With two sample answers and a thorough examiner marking breakdown, this is the finest explanation of CELPIP SPEAKING TASK 1 that I have found!

Crafting the Best CELPIP Speaking Task 1 Response: A Comprehensive Guide


When it comes to the CELPIP Speaking Test and its samples, Task 1 presents a scenario where you are required to offer advice or suggestions to a friend facing a particular situation. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of creating the best version of a CELPIP Speaking Task 1 response, using a sample question about supporting a friend going through depression.


Best CELPIP Speaking Task 1 Sample: Helping a Friend Through Tough Times



One of your friends is going through depression. Suggest him/her ways on how to improve their mood swings.


Hey Mark,

How’s it going? I heard things have been a bit challenging lately. I can totally relate—I’ve faced tough times too. No worries, I’ve got some suggestions that might help!

Firstly, let’s break the routine a bit. I know it’s easy to get stuck indoors, but a change of scenery can do wonders. Maybe we could grab a coffee or take a short walk together? It might seem small, but sometimes those little moments make a big difference.

Secondly, and I get that this might be tough, consider reaching out for professional help. Your sister is a psychologist, right? Having someone close who understands can make a world of difference. Trust me, seeking help is a strength, not a weakness.

Thirdly, let’s plan something fun. It’s been ages since we hung out. A good laugh can really lift spirits. What do you say we catch up this weekend?

I hope these suggestions resonate with you. I’m here for you, buddy.

Take care,

[Your Name]


Breaking Down the Response: Key Elements for Success


  • Informal Tone:
    • Starting with a casual greeting like “Hey Mark” sets a friendly tone.
    • Using phrases like “How’s it going?” and “No worries” maintains an approachable and informal style.
  • Idiomatic Expressions:
    • Incorporating idiomatic expressions like “I can totally relate” adds depth and authenticity to your response.
  • Structural Organization:
    • Using transitional phrases such as “Firstly,” “Secondly,” and “Thirdly” provides a clear structure to your response, making it easy for the examiner to follow.
  • Varied Sentence Structure:
    • Combining shorter sentences with more complex ones, such as using connectors like “however,” demonstrates a range of language skills.
  • Vocabulary Choices:
    • Introducing expressive vocabulary, such as “change of scenery” and “lift spirits,” enhances the richness of your language and contributes to a higher score.
  • Personalization:
    • Referring to personal details, like knowing about the friend’s sister being a psychologist, adds a touch of realism and connection.
  • Encouraging Language:
    • Phrases like “I’m here for you” and “Take care” contribute to a supportive and caring tone, which is essential in offering advice during challenging times.


Crafting the best CELPIP Speaking Task 1 response involves a delicate balance of informal language, varied structures, and thoughtful content. By incorporating these elements, you can ensure your response stands out and effectively communicates your advice to a friend in need. Good luck with your CELPIP preparation!


CELPIP SPEAKING Sample Answer 2: 


Question: Your colleague has been feeling overwhelmed and stressed at work. Provide some advice on how they can manage their stress more effectively.


Hey Sarah,

How’s it going? I’ve noticed that work has been quite demanding for you lately, and I can imagine it’s taking a toll. Been there, done that! But don’t worry, I’ve got some suggestions that might help you out.

Firstly, take short breaks during your work hours. I know deadlines can be pressing, but trust me, a brief walk or a few minutes of stretching can do wonders. It helps clear your mind and recharge for the next task.

Secondly, consider talking to your supervisor about your workload. Communication is key. They might not be aware of how much you’re handling, and discussing it could lead to a more manageable arrangement. Remember, asking for support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Now, here comes the tricky one – try not to bring work home. I get it; it’s easier said than done, but creating a clear boundary between work and personal life is crucial. When you’re at home, focus on activities you enjoy. It’ll give you a mental break and improve your overall well-being.

I hope these suggestions help, and remember, you’re not alone in this. Take care, and let me know if you need anything.

(Book your CELPIP exam here:



  • Hey Sarah: Simple and informal start, addressing the person by name to make it more personal.
  • How’s it going?: An informal and unique way of asking about their well-being, avoiding the typical “How are you?”
  • I’ve noticed that work has been quite demanding for you lately: Showing empathy and understanding the colleague’s situation. Using a more complex sentence structure adds variety.
  • Been there, done that!: Informal and relatable language, expressing shared experiences.
  • But don’t worry, I’ve got some suggestions that might help you out: Providing assurance and a smooth transition to the advice.
  • Firstly, take short breaks during your work hours: Introducing the first piece of advice using the “firstly” structure for clarity.
  • Communication is key: Using a concise and impactful phrase to emphasize the importance of talking to the supervisor.
  • Now, here comes the tricky one: Adding a light and conversational tone to transition to the next piece of advice.
  • Try not to bring work home: Concise advice with a touch of realism, acknowledging the difficulty.
  • I hope these suggestions help: Expressing goodwill and positive expectations.
  • Remember, you’re not alone in this: Providing emotional support and reassurance.
  • Take care, and let me know if you need anything: Ending with an informal and caring tone.




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