PTE Core Reading: Step-By-Step Breakdown

Every PTE Core Reading trick and tip for every kind of question is covered in this blog. For complete credit, adhere to this DETAILED BREAKDOWN!

PTE Core Reading – Every Single Question and its Strategy:

This blog covers everything you need to know about the PTE Core reading section with detailed tips and tricks for EVERY SINGLE QUESTION TYPE! Look at this PTE Core sample reading practice test and learn how to answer:

-fill in the blanks (both versions)

-multiple choice questions (both versions)

-reorder sentences


PTE Core Question 1: Reading – Fill in the blanks:

In this question type, you are given a passage with blanks. Each blank will have 4 multiple-choice options that can be placed. Here is an example:

Dear Friends, In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for relaxation is more important than ever. It’s incredible how taking a moment to breathe deeply can _____ (1) _____ improve your mood and reduce stress. Mindfulness is a powerful tool, and its benefits cannot be _____ (2) _____ enough. To further enhance my well-being, I’ve started practicing yoga three times a week. The flexibility and strength _____ (3) _____ gained from consistent practice have been transformative. Not only has my physical health improved, but I also feel more mentally _____ (4) _____ and ready to tackle the challenges of the day. Moreover, establishing a regular sleep schedule has worked wonders for my energy levels. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps me feel _____ (5) _____ rested and prepared for whatever comes my way. Remember, quality sleep is fundamental to good health. Wishing you peace and wellness, Taylor

Multiple Choice Options:

Gap 1 A) significantly B) barely C) seldom D) rarely

Gap 2 A) underestimated B) overestimated C) ignored D) forgotten

Gap 3 A) being B) I’ve C) they’ve D) we’ve

Gap 4 A) aligned B) balanced C) challenged D) disturbed

Gap 5 A) less B) more C) equally D) slightly


PTE Core Fill in the Blanks – Reading Strategy:

1. Context Clues Strategy

How to Use: Pay attention to the words and sentences surrounding the blank. They often provide hints about the correct answer.

Example Task: Imagine a sentence in a reading passage: “During the summer, the beach is _____ (1) _____ crowded, making it hard to find a spot.”

Strategy Application: The context clue is “making it hard to find a spot,” suggesting the beach is very crowded. Therefore, if the options are A) less, B) rarely, C) occasionally, D) more, the correct answer would be D) more.

2. Grammar and Syntax Strategy

How to Use: Look at the grammatical structure required by the blank space. Some answers may be grammatically incorrect.

Example Task: “She decided to _____ (1) _____ her room, which was a complete mess.”

Strategy Application: If the options are A) cleaned, B) cleaning, C) clean, D) cleanly, the correct choice based on grammar is C) clean, because the sentence needs an infinitive verb to fit grammatically after “decided to.”

3. Process of Elimination Strategy

How to Use: Eliminate options that are clearly wrong to narrow down the choices, making an educated guess more likely to be correct.

Example Task: “He felt _____ (1) _____ after eating the huge meal.”

Strategy Application: Options might be A) famished, B) starving, C) stuffed, D) hungry. Since “famished,” “starving,” and “hungry” all mean to feel a need to eat, which contradicts feeling after eating, the correct answer is C) stuffed.

4. Substitution Strategy

How to Use: Temporarily fill in the blank with your own word before looking at the options. Then, choose the option closest in meaning to your word.

Example Task: “The book was so _____ (1) _____ that I couldn’t put it down.”

Strategy Application: You might think of the word “engaging” as your own word. Given the choices A) boring, B) interesting, C) lengthy, D) simple, the closest in meaning to “engaging” is B) interesting.

5. Theme and Tone Strategy

How to Use: Understand the overall theme or tone of the passage to guide your choice, especially for subjective or inferential blanks.

Example Task: “Despite the adversity, the team remained _____ (1) _____, showing no sign of giving up.”

Strategy Application: If the overall tone of the passage is positive and resilient, and the options are A) defeated, B) optimistic, C) indifferent, D) hostile, the best fit is B) optimistic, aligning with the theme of perseverance.

By applying these strategies to reading comprehension tasks, you can systematically approach and solve multiple-choice questions with greater accuracy and confidence.

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PTE Core Reading Question 2: Multiple-Choice, Multiple Answers:

In this question type, you are presented a passage and MORE THAN ONE answer is correct. Here is an example:

Dear Team,

In an ever-evolving market landscape, our commitment to innovation and efficiency has guided every decision we make. It is with this forward-looking mindset that we announce a significant leap in our journey—a strategic overhaul of our production processes. After months of rigorous research and evaluation, we’ve identified the integration of cutting-edge automation technology as a key driver for our next phase of growth.

This enhancement is not just about staying current; it’s about setting a new industry standard. The adoption of automation will dramatically increase our production capacity while maintaining the high-quality standards that our customers have come to expect. Furthermore, this shift is expected to unlock unprecedented levels of precision and speed across our operations, significantly reducing turnaround times for our products.

We are also excited about the positive environmental impact this change will entail. By optimizing our resource use and reducing waste, we are taking a big step towards our sustainability objectives. This initiative aligns with our responsibility towards the planet and our ambition to lead by example in our industry.

We understand that transitions of this magnitude come with challenges and uncertainties. Please rest assured that we are fully committed to supporting every team member through this transition. Training programs and resources will be provided to ensure everyone is equipped with the knowledge and skills needed for this new chapter.

Details on the implementation timeline and specific training schedules will be shared in the upcoming weeks. We value your input and encourage open communication as we move forward with this transformative project.

Warm regards,

Morgan Smith, CEO

Question: What are the reasons for the company’s decision to integrate automation technology according to the passage? You will need to select more than one response.

A) To reduce operational costs.

B) For environmental sustainability.

C) To decrease product quality.

D) To increase production capacity and efficiency.

E) To align with current market trends.

PTE Core Reading Strategy – Multiple-Choice, Multiple Answers:

For questions requiring you to identify multiple correct answers, it’s crucial to apply a comprehensive approach to ensure you capture all relevant details from the passage. Here’s how to tackle such a question based on the passage about a company integrating automation technology:

1. Direct Statement Identification

How to Use: Look for statements in the passage that explicitly mention the reasons for a decision.

Strategy Application: The passage mentions that the adoption of automation will “increase our production capacity” and maintain “high-quality standards,” which suggests that increasing production capacity and efficiency is a direct goal (D). It also highlights a “positive environmental impact” and steps towards “sustainability objectives,” indicating environmental sustainability as a reason (B).

2. Implication and Inference

How to Use: Some answers might not be explicitly stated but can be inferred from the benefits or outcomes described in the passage.

Strategy Application: While the passage does not directly mention reducing operational costs, the emphasis on “optimizing our resource use and reducing waste” through automation could imply cost reduction as an indirect benefit. However, since it’s not explicitly stated as a reason for automation, caution is advised unless the context strongly supports it.

3. Contradiction Elimination

How to Use: Eliminate any option that contradicts information provided in the passage.

Strategy Application: The option stating “To decrease product quality” (C) is directly contradicted by the passage, which mentions maintaining high-quality standards as a key outcome of automation.

4. Alignment with Core Values and Goals

How to Use: Assess how each option aligns with the company’s stated values, goals, or strategic direction as described in the passage.

Strategy Application: The passage articulates a commitment to “innovation and efficiency” and setting “a new industry standard,” which aligns with increasing production capacity and efficiency (D) and advancing environmental sustainability (B). However, there’s no explicit mention of aligning with current market trends (E) as a reason for automation, suggesting that while it might be a benefit, it’s not stated as a direct reason for the decision.

5. Comprehensive Review for Multiple Answers

How to Use: Since multiple answers can be correct, review each option independently against the passage, rather than looking for a single correct answer.

Strategy Application: Analyze each option in isolation to see if it’s supported by the passage. This helps in avoiding the common mistake of stopping the analysis once a single correct answer is found, ensuring all valid reasons are identified.

Application to the Provided Example:

Based on the passage provided, the correct answers related to the company’s reasons for integrating automation technology are:

  • B) For environmental sustainability – The passage explicitly mentions the initiative’s alignment with sustainability objectives.
  • D) To increase production capacity and efficiency – Directly stated as outcomes of adopting automation.

The other options can be assessed as follows:

  • A) While operational cost reduction could be inferred, it’s not explicitly stated as a reason.
  • C) This is contradicted by the passage’s emphasis on maintaining high quality.
  • E) Aligning with market trends is not explicitly mentioned as a reason for the decision.

Thus, focusing on the passage’s explicit statements and logical inferences while carefully eliminating contradictory or unsupported options ensures a thorough and accurate response to multiple-answer questions.



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PTE Core Reading Question 3: Reorder Paragraphs:

Here, you are supposed to look at scattered statements and arrange them in the right order. Here is an example:

Reorder the sentences into their correct sequence to narrate the cooking experience coherently:

  1. “Embarking on this culinary adventure, I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation, given that the recipe was several pages long and included techniques I had never attempted before in my cooking.”
  2. “The initial steps were methodical and exacting, from the careful washing and chopping of fresh produce to the precise measurement of each ingredient, ensuring that the foundation of the recipe was laid out perfectly before the actual cooking commenced.”
  3. “As I watched the vibrant mix of vegetables and spices begin to sizzle in the pan, my kitchen filled with a medley of aromas, and I realized, with a sinking heart, that I had completely forgotten to add cumin, the centerpiece spice of this particular recipe.”
  4. “Despite the complexity and the lengthy preparation time the recipe demanded, the rich, inviting aroma wafting through my home was a clear indicator that the effort was starting to pay off, even though I was initially unsure about the absence of the cumin.”
  5. “After adding the final touches of freshly picked herbs and a delicate drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, the recipe I had been laboring over for hours was finally complete, and the end result was a visually stunning and delectably flavorful dish that exceeded all of my expectations.”
  6. “To my surprise and relief, the final taste test revealed that the dish had not suffered from the omission; in fact, it had a unique flavor profile that was unexpectedly delightful.”

PTE Core Reading Strategy for Reorder Sentences:

Reordering sentences to narrate a coherent experience, especially a cooking adventure, requires paying attention to narrative flow, chronological order, and the development of events. Here’s how to tackle this task with a systematic approach:

1. Identify the Introduction

How to Use: Look for the sentence that sets the scene or introduces the situation. It typically contains general statements about the event without delving into specifics.

Strategy Application: The sentence that mentions embarking on a culinary adventure with a mix of excitement and trepidation serves as the introduction, setting the tone and context for the experience.

2. Chronological Order

How to Use: After establishing the starting point, arrange the remaining sentences based on the sequence of actions or steps mentioned. Look for temporal clues like “initially,” “after,” “then,” or “finally.”

Strategy Application: Identify the sentence that talks about the initial steps of the process, such as washing, chopping, and measuring ingredients, as this naturally follows the introduction.

3. Development of Events

How to Use: Determine how the narrative progresses by identifying cause-and-effect relationships or transitions in the story, such as a problem that arises or a realization that occurs during the process.

Strategy Application: The sentence mentioning the realization of forgetting to add cumin indicates a midpoint in the narrative, where an issue is identified.

4. Resolution and Conclusion

How to Use: Look for sentences that resolve any issues presented or conclude the narrative. These often describe the outcome of the event, final actions taken, or reflections on the experience.

Strategy Application: Sentences that describe overcoming the initial issue (omitting cumin) and the final results of the cooking effort, including the dish’s success despite deviations from the recipe, indicate the closing segments of the story.

5. Review for Logical Flow

How to Use: After arranging the sentences, review the sequence to ensure it flows logically from start to finish, making adjustments as needed based on the narrative’s coherence.

Strategy Application: Ensure that the narrative smoothly transitions from preparation to cooking, addressing a problem, and finally resolving it with a satisfactory conclusion.

Correct Sequence Application:

  1. “Embarking on this culinary adventure, I felt a mix of excitement and trepidation, given that the recipe was several pages long and included techniques I had never attempted before in my cooking.”
  2. “The initial steps were methodical and exacting, from the careful washing and chopping of fresh produce to the precise measurement of each ingredient, ensuring that the foundation of the recipe was laid out perfectly before the actual cooking commenced.”
  3. “As I watched the vibrant mix of vegetables and spices begin to sizzle in the pan, my kitchen filled with a medley of aromas, and I realized, with a sinking heart, that I had completely forgotten to add cumin, the centerpiece spice of this particular recipe.”
  4. “Despite the complexity and the lengthy preparation time the recipe demanded, the rich, inviting aroma wafting through my home was a clear indicator that the effort was starting to pay off, even though I was initially unsure about the absence of the cumin.”
  5. “After adding the final touches of freshly picked herbs and a delicate drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, the recipe I had been laboring over for hours was finally complete, and the end result was a visually stunning and delectably flavorful dish that exceeded all of my expectations.”
  6. “To my surprise and relief, the final taste test revealed that the dish had not suffered from the omission; in fact, it had a unique flavor profile that was unexpectedly delightful.”

This order reflects a coherent narrative of undertaking a challenging cooking task, encountering and addressing an issue, and ultimately achieving success, illustrating the systematic approach to reordering sentences for clarity and flow.

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PTE Core Reading Question Type 4: Fill in the Blanks (Again But…

This time you don’t get the multiple-choice options, rather you get a list of items that can fit in the blanks. You have to choose the right one. Here is an example:

Exploring new regions often uncovers hidden gems and creates unforgettable moments. In the charming village of Greenwood, located by the seaside, visitors can delve into a peaceful __________. The highlight of Greenwood is its ancient Lighthouse, standing tall with majestic views over the ocean, embodying a profound __________. Our guide for the day, an enthusiastic __________, shared fascinating tales of the lighthouse’s past and its significance to the area. As night falls, the beachfront transforms into a lively gathering place, with street performers and artisans displaying their skills. A trip to Greenwood is incomplete without tasting the legendary __________ seafood stew, a culinary delight steeped in local tradition.

● historian ● ambiance ● storyteller ● environment ● cultural ● traditional

PTE Core Reading Strategy for Fill in the Blanks Question:

For a fill-in-the-blanks question with multiple blanks and a list of words to choose from, a structured approach helps ensure each blank is accurately filled to complete the passage coherently. Here’s a breakdown of how to tackle this type of question:

1. Contextual Understanding

How to Use: Read the entire passage to understand the overall theme and subject matter. This holistic view will guide you in selecting words that fit the narrative context and tone.

Strategy Application: The passage describes a visit to a charming village by the seaside, highlighting experiences and attractions in Greenwood, including an ancient lighthouse and local culinary traditions.

2. Blank-by-Blank Analysis

How to Use: Analyze each blank individually, considering the immediate context around it and how it relates to the broader theme of the passage.

Strategy Application:

  • For the first blank, the passage mentions delving into a peaceful “__________,” which refers to the general atmosphere or setting one would experience in Greenwood. The words “ambiance” or “environment” are potential fits, but “ambiance” is more specific to the atmosphere.
  • The second blank follows a description of the ancient lighthouse, hinting at something that it embodies. Given its historical and cultural significance, “cultural” fits well as it reflects the profound impact or essence the lighthouse has on the area.
  • The third blank describes the guide for the day. The description of sharing “fascinating tales” suggests that the guide is more than just knowledgeable; they’re engaging and narrative-focused, making “storyteller” the best fit.
  • The final blank precedes “seafood stew,” suggesting an adjective that describes the stew. Given the context of tradition and locality, “traditional” is the most appropriate choice, emphasizing the stew’s roots in local culinary practices.

3. Elimination of Unfit Options

How to Use: Eliminate options that don’t fit any of the blanks when analyzed in context, ensuring that each word chosen has a clear and logical place in the passage.

Strategy Application: Words like “historian” might initially seem to fit for the guide, but “storyteller” is more apt given the context of sharing tales. Similarly, “environment” could potentially fit the first blank but is too broad compared to “ambiance,” which more accurately captures the sense of a peaceful setting.

4. Review for Coherence

How to Use: Once all blanks are filled, reread the passage to ensure that each word not only fits logically in its respective blank but also contributes to the overall coherence and flow of the narrative.

Strategy Application: Ensure that the filled-in words collectively enhance the description of the visit to Greenwood, making the passage both informative and engaging.

Filled Passage Application:

Exploring new regions often uncovers hidden gems and creates unforgettable moments. In the charming village of Greenwood, located by the seaside, visitors can delve into a peaceful ambiance. The highlight of Greenwood is its ancient Lighthouse, standing tall with majestic views over the ocean, embodying a profound cultural significance. Our guide for the day, an enthusiastic storyteller, shared fascinating tales of the lighthouse’s past and its significance to the area. As night falls, the beachfront transforms into a lively gathering place, with street performers and artisans displaying their skills. A trip to Greenwood is incomplete without tasting the legendary traditional seafood stew, a culinary delight steeped in local tradition.

This systematic approach ensures that each blank is thoughtfully considered, contributing to a coherent and engaging narrative that reflects the passage’s themes and details.


PTE Core Reading Final Question Type: Multiple Choice, Single Answer:

Here, you have a passage followed by multiple-choice questions, but this time, you have to select just one option. Here is an example:

Discover the enchantment of Willow Creek Park during its inaugural Spring Festival! Celebrate with us on April 15th for an unforgettable opening day filled with enchanting activities, including our exclusive fairy garden walkthrough, where you’ll be surrounded by whimsical flora and magical creatures. Also, look out for our early bird specials on all festival merchandise! Engage in our interactive treasure hunt to secure a specially designed Willow Creek Park picnic blanket. Find a festival volunteer marked by a distinctive pin, snap a photo, and share it on our event’s social media page to join in the fun. Furthermore, festival-goers can revel in a series of live performances scheduled throughout the event. The festivities extend all spring long! Relish in our array of live music performances held at the park’s bandstand. Buy a ticket for any performance and snag a coupon for your next visit at 25% off. Be sure to sample the diverse culinary delights at our food pavilions, where presenting a performance ticket earns you a free artisanal soda. Question: What is a unique feature or offer specifically available on Willow Creek Park’s Spring Festival opening day on April 15th?

● Discount coupons for future events

● Complimentary artisanal soda with a performance ticket

● A chance to win a unique picnic blanket

● Regular live music sessions

PTE Core Reading Strategy for Fill in the Blanks:

For a question type that asks you to identify a unique feature or offer specifically available on a certain day or event, it’s important to differentiate between general and specific information provided in the text. Here’s how to tackle such a question, using the passage about Willow Creek Park’s Spring Festival as an example:

1. Highlight Key Information

How to Use: Carefully read through the passage to highlight or note any mentions of dates, specific events, offers, or features. Pay special attention to those tied explicitly to the date in question.

Strategy Application: The passage mentions April 15th as the opening day of the Spring Festival at Willow Creek Park, with certain activities and offers described as taking place on this day, such as the fairy garden walkthrough and early bird specials on festival merchandise.

2. Distinguish Between Specific and General Offers

How to Use: Delineate which activities, offers, or features are exclusively available on the opening day versus those available throughout the festival or at other times.

Strategy Application: Offers such as the chance to secure a specially designed picnic blanket through an interactive treasure hunt and early bird specials on merchandise are specifically mentioned in the context of the opening day activities.

3. Identify Unique Features or Offers

How to Use: From the information tied to the specific date, identify which is unique or exclusive to that day, based on the wording of the question.

Strategy Application: The question asks for a feature or offer unique to the Spring Festival’s opening day. Given the options, the interactive treasure hunt for a specially designed picnic blanket is mentioned in the context of opening day activities, making it the unique offer.

4. Eliminate General or Unrelated Options

How to Use: Rule out options that are mentioned in the context of the entire festival or are not tied to the specific date in question.

Strategy Application: Discount coupons for future events and complimentary artisanal soda with a performance ticket are offers tied to general festival activities, not specifically mentioned as opening day offers. Regular live music sessions are also described as a feature of the festival at large, not exclusive to the opening day.

5. Review for Accuracy

How to Use: Revisit the passage and the question to ensure that the selected answer accurately reflects the unique feature or offer available on the specified date.

Strategy Application: Confirm that the chosen feature or offer (the interactive treasure hunt for a picnic blanket) is indeed specified for the opening day and is unique compared to the other listed options, which are more general festival features.

Application to the Provided Example:

The correct answer to the question regarding a unique feature or offer specifically available on Willow Creek Park’s Spring Festival opening day, April 15th, is:

  • A chance to win a unique picnic blanket

This systematic approach ensures a thorough understanding of the passage and accurate identification of the unique feature or offer related to the specified event or date.

PTE Core Training Complete Playlist:
