OET Writing Sample. Detailed Explanation!

See the five paragraphs you must write to receive a B or above on the Nursing OET Writing Sample.

OET Nursing Writing Sample. Perfect Structure/Highest Marks:


The below OET Writing Sample is from the nursing exam. Have a look at the case notes. Then review the sample answer. Check how effectively this letter organizes the format, summarizes key information from the notes, uses complex sentences and a range of vocabulary! You need to hit all these points to score the top marks in OET!



Time Allowed:

Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Writing Time: 40 Minutes

Read the following case notes and complete the writing task that follows:


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Assume that today’s date is 10 February 2019. 

You are a Charge Nurse in the medical ward of National Public Hospital. You have a new patient, Mr. Daniel Reynolds, a 55-year-old male, who requires medical care.


Hospital: National Public Hospital, 3 Main Street, Rapids



Name: Daniel Reynolds (Mr)

Marital Status: Married – spouse alive

Residence: Suburban Home, Newtown

Next of Kin: Sarah Reynolds (wife, 52 years old), Emma Reynolds (daughter, 26 years old, single)

Admission Date: 07 February 2019

Discharge Date: 14 February 2019

Diagnosis: Acute Myocardial Infarction

Past Medical History: Hypertension (controlled with medication), Hyperlipidemia, Gout


Social Background:

Employed as a Bank Manager

Financially stable

Active lifestyle, regular exercise, no smoking or alcohol consumption

Stressful work environment


Medical History:

2010: Diagnosed with hypertension and started antihypertensive medication

2012: Diagnosed with hyperlipidemia and started lipid-lowering medication

2017: Diagnosed with gout and started medication


Medical Background:

Admitted with acute myocardial infarction – sudden-onset chest pain (substernal, radiating to left arm and jaw), shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, and vomiting. ECG showed ST-segment elevation. Troponin levels elevated upon admission. Hemodynamically stable.


Medical Progress:

Chest pain relieved with nitroglycerin.

Stable vital signs.

Tolerating oral diet.

Started on aspirin, clopidogrel, beta-blockers, and statins.

Scheduled for cardiac catheterization and possible percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).


Nursing Management:

Strict bed rest initially.

Continuous ECG monitoring.

Regular vital signs monitoring.

Pain management with analgesics.

Patient education on heart-healthy diet, medications, and lifestyle modifications.

Encouraged relaxation techniques and stress reduction.

Assessment: Stable condition, responding well to treatment.


Discharge Plan:

Prescription of aspirin, clopidogrel, beta-blockers, statins, and antihypertensive medications.

Recommendation for cardiac rehabilitation program.

Follow-up appointment with cardiologist in two weeks.

Lifestyle modifications: healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management.



OET Writing Task:

Using the information given in the case notes, write a discharge letter to Dr. Melissa Watson, Cardiologist at the Australian Heart Center, 87 Elm Street, Rapids. This letter will accompany Mr. Reynolds back to his home upon his discharge tomorrow.


In your answer: 

  • Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
  • Do not use note form
  • Use letter format

The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.


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OET Writing Sample (Format Explained):


Dr. Melissa Watson


Australian Heart Center

87 Elm Street



The above info is for the recipient and can be copied from the question.


Date: 8 August, 2023


RE: Daniel Reynolds


Just the patient name and age (if available) is needed here)


Dear Ms. Watson,


You will use the last name of the person you are writing to here.


Mr. Reynolds was admitted to our hospital due to acute myocardial infarction. He was treated and will be discharged under your care tomorrow.


Explain the purpose of your writing.


On 7 February 2019, Mr. Reynolds was taken under our care not only with the diagnosis of myocardial infarction but with chest pain and shortness of breath as well. His discharge would require certain prescriptions and alterations to his lifestyle.


Expand on the purpose.


Considering his medical background, since 2017, he has been diagnosed with gout as well as hypertension; medications are being taken for both. Likewise, apart from nausea and high troponin levels, his ECG also showed ST-segment elevation. He is financially stable, however, he does live a stressful lifestyle.


This is your body 1 where you detail the case notes. Talk about the background and patient history here.


In terms of his treatment, his chest pain was alleviated with nitroglycerin while aspirin, beta-blockers, and analgesics were prescribed for better pain management. We have further recommended him certain relaxation procedures, and he has positively responded to the treatments. On top of the medications, he will also need to be prescribed clopidogrel and anti hypertension medications.


This is your body 2 where you explain the remaining details. Here, you can talk about the treatments provided and a bit about the discharge plan. This will be good sequencing from body 1 to body 2.


You would need to ensure he is recommended the cardiac rehabilitation program on top of a follow up appointment. Accordingly, please provide a healthy lifestyle management plan to the patient upon discharge.


This is where you make your recommendation/referral/request/instruction, based on the question.


Feel free to reach out for any questions or concerns.


This is optional



Yours sincerely,



Charge Nurse


You don’t need to put your name here; just the occupation is needed.



WAIT, you are not ready yet! Despite the best OET samples, students keep failing! The marking is hard! Fortunately, in our OET Course, we have explained all of this in detail. You can now use the coupon code CEL9 for a 20% discount! Check it out here: https://hzadeducation.com/product/15-hour-all-inclusive-oet-course/


Video explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyU76fhiG1g

