OET Writing

Use these pointers to write well for the OET. Marking standards, requirements, sorts of questions, and more!

OET Writing: A Pathway to Professional Excellence

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on the OET Writing Test – a significant milestone for healthcare professionals seeking to excel in English-speaking environments. This guide will equip you with the necessary skills and strategies to conquer the OET Writing Test with confidence and finesse.

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Understanding the OET Writing Test Structure

Task Types:

The OET Writing Test comprises two distinctive task types, tailored to different healthcare professions:

a) Task: The Patient-Centric Letter

In this task, you will be required to draft a letter related to a patient or client case. Your objective could range from providing specific information and explaining a situation to requesting further action from another healthcare professional. Let’s consider an example:

Example: You are a nurse writing a letter to a physiotherapist, requesting detailed information about a patient’s physical therapy progress.

Word Count and Time Limit

For Task 1, you must write a letter of approximately 180-200 words. Remember, you have a total of 45 minutes to complete both tasks.

Scoring Criteria

Your writing in each task will be evaluated based on specific criteria, including content, organization, language use, and accuracy. Let’s visualize these criteria in action:

Materials and Format

To successfully accomplish the tasks, you will be provided with case notes and/or relevant documents. These materials will serve as your foundation for composing your responses. Remember to structure your answers in the form of well-organized and coherent letters, adhering to the appropriate conventions of letter writing.

Now that we have explored the core aspects of the OET Writing Test, let’s delve into essential tips and techniques to enhance your performance.


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OET Writing Tips for Success
  • Embrace Practice and Diverse Topics

Utilize a broad range of practice exercises, covering various healthcare-related scenarios. Engage with prompts from different medical fields, such as nursing, dentistry, or pharmacy. This diversity will prepare you to tackle any topic that comes your way.

  • Develop Your Language Repertoire

Enhance your vocabulary by reading medical journals, research papers, and reputable healthcare publications. Not only will this boost your word bank, but it will also expose you to the language commonly used in professional healthcare settings.

  • Time Management is Key

Work on time management during your preparation phase. Regularly practice writing within the specified time limit to refine your ability to produce quality responses under pressure.

  • Seek Feedback and Learn from Sample Responses

Seek feedback from experienced tutors or language partners to identify areas of improvement. Additionally, study sample responses to understand the techniques employed by successful candidates.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid
  • Neglecting the Audience

Always be mindful of your intended audience. Tailor your language and tone accordingly, whether addressing patients, colleagues, or healthcare administrators.

  • Overlooking Task Requirements

A thorough understanding of the task is crucial. Failing to address all aspects of the prompt can result in a diminished score.

  • Lack of Coherence

Organize your thoughts coherently, ensuring that your letter flows logically and follows a clear structure. Proper signposting language will aid the reader in navigating your response.

  • Careless Errors

Proofread your writing meticulously to eliminate grammatical and spelling errors. Such mistakes can detract from the overall quality of your response.


The OET Writing Test is your gateway to professional excellence in an English-speaking healthcare environment. By grasping the test structure, honing your language skills, and avoiding common pitfalls, you are well on your way to success. Embrace practice, embrace diversity, and embark on your journey to becoming a proficient communicator in your healthcare profession. With dedication and commitment, you can achieve outstanding results in the OET Writing Test, propelling your career to new heights.


Practicing OET SPEAKING? Check out this important video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgbSmXnuGIQ&t=10s