PTE Part 3: Listening – Write from Dictation

PTE Part 3: Listening - Write from Dictation: Write from Dictation" is a task in which test-takers listen to a short audio recording of a sentence and then write down what they hear. This task aims to evaluate a candidate's listening and writing skills simultaneously. It requires concentration, accurate listening, and effective note-taking to reproduce the sentence correctly.



PTE Part 3: Listening – Write from Dictation



PTE Part 3: Listening – Write from Dictation: In this blog post, we will focus on Part 3 of the PTE Listening section, specifically the task known as “Write from Dictation.”


What is “Write from Dictation”?


“Write from Dictation” is a task in which test-takers listen to a short audio recording of a sentence and then write down what they hear. This task aims to evaluate a candidate’s listening and writing skills simultaneously. It requires concentration, accurate listening, and effective note-taking to reproduce the sentence correctly.


How to answer this question


For this item type, you hear a short sentence. Type the sentence into the response box at the bottom of the screen.

The audio begins to play automatically. You are only able to listen to the audio recording once.

Note: While the audio is playing, you can take notes on the erasable note board provided.

Remember to check your spelling.



Test Tips


Type as many correct words as you can remember into the response box in the correct order.

You will score points for every correct word that you write in the response box.  If you can remember a word but you are not sure where it goes in the sentence, use your knowledge of English grammar to help you decide:


PTE Part 3: Listening – Write from Dictation


How this question is scored


The ability to understand and remember a sentence you hear and then write it exactly as you hear it, using correct spelling, determines your response for writing from dictation.

The following factor determines your score on writing from dictation.


Is your response inclusive of all the words in the sentence and only these words? The scoring of the content counts the number of correct words in your response.

If all the words are right and spelt correctly, you earn the maximum score points for this question type. If one or more words are incorrect, partial credit scoring is applied.




PTE Part 3: Listening – Write from Dictation

Tips for Success:



1. Sharpen Your Listening Skills:


Since this task primarily tests your listening ability, it is essential to practice active listening regularly. Engage in activities like watching English movies, listening to podcasts, or even conversing with native English speakers to improve your overall listening comprehension.



2.  Improve Your Note-taking Technique:


During the test, you will have the opportunity to take notes while listening to the sentence. Develop an efficient note-taking system that works for you. It could involve using abbreviations, symbols, or a combination of keywords to capture the main points of the sentence.



3.  Focus on Sentence Structure and Grammar:


While listening to the audio, pay close attention to the structure and grammar of the sentence. Note the subject, verb, and object, as well as any prepositions or connectors that might be crucial for constructing the sentence accurately.



4.  Be Mindful of Homophones and Similar-sounding Words:


English is full of words that sound similar but have different meanings. Be cautious when you hear such words during the audio recording. Take note of the context and ensure that you write down the correct word.


5.  Practice, Practice, Practice:



Regular practice is the key to success in any language proficiency test. Familiarize yourself with the format and timing of the “Write from Dictation” task by completing practice exercises and mock tests. There are numerous online resources and PTE preparation materials available that can help you in this regard.



6.  Manage Your Time Effectively:



In the “Write from Dictation” task, the audio recording is played only once, and you need to write the sentence immediately after listening. Learn to manage your time wisely during the test so that you can listen attentively, take notes, and write the sentence within the allocated time frame.



7.  Review and Edit Your Answer:



After writing down the sentence, quickly review your answer if time permits. Check for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or missing words. Make necessary corrections if you spot any mistakes.





In conclusion, the “Write from Dictation” task in PTE Part 3 assesses your listening and writing skills. To excel in this task, focus on improving your listening comprehension, develop effective note-taking techniques, and pay attention to sentence structure and grammar. Regular practice, along with time management skills, will enhance your performance and boost your confidence on test day. Remember to review your answer before submitting it. With dedicated effort and practice, you can excel in the PTE Listening section and achieve your desired score.


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