HZad Education CELPIP Reading Practice Tests!

Prepare for CELPIP with HZad Education reading mock tests. Practice now to improve comprehension and achieve your desired CELPIP scores

HZad Education CELPIP Reading Practice Tests:

Welcome to HZad Education’s comprehensive guide on CELPIP Reading Practice Tests. If you’re gearing up for the CELPIP exam, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we’ll provide you with three meticulously designed CELPIP reading mock tests to help you sharpen your reading skills and boost your confidence. Our goal is to ensure you are well-prepared to tackle the reading section of the CELPIP exam with ease and achieve the scores you desire. Let’s dive in and start practicing with HZad Education CELPIP Reading Practice Tests!



10 minutes:

John Harris
123 Elm Street
Suite 12
Kingston, ON

Dear John,

Subject: Apology for the Misunderstanding Regarding the Office Renovation

I am writing to sincerely apologize for the recent misunderstanding about the renovations happening in our shared office space. I assure you that my intentions were never to cause any inconvenience or disruption to your work.

Last Friday, which was particularly hectic due to the end-of-quarter rush, I decided to initiate some changes in the office to improve our working environment. I believed that rearranging the furniture and adding some new ergonomic desks would enhance productivity and comfort for everyone. In doing so, I noticed your workstation seemed cramped and poorly lit. To address this, I moved your desk closer to the window, thinking it would benefit from natural light. Regrettably, I failed to anticipate how this would interfere with your setup and daily workflow.

Upon receiving your email on Monday morning, I immediately returned your desk to its original position. As you mentioned, you had meticulously arranged your workstation to optimize your workflow and ensure minimal distractions. I have also spoken with the renovation team to ensure no further changes are made without consulting everyone in the office.

I genuinely regret not discussing these changes with you beforehand. I understand how disconcerting it must have been to arrive on Monday and find your workspace altered without any notice. Please rest assured that I will be more mindful in the future and will ensure open communication before making any such changes.

With sincere apologies,
Sarah Mitchell


  1. What is the main topic of Sarah’s letter?
    • a. Desk rearrangement
    • b. Apology for a misunderstanding
    • c. Office renovation
    • d. Introduction of new furniture
  2. Why did Sarah move John’s desk?
    • a. To improve lighting
    • b. To make more space for others
    • c. To introduce new desks
    • d. To enhance productivity
  3. How does Sarah describe her initial intentions?
    • a. To cause a surprise
    • b. To create a more productive environment
    • c. To reorganize the office
    • d. To compete with John
  4. What issue did John raise about the desk relocation?
    • a. It disrupted his workflow
    • b. It exposed his desk to too much light
    • c. It was done without his consent
    • d. It affected the office aesthetics
  5. What action did Sarah take after receiving John’s feedback?
    • a. Adjusted the position for better lighting
    • b. Moved his desk to a different room
    • c. Returned the desk to its original position
    • d. Replaced his desk with a new one
  6. How does Sarah conclude her letter?
    • a. By using courteous language
    • b. By making a promise
    • c. By acknowledging her mistake
    • d. By assuring open communication


Have a look at the response letter from John to Sarah and answer the following multiple choice questions:

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your letter explaining the recent changes. While I was 7. (initially upset/unsure about the changes/pleased with the new arrangement/not bothered by the alterations), I soon realized you were just 8. (acting on a whim/looking after everyone’s comfort/attempting to help out/trying to improve our workspace). The end-of-quarter period was 9. (quite relaxing/very stressful/a bit overwhelming/unusually busy), so returning to find the unexpected changes in the office was indeed surprising. My main concern was when I discovered that 10. (my work setup was disrupted/my desk was moved/the lighting was too bright/my schedule was altered), and I had to 11. (reorganize my workflow/rearrange everything again/start over with my tasks/delay my projects). However, seeing the office now, I must admit the new arrangement does have its advantages.



Answers for Sarah’s letter:

  1. Apology for a misunderstanding
  2. To improve lighting
  3. To create a more productive environment
  4. It disrupted his workflow
  5. Returned the desk to its original position
  6. By acknowledging her mistake

Answers for John’s response letter:

  1. Initially upset
  2. Trying to improve our workspace
  3. Very stressful
  4. My work setup was disrupted
  5. Rearrange everything again



10 minutes:

Liam Anderson
78 Oakwood Drive
Suite 21
Hamilton, ON

Dear Liam,

Subject: Proposal for a New Recycling Initiative in Our Community

I am excited to share with you a proposal for a new recycling initiative that I believe could greatly benefit our community. Our neighborhood has always been committed to environmental sustainability, and I think this project will take our efforts to the next level.

Over the past few months, I have been researching different methods to increase our recycling rates and reduce waste. I discovered that many communities have successfully implemented curbside recycling programs that include the collection of organic waste, electronics, and hazardous materials. By expanding the types of recyclables we collect, we can significantly decrease the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

The proposal includes the introduction of separate bins for organic waste, electronic waste, and hazardous materials. These bins will be provided to each household, and the waste will be collected on a bi-weekly basis. Additionally, we will set up a central drop-off location for large items that cannot be collected curbside, such as old furniture and appliances.

To ensure the success of this initiative, I suggest we hold an informational meeting for all community members. This meeting will cover the importance of recycling, how to properly sort waste, and the schedule for waste collection. I also propose the creation of a volunteer committee to oversee the implementation and management of the program.

I am confident that with your support and the cooperation of our neighbors, we can make this recycling initiative a reality. I look forward to discussing this proposal with you in more detail and working together to make our community a leader in environmental sustainability.

Best regards,
Sophia Williams



  1. What is the primary purpose of Sophia’s letter?
    • a. Invite to a community event
    • b. Apologize for a mistake
    • c. Propose a new recycling initiative
    • d. Discuss waste management issues
  2. What does Sophia suggest as a key component of the recycling initiative?
    • a. Providing separate bins for different types of waste
    • b. Reducing waste collection frequency
    • c. Organizing a neighborhood clean-up
    • d. Increasing landfill space
  3. How often does Sophia propose the waste should be collected?
    • a. Weekly
    • b. Bi-weekly
    • c. Monthly
    • d. Quarterly
  4. What additional feature does Sophia propose for large items?
    • a. Hiring a special waste collection team
    • b. Setting up a central drop-off location
    • c. Holding a community yard sale
    • d. Offering free disposal services
  5. What does Sophia suggest to ensure the initiative’s success?
    • a. Holding an informational meeting
    • b. Hiring professional consultants
    • c. Providing financial incentives
    • d. Implementing strict recycling laws
  6. What is Sophia’s confidence based on regarding the initiative’s success?
    • a. Support from Liam and cooperation of neighbors
    • b. Government funding
    • c. Previous successful projects
    • d. Professional waste management services


Have a look at the response letter from Liam to Sophia and answer the following multiple choice questions:

Dear Sophia,

Thank you for your detailed proposal regarding the new recycling initiative. I must say, I am 7. (concerned about the cost/very impressed/unsure about the plan/not interested) with your thorough research and thoughtful suggestions. Our community has always valued 8. (environmental sustainability/social activities/economic growth/infrastructure development), and I believe your initiative aligns perfectly with our goals. The idea of 9. (bi-weekly collections/monthly meetings/annual events/weekly collections) and providing separate bins is particularly appealing. I am confident that, with proper planning and community involvement, we can 10. (raise sufficient funds/partner with local businesses/avoid unnecessary expenses/overcome any challenges). I look forward to 11. (discussing this further/seeing the implementation/joining the volunteer committee/attending the meeting) and contributing to this excellent initiative.

Best regards,
Liam Anderson


Answers for Sophia’s letter:

  1.  Propose a new recycling initiative
  2.  Providing separate bins for different types of waste
  3.  Bi-weekly
  4.  Setting up a central drop-off location
  5.  Holding an informational meeting
  6.  Support from Liam and cooperation of neighbors

Answers for Liam’s response letter:

  1. Very impressed
  2. Environmental sustainability
  3. Bi-weekly collections
  4. Proper planning and community involvement
  5. Discussing this further

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10 minutes:

Ethan Johnson
112 Pine Street
Suite 5
Ottawa, ON

Dear Ethan,

Subject: Invitation to Participate in the Community Art Project

I am thrilled to invite you to participate in our upcoming Community Art Project, which aims to bring together local artists and residents to create a mural that celebrates our neighborhood’s rich history and vibrant culture. This project is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your artistic talents and collaborate with fellow community members.

The mural will be painted on the east wall of the Community Center, and we are planning to kick off the project with a brainstorming session next Saturday. During this session, we will gather ideas and themes from participants, ensuring that the final design reflects the diverse perspectives and stories of our community. Your input as an artist would be invaluable in shaping the mural’s concept and bringing it to life.

We will provide all necessary materials, including paints, brushes, and protective gear. Additionally, there will be refreshments and light snacks available throughout the event. The project is expected to span two weekends, with painting sessions scheduled from 9 AM to 4 PM each day. We encourage everyone, regardless of skill level, to join us and contribute to this creative endeavor.

To confirm your participation, please RSVP by responding to this letter or emailing me directly at [email protected]. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further information.

We are excited about this project and hope to see you there. Together, we can create something truly special that will be enjoyed by our community for years to come.

Best regards,
Ava Mitchell


  1. What is the main purpose of Ava’s letter?
    • a. Invite Ethan to participate in an art project
    • b. Announce a new art exhibition
    • c. Apologize for a delay
    • d. Request donations for the community center
  2. Where will the mural be painted?
    • a. On the east wall of the Community Center
    • b. In the local park
    • c. On the west wall of the Community Center
    • d. On the side of a residential building
  3. When is the brainstorming session scheduled?
    • a. Next Saturday
    • b. This Saturday
    • c. This Sunday
    • d. Next Sunday
  4. What will be provided to participants?
    • a. Only protective gear
    • b. Only paints and brushes
    • c. All necessary materials and refreshments
    • d. Only light snacks
  5. How long is the project expected to last?
    • a. One weekend
    • b. Two weekends
    • c. One week
    • d. One month
  6. How can Ethan confirm his participation?
    • a. By visiting the Community Center
    • b. By responding to the letter or emailing Ava
    • c. By signing up on a website
    • d. By calling Ava


Have a look at the response letter from Ethan to Ava and answer the following multiple choice questions:

Dear Ava,

Thank you for inviting me to join the Community Art Project. I am 7. (very excited/slightly hesitant/not interested/unsure) about the opportunity to contribute to such a meaningful initiative. Our neighborhood’s history and culture are indeed rich, and I believe that creating this mural will 8. (require a lot of time/strengthen community bonds/need additional funding/face many challenges). I am particularly looking forward to the brainstorming session scheduled for 9. (this Sunday/this Saturday/next Saturday/next Sunday). It will be great to 10. (observe the process/meet new people/learn new techniques/share my ideas) and collaborate with other community members. Please consider this letter as my official RSVP. I am eager to 11. (start painting/assist with organizing/provide refreshments/observe the project) and help bring this mural to life.

Best regards,
Ethan Johnson

Answers for Ava’s letter:

  1.  Invite Ethan to participate in an art project
  2.  On the east wall of the Community Center
  3.  Next Saturday
  4.  All necessary materials and refreshments
  5.  Two weekends
  6.  By responding to the letter or emailing Ava

Answers for Ethan’s response letter:

  1. Very excited
  2. Strengthen community bonds
  3. Next Saturday
  4. Share my ideas
  5. Start painting



Part 2:


Renewable Energy vs. Non-Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy Non-Renewable Energy
Source: Derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly, such as solar, wind, and hydropower. Source: Derived from finite resources that will eventually deplete, such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
Environmental Impact: Generally has a lower environmental impact, producing less pollution and greenhouse gases. Environmental Impact: Typically has a higher environmental impact, contributing to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Cost: Initial investment may be high, but long-term costs are lower due to the free nature of the resources. Cost: Often cheaper upfront but can be more expensive in the long run due to resource depletion and environmental costs.
Sustainability: Highly sustainable as resources are naturally replenished. Sustainability: Not sustainable; once resources are depleted, they cannot be replaced.

Reading Test


Dear Students,

Today, we will discuss the differences and the pros and cons when it comes to the concepts of renewable energy versus non-renewable energy. While renewable energy focuses more on 1. (sustainability/finite resources/pollution/higher costs), non-renewable energy relies heavily on 2. (sustainability/finite resources/natural processes/replenishment) that will eventually run out. Despite the initial high 3. (sustainability/cost/pollution/environmental impact) associated with renewable energy, the long-term benefits often outweigh the disadvantages. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power generally have a lower 4. (cost/sustainability/environmental impact/replenishment) compared to non-renewable sources like coal and oil. However, non-renewable energy can often be cheaper in the 5. (long term/initial investment/sustainability/environmental impact), making it a more immediate choice for many.

Personally, the move towards renewable energy seems essential for a sustainable future. Even though the upfront costs can be daunting, the environmental and long-term economic benefits are undeniable!


  1. What kind of setting is this conversation taking place in?
  • A workshop
  • A seminar
  • A school
  • A community meeting
  1. What can be said about the speaker?
  • They prefer non-renewable energy
  • They like both renewable and non-renewable energy
  • They are leaning more towards renewable energy
  • They are leaning more towards non-renewable energy
  1. What does the following statement mean “Even though the upfront costs can be daunting, the environmental and long-term economic benefits are undeniable!”?
  • The initial investment is worth the future benefits
  • Upfront costs should not be considered
  • Long-term benefits do not outweigh the initial costs
  • Environmental benefits are not significant


  1. sustainability
  2. finite resources
  3. cost
  4. environmental impact
  5. initial investment
  6. A school
  7. They are leaning more towards renewable energy
  8. The initial investment is worth the future benefits


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Part 2: 

Electric Cars vs. Gasoline Cars

Electric Cars Gasoline Cars
Fuel Source: Powered by electricity stored in batteries. Fuel Source: Powered by gasoline or diesel fuel.
Environmental Impact: Lower emissions, environmentally friendly. Environmental Impact: Higher emissions, contributes to pollution.
Running Costs: Generally cheaper to run due to lower fuel and maintenance costs. Running Costs: Higher fuel costs and maintenance requirements.
Range and Refueling: Limited range per charge, longer refueling times. Range and Refueling: Longer range per tank, quicker refueling times.

Reading Test


John: Hey, Sarah, look at these brochures! One is about electric cars and the other about gasoline cars. What do you think?

Sarah: Interesting! According to the brochure, electric cars are powered by electricity stored in batteries, which makes them more 1. (expensive/environmentally friendly/complex/noisy). They have lower emissions compared to gasoline cars.

John: Yeah, and they mention that electric cars are generally cheaper to run because of lower fuel and maintenance costs. On the other hand, gasoline cars, which are powered by gasoline or diesel, tend to have 2. (higher/lower/the same/reduced) fuel costs and maintenance requirements.

Sarah: I see that electric cars have a downside when it comes to range and refueling. They have a limited range per charge and longer refueling times. Gasoline cars, however, have a 3. (shorter/longer/limited/variable) range per tank and quicker refueling times, which can be more convenient.

John: True. But the environmental impact is a big factor for me. Gasoline cars contribute to 4. (clean air/higher emissions/lower costs/environmental conservation), while electric cars are much better for the environment.

Sarah: That’s a good point. I guess it really comes down to what’s more important to you – cost, convenience, or the environment.

John: Absolutely. It’s a tough choice, but I think I’m leaning towards an electric car for its long-term benefits.


  1. What kind of setting is this conversation taking place in?
  • A workshop
  • A seminar
  • A car dealership
  • A community meeting
  1. What can be said about John?
  • He prefers gasoline cars
  • He likes both electric and gasoline cars
  • He is leaning more towards electric cars
  • He is leaning more towards gasoline cars
  1. What does the following statement mean “Electric cars are generally cheaper to run because of lower fuel and maintenance costs”?
  • Electric cars are expensive to maintain
  • Running costs for electric cars are high
  • Electric cars have lower fuel and maintenance expenses
  • Electric cars have the same running costs as gasoline cars


  1. environmentally friendly
  2. higher
  3. longer
  4. higher emissions
  5. A car dealership
  6. He is leaning more towards electric cars
  7. Electric cars have lower fuel and maintenance expenses


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Part 2:

Remote Work vs. Office Work

Remote Work Office Work
Flexibility: Allows for flexible work hours and location. Flexibility: Requires fixed hours and location.
Commute: No commute required, saving time and reducing stress. Commute: Requires commuting, which can be time-consuming and stressful.
Productivity: Can increase productivity due to fewer interruptions. Productivity: Provides a structured environment which can enhance focus.
Collaboration: Relies on virtual tools for communication and collaboration. Collaboration: Facilitates face-to-face interactions and team building.

Reading Test


Boss: Hi, Jamie. I’ve been reviewing these brochures on remote work and office work. I’m considering which approach would be best for our team. Have you had a chance to look at them?

Jamie: Yes, I have. The brochure on remote work mentions that it allows for flexible work hours and location, which can be very 1. (restrictive/productive/flexible/stressful) for employees. There’s no commute involved, which is a big plus.

Boss: True. Eliminating the commute can save a lot of time and reduce stress. On the other hand, the office work brochure points out that a structured environment can help enhance 2. (flexibility/stress/commuting/focus). Some employees might find it easier to concentrate without the distractions of home.

Jamie: That makes sense. However, remote work can actually increase productivity for some people due to fewer interruptions. Although, collaboration might be a challenge as it relies heavily on virtual tools for 3. (commuting/productivity/communication/focus).

Boss: Exactly. In the office, face-to-face interactions are much easier, which can help with team building and 4. (commuting/focus/productivity/collaboration). But we need to consider individual preferences and how each setting affects their work.

Jamie: Absolutely. Personally, I find the flexibility of remote work very appealing. However, I do see the value in having a dedicated workspace and the opportunity for direct interaction with colleagues in the office.

Boss: It’s definitely a balance. We need to consider what works best for the team as a whole and how we can maintain productivity and collaboration, whether we’re working remotely or in the office.


  1. Based on the conversation, what can be inferred about the Boss’s perspective on work settings?
  • The Boss prefers remote work exclusively.
  • The Boss is looking for a balance between remote and office work.
  • The Boss prefers office work exclusively.
  • The Boss is against any changes to the current work setting.
  1. How might Jamie’s preference for remote work impact the team dynamic?
  • It could lead to increased face-to-face interactions.
  • It might require better virtual communication tools.
  • It would eliminate the need for team meetings.
  • It could decrease team productivity.
  1. Which work setting might be more suitable for an employee who values direct interaction with colleagues?
  • Remote work
  • Office work
  • Freelance work
  • Hybrid work


  1. flexible
  2. focus
  3. communication
  4. collaboration
  5. The Boss is looking for a balance between remote and office work.
  6. It might require better virtual communication tools.
  7. Office work




10 minutes:

  1. In the domain of cellular biology, the phenomenon of osmosis is both fascinating and complex. This principle is illustrated by the movement of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane. A crucial aspect of this process is the osmotic pressure, which is driven by the concentration gradient of solutes on either side of the membrane. The rate of osmosis is directly proportional to the gradient’s steepness and inversely proportional to the membrane’s resistance. This movement of water ceases when equilibrium is reached, equalizing the solute concentrations on both sides.
  2. Photosynthesis, a vital process in nature, exhibits unique features in its various stages. One such stage is the light-dependent reaction, an invisible yet critical phase that occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells. This reaction, while not directly observable, plays a crucial role in the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy. The origin of this process can be traced back to the absorption of photons by chlorophyll, imparting energy to electrons and initiating a cascade of biochemical events.
  3. The human body functions as an intricate system, with homeostasis maintaining a stable internal environment. This regulatory mechanism ensures the body’s internal conditions remain within narrow limits, despite external changes. Homeostasis is vital for the proper functioning of organs and tissues, influencing everything from body temperature to pH balance. The body’s ability to maintain homeostasis is crucial for survival and overall health, relying on complex feedback systems.
  4. Enzymes, in their various forms, are not only biological catalysts but also essential for metabolic processes. From the simplistic catalase to the more complex DNA polymerase, each enzyme serves distinct purposes. These proteins retain their catalytic properties under specific conditions, in contrast to their denatured counterparts. The underlying principle governing enzyme activity is the structure of their active sites, which remain stable under optimal conditions, ensuring consistent metabolic output.
  5. Not Given.

Now read the following statements and match the paragraphs where the information in each statement is provided. Write E against the statements that were not discussed in any paragraph.

  1. The cessation of osmosis due to a specific condition.
  2. What influences the body’s regulatory mechanism to maintain stability.
  3. The correlation between solute concentration and osmotic rate.
  4. The phase of photosynthesis predominantly utilized for energy conversion.
  5. Behavior influenced by homeostasis.
  6. Which type of enzyme demonstrates an inconsistent catalytic nature due to structural conditions?
  7. Describe the body’s homeostatic regulation in response to external changes.
  8. The reason behind energy absorption in chlorophyll.
  9. The differentiation between denatured and active enzymes lies in what aspect?


  1. The cessation of osmosis due to a specific condition.
    Answer: A. “This movement of water ceases when equilibrium is reached, equalizing the solute concentrations on both sides.”
  2. What influences the body’s regulatory mechanism to maintain stability.
    Answer: C. “Homeostasis is vital for the proper functioning of organs and tissues, influencing everything from body temperature to pH balance.”
  3. The correlation between solute concentration and osmotic rate.
    Answer: A. “The rate of osmosis is directly proportional to the gradient’s steepness and inversely proportional to the membrane’s resistance.”
  4. The phase of photosynthesis predominantly utilized for energy conversion.
    Answer: B. “This reaction, while not directly observable, plays a crucial role in the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy.”
  5. Behavior influenced by homeostasis.
    Answer: C. “The body’s ability to maintain homeostasis is crucial for survival and overall health, relying on complex feedback systems.”
  6. Which type of enzyme demonstrates an inconsistent catalytic nature due to structural conditions?
    Answer: E. Not Given.
  7. Describe the body’s homeostatic regulation in response to external changes.
    Answer: C. “This regulatory mechanism ensures the body’s internal conditions remain within narrow limits, despite external changes.”
  8. The reason behind energy absorption in chlorophyll.
    Answer: B. “The origin of this process can be traced back to the absorption of photons by chlorophyll, imparting energy to electrons and initiating a cascade of biochemical events.”
  9. The differentiation between denatured and active enzymes lies in what aspect?
    Answer: D. “The underlying principle governing enzyme activity is the structure of their active sites, which remain stable under optimal conditions, ensuring consistent metabolic output.”



10 minutes:

  1. In the sphere of economics, the concept of inflation is both intricate and critical. This economic condition is marked by the sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. A pivotal element in this context is the inflation rate, which measures the percentage change in the price index. The factors contributing to inflation are multifaceted, including demand-pull inflation, where demand outstrips supply, and cost-push inflation, where the costs of production increase.
  2. Behavioral economics, a fascinating branch of economic study, examines the effects of psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural, and social factors on the economic decisions of individuals and institutions. This field challenges the traditional notion of humans as rational actors, introducing concepts such as bounded rationality, where individuals make decisions within the limits of their information and cognitive capabilities. Behavioral economics has profound implications for public policy, marketing, and financial planning.
  3. The stock market, a dynamic and often volatile arena, serves as a barometer for economic health. It provides a platform where securities are bought and sold, reflecting the collective sentiment of investors. The stock market’s behavior is influenced by a myriad of factors, including economic indicators, corporate earnings, and geopolitical events. The efficient market hypothesis posits that stock prices fully reflect all available information, although this is a topic of ongoing debate.
  4. International trade, the exchange of goods and services across borders, is a cornerstone of the global economy. This practice allows countries to specialize in the production of goods and services they can produce most efficiently, benefiting from comparative advantage. Trade policies, tariffs, and trade agreements play significant roles in shaping the landscape of international trade, influencing the flow of goods and services and impacting economic growth and development.
  5. Not Given.


Now read the following statements and match the paragraphs where the information in each statement is provided. Write E against the statements that were not discussed in any paragraph.

  1. The measure of the percentage change in the price index.
  2. What challenges the traditional view of humans as rational actors.
  3. The concept of stock prices reflecting all available information.
  4. The benefits countries gain from specializing in efficient production.
  5. Factors influencing the behavior of the stock market.
  6. The phenomenon where demand exceeds supply leading to price increases.
  7. The field that combines psychological factors with economic decisions.
  8. The role of tariffs in shaping the global economy.
  9. The hypothesis regarding the reflection of information in stock prices.


  1. The measure of the percentage change in the price index.
    Answer: A. “A pivotal element in this context is the inflation rate, which measures the percentage change in the price index.”
  2. What challenges the traditional view of humans as rational actors.
    Answer: B. “Behavioral economics, a fascinating branch of economic study, examines the effects of psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural, and social factors on the economic decisions of individuals and institutions. This field challenges the traditional notion of humans as rational actors.”
  3. The concept of stock prices reflecting all available information.
    Answer: C. “The efficient market hypothesis posits that stock prices fully reflect all available information, although this is a topic of ongoing debate.”
  4. The benefits countries gain from specializing in efficient production.
    Answer: D. “This practice allows countries to specialize in the production of goods and services they can produce most efficiently, benefiting from comparative advantage.”
  5. Factors influencing the behavior of the stock market.
    Answer: C. “The stock market’s behavior is influenced by a myriad of factors, including economic indicators, corporate earnings, and geopolitical events.”
  6. The phenomenon where demand exceeds supply leading to price increases.
    Answer: A. “The factors contributing to inflation are multifaceted, including demand-pull inflation, where demand outstrips supply.”
  7. The field that combines psychological factors with economic decisions.
    Answer: B. “Behavioral economics, a fascinating branch of economic study, examines the effects of psychological, cognitive, emotional, cultural, and social factors on the economic decisions of individuals and institutions.”
  8. The role of tariffs in shaping the global economy.
    Answer: D. “Trade policies, tariffs, and trade agreements play significant roles in shaping the landscape of international trade.”
  9. The hypothesis regarding the reflection of information in stock prices.
    Answer: C. “The efficient market hypothesis posits that stock prices fully reflect all available information, although this is a topic of ongoing debate.”


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10 minutes:

  1. The phenomenon of climate change is a multifaceted issue that has garnered significant attention in recent decades. Climate change refers to long-term alterations in temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions on Earth. One primary cause of climate change is the increased concentration of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat in the atmosphere. These changes have far-reaching impacts on natural ecosystems, weather patterns, and sea levels.
  2. In the realm of medicine, the concept of genetic engineering is both revolutionary and controversial. Genetic engineering involves the direct manipulation of an organism’s DNA to alter its characteristics. This technique has profound implications for disease treatment, agriculture, and biotechnology. One application of genetic engineering is gene therapy, where defective genes are replaced with functional ones to cure genetic disorders. However, ethical concerns and potential risks associated with genetic engineering continue to spark debate.
  3. The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has seen rapid advancements, transforming various sectors. AI refers to the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. Machine learning, a subset of AI, involves training algorithms on large datasets to make predictions or decisions without explicit programming. The integration of AI into industries like healthcare, finance, and transportation is revolutionizing these fields but also raises concerns about privacy, job displacement, and ethical considerations.
  4. Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower, are gaining prominence as sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. These energy sources are derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly. Solar energy harnesses sunlight through photovoltaic cells, wind energy is captured by turbines, and hydropower utilizes flowing water to generate electricity. The shift towards renewable energy is driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. However, the transition poses challenges, including high initial costs and the need for technological advancements to improve efficiency and storage.
  5. Not Given.

Now read the following statements and match the paragraphs where the information in each statement is provided. Write E against the statements that were not discussed in any paragraph.

  1. The process by which harmful genes are substituted with functional ones.
  2. The factors contributing to the increase in Earth’s atmospheric temperature.
  3. The method of training algorithms to make decisions without explicit instructions.
  4. The renewable energy source that relies on water flow for electricity generation.
  5. Ethical issues surrounding the modification of DNA in organisms.
  6. The adverse effects of greenhouse gases on sea levels and ecosystems.
  7. The concerns related to AI’s impact on employment and privacy.
  8. The natural process utilized to capture energy from sunlight.
  9. The debate over the ethical implications of genetic manipulation.


  1. The process by which harmful genes are substituted with functional ones.
    Answer: B. “One application of genetic engineering is gene therapy, where defective genes are replaced with functional ones to cure genetic disorders.”
  2. The factors contributing to the increase in Earth’s atmospheric temperature.
    Answer: A. “One primary cause of climate change is the increased concentration of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat in the atmosphere.”
  3. The method of training algorithms to make decisions without explicit instructions.
    Answer: C. “Machine learning, a subset of AI, involves training algorithms on large datasets to make predictions or decisions without explicit programming.”
  4. The renewable energy source that relies on water flow for electricity generation.
    Answer: D. “Hydropower utilizes flowing water to generate electricity.”
  5. Ethical issues surrounding the modification of DNA in organisms.
    Answer: B. “However, ethical concerns and potential risks associated with genetic engineering continue to spark debate.”
  6. The adverse effects of greenhouse gases on sea levels and ecosystems.
    Answer: A. “These changes have far-reaching impacts on natural ecosystems, weather patterns, and sea levels.”
  7. The concerns related to AI’s impact on employment and privacy.
    Answer: C. “The integration of AI into industries like healthcare, finance, and transportation is revolutionizing these fields but also raises concerns about privacy, job displacement, and ethical considerations.”
  8. The natural process utilized to capture energy from sunlight.
    Answer: D. “Solar energy harnesses sunlight through photovoltaic cells.”
  9. The debate over the ethical implications of genetic manipulation.
    Answer: B. “However, ethical concerns and potential risks associated with genetic engineering continue to spark debate.”


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PART 4: 12 minutes

Reading Passage:

In the intricate tapestry of contemporary intellectual discourse, the debate over the ramifications of artificial intelligence (AI) in societal evolution stands prominently. Dr. Eleanor Strickland, a distinguished 45-year-old AI ethicist, harbors profound reservations about the unbridled expansion of AI technologies. Her objections are not merely technical but deeply philosophical. She elucidates, “AI, as a construct, is a sophisticated ensemble of algorithms designed to emulate facets of human cognition. However, this technological simulacrum lacks the essential elements of human consciousness—empathy, ethical reasoning, and existential understanding. The pervasive infiltration of AI into critical societal sectors—healthcare, finance, security, and beyond—poses a stark dilemma. We are on the precipice of entrusting the fabric of our society to entities devoid of moral compass, entities that operate on the cold calculus of programmed logic rather than the warmth of human judgment.”

In sharp contrast, Professor Marcus Chen, 60, a venerated figure in computer science, champions the relentless advancement of AI. His advocacy is not just grounded in the technological prowess of AI but in a visionary foresight of its potential. He counters, “The evolution of AI marks a pinnacle in human intellectual achievement. It transcends mere imitation of intelligence; it is an expansion of our own cognitive and creative horizons. AI stands as a beacon of hope in addressing some of the most daunting challenges faced by humanity—climate change, medical breakthroughs, and beyond. To curtail its evolution due to speculative apprehensions is to shackle human progress itself. AI is not an existential threat but an existential necessity, a crucible in which the future of human society will be forged.”

The discourse between Dr. Strickland and Professor Chen epitomizes the dichotomy in perspectives towards AI. Dr. Strickland, with her academic acumen in ethics, views AI as a Pandora’s box, potentially unleashing consequences that could outstrip human control. She posits, “The integration of AI in such integral aspects of life—monitoring health, managing finances, ensuring security—ushers us into an era where human agency is progressively eclipsed by artificial determinism. The ethical quandaries posed by AI—issues of privacy, autonomy, and moral responsibility—are not mere academic musings but imminent realities that demand rigorous scrutiny.”

Conversely, Professor Chen, a luminary in his field, envisages AI as humanity’s most formidable ally. He elaborates, “AI’s capacity for processing vast troves of data, its unerring precision, and its ability to unearth patterns beyond human discernment, render it an indispensable asset. We stand at a juncture where AI can significantly elevate our quality of life, democratize access to information and resources, and catalyze innovations that were once the realm of science fiction. The trepidations surrounding AI stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of its nature. It is not a usurper of human values but a magnifier of human potential.”

The juxtaposition of these two towering intellects, each resolute in their stance, presents a microcosm of the broader societal debate on AI. Dr. Strickland’s apprehensions are echoed by a segment of society wary of the ethical and existential ramifications of AI, while Professor Chen’s optimism is shared by those who see AI as a harbinger of a new epoch in human civilization.


  1. What is one of Strickland’s objections?
    • AI is potentially uncontrollable
    • AI lacks ethics
    • AI does not understand many areas
    • AI is emulating humans
  2. How would you define Dr. Strickland?
    • A doomsday predictor
    • Extremely worried
    • Pessimistic about technology
    • Logical
  3. Where does the main conflict between the two people stem from?
    • Potential future outlooks
    • AI vs human determinism
    • The ethical considerations
    • Potential applications
  4. When talking about change…
    • Professor Chen is more open to it
    • Dr. Strickland is more open to it
    • Both see potential advantages and disadvantages to it
    • None of the above
  5. What does this phrase mean “harbinger of a new epoch in human civilization.”?
    • A foreshadowing of what is about to come
    • A warning
    • A major change
    • Hope

Comment and Questions:

Wow, it’s fascinating how Professor Chen delineates AI’s multifaceted impact, notably in the realms of 6. (socio-economic development/healthcare advancements/environmental solutions/technological progress). His comprehensive understanding underscores its transformative potential. Moreover, Chen’s conviction is deeply rooted in his 7. (extensive research/personal journey/professional experience/technological foresight), adding a layer of authenticity to his arguments. His personal association with AI’s growth trajectory provides a unique perspective. He’s spot on regarding AI’s utility in areas like 8. (data analysis/innovative research/educational tools/business optimization). It’s intriguing to see how he connects AI’s capabilities to practical applications that affect our everyday lives. It did strike me as somewhat unconventional when Chen likened AI to 9. (other disruptive technologies/creative endeavors/human advancements/essential modern utilities), such as renewable energy or the internet, but his analogy does put things into perspective. On the other hand, Dr. Strickland seems to overlook the positive aspects of AI, focusing solely on the ethical dilemmas. She might benefit from a perspective shift to 10. (acknowledge AI’s potential benefits/consider balanced viewpoints/recognize the inevitability of technological progress/engage in constructive dialogue about AI’s role).


  1. AI lacks ethics
  2. Logical
  3. The ethical considerations
  4. Professor Chen is more open to it
  5. A major change
  6. technological progress
  7. professional experience
  8. data analysis
  9. essential modern utilities
  10. acknowledge AI’s potential benefits

PART 4: 12 minutes

Reading Passage:

The debate over the benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy sources is a pivotal topic in contemporary environmental discourse. Dr. Laura Greenfield, a renowned environmental scientist aged 50, argues fervently for the widespread adoption of renewable energy. She asserts, “Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are essential for sustainable development. These energy sources do not deplete natural resources and have a significantly lower environmental impact compared to fossil fuels. The transition to renewable energy is not merely a technological shift but a moral imperative to combat climate change and ensure a habitable planet for future generations.”

Conversely, Mr. Richard Thompson, a 55-year-old economist with expertise in energy markets, expresses skepticism about the feasibility of a complete transition to renewable energy. He contends, “While renewable energy is indeed an important part of our energy portfolio, it cannot yet replace the reliability and efficiency of fossil fuels. The infrastructure for renewable energy is not sufficiently developed to meet global energy demands. Moreover, the economic implications of abandoning fossil fuels too rapidly could be detrimental, leading to job losses and increased energy prices. A balanced approach that incorporates both renewable and non-renewable energy sources is necessary to maintain economic stability.”

Dr. Greenfield emphasizes the urgency of addressing climate change through renewable energy adoption. She elaborates, “The current trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions is unsustainable. Investing in renewable energy technologies can mitigate these emissions and foster innovation in energy efficiency. The potential for job creation in the renewable sector is immense, and the long-term benefits to public health and the environment far outweigh the initial costs.”

In contrast, Mr. Thompson highlights the practical challenges associated with renewable energy. He argues, “The intermittent nature of renewable energy sources like solar and wind poses a significant challenge to energy reliability. Energy storage technologies, while improving, are not yet advanced enough to fully compensate for these fluctuations. Additionally, the transition to renewable energy requires substantial financial investments, which could strain public and private resources. A gradual transition that leverages the strengths of both renewable and fossil fuels is more pragmatic.”

The discourse between Dr. Greenfield and Mr. Thompson reflects the broader societal debate on energy policy. Dr. Greenfield’s advocacy for immediate and comprehensive adoption of renewable energy resonates with those who prioritize environmental sustainability, while Mr. Thompson’s cautious approach appeals to those concerned with economic and infrastructural pragmatism.


  1. What is one of Dr. Greenfield’s main arguments?
    • Renewable energy is less reliable
    • Renewable energy is essential for sustainable development
    • Renewable energy cannot meet global energy demands
    • Renewable energy requires substantial financial investments
  2. How would you define Mr. Thompson’s perspective?
    • Overly optimistic
    • Balanced and cautious
    • Completely against renewable energy
    • Indifferent
  3. Where does the main conflict between the two people stem from?
    • The environmental impact of energy sources
    • The economic implications of energy transition
    • The technological advancements in energy storage
    • The potential for job creation in the renewable sector
  4. When discussing the transition to renewable energy…
    • Dr. Greenfield is more optimistic about it
    • Mr. Thompson is more optimistic about it
    • Both see potential advantages and disadvantages to it
    • None of the above
  5. What does the phrase “a moral imperative to combat climate change” mean?
    • An optional choice
    • A necessity based on ethical principles
    • A technical requirement
    • An economic strategy

Comment and Questions:

It’s intriguing to see how Dr. Greenfield emphasizes the ethical and environmental urgency of renewable energy adoption, notably in the realms of 6. (public health improvements/technological innovation/economic benefits/environmental conservation). Her arguments are compelling and underscore the long-term advantages. Furthermore, Greenfield’s viewpoint is deeply rooted in her 7. (extensive research/personal beliefs/professional background/academic studies), adding a layer of credibility to her stance. Her focus on the potential for 8. (technological breakthroughs/job creation/policy changes/international cooperation) highlights the broader impact of renewable energy. On the other hand, Mr. Thompson’s focus on the practical challenges of renewable energy transition, such as 9. (energy reliability/cost efficiency/political feasibility/social acceptance), provides a pragmatic counterpoint. His call for a balanced approach suggests that 10. (renewable energy cannot succeed without fossil fuels/renewable energy needs time to develop/we need to avoid economic disruptions/the transition requires careful planning).


  1. Renewable energy is essential for sustainable development
  2. Balanced and cautious
  3. The economic implications of energy transition
  4. Dr. Greenfield is more optimistic about it
  5. A necessity based on ethical principles
  6. environmental conservation
  7. professional background
  8. job creation
  9. energy reliability
  10. the transition requires careful planning

PART 4: 12 minutes

Reading Passage:

The debate over the impact of remote work on productivity and work-life balance has gained prominence in recent years. Ms. Karen Lopez, a 38-year-old human resources manager, advocates for the benefits of remote work. She argues, “Remote work offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing employees to better manage their personal and professional lives. It reduces commute time, which can be redirected towards productive work or personal activities, thereby enhancing overall well-being. Moreover, remote work can increase productivity by providing a comfortable and personalized work environment, free from the usual office distractions.”

On the other hand, Mr. Samuel Davis, a 45-year-old business consultant, raises concerns about remote work. He states, “While remote work has its advantages, it also presents significant challenges. The lack of direct supervision can lead to decreased productivity and a sense of isolation among employees. Collaboration and teamwork suffer without face-to-face interaction, which can hinder innovation and problem-solving. Additionally, the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life can lead to burnout and decreased job satisfaction.”

Ms. Lopez emphasizes the positive impact of remote work on employee morale and retention. She explains, “Employees who have the option to work remotely often report higher job satisfaction and loyalty to their employers. The flexibility to work from different locations can also attract a wider talent pool, including those who might not be able to commute or relocate for a job. Companies that support remote work are seen as more progressive and adaptable, which can enhance their reputation and competitiveness.”

Conversely, Mr. Davis focuses on the operational challenges and potential downsides of remote work. He elaborates, “Maintaining company culture and ensuring effective communication are difficult when employees are dispersed. There is also the issue of data security and ensuring that remote workers have access to the necessary technology and support. It’s crucial to find a balance that leverages the benefits of remote work while addressing its drawbacks.”

The discussion between Ms. Lopez and Mr. Davis reflects the broader societal debate on remote work. Ms. Lopez’s advocacy for remote work resonates with those who value flexibility and work-life balance, while Mr. Davis’s concerns highlight the importance of structure and in-person collaboration.


  1. What is one of Ms. Lopez’s main arguments?
    • Remote work decreases job satisfaction
    • Remote work offers unparalleled flexibility
    • Remote work hinders collaboration
    • Remote work increases commute time
  2. How would you define Mr. Davis’s perspective?
    • Overly optimistic
    • Balanced and cautious
    • Completely against remote work
    • Indifferent
  3. Where does the main conflict between the two people stem from?
    • The environmental impact of remote work
    • The flexibility of remote work
    • The operational challenges of remote work
    • The economic implications of remote work
  4. When discussing the impact on work-life balance…
    • Ms. Lopez is more optimistic about it
    • Mr. Davis is more optimistic about it
    • Both see potential advantages and disadvantages to it
    • None of the above
  5. What does the phrase “blurring of boundaries between work and personal life” mean?
    • Clear separation of work and personal activities
    • Increasing commute time
    • Difficulty in distinguishing work time from personal time
    • Enhanced job satisfaction

Comment and Questions:

It’s interesting to see how Ms. Lopez highlights the benefits of remote work, particularly in terms of 6. (employee flexibility/job satisfaction/productivity/technological advancement). Her insights into how remote work can enhance 7. (employee morale/innovation/economic growth/job security) are compelling. Moreover, Lopez’s viewpoint is grounded in her 8. (personal beliefs/research findings/professional experience/academic background), adding depth to her argument. On the other hand, Mr. Davis’s focus on the challenges of remote work, such as 9. (work-life balance/data security/team collaboration/employee retention), provides a necessary counterbalance. His call for a balanced approach suggests that 10. (remote work is only for certain industries/in-person work is outdated/remote work will replace traditional work environments/remote work needs better management).


  1. Remote work offers unparalleled flexibility
  2. Balanced and cautious
  3. The operational challenges of remote work
  4. Ms. Lopez is more optimistic about it
  5. Difficulty in distinguishing work time from personal time
  6. employee flexibility
  7. employee morale
  8. professional experience
  9. team collaboration
  10. remote work needs better management


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