How to Score CLB 9+ in PTE Core? All Modules Covered.

Achieve CLB 9+ in PTE Core with our comprehensive guide. Master essential techniques for reading, writing, listening, and speaking to boost your score.

How to Score CLB 9 or 10 in PTE Core Writing

Achieving a CLB 9 or 10 in the PTE Core Writing section requires meticulous preparation, a clear understanding of the task requirements, and effective writing strategies. This blog will provide detailed strategies for each part of the exam, along with tips, tricks, and examples to help you succeed.

Understanding the PTE Core Writing Section

The PTE Core Writing section evaluates your ability to write academic English. The section includes two main types of tasks:

  1. Summarize Written Text
  2. Write Essay

Strategies for Each Part

1. Summarize Written Text


  • Read the Text Carefully: Understand the main idea and key points of the text.
  • Identify Key Points: Highlight or note down the most important points.
  • Write a Single Sentence Summary: Combine the key points into a single, clear, and concise sentence.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Use complex sentences to combine multiple ideas.
  • Ensure your sentence is grammatically correct and free of errors.
  • Avoid copying phrases directly from the text; use synonyms and rephrase.


Text (120 words):

“Renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and hydropower, play a vital role in mitigating climate change by significantly reducing carbon emissions. Unlike fossil fuels, these sources are abundant and sustainable, providing a long-term solution to the energy crisis. The adoption of renewable energy technologies has seen substantial growth globally, driven by government incentives and increasing awareness of environmental issues. Furthermore, the renewable energy sector creates numerous employment opportunities, fostering economic growth. It also leads to lower energy costs for consumers, enhancing energy security and reducing dependence on imported fuels. As a result, the transition to renewable energy is not only environmentally imperative but also economically advantageous.”

Summary (<50 words):

“Renewable energy, including solar, wind, and hydropower, reduces carbon emissions, combats climate change, creates jobs, lowers energy costs, and fosters economic growth.”


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2. Write Essay


  • Understand the Prompt: Clearly understand what the essay prompt is asking.
  • Plan Your Essay: Spend a few minutes planning your essay structure (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion).
  • Develop a Clear Thesis: State your main argument or position in the introduction.
  • Use Structured Paragraphs: Each paragraph should have a clear main idea and supporting details.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Use linking words and phrases to ensure a smooth flow of ideas.
  • Vary your sentence structure to enhance readability.
  • Support your arguments with examples and evidence.


Prompt: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Technology has made our lives easier. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”


Introduction: Technology has profoundly transformed our lives, making daily tasks more convenient and efficient. This essay agrees that technology has made our lives easier for several reasons.

Body Paragraph 1: Firstly, technology has revolutionized communication. With the advent of smartphones and the internet, people can connect instantly with others around the globe. This has not only improved personal relationships but also enhanced business operations by enabling real-time collaboration.

Body Paragraph 2: Secondly, technology has significantly improved access to information and education. Online resources and e-learning platforms provide opportunities for lifelong learning and skill development. This has democratized education, making it accessible to people regardless of their geographical location.

Body Paragraph 3: Lastly, technology has enhanced productivity and efficiency in various industries. Automation and advanced software have streamlined workflows, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks. This has led to increased output and innovation across sectors.

Conclusion: In conclusion, technology has undeniably made our lives easier by improving communication, expanding access to information, and increasing productivity. Its benefits continue to shape our world positively.

General Tips for Success

  • Practice Regularly: Regular writing practice is crucial. Write essays and summaries on various topics to improve your skills.
  • Expand Your Vocabulary: A rich vocabulary allows you to express ideas more precisely and variedly.
  • Review Grammar Rules: Ensure your writing is free of grammatical errors by regularly reviewing grammar rules and practicing exercises.
  • Seek Feedback: Get feedback on your writing from teachers, peers, or online forums to identify areas for improvement.
  • Time Management: During the exam, manage your time effectively to ensure you can complete both tasks within the allotted time.

By following these strategies and tips, you can enhance your performance in the PTE Core Writing section and achieve a CLB 10. Remember, consistent practice, a thorough understanding of the task requirements, and effective writing strategies are key to your success. Good luck!

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How to Score CLB 9 or 10 in PTE Core Speaking

Achieving a CLB 10 in the PTE Core Speaking section requires strategic preparation, clear pronunciation, and effective speaking techniques. This blog will provide you with detailed strategies for each part of the exam, along with tips, tricks, and examples to help you succeed.

Understanding the PTE Core Speaking Section

The PTE Core Speaking section assesses your ability to speak English in an academic context. The section includes several different types of tasks:

  1. Read Aloud
  2. Repeat Sentence
  3. Describe Image
  4. Re-tell Lecture
  5. Answer Short Question

Strategies for Each Part

1. Read Aloud


  • Understand the Text: Quickly read the text to understand its meaning before you start speaking.
  • Pronunciation and Intonation: Focus on clear pronunciation and natural intonation.
  • Pace and Pauses: Speak at a moderate pace and use pauses where necessary to emphasize meaning.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice reading aloud regularly to improve your fluency.
  • Pay attention to punctuation marks as they guide your intonation and pauses.
  • Record yourself to identify areas for improvement.


Text: “Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are crucial in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.”

Read Aloud: (Clear pronunciation, moderate pace, natural intonation)

2. Repeat Sentence


  • Listen Carefully: Focus on understanding the sentence as a whole.
  • Short-term Memory: Try to retain the sentence in your short-term memory.
  • Accuracy: Repeat the sentence as accurately as possible.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice with various sentence lengths to improve your memory and repetition skills.
  • Focus on the key words and structure of the sentence to aid recall.
  • Mimic the speaker’s intonation and stress patterns.


Audio: “The conference will be held next week at the downtown convention center.” Repeat: “The conference will be held next week at the downtown convention center.”

3. Describe Image


  • Understand the Image: Spend a few seconds analyzing the image to understand its main components.
  • Structure Your Description: Start with a general overview, followed by specific details, and conclude with a summary.
  • Use Descriptive Language: Employ a variety of vocabulary and descriptive language to convey the information.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice describing different types of images (graphs, charts, pictures) to improve your versatility.
  • Use linking words and phrases to ensure a smooth flow of speech.
  • Focus on clarity and coherence in your description.


Image: A bar chart showing the growth of renewable energy sources from 2010 to 2020.

Description: “The bar chart illustrates the growth of renewable energy sources from 2010 to 2020. It shows a significant increase in the use of solar and wind power over this period. Solar energy usage rose from 20% in 2010 to 50% in 2020, while wind power increased from 15% to 45%. This indicates a growing trend towards sustainable energy sources.”

4. Re-tell Lecture


  • Take Notes: Jot down key points and phrases while listening to the lecture.
  • Understand the Main Idea: Focus on the main idea and supporting details.
  • Structure Your Re-tell: Start with an introduction, followed by the main points, and conclude with a summary.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice note-taking to improve your ability to capture essential information quickly.
  • Use linking phrases to connect your points and ensure a coherent re-tell.
  • Practice summarizing lectures or talks to enhance your skills.


Lecture: A discussion on the benefits of renewable energy sources, including their environmental and economic advantages.

Re-tell: “The lecture discussed the benefits of renewable energy sources, highlighting their environmental and economic advantages. Renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, helps reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change. Additionally, it provides economic benefits by creating jobs and lowering energy costs.”

5. Answer Short Question


  • Listen Carefully: Focus on understanding the question fully.
  • Provide a Concise Answer: Give a brief and direct answer to the question.
  • Stay Calm: Stay calm and composed to ensure clarity in your response.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice answering a variety of short questions to improve your response time.
  • Focus on accuracy and brevity in your answers.
  • Avoid overthinking the question; provide a straightforward answer.


Question: “What is the capital of France?” Answer: “Paris.”

General Tips for Success

  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice with various speaking tasks is crucial.
  • Expand Your Vocabulary: A broad vocabulary allows you to express ideas more precisely.
  • Improve Your Pronunciation: Focus on clear pronunciation to ensure you are easily understood.
  • Seek Feedback: Get feedback on your speaking from teachers, peers, or online forums to identify areas for improvement.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Confidence and calmness can significantly enhance your performance.

By following these strategies and tips, you can enhance your performance in the PTE Core Speaking section and achieve a CLB 10. Remember, regular practice, a thorough understanding of the task requirements, and effective speaking techniques are key to your success. Good luck!

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How to Score CLB 9 or 10 in PTE Core Reading

Scoring CLB 10 in the PTE Core Reading section is a significant achievement that requires strategic preparation and a thorough understanding of the exam format. In this blog, we will explore the strategies for each specific part of the exam, along with tips, tricks, and examples to help you achieve your goal.

Understanding the PTE Core Reading Section

The PTE Core Reading section assesses your ability to read and understand academic English. It includes several different types of questions:

  1. Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer
  2. Multiple-choice, Choose Multiple Answers
  3. Re-order Paragraphs
  4. Reading: Fill in the Blanks
  5. Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks

Strategies for Each Part

1. Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer


  • Skim the Text: Quickly skim the passage to get a general idea of the topic.
  • Read the Question First: Always read the question first to know what to look for in the passage.
  • Scan for Keywords: Scan the passage for keywords or synonyms related to the question.
  • Eliminate Wrong Answers: Narrow down your options by eliminating clearly wrong answers.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Focus on the main idea of the passage.
  • Pay attention to words that indicate contrast or emphasis (e.g., however, moreover).
  • Practice identifying the author’s purpose and tone.


Question: What is the main purpose of the passage? Options: A) To explain the benefits of exercise. B) To discuss the history of fitness. C) To compare different types of workouts. D) To argue against the use of supplements.

Correct Answer: A) To explain the benefits of exercise.

2. Multiple-choice, Choose Multiple Answers


  • Understand the Passage: Take your time to read and understand the passage thoroughly.
  • Identify Keywords: Highlight or note down keywords from the question and passage.
  • Select All That Apply: Be aware that there may be more than one correct answer.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Look for answers that are directly supported by the text.
  • Beware of options that are partially correct or outside the scope of the passage.


Question: Which of the following are mentioned as benefits of exercise in the passage? Options: A) Improved mental health B) Increased energy levels C) Better social interactions D) Enhanced cognitive function

Correct Answers: A) Improved mental health, B) Increased energy levels, D) Enhanced cognitive function

3. Re-order Paragraphs


  • Identify the Topic Sentence: Find the sentence that introduces the main idea.
  • Look for Logical Sequence: Arrange the sentences logically, ensuring a smooth flow of ideas.
  • Use Transitional Words: Pay attention to connecting words or phrases that indicate sequence.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice re-ordering paragraphs regularly to improve your skills.
  • Look for sentences that provide examples, definitions, or explanations.


Original Sentences: A) Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health. B) Additionally, it helps in weight management and reducing stress levels. C) It improves cardiovascular health and boosts immunity. D) There are numerous benefits associated with physical activity.

Re-ordered Paragraph: D) There are numerous benefits associated with physical activity. A) Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health. C) It improves cardiovascular health and boosts immunity. B) Additionally, it helps in weight management and reducing stress levels.

4. Reading: Fill in the Blanks


  • Understand the Context: Read the entire passage to understand the context.
  • Predict the Missing Word: Try to predict the word before looking at the options.
  • Use Grammar and Collocations: Pay attention to grammatical cues and common word combinations.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice different types of texts to get familiar with various contexts.
  • Focus on parts of speech and how words fit grammatically into the sentence.


Passage: Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It not only improves physical health but also enhances __________ well-being. Options: A) mental, B) financial, C) academic, D) social

Correct Answer: A) mental

5. Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks


  • Read for Meaning: Understand the overall meaning of the passage.
  • Predict the Word: Predict the missing word based on the context.
  • Check for Fit: Ensure the word fits both grammatically and contextually.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice with academic texts to get used to the style of writing.
  • Use process of elimination to narrow down your choices.


Passage: The conference was attended by several __________ speakers who shared their insights on the latest trends in technology. Options: A) renowned, B) insignificant, C) obscure, D) unfamiliar

Correct Answer: A) renowned

General Tips for Success

  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice with sample tests and reading materials is key.
  • Expand Your Vocabulary: A strong vocabulary helps in understanding and answering questions accurately.
  • Time Management: Allocate your time wisely during the exam to ensure you can complete all sections.
  • Stay Calm and Focused: Stay calm and focused during the exam to avoid careless mistakes.

By following these strategies and tips, you can enhance your performance in the PTE Core Reading section and achieve a CLB 10. Remember, consistent practice and a thorough understanding of the exam format are essential to your success. Good luck!



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How to Score CLB 9 or 10 in PTE Core Listening

Achieving a CLB 10 in the PTE Core Listening section requires strategic preparation, keen listening skills, and a thorough understanding of the exam format. This blog will provide you with detailed strategies for each part of the exam, along with tips, tricks, and examples to help you succeed.

Understanding the PTE Core Listening Section

The PTE Core Listening section assesses your ability to understand spoken English in an academic context. The section includes various types of questions:

  1. Summarize Spoken Text
  2. Multiple-choice, Choose Multiple Answers
  3. Fill in the Blanks
  4. Highlight Correct Summary
  5. Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer
  6. Select Missing Word
  7. Highlight Incorrect Words
  8. Write from Dictation

Strategies for Each Part

1. Summarize Spoken Text


  • Focus on Key Points: Listen for the main ideas and key points of the lecture.
  • Take Notes: Jot down important details while listening to the audio.
  • Structure Your Summary: Begin with a clear introduction, followed by the main points, and conclude with a summary statement.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Use concise and clear language.
  • Include all major points but avoid unnecessary details.
  • Practice summarizing short lectures or talks to improve your skills.


Audio Content: A lecture on the benefits of renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power, their impact on reducing carbon emissions, and the economic advantages.

Summary: The lecture discussed the benefits of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. It highlighted their role in reducing carbon emissions and their economic advantages.

2. Multiple-choice, Choose Multiple Answers


  • Listen for Specific Information: Focus on specific details mentioned in the audio.
  • Identify Keywords: Note down keywords or phrases that are repeated or emphasized.
  • Select All Relevant Answers: Be prepared to choose more than one correct answer.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Beware of distractors that sound correct but are not supported by the audio.
  • Practice listening to different accents and speeds to improve your adaptability.


Question: Which of the following are mentioned as benefits of exercise in the audio? Options: A) Improved mental health B) Increased energy levels C) Better social interactions D) Enhanced cognitive function

Correct Answers: A) Improved mental health, B) Increased energy levels, D) Enhanced cognitive function

3. Fill in the Blanks


  • Pay Attention to Context: Listen to the entire sentence to understand the context before filling in the blank.
  • Focus on Pronunciation: Be attentive to how words are pronounced, as this can help you catch the correct word.
  • Use Grammar Clues: Ensure the word fits grammatically into the sentence.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice with various audio materials to get used to different contexts.
  • Improve your spelling and vocabulary to accurately fill in the blanks.


Audio: “Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It not only improves physical health but also enhances __________ well-being.” Blank: mental

4. Highlight Correct Summary


  • Understand the Main Idea: Focus on the main idea and supporting details in the audio.
  • Eliminate Irrelevant Options: Discard summaries that include incorrect or irrelevant information.
  • Choose the Most Accurate Summary: Select the summary that best captures the essence of the audio.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice summarizing short audio clips to hone your skills.
  • Pay attention to signal words that indicate the main points.


Audio Content: A discussion on the impact of climate change, mentioning rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the importance of reducing carbon footprints.

Correct Summary: The audio discusses the impact of climate change, highlighting rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the need to reduce carbon footprints.

5. Multiple-choice, Choose Single Answer


  • Listen for the Main Idea: Focus on the main point of the audio.
  • Note Down Keywords: Write down important keywords or phrases.
  • Eliminate Distractors: Discard options that do not match the main idea.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice active listening to improve your ability to catch key points.
  • Familiarize yourself with different topics to be prepared for various subjects.


Question: What is the main topic of the audio? Options: A) The benefits of exercise B) The history of fitness C) Different types of workouts D) Arguments against supplements

Correct Answer: A) The benefits of exercise

6. Select Missing Word


  • Understand the Context: Listen to the entire sentence to grasp the context.
  • Predict the Missing Word: Try to predict what the missing word could be based on the context.
  • Focus on the Last Few Words: The missing word usually comes at the end, so pay extra attention to the final part of the audio.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Improve your vocabulary to better predict missing words.
  • Practice listening to different types of audio to become familiar with various contexts.


Audio: “The conference will focus on recent advancements in renewable energy, especially in __________.” Options: A) technology, B) agriculture, C) medicine, D) transportation

Correct Answer: A) technology

7. Highlight Incorrect Words


  • Read Along: Follow the transcript as you listen to the audio.
  • Listen for Mismatches: Pay attention to words that do not match what is being said.
  • Highlight the Incorrect Words: Mark the words that are different from the audio.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice with transcripts to improve your ability to spot discrepancies.
  • Focus on words that change the meaning of the sentence.


Transcript: “The benefits of regular exercise include improved cardiovascular health, increased energy, and better sleep quality.” Audio: “The benefits of regular exercise include improved cardiovascular health, increased stamina, and better sleep quality.”

Incorrect Word: energy (correct word: stamina)

8. Write from Dictation


  • Focus on Short-term Memory: Listen carefully and retain the sentence in your short-term memory.
  • Write Quickly: Write down what you hear as accurately as possible.
  • Check for Accuracy: Review what you have written to ensure it matches the audio.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Practice dictation exercises regularly to improve your listening and writing skills.
  • Focus on spelling and punctuation to avoid losing marks.


Audio: “The conference will be held next week at the downtown convention center.” Correct Dictation: The conference will be held next week at the downtown convention center.

General Tips for Success

  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice with various audio materials is essential.
  • Expand Your Vocabulary: A broad vocabulary helps in understanding and answering questions accurately.
  • Improve Your Note-taking: Effective note-taking can help you remember key details.
  • Stay Calm and Focused: Stay calm during the exam to avoid missing important information.

By following these strategies and tips, you can enhance your performance in the PTE Core Listening section and achieve a CLB 10. Remember, regular practice and a thorough understanding of the exam format are key to your success. Good luck!


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