How to Use Adjectives in English? Detailed Lesson!

This lesson explains how to utilize English's many different types of adjectives correctly. There are in the sentences and examples given.

Understanding and Using Adjectives in English


In this comprehensive lesson, we will delve into the world of adjectives in the English language and the use of adjectives. Adjectives are essential components of English grammar that add depth and detail to our descriptions. By the end of this lesson, you will have a firm grasp of the basics of adjectives, different types of adjectives, their gradability, and their positions within sentences.


What Are Adjectives?


Adjectives are words that describe nouns. They provide additional information about a noun or a noun phrase, making our language more vivid and expressive. Let’s take a closer look at their role:

  • Example: “The sea was blue and clear.” In this sentence, the adjectives “blue” and “clear” enhance our understanding of the noun “sea.”


Usage Patterns of Adjectives


Adjectives can be used in various ways in English, but two common patterns emerge:

  • Before the Noun: Adjectives are placed directly before the noun they describe. For instance:
    • “red high-heeled shoes”
    • “a reliable friend”
    • “an expensive Italian leather wallet”
  • After a Linking Verb: Adjectives can follow a linking verb after a noun. Examples include:
    • “She felt happy.”
    • “It’s sunny.”
    • “He seems quiet today.”

Linking Verbs: Linking verbs like “be,” “seem,” “become,” “feel,” and “appear” play a crucial role in connecting adjectives to subjects. For instance, “She feels happy” utilizes the linking verb “feels” to connect the adjective “happy” to the subject “She.”


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Identifying Adjectives in a Sentence


Identifying adjectives in a sentence can be tricky because they come in various forms and do not follow a consistent appearance. Instead, it’s crucial to consider the context and meaning within the entire sentence. Here’s a quick test to illustrate this concept:

Test Sentences: Can you identify the adjectives in the following sentences?

  • “The sun shines brightly.”
  • “He ate the delicious cake.”
  • “She felt absolutely exhausted.”
  • “Their unique project impressed everyone.”
  • “The tall building stood out in the skyline.”


Answers: The adjectives in these sentences are:

  • “brightly”
  • “delicious”
  • “absolutely exhausted”
  • “unique”
  • “tall”


These examples reveal that adjectives can take diverse forms and may even end with -ly, similar to adverbs. Additionally, some adjectives, like “unique” or “absolutely,” are ungradable, meaning they don’t have comparative forms and are used in a binary manner.


Gradability of Adjectives


Understanding gradability is crucial when using adjectives in English. Some adjectives are gradable, meaning they can have different levels, while others are ungradable, having only two states: yes or no. Here are some examples:

  • Gradable Adjectives: “nice,” “interesting” (e.g., more interesting, less interesting)
  • Ungradable Adjectives: “unique,” “true” (e.g., either unique or not, no varying levels)

There are two types of ungradable adjectives:

  • Strong Meaning: These adjectives have strong, definitive meanings, like “delicious,” “exhausted,” or “furious.”
  • Absolute Meaning: Adjectives like “unique,” “true,” or “possible” have absolute meanings and cannot be graded.


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Two essential rules related to gradability:

  • You cannot form comparatives for ungradable adjectives (e.g., “more delicious” is incorrect).
  • To emphasize adjectives, use different words for gradable and ungradable adjectives. “Very” is used with gradable adjectives, while “absolutely” is used with ungradable adjectives. “Really” is versatile and can be used with both.


Adjective Positioning in Sentences


As mentioned earlier, adjectives can appear before or after the noun they describe, depending on the context and the type of adjective. However, some adjectives can only be used in one position.

Example: “The car is new” (before the noun) or “The new car” (after the noun).

While many adjectives exhibit flexibility in positioning, some, like “asleep,” “main,” and “elder,” are more rigid. For instance, “asleep” can only follow the noun it describes.

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A Test of Adjective Positioning


Here’s a test to determine whether adjectives can be placed before or after nouns:

Adjectives to Test: Can these adjectives be used before the noun, after the noun, or in both positions?

  • Alone
  • Ill
  • Complete
  • Only
  • Unhappy
  • Afraid


  • “Alone” and “ill” can only be used after the noun.
  • “Complete” can be used in both positions.
  • “Only” is used before the noun.
  • “Unhappy” can be used in both positions.
  • “Afraid” can only be used after the noun.

This exercise emphasizes that while most adjectives offer flexibility in their placement, some adhere to specific rules regarding position.


Multiple Meanings of Adjectives


In English, the same adjective can take on different meanings depending on its placement within a sentence. Consider these examples:

  • “She handled the situation in a very professional way.”
  • “She’s a professional tennis player.”

In both sentences, we use the adjective “professional,” but its meaning differs. In the first sentence, “professional” is gradable and conveys effectiveness or competence, while in the second, it’s ungradable and denotes a profession or job.

Another example:

  • “Jerome was present at the meeting.”
  • “The present situation looks more hopeful than it has for several months.”

In these sentences, “present” has distinct meanings based on its placement: being there versus relating to the current time.


Mastering the usage of adjectives in English is essential for effective communication. While the rules governing adjectives are not always straightforward, understanding gradability, adjective positioning, and the potential for multiple meanings can greatly enhance your language skills. Adjectives bring life and color to your descriptions, making your communication more vivid and engaging. As you continue to practice and apply these concepts, you’ll become more proficient in using adjectives effectively in English. Keep exploring the nuances of this fascinating aspect of language, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a proficient English speaker.


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