorical! I know you are probably all consumed in excitement like I am! Well I have the details. Going from basic to VIP, everything except 1.) (closeness to the stage/price/safety/ sound quality) increases. However, if you are not afraid to pay more and try your luck the 2.) (golden/red/VIP/basic) ticket is the one to choose i.e. if you don’t prioritize being on national television; for that, obviously, the best choice would be the 3.) (golden/red/VIP/basic) ticket.

I personally would choose the red ticket for us since it is 4.) (under $5,000/100% refundable/available with the best view/multiple culinary options). We can also have 5.) (a less noisy experience/more comfort/seats 10 metres away/less fake copies) if we choose the red ticket. But listen, at the end, it’s all about fun.

Money is just an object. I want to hear what you have to say.

Take care,




6. Jeremy and Reynaldo are:

A. best friends

B. friends

C. close friends

D. acquaintances


7. Jeremy…

A. is casual

B. is trustworthy

C. is caring

D. is rich


8. What does “money is just an object” mean here?

A. it is physical

B. it is important

C. it is replaceable

D. it is trivial


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10 minutes

A. On June 23, 2016, a historic referendum took place in the United Kingdom (UK). The referendum question was: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? The possibility of Britain leaving the EU became known as Brexit. Over 30 million people voted in the referendum. The turnout was higher than Britain’s last general election. Eligible voters were British, Irish, and Commonwealth citizens (18 and over) living in the UK. UK citizens living outside of the UK for under 15 years were also eligible.

B. Those opposed to Brexit were in the “Remain” camp. This included Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, as well as the majority of citizens in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and London. These voters wanted the UK to remain a diverse nation. They valued their rights to work, trade, and move about freely in the EU. Supporters of Brexit were in the “Leave” camp. This included the majority of citizens in England (excluding London) and Wales. These voters wanted the UK to have more control over its borders. They also wanted the UK to have freedom to make its own business rules. Nigel Farage, the head of the UK independence Party (UKIP), was the leader of this camp.

C. On June 23, 52% of voters chose “Leave the European Union.” The “Leave” win shocked the world. People began to google the “European Union” to get a better understanding of why it exists. Within hours, the value of the British pound [£] had fallen to a historic low and Prime Minister Cameron had stepped down. A few days later, Nigel Farage resigned as well. Farage said he had achieved his goal of helping the UK become a “self-governing” nation.In the week following the referendum, millions of people signed a petition asking for a second referendum. The new prime minister, Theresa May, told citizens that “Brexit is Brexit.” Negotiating the exit would take approximately two years. The status and rights of British nationals living in the EU and of EU nationals living in the UK became the primary concern. The status and rights of British nationals living in the EU and of EU nationals living in the UK became the primary concern.

D. In November 2016, the English High Court ruled that the government needed parliamentary approval to trigger Article 50 and leave the EU. Over the next two year, the EU and the UK negotiated a divorce deal. On January 15, 2019, Parliament voted “no deal” to May’s contentious Brexit plan. May resigned that July and the new prime minister, Boris Johnson, promised to get Brexit settled. On January 31, 2020, Britain officially left the EU.

E. Not mentioned above


Choose which paragraph matches the following statements. Answer A to D next to the statements and if the answer is not given, write E.

1. Inflation rate had soared. Answer: ________

2. A number of people voted for Britain’s departure from the membership of the European Union. Answer: ______

3. Many people view Boris Johnson as an unethical prime minister due to his concession on Brexit. Answer: ______

4. The previous prime minister was left unsettled. Answer: ______

5. People were unsure of the idea of EU. Answer: _______

6. The primary concern was mainly the rights of people. Answer:_____

7. EU chose the referendum in 2018. Answer: _____

8. The Brexit plan became successful the first month of 2020. Answer: ______

9. The head of the UK independence part (UKIP) yielded after they helped with the BREXIT plan. Answer: ______



12 minutes:

Read the following article from the website:


According to Robert Houston, technology ‘as usual’, he asserts, continues to be a menace to our society causing hundreds of cases of identity theft on a daily basis, online bullying, drainage of our valuable time spent on the usual distractions, creating a clout-chaser mentality among the youth and, most notoriously, being a leading source of financial scams.

Robert exclaimed “I can go on hours ranting about a million more harms associated with all sorts of popular technology”. He claims to not be a pessimist but rather a realist as he takes all current and future promises of the so-called ‘innovation’ with a grain of salt. He questions the motives of all the current tech- giants that keep on delivering new software updates by the minute while launching new gadgets and hardware alongside it. “Do you really expect them to have you best interests in mind? No! Let’s be real. These are corporations. Their only concern is your money on top of ultimate power and control”. He focuses on the past misuse of privacy and illegal sharing of user data – without consent. His suggestion is to reduce your digital footprint as much as possible, or you will be living in a world where the government knows your next move better than you do yourself; you most likely are already living that reality now!


Randall Jones, CFO of LokItel Innovations, takes a more optimistic approach on the matter. He puts focus on two revolutionary areas, crucial to human survival, that technology has helped grow tremendously. He is mainly grateful for what we now have in the medical field. “Can you imagine having a tooth removal with hammers and nails and with no anesthesia? That’s where we would be without proper research, sterilization of tools and knowledge of the appropriate methods. The same goes for all other medical conditions; take for example pregnancy. We have made that process so much easier for mothers using all the innovative solutions we have been gifted by technology in hospital rooms. In this age, whenever you have any sort of physical or mental problem, you know you have some solution waiting for you because of the presence of some technology. In fact, you can become your own doctor by simply Googling the needed remedies online! This has literally made all the pain from this world disappear, and I do actually mean ‘literally’”.

Secondly, Jones talks about how efficient his daily operations and logistics at LokItel are due to the way technology helps with communications. The quick emails between departments and among business partners combined with CRM software for customer management as well as audio/video conferencing options have made current businesses the most efficient models in existence. It not only is limited in scope to businesses but the ease of quick, cheap and reliable communication has upgraded our very idea of socialization. “The world is at your disposal now! You have the chance to connect with over 6 billion people worldwide as soon as you open your laptop screen. If you cannot imagine the opportunity, at least imagine all the fun you can have”.


Answer the following multiple choice questions:

1. What does Robert think of young people?

a. They chase new technology

b. They like to be popular

c. They don’t care about privacy

d. They will have to deal with the ‘future promises’


2. For LokItel Innovations…

a. protecting identity of customers is crucial

b. being the most efficient model is priority

c. the medical advances have been helpful

d. better management is a result of tech innovations


3. What does Randall mean by ‘literally’ in the following sentence: “This has literally made all the pain from this world disappear, and I do actually mean ‘literally’”?

a. He is using this to emphasize his point

b. He is using this to show he is not lying

c. He is using this to show that this is just a figurative expression

d. He is using this to talk about actual physical pain


4. How would Jones probably view Houston?

a. Skeptic

b. Realist

c. Pessimist

d. We cannot say for sure


5. Did Jones directly respond to any of Houston’s criticism?

a. Of course! He countered the argument by stating several positives

b. No, he did not

c. He partially did since all counters were not made

d. He purposefully ignores Robert’s claims


Read the following comments from a visitor to the website page. Answer the associated multiple choice questions:

How can anyone in the right mind be as 6. (aware/ignorant/educated/dedicated) towards technology’s cons as Randall? I mean, it kind of makes sense given 7. (his position/his personal benefits/his extroverted nature/passion). Just purely from a legal standpoint, the dangers pointed out by Houston clearly display the harms technology can provide. 8. (My time/ My clout/My identity/My safety) needs to be protected at all times. No compromise can be made there. I think Houston made a more valid argument by 9. (explaining how he is a realist/ exposing corporations/taking a grain of salt/reflecting on the past). I also think that Randall is simply exaggerating when he puts technology synonymous to 10. (medical conditions/human survival/efficiency/socialization).



Part 1:

  • Correct: C – Wiltshire, Connecticut. Wilshire is the city and Connecticut is the state they live in.
  • Correct: D – Frank and Joan. David’s parents’ names are shown at the very beginning of the letter.
  • Correct: B – To demonstrate the relevance of the church in David’s life. A significant portion of the letter aims to remind David’s parents of the church’s foundational role in people’s lives.
  • Correct: A – 12 months. David is 1 year old [1 year in months is 12].
  • Correct: D – All of the above.
  • Correct: B – Joan. Beside’s David turning 1, it’s also Joan’s birthday, highlighting her sacrifices as a mom. The word “you” indicates one of the people mentioned in the letter.
  • Correct: Sweet birthday greetings to me. The letter expressed thankfulness from Joan and Frank, but the birthday greetings were not for David; rather, it was for Joan.
  • Correct: First birthday. This indicates that the letter is meant more for the parents than for David, showing that this letter was received during his first birthday.
  • Correct: For the importance of understanding faith and service. Rev. Arthur’s hope as the family celebrates David’s first birthday is for him to make the church an important part of his life.
  • Correct: The vitality of the church.
  • Correct: House of prayer. Another term for church.


Part 2:

  • Safety. Safety is the worst with the VIP ticket as players can run into the front row guests.
  • VIP. The VIP ticket is the most expensive and also comes with a chance to win $100,000.
  • Golden. The golden ticket comes with a 100% chance of being on TV.
  • Under $5,000. As the ticket prices are increasing and the next ticket, after red, is over $5,000, we can assume the red ticket will be under $5,000. Also, the answer ‘multiple culinary options’ is incorrect since only fast food options are available.
  • More comfort. Comfortable seats that recline are a feature of the red ticket.
  • Close friends. There is no indication of the writer referring to the term ‘best’. They can be considered to be close since they are going to an event together and talking very comfortably.
  • Is casual. He was very relaxed throughout the conversation, even making a quick joke at the beginning when he mentioned he was asking a rhetorical question.
  • It is trivial. That’s what the saying generally means.


Part 3:

  • Correct: C – The value of the British pound [£] had fallen to a historic low [when the value of a currency falls, everything becomes expensive].
  • Correct: A – Over 30 million people voted in the referendum.
  • Correct: E – Not mentioned above.
  • Correct: C – Those opposed to Brexit were in the “Remain” camp. This included Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron.
  • Correct: B – People began to google the “European Union” to get a better understanding of why it exists.
  • Correct: C – The status and rights of British nationals living in the EU and of EU nationals living in the UK became the primary concern.
  • Correct: D – The EU and the UK negotiated a divorce deal.
  • Correct: D – On January 31, 2020, Britain officially left the EU.
  • Correct: B – Farage said he had achieved his goal of helping the UK become a “self-governing” nation.


Part 4:

  • Correct: They like to be popular. The youth was referred to as ‘clout-chasers’, meaning they chase popularity.
  • Correct: Better management is a result of tech innovations. It was mentioned how communications, thanks to technology, have resulted in better operations and logistics.
  • Correct: He is using this to talk about actual physical pain. The word “literally” implies that the actual meaning of the word is being used. In this case, he was referring to how medical advances have reduced the physical pains patients suffer.
  • Correct: We cannot say for sure. All first three options can be correct, and we don’t really have Jones saying anything about Houston.
  • Correct: No, he did not. Jones went on to explain technology’s benefits in general but didn’t really have a rebuttal for any of Houston’s complaints made in paragraph 1.
  • Correct: Ignorant. The whole tone of this person is against Randall, which means this sentence will start pointing that out.
  • Correct: His position. He is the CFO of LokItel Innovations, so he is bound to support technology.
  • Correct: My identity. The two legal problems Houston mentioned were identity theft and financial scams.
  • Correct: Reflecting on the past. The passage mentioned “He focuses on the past misuse of privacy and illegal sharing of user data – without consent.”
  • Correct: Human survival. Randall mentioned how technology was ‘crucial to human survival’, which is a big claim, hence, it sounds like an exaggeration.


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CELPIP [Tough] Reading Practice Tests

#5 (With Answers)

Check out this extremely difficult CELPIP READING PRACTICE TEST 5 by HZad Education. The answers are included! How will you fare against this challenging CELPIP reading mock test? Let’s find out!


Also, this is part 4 of the reading practice test. For more CELPIP reading practice tests, subscribe to our blog.



Reading Part 1:

10 minutes:

Dear Mr. Jacob, 

The purpose of this is to provide a character reference for Mr. Jeremy Swanson whom I  have known as a classmate, roommate, and friend for a period of five years. 

I first met Jeremy in our freshman year at Adirondack College. We were both studying a general arts program there and became acquainted through a number of common classes that we shared. By the second year, we had become friends and decided to share an off-campus apartment together until we both graduated last year. 

Accordingly, having gotten to know Jeremy so well over the past few years, I believe,  puts me in a position to provide you with a wildly accurate assessment of his character. 

As a student, Jeremy was hard-working and highly committed to his education. I believe that his excellent transcripts will attest to that fact. In addition, he was quite involved in a  number of extra-curricular activities including the track and field team and the school newspaper. In fact, in his last two years, he was Assistant Editor of the “Campus  Inquirer.” Outgoing, and always willing to help someone out. Jeremy was very popular with his fellow students. 

As a roommate, Jeremy was a great choice. He was very neat and tidy at all times and he liked things in the apartment to be kept orderly. He made a point of cleaning his own room and the common living areas on a regular basis. He socialized occasionally at home but was always respectful of my needs, and he and his guests kept the noise down and ended their activities at a reasonable hour. 

As a friend, Jeremy Swanson is a standout. He is a loyal, honest, considerate, and supportive individual who has the ability to see and understand things from another person’s perspective. He is a great direct communicator and knows how to raise and discuss common living issues and problems in a non-threatening manner. He is hyper-sensitive and is always tuned into how another person might “feel” in a given situation.  He likes to have fun too. During our years at school we maintained an ongoing friendly rivalry on the squash courts. 

To tell the truth, I really can’t think of anything of consequence on the negative side of the personality ledger when it comes to Jeremy. All in all, I would have to say that  Jeremy Swanson is a fine, well-balanced person with an abundance of positive qualities.


Charles Farmington 

Choose the best answer from the given multiple  choice questions:  

1. Charles…  

was Jeremy’s best friend 

never had problems with Jeremy 

mostly had a formal relationship with Jeremy 

thinks that Jeremy had a charming personality 


2. Jeremy and Charles… 

took a while to become friends 

had all classes together 

had most classes together 

slept early 


3. Charles is writing this letter because… 

he likes Jeremy too much 

he knows Jeremy well 

he wants to point out all positives about Jeremy 

he wants Jeremy to get the job 


4. Jeremy is probably not offensive to others because… 

he loves having fun 

he socializes 

he cares how people feel

he politely asks his friends to end parties early


5. Jeremy was a neat freak. 

Not enough information is provided regarding this 



Charles was a neat freak and Jeremy was just complying 


6. What is true of Jeremy’s school life? 

he was a bookworm 

he had a broad range of skills 

he was doing way too many things at once 

he had a rivalry with others 


The following is a response letter from Mr. Jacob to  Charles. Choose the best answer from the given  multiple choice questions:  

Dear Charles, 

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude for all the details you were able to include in your letter. I must say, Jeremy and you 7. (must have been friends for at least a decade/must be close/were very active in school/were men of good character).  

I am just concerned since our work would mostly be regarding calculations and 8. (an arts background/a sports background/a decent personality/co-curricular activities) might not be of  that much use to us; however, if he is 9. (as athletic/as emotionally intelligent/as active/as committed) as you say he is, we can probably work with him. 

Oddly enough, there will be situations where he will need to deal with difficult customers and I  believe 10. (his communication style/his honesty/his ability to be popular/his nonconfrontational style) will take him a long way in steering those conversations in the right direction. That coupled with his 11. (introverted/extroverted/calm/assertive) nature will help him shine at the reception desk, when needed. 

Thanks again, and I will keep you posted on this application. 



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8 minutes


Read the following email about the diagram above and answer the below multiple choice questions within 8  minutes. 

Subject: Possible travel options 

To: Garry Luis 

From: Jason Williams 

Hi Garry, 

I have your itinerary ready as requested; it was a short deadline, but I pulled in some resources last-minute who were able to make it happen. I know you are not a huge fan of 1. (flying/ maintenance/traffic/being unruly) so I would never recommend the 2. (bike/airplane/car/any transport method) over others due to the frequent tire changes. Now, if you want something that you can use when needed, the rental option with cars will suit you on top of the 3. (ease of tire change/cheap gas/low risk/outdoor adventure possibility).

If it comes down to picking one feature between safety and excitement, you are looking at either 4. (the plane or the car/the car or the bike/the plane or the bike/the car or the plane).  Finally, while the plane comes with multiple class selection options, it is missing the 5.  (friendliness/dangers/socialization chances/initial investment) that the car or bike can provide. I  know it can be overwhelming but when I meet you at the start of my shift tomorrow, we can catch up more, i.e. if you decide to be on time. Just kidding!  

See you tomorrow! 


6. What is Jason and Garry’s relationship? 

close friends 

one of them is the boss 




7. Who do you think is more hardworking? 



Garry, since he is traveling 

This information has not been mentioned 


8. How did Jason provide the above info to Garry? 

It was all over the place 

it was too much 

it was well-organized 

it was covering majority of the details



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10 minutes

A. The basic scientific method includes the steps scientists use and follow when trying to  solve a problem or prove or disprove a theory. The methods are used by scientists all over  the world. This is done so scientists can work together to solve some of the same  problems. There are usually five steps which are a part of the scientific method. The steps  can occur in any order, but the first step is usually observation. An observation is the use  of one or more of the five senses, which include seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and  tasting. The five senses are used to learn about or identify an event or object the scientist  wants to study. For example, while observing a spider a scientist may observe the pattern  or size of the spider’s web. 

B. The second step of the scientific method is the question being researched, the hypothesis.  It is the question that is turned into a statement about an event or object the scientist  would like to research. A good hypothesis includes three things: The explanation for the  observations, it is able to be tested by other scientists, and it will usually predict new  outcomes or conclusions. The scientist observing the spider building the web may have a  question about the strength of the web. An example of the hypothesis might be: The  larger the spider, the stronger the web. This hypothesis includes the explanation for the  observation, it can be tested, and new conclusions may be reached. The third step of the  scientific method is the experiment. An experiment is a test which will either challenge or  support the hypothesis.  

C. The hypothesis will then be true or false. Using the spider hypothesis, a scientist may  experiment by measuring spider webs in relation to a spider’s size. Often, even when a  hypothesis is disproved much can still be learned during the experiment. For example,  while measuring the strength of spider webs the scientist may discover something new  about them. The final step in the scientific method is the conclusion. The conclusion will  either clearly support the hypothesis or it will not. If the results support the hypothesis a  conclusion can be written. If it does not support the hypothesis, the scientist may choose  to change the hypothesis or write a new one based on what was learned during the  experiment. In the example, if the scientist proves that larger spiders build stronger webs,  then that is the conclusion. If it was not proven, the scientist may change the hypothesis  to: The size of a spider does have no bearing on the strength of its web.  

D. The scientific method is used for simple experiments students may do in the classroom or  very complex or difficult experiments being done all over the world. The spider  experiment may be done by any scientist in the world. In summary, the scientific  method includes the steps scientists use to solve a problem or to prove or disprove a  theory. There are four basic steps involved with the scientific method. The usual steps  include observation, hypothesis, experiment, and conclusion. The steps may not always  be completed in the same order. Following the four steps, the results of the experiment will either support the hypothesis or will not support the hypothesis. Scientists are always  free to change or write a new hypothesis and start the four steps all over again. The  scientific method is used for simple experiments or for more difficult experiments.

E. Not Given.  

Choose which paragraph matches the following statements. Answer A to D next to the statements and if the answer is not given, write E. 


1. A possible objection can be made to the current opinion. Answer: _____

2. An aim is made to reach a plausible conclusion. Answer: _____

3. Self-inflicted punishment is made necessary to reach a conclusion. Answer: _____

4. The scientific methods involve a few main steps. Answer: _____

5. Unexpected outcomes can open new doors. Answer: _____ 

6. Start with observation and always finish with conclusion. Answer: _____

7. A key sense is used to judge the behaviour of an animal. Answer: _____

8. It is proven that larger spiders build stronger webs. Answer: _____

9. Usage applies to a broad range. Answer: _____


12 minutes:

Read the following article from the website:

Read the following article from the website: 

Adam James, director at Zella Motors, is a staunch believer in EVs (electric vehicles).  He is a proponent of a green environment as well as a major activist when it comes to opposing industrialists in their moves towards high plastic usage along with dependence on fossil fuels. “Given the rapid climate change combined with rising sea levels means we are heading into the direction of a complete planetary collapse”, he says.  

Frederick Wendell, the CEO of Wendell Motors and a member of the UN Atmospheric  Bureau, who believes in the benefits of the internal combustion engine strongly opposes this view pointing out to the several flaws in James’s methods and theories.  His first argument relates to the impracticability of such cars which don’t heat enough in winters (especially below -10 degrees celsius), will not even open doors during winters, and have 40%-50% less range in winters. He contends that even during summers, the stated range of these cars is way below what actually is consumed.  “Once you accelerate even slightly, just barely 100 metres, it takes off a complete  kilometre from your range which is completely preposterous.” 

Other than pretty much calling the industry a scam, he further adds how battery production so frequently damages the environment, on top of the electricity needs of  EVs which are produced by coal-burning electric power plants. “How does this help climate change? And don’t even get me started on the child labor allowed in developing countries where these lithium batteries are required to be manufactured”,  he said in a controversial statement. 

Mr. James admits these issues but his engineers have developed a 5-year plan where all the aforementioned issues can be taken care of. The removal of child labor would ultimately push higher prices towards the consumers as Zella continues to upgrade and invest in the labor market; however, the 20% rise in these car prices will be an ethical move. Finally, Mr. James takes pride in the fact that at least his company is making strides in pursuit of a greener climate, despite being a work-in-progress, with hopes of providing added conveniences to customers. He says it’s better to go this route than completely being ignorant towards the changing planet and going about our day.

HZad Education Inc. www.hzadeducation.com 

Choose the best answer from the given multiple  choice questions:  

1. To what extent does Adam think that electric vehicles will be beneficial?

he strongly agrees with the technology 

he strongly disagrees with the technology 

he partially disagrees with the technology 

he partially agrees with the technology 


2. How did Mr. Wendell approach the matter of child labor? 

he was disgusted by it 

he believes children are required for manufacturing the batteries

he wanted to be controversial 

he didn’t prioritize that 


3. What was Wendell’s main concern regarding EVs? 

They barely accelerate over 100 metres 

problems after hitting minus 10 degree celsius 

Electric vehicles are not actually impacting the environment 

40-50% of EV’s are impractical in the summer 


4. Adam disagrees with Frederick on… 

the car range 

child labor 

climate change 

his direction


5. Frederick does not appreciate… 

the ethical dilemmas with EVs 

Adam’s thinking style 

pragmatic use of EVs 

all of the above 


The following is a comment by a website visitor who  read the article. Choose the best answer from the  given multiple choice questions:  

I am shocked to see that Frederick 6. (can be so contentious/can completely ignore cars  impact on climate change/child labor is allowable/supports coal-burning plants). However, I  drove an EV before and boy was it a nightmare! Not only is Adam being delusional when he  says that 7. (we have a high plastic usage/a price hike is justified/range is not a problem/ industrialists are bad) considering the tough economic climate but also his 8. (positive outlook/ gloomy outlook/future plans/his team’s approach) on the climate is/are very apocalyptic.  Frederick has the 9. (sham concept/power plant conspiracy/winter hypothesis/lithium batteries)  down to a T as I experienced in the months of January and February. Since he 10. (has done  his research/sits on the climate committee/is a CEO/manufactured combustion engines), he  probably has more idea than Adam about how our planet will change in the future.

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Part 1: 

  1. thinks that Jeremy had a charming personality – CORRECT: He mentioned how  Jeremy was popular. Option C is incorrect since they shared a room and played sports together. There is no indication of the term ‘best friend’ being used for  Option A. Option B is incorrect since Jeremy did communicate about his problems even if it was in a ‘non-threatening’ manner. 
  2. took a while to become friends – CORRECT: They had become friends in their second year. 
  3. he knows Jeremy well – CORRECT: The letter mentioned: Accordingly, having  gotten to know Jeremy so well over the past few years, I believe, puts me in a  position to provide you with a wildly accurate assessment of his character.”  
  4. he cares how people feel – CORRECT: The article mentioned: “He is hyper-sensitive and is always tuned into how another person might “feel” in a given situation”. 
  5. Not enough information is provided regarding this – CORRECT: We know he loved  to clean but we don’t know if it was at a level where we need to refer to him as a  ‘neat freak’. 
  6. he had a broad range of skills – CORRECT: He was good in studies and co curricular activities. Option C is subjective. 
  7. must be close – CORRECT: They studied, lived and played together, showing that  they were close. For the other options, we don’t know much about Charles’s personality to choose those answers. 
  8. an arts background – CORRECT: That was Jeremy’s field of study and if Mr. Jacob is criticizing it, it means his education does not match the job needs. 
  9. as committed – CORRECT: Charles described Jeremy as “hard-working and highly committed”. 
  10. his non-confrontational style – CORRECT: Mr. Jacob is mentioning tough customer conversations which would require a style that is non-confrontational. Jeremy was mentioned by Charles as being “non-threatening”. 
  11. extroverted – CORRECT: Charles had mentioned how Jeremy was “outgoing”.



Part 2: 

  1. maintenance (This is referring to the tire replacement needs that the bike has which Garry is  not a fan of). 
  2. bike (same explanation as above). 
  3. outdoor adventure possibility (since the car can be turned into an overnight camp). 4. the plane or the bike (the plane is the safest mode of transport while the bike is the most thrilling option). 
  4. socialization chances (you can go with friends to the bikers’ parade and multiple friends can join your car; nothing like that was mentioned for the plane. Also, initial investment and dangers are indeed provided by the car and bike but the sentence has a positive tone which is why it would not focus on any negatives). 
  5. one of them is the boss (Jason has been getting the itinerary ready for Garry which means  Garry is the boss). 
  6. Jason (Jason is clearly doing his research here and expects himself to be on time tomorrow. He doesn’t expect the same from Garry based on the last sentence). 8. it was too much (Jason mentioned how all of this was “overwhelming”. Option 1 is incorrect since it is subjective and there was no indication made by Jason that he felt it was unorganized). 


Part 3: 


  1. B. “An experiment is a test which will either challenge or support the hypothesis”. 
  2. B. “The explanation for the observations, it is able to be tested by other scientists,  and it will usually predict new outcomes or conclusions”. 
  3. E. 
  4. A. “There are usually five steps which are a part of the scientific method”. 
  5. C. “If the results support the hypothesis a conclusion can be written. If it does not  support the hypothesis, the scientist may choose to change the hypothesis or write a  new one…” 
  6. E. If you answered “D”, it is incorrect since it mentioned no need for a specific sequence. 
  7. A. “For example, while observing a spider a scientist may observe the pattern or size of the spider’s web”. 
  8. E. 
  9. D. “The scientific method is used for simple experiments students may do in the classroom or very complex or difficult experiments being done all over the world”.

HZad Education Inc. www.hzadeducation.com 


Part 4:  

  1. he strongly agrees with the technology – CORRECT: The first sentence of the article mentions that he is a ‘staunch believer’ in EVs. 
  2. he didn’t prioritize that – CORRECT: He mentioned: “And don’t even get me started on the child labor allowed in developing countries “. 
  3. problems after hitting minus 10 degree celsius – CORRECT: He mentioned how cars stop heating after minus 10. 
  4. his direction – CORRECT: Adam, towards the end, explained how at least he is heading in the right direction rather than not doing anything at all. Option C is incorrect since Frederick didn’t even address the phenomenon of climate change.  He was mainly criticizing the EVs and not talking about how the climate is changing. 
  5. all of the above – CORRECT: He mentioned the ‘impracticability’ of EVs, how he didn’t agree with ‘James’s methods and theories’ and called the industry a ‘scam’. 
  6. can be so contentious – CORRECT: Frederick was mentioned to be saying a  ‘controversial statement’ when talking about child labor. The comment writer’s next sentence is also positive which means this answer has to be something negative. 
  7. a price hike is justified – CORRECT: Adam mentioned a 20% future price increase. 
  8. gloomy outlook – CORRECT: This question was followed by a negative phrase ‘very apocalyptic’. Also, Adam referred to the ongoing phenomenon as a ‘complete planetary collapse’. 
  9. winter hypothesis – CORRECT: Frederick was mentioning how the EVs have less range in winters and how they don’t heat during winters. 
  10. sits on the climate committee – CORRECT: It was mentioned that he was “a member of the UN atmospheric bureau”.


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