PTE CORE Speaking Sample Answer [BEST GUIDE]

PTE CORE Speaking Sample Answer: The top 2 hardest questions and how to overcome them using the best approach mentioned in this blog!

PTE CORE Speaking Sample Answer

This guide delves into the complexities of the PTE Core Speaking exam and a sample answer, specifically focusing on the two most challenging aspects: describing an image and responding to a situation. Through detailed analysis and expert examples, we aim to equip students with the knowledge and strategies needed to excel.

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Why Do Students Fail PTE Core?

One might wonder why many students find themselves stumbling on the PTE Core, particularly in the speaking section. The crux of the difficulty lies in two specific types of questions: describing an image and responding to a situation.

These questions are daunting because they require the test-taker to speak at length, for approximately 40 seconds, about complex scenarios or detailed images without prior preparation.

PTE Core Speaking: Describing an Image

PTE Core Speaking Test Hard Question: Describe an Image: 40 Seconds. Tips and Tricks

When tasked with describing an image, students must quickly assimilate and articulate various elements present in the picture. This could range from identifying the main components of the scene to interpreting subtle details that add depth to the description. The challenge here is twofold: firstly, the constraint of a 40-second time limit pressures students to organize their thoughts rapidly; secondly, the necessity to employ a diverse vocabulary and articulate observations clearly makes this task particularly strenuous.

Example: A sample response might begin by setting the scene, “The picture shows a tranquil, deserted town with a distinct commercial vibe, evidenced by four main buildings…” The speaker would then proceed to detail the surroundings, including any peculiar features like a duck pond, emphasizing descriptive adjectives and spatial awareness.

PTE Core Speaking: Responding to a Situation

PTE Core Speaking Test Tough Question: Describe a Situation - 40 seconds.

The second hurdle involves responding to hypothetical situations, which tests not only the speaker’s linguistic capabilities but also their problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence. This scenario requires the examinee to empathize with the situation, articulate a thoughtful response, and structure their reply coherently, all within a tight timeframe.

Example: Addressing a scenario where one has to confess to a colleague about accidentally damaging their laptop, a well-crafted response would balance apology with accountability, “Hey Bob, I regret to inform you that your laptop, which I borrowed, now requires frequent charging and has sustained a scratch…”


Key Strategies for PTE Core Speaking Success

To conquer these challenges, candidates must adopt strategic approaches that enhance their speaking skills and align with the exam’s scoring criteria.

  • Timing and Structure: Practicing under timed conditions helps in structuring responses within the allotted 40 seconds, ensuring that all key points are succinctly covered.
  • Lexical Resource: Expanding one’s vocabulary, especially with adjectives and adverbs, can add depth to descriptions and responses, making them more vivid and engaging.
  • Clarity and Pace: Speaking clearly and at a steady pace ensures that AI markers can accurately evaluate your response. Mimicking natural speech patterns, as when using voice-to-text technology, can be beneficial.

Exclusive Resources for Mastery

For those seeking to delve deeper into mastering PTE Core Speaking, numerous resources are available that offer structured guidance, expert advice, and practical examples.

  • Why do students always fail PTE Core? This course not only explains the pitfalls but also guarantees results or offers a money-back option. With an impressive track record of 100,000 copies sold and stellar reviews, it’s a pivotal resource for serious candidates. Find immediate access here.
  • BEST FREE PTE CORE Videos and Advice: A treasure trove of free resources that provide invaluable insights and tips for acing the PTE Core Speaking section. Access these resources here.


10 Ways To Ensure The PTE Core AI Gives You The Best Marks:

  1. Clear Articulation: Emphasize clear enunciation of words. For instance, clearly distinguish between words with similar sounds such as “ship” and “sheep.” This precision helps AI more accurately understand your speech.
  2. Appropriate Pace: Maintain a moderate and steady speaking pace. Avoid rushing through your sentences. Practice speaking at a pace that feels natural yet clear, allowing brief pauses between phrases for clarity.
  3. Consistent Volume and Projection: Project your voice clearly towards the microphone, ensuring a consistent volume. This doesn’t mean shouting but speaking in a firm, audible tone, especially important in a room where there might be other voices or ambient noise.
  4. Strategic Pauses: Use strategic pauses, especially before and after key points. This helps in separating ideas clearly for the AI and provides it with cues about the structure of your responses.
  5. Focus on Pronunciation: Prioritize accurate pronunciation, particularly for words that you know are challenging. Pronunciation can significantly impact voice recognition, so practicing difficult words in advance can improve your performance.
  6. Intonation and Expression: Use natural intonation and expression when speaking. This can help differentiate questions from statements and convey enthusiasm or seriousness, aiding in making your speech more intelligible and engaging to AI.
  7. Preparation and Practice: Since you cannot control the exam environment, prepare by practicing in environments with mild distractions. This can help you learn to maintain focus and ensure clear speech even when there’s background noise.
  8. Directly Address the Microphone: If possible, adjust your position so you’re speaking directly towards the microphone provided, without leaning too close or too far away. This helps in capturing your voice more clearly over ambient room noise.
  9. Breathing Techniques: Use proper breathing techniques to maintain vocal steadiness and clarity. Deep breaths from your diaphragm, rather than shallow breaths from your chest, can help keep your voice clear and steady.
  10. Mental and Physical Warm-up: Engage in both mental and physical warm-ups before the test. Tongue twisters can warm up your articulation muscles, and mental preparation can help you stay calm and focused, improving your overall delivery.


Final Thoughts

Achieving a score of 90 in PTE Core Speaking is a lofty yet attainable goal. It requires diligent preparation, a strategic approach to learning, and the utilization of quality resources. By understanding the nuances of the exam, practicing extensively, and leveraging expert guidance, success is within reach. Remember, the journey to excellence in PTE Core Speaking is a marathon, not a sprint. Equip yourself with the right tools and mindset, and you’ll find yourself crossing the finish line with flying colors.
