CELPIP Listening Tips and Tricks

These CELPIP listening techniques will always guarantee that you get a grade higher than ten! Make use of these 8 note-taking techniques!

8 Important CELPIP Listening Tips and Tricks:

Are you still working on your CELPIP Listening exam? If yes, these tips and tricks will do wonders for your listening!

1. Remember that notetaking is very important. If you can write down everything that they’re saying, you can use those transcripts to answer questions. If you basically had all transcripts, you would score 100%. Think of that and write as much as you can!

2. For tip number one, you need to make sure your handwriting is fast. In this age, we use lots of computers but here, we focus on handwriting. Time to work on that again!

3. You will be given a piece of paper to take notes but if your notes are too many, you might need to ask for another piece of paper. Don’t ask for that when you are about to finish the whole page. Ask for it when you are 3/4 of the page because that invigilator will take some time to get the paper for you.

4. Parts 1-3 should not require any notes. Here you should listen more. Parts 4 to 6 do require lots of notes! They just have so much info that you cannot possibly remember all of it. However, from part one to three, you have the opportunity to just focus and not multi-task by taking notes. With that said, make sure to keep your pen and paper handy in case they mention important things like names, directions and dates, etc. Those things can be forgotten easily!

5. Make sure that you focus on not only what’s being sad but also the expressions, emotions and emphasis when people are speaking since there are questions relating to how people felt about a certain something being said and how they reacted, etc.

6. For part 4, don’t just rely on writing down things with words and phrases but also draw some pictures. For example, imagine, they say that ‘there is a jar which is wide and not too long and is half full of water but with also two pieces of stones inside’. Imagine how long it will take to write this. Instead, you can simply draw a jar that is wide and has two stones in it with half water, in a matter of seconds.

7. While the picture method can be used for parts five and six as well, in part five, you wanna rely more on making three columns because there are usually three people talking. In each column, write down what is said by that particular person. Also, write them down line by line. After one person stops talking, you go to the next line to take notes on what the other person is saying. This way, you can also see the sequence of the conversation because questions are usually in sequence and it will be easy to relate to the transcripts this way.

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8. Part 6 is all about arguments. Just understand this concept. There are gonna be different points of views being said by one person or more. Every time a different viewpoint is mentioned, positive to negative, one point to the other point, etc., simply, make another column for that so you have each viewpoint saved in a separate part of the paper, and that will make it easier for you to not only read off the transcript when answering questions but also to organize information as questions will be asking who said what and what the counter arguments are!


How is your ESL, communication, IELTS or CELPIP training going? Listen, I know you’re probably working really hard but if you’re not in our classes, you are probably hitting in the dark.

Let me give you this opportunity to assess your speaking!

What I will ask you to do is look at the following task and record your response over a sound recorder on your computer on your phone and simply attach it to this email in response. When I see that, I’ll respond to you within 24 to 48 hours with my feedback and tell you where you are exactly now with your speaking level and how you compare with others.


If you are practicing general speaking, answer these three questions:
-tell me something about yourself.
-what is your ambition in life?
-who is your role model?

If you are practicing CELPIP, go to this sample test and record 2-3 answers:

If you are practicing IELTS, answer this Cue Card:
Talk about your recent travel or vacation.
-What place was it?
-How did you go there?
-What was the best feature of the travel?
-Would you recommend that place to someone else?

Send us your results to [email protected] for a free assessment!


Check out internet’s best-selling CELPIP Course that GUARANTEES YOUR RESULTS: https://hzadeducation.com/product/classes-celpip/
