How to Pass the CELPIP Test? Complete Breakdown

In order to pass the CELPIP test, this blog explains how to give the best reading/listening responses, as well as the best writing and speaking responses.

CELPIP Test Overview


The CELPIP (Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program) test is a comprehensive English language proficiency examination used for various purposes, including permanent residency applications, express entry into Canada, and certain professional designations; and how to pass it is a whole different ball game! In this section, we will explore the CELPIP test in detail, including its purpose, advantages over IELTS, and test formats.


What Is CELPIP Test?



  • The CELPIP test is a general English language proficiency examination officially accepted by the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for purposes such as permanent residency applications through the express entry program. Additionally, some organizations, like the Real Estate Council of British Columbia, also recognize CELPIP scores.


CELPIP vs IELTS – Which One Is Easier?
Before choosing the CELPIP test over the IELTS, it’s essential to understand the key differences and advantages of each exam.

    • Test Format and Convenience: CELPIP offers the convenience of completing all sections in a single sitting, including the speaking component, unlike IELTS, where speaking might require a separate session.
    • Canadian Accent: CELPIP employs a Canadian accent in its listening section, making it easier for test-takers to understand, compared to the strong British or Australian accents often used in the IELTS listening section.
    • Quick Results: CELPIP test-takers receive their scores within just five days after the exam, providing faster feedback.
    • Free Practice Tests: CELPIP offers two free practice tests, which can be immensely valuable for preparation.

How Much CELPIP Test Costs? General vs LS
The CELPIP test comes in two versions: General and General LS (Listening and Speaking). Below, we provide an overview of the costs associated with both versions and their specific applications.

    • General Test: This test evaluates listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills and costs 280 Canadian dollars. It is primarily used for permanent residency applications through express entry and various other designations.
    • General LS Test: The General LS test focuses solely on listening and speaking skills, with a cost of 195 Canadian dollars. It is typically used for citizenship applications.


CELPIP Test Format
The CELPIP test is divided into four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. In this section, we will delve into the format of each section, providing insights and tips for success.


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Pass the CELPIP Test Listening Tasks: Tips & Tricks


  • Listening Section Overview: The listening section comprises six main tasks and lasts approximately 55 minutes.
    • Listening to Problem Solving: In this task, you will listen to three separate audio clips, each lasting one and a half minutes. There are eight questions related to these clips. It’s crucial to pay attention because the audio clips are played only once.
    • Daily Life Conversation: You will listen to a two-minute daily life conversation and answer five questions.
    • Listening for Information: A two-and-a-half-minute task with six questions, where you must listen for specific information.
    • Listening to a News Item: A one-and-a-half-minute audio clip of a news item with five written questions.
    • Video Clip: This task is unique as you will watch a two-minute video clip and answer eight written questions. It’s important to take notes during the video, such as names and descriptions, as questions may refer back to it.
    • Listening to Viewpoints: A three-minute audio clip with six written questions. Taking concise notes using symbols can save time during this task.
  • Listening Section Tips:
    • The listening section gradually gets more difficult, with Part 1 being the easiest and Parts 5 and 6 being the most challenging.
    • Note-taking is crucial, especially for the video clip task. Organize your notes efficiently to refer back to them easily.


Check out our Youtube channel with tons of videos on CELPIP (FREE):


Pass the CELPIP Test Reading Tasks: Tips & Tricks:


  • Reading Section Overview: The reading section lasts approximately one hour and consists of four main parts.
    • Reading Correspondence: This task involves reading an email and answering questions, followed by composing an email response. In total, there are 11 questions for this part.
    • Reading to Apply a Diagram: Similar to the first task, you must answer multiple-choice questions and complete an email response with eight questions.
    • Reading for Information: You’ll encounter several paragraphs and must match them with corresponding questions.
    • Reading for Viewpoints: This part requires you to answer multiple-choice questions and complete a reader’s comment, totaling 10 questions.
  • Reading Section Tips:
    • In Reading for Information, match each paragraph with related questions to avoid confusion.
    • Maintain a steady pace to complete all questions within the given time frame.


Pass the CELPIP Test Writing Tasks: Tips & Templates


  • Writing Section Overview: The writing section lasts about 55 minutes and comprises two tasks.
    • Writing an Email: You’ll have 27 minutes to write an email, typically within 150 to 200 words.
    • Responding to a Survey Question: In this task, you must choose between two options and justify your choice with 150 to 200 words.
  • Writing Section Tips:
    • When writing an email, begin with a proper greeting and introduce yourself. State your main purpose clearly and provide supporting details.
    • For the survey question response, select one option, provide two reasons, and conclude your response diplomatically.



This blog will cover all examples, tips, tricks, samples, and details you need to know for effectively writing emails in task 1, CELPIP Writing!

Check out this blog (link below) to understand how to get the top marks in CELPIP Writing Task 1 (formal/informal) emails!

CELPIP Task 1 (Emails) Strategy/Samples!



Pass the CELPIP Test Speaking Tasks: Tips & Templates


  • Speaking Section Overview: The speaking section consists of eight tasks, totaling 15 to 20 minutes.
    • Giving Advice: You have 90 seconds to offer advice based on a personal experience.
    • Describing a Personal Experience: In 60 seconds, narrate a personal experience using past tense.
    • Describing a Scene: Describe a scene within 60 seconds, utilizing directional and spatial vocabulary.
    • Making Predictions: Predict what might happen next in a given scenario within 60 seconds.
    • Comparing and Persuading: Choose between two options, justify your choice, and persuade within 60 seconds.
    • Dealing with a Difficult Situation: Explain a decision to a friend or family member within 60 seconds.
    • Expressing Opinions: Share your opinion and reasons on a given statement within 90 seconds.
    • Describing an Unusual Situation: Describe an unusual picture to someone over the phone in 60 seconds.
  • Speaking Section Tips:
    • Practice regularly to improve fluency and time management.
    • Use personal experiences or fictional stories to add depth to your responses.



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CLB Score Equivalency Charts


Understanding the equivalency between CELPIP scores and Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) levels is crucial for immigration and residency applications. The following chart provides a quick reference to these equivalencies:

  • CELPIP 10 in Reading corresponds to CLB 10, indicating a high level of proficiency.
  • CELPIP 6 in Speaking aligns with CLB 6, indicating moderate proficiency.


CELPIP Test Day Information

On the day of your CELPIP test, there are essential considerations to keep in mind:

  • Wear a mask throughout the test, even during the speaking section.
  • Speak at an appropriate volume to avoid disturbances to other test-takers.
  • Arrive at least 30 minutes before your scheduled test time.
  • Bring your own passport, as government IDs are not accepted.
  • Utilize the option to transfer your exam date or time free of charge if needed.


In conclusion, the CELPIP test is a comprehensive assessment of English language proficiency used for various immigration and professional purposes. Understanding the test format, practicing regularly, and using provided templates and tips can help you achieve your desired scores. Additionally, taking advantage of free practice resources and being prepared on test day are key to success in the CELPIP examination.

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