In this video playlist for our CELPIP Crash Course, you will find 7 videos, and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you do one video per day. There are some activities that are needed to be done daily and if you try doing them altogether, you will get confused. Make sure to take it step-by-step. One video at a time, follow the instructions, then jump onto the next one.
This is a complete summary of everything you will need. Good luck!
Now, here’s the thing… there is ONE HORRIFIC FACT that you MUST know before you take off!
Have a look at these students in the following screenshots…

Notice something? THE DREADED 9!
Look, if you need to get to a 6, 7 or even 8, and that’s your goal, perfect! What I have provided you in this email is more than enough to promise that. If you don’t need a 9 or more in CELPIP, stop reading.
However, if you need a 9 or more, which is the main requirement for immigration, I can show you about 1,000 more email screenshots (like above) of students who simply cannot get over an 8! There is always one module, MOSTLY SPEAKING, where people just cannot go over a 9 or even a 9! You know why? People think the 1 point jump is just like 6 to 7 or 7 to 8. Let me make it very clear to you that the 8 to 9 jump is completely different. You need to have near perfection for a CELPIP 9! If you have done CELPIP before and got your scores, you know exactly what I mean, and first time test-takers, don’t say I didn’t warn you!
BONUS OFFER: Claim Your Free Material + Assessment Of Your Current Scores (Valued over $100)
Have one of our top tutors assess you and tell you what you will score today! What my tutors suggest is exactly what ends up happening in the exam! We will also provide you FREE practice material as well as a plan on how you can personally improve yourself and stop fearing the exam – Most people will fail the exam just by going blank out of nervousness!
Here’s what you get and learn at your 100% free consultation:
- CELPIP materials on writing, speaking, listening, and reading: This will be just enough for you to get all you need for your exam prep, even if it’s on a tight deadline.
- How to get 9+, without hours of practice: The best strategies on practice and timing can shave off at least 85% of your prep time! Most people are studying the wrong material and using the incorrect approach. Getting to results like this will take a long longgggg time!
- You need tips and tricks, right? Wrong! Let me tell you this. There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO replacement for what feedback can do for you. Nothing online, even in my materials, or any self-practice will yield you the value that an actual experienced tutor can when they explain to you what your exact flaws are.
- Where to find the examiner’s happy spot? Another thing apart from your personal effort, resources, and a coach’s feedback is understanding what examiners are looking for, how they think, and what is their criteria in giving someone an 11 versus an 8.
How to eliminate repeated exams and $$$: We have had so many students who have done retakes because, once again, they study the WRONG strategies. When you are with us, we make sure, based on our track record, that this exam is done just one time and one time only!
- The truth about your marks: You can assess reading and listening on your own. But students think that they can also do that for writing and speaking. That’s why, the majority fail! You have no idea how difficult examiners are when they evaluate writing and speaking. Your tutor will make sure you understand exactly where you stand without overestimating your skills needlessly.
- Why you should never trust the online samples: Have you been checking online sample speaking/writing answers which are labeled 10-12 points?… Let me beg you now PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t pay attention to them. They are such bad samples that in real life, these students will get a max 8!
- Have you been doing your prep wrong? Maybe and maybe not, but why is it that people who self-study mostly (85% of the time) have to always end up taking coaching after failing on their own? You know the answer.
Simply send me your availability and time zone, and we will get this organized for you one-on-one with our top tutors anytime this week! EMAIL: [email protected]. Slots get booked up quick after such emails so message soon!
While you are here, check out our 9+ CELPIP Self-Paced Crash Course here backed by our Money-Back Guarantee: https://hzadeducation.com/product/classes-celpip/