IELTS Writing Task 2 – Band Scores

IELTS Writing Task 2 -Band Scores 5 to 8 with Tips:IELTS band scores range from 0 to 9, but this blog specifically emphasizes the significance of error density in your writing. Furthermore, keep in mind that failing to meet the word count results in a penalty.

IELTS Writing Task 2 – Band Scores

IELTS Writing Task 2 -Band Scores 5 to 8 with Tips


IELTS Writing Task 2 – Band Scores: Are you preparing for the IELTS Exam? One of the most challenging components of the IELTS exam is Writing Task 2, where candidates are required to write an essay on a given topic.

In this blog, you will understand the marking criteria used by the examiner.   Also, you will learn how your IELTS writing Task 2 is marked and the distinctions between band scores 5, 6, 7, and 8. Additionally, improve your score with valuable tips. Therefore, It is crucial to comprehend the four marking criteria to meet your desired score.

IELTS band scores range from 0 to 9, but this blog specifically emphasizes the significance of error density in your writing. Furthermore, keep in mind that failing to meet the word count results in a penalty.


4 Marking Criteria for IELTS Writing Task 2


The examiner will assess your IELTS essay based on the 4 criteria below. Each criterion contributes 25% to your total marks for task 2.  Therefore, the examiner will assign a band score for each criterion and calculate a total score for task 2.

  • Task Response
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy


1.  Task Response


This task 2-making criterion is about your answer to the IELTS essay question, your main ideas and how you develop them.

How well you address the prompt and fulfil the requirements of the task determines your task response. In Task 2, you must analyze, discuss, or provide your opinion on a statement or question. Task response evaluates whether you have understood the topic and have presented a clear and relevant response in terms of content, organization, and coherence.”


Band Score 5


  • The task is not completely addressed. The essay question may be followed in terms of the general topic, but the specific issue is not addressed clearly.
  • The position exists, but it is not always clear. Any opinion provided is unclear.
  • There is a possibility of no conclusion.
  • The main ideas are not developed.
  • There is some irrelevant detail.


Band Score 6


  • We address the task by covering both the topic and the issue.
  • It presents a relevant position, and it provides an opinion.
  • Though it may be repetitive or unclear, a conclusion exists.
  • The main ideas are relevant.
  • The ideas lack sufficient development.


Band Score 7


  • The essay thoroughly covers all aspects of the task and addresses all the issues raised in the question.
  • The essay maintains a consistent and clear position throughout, and any opinions expressed are supported by evidence in each paragraph.
  • The main ideas presented are directly related to the topic and are applicable.
  • The essay demonstrates the development of ideas, although there may be instances of lacking focus in supporting ideas or making overgeneralizations.


Band Score 8


  • The task thoroughly addresses all its components effectively. The writer responds to the essay question with proficiency.
  • The essay maintains a consistent position throughout, and it substantiates any viewpoints expressed in every paragraph.
  • The main concepts presented are pertinent and directly relate to the topic.
  • The writer skillfully develops, expands upon, and adequately supports the ideas with evidence.


Your score will increase if you:
  • Pay attention to ALL issues in the essay question.
  • Focus on the issues rather than just the general topic.
  • Address the essay question with relevant main points.
  • Organize your supporting points to stay on topic.
  • Ensure your essay exceeds 250 words.



2.  Coherence and Cohesion


The IELTS examiner will check the organization of your essay, the paragraphs and your use of linking devices.

In determining your band score in the IELTS Writing Task 2, coherence and cohesion play a crucial role.  Therefore, your band score depends on how well you demonstrate coherence, which refers to the overall clarity and logical flow of your essay, and cohesion, which focuses on how effectively you connect ideas and use cohesive devices to guide the reader through your writing.

Band Score 5


  • Although there is a degree of organization, paragraphs may not be utilized effectively.
  • Linking devices are employed, but there may be errors or improper usage.
  • Repetition might occur due to insufficient referencing.


Bank Score 6


  • The information is organized coherently.
  • Paragraphs are used, ensuring logical flow throughout.
  • Linking devices are employed effectively, although, there may be occasional errors in linking between and within sentences.
  • Referencing is utilized, although, clarity may not always be consistent.


Band Score 7  


  • Logically organizes information
  • Effective paragraphing
  • Has one central topic for each paragraph
  • Utilizes a variety of linking devices
  • May exhibit either excessive or insufficient use of linking devices
  • Good referencing techniques


Your score will increase if you:


  • Have either four or five paragraphs but not more and not less
  • This means you should have two or three body paragraphs only
  • Have just one central topic in each body paragraph organize your ideas logically
  • Use a range of linking words
  • Avoid errors in linking words


3.  Lexical Resource


Your use of vocabulary, your paraphrasing, your spelling and the number of mistakes you make will be assessed in this criterion.

Determining band scores for IELTS Writing Task 2 significantly relies on the role of lexical resources.  Further, your band scores get influenced by the range and accuracy of vocabulary you utilize in your essay. Therefore, to achieve a higher band score, you must demonstrate a wide and varied vocabulary, actively employing appropriate and precise words and phrases to effectively convey your ideas. Additionally, effectively using collocations, idiomatic expressions, and academic vocabulary will further enhance your lexical resource and actively contribute to a stronger overall performance in the task.

Band Score 5

  • Minimal range of vocabulary for the task
  • Frequent errors with spelling or word formation
  • Problems cause difficulty for the reader.


Band Score 6


  • Adequate range of vocabulary for the task
  • Uses some less common words but with errors
  • Some errors in spelling and word formation
  • Communication is clear


Band Score 7


  • A sufficient range of vocabulary for some precision
  • Useless less common words
  • Some awareness of style and collocations
  • Occasional errors in spelling or word choice


Band Score 8


  • A wide range of vocabulary for the precise meaning
  • SkSkilfulses less common words
  • Rare errors in spelling or word formation.


Your score will increase if you:


  • Give careful consideration to collocations (ensuring the appropriate verb-noun pairing).
  • Exercise caution when paraphrasing to prevent errors.
  • Utilize a diverse vocabulary that suits the subject matter.
  • Ensure accurate spelling of words.
  • Strive to avoid mistakes, as they can negatively impact your score.
  • Refrain from employing informal language.



4. Grammar Range and Accuracy


The IELTS examiner will assign you a band score for your sentence structures, the tenses you use, your control of grammar, and the number of mistakes you make.

In determining band scores for IELTS Writing Task 2, the examiners consider grammar range and accuracy as crucial factors.  Therefore,  your demonstration of a wide range of grammatical structures and accurate usage of them significantly contribute to achieving a higher band score.  Further, you need to showcase your proficiency in using different tenses, sentence structures, clauses, and transition words to express your ideas clearly and coherently. Furthermore, maintaining grammatical accuracy and avoiding errors in subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, pronoun usage, and sentence construction will further strengthen your performance and contribute to a higher band score in the task.

Band Score 5


  • There is a limited range of sentence structures.
  • The writer attempts to use complex sentences but with limited success.
  • Grammar errors occur frequently.
  • Punctuation errors are present.
  • These problems create difficulty for the reader.



Band Score 6


  • Sentence structures employed include both simple and complex ones.
  • There are certain grammar errors present.
  • There are certain punctuation errors present.
  • Communication is clear.

Band Score 7


  • Demonstrates proficiency in utilizing a diverse range of intricate sentence structures.
  • Consistently produces error-free sentences.
  • Exhibits strong command of grammar.
  • occasional errors in grammar or punctuation.

Band Score 8


  • Utilizes a broad spectrum of intricate structures.
  • The majority of sentences are devoid of errors.


Your score will increase if you:


    • Utilize different grammar tenses (conditionals, perfect tenses, passive voice, past, future, etc.).
    • Pay attention to word order in your sentences.
    • Employ a range of sentence structures.
    • Apply correct punctuation (use full stops and commas).
    • Avoid grammar errors as they will lower your score (refer to the guidelines).
    • Common grammar errors include articles, plural nouns, uncountable nouns, and word order.

IELTS Writing Task 2 – Band Scores


Example of Writing Task 2 Scoring Calculated

You will get a band score for each of the above criteria and then a total score for task 2.  Here’s the example

  • Task response: Band 6
  • Coherence & Cohesion = Band 7
  • Grammar: Band 6
  • Vocabulary: Band 6

Total Score for IELTS Writing Task 2: 6+7+6+6= 25/4=6.25. Furthermore, this score will be increased to 6.5. Therefore, to calculate your score, add all scores together and divide by 4.


To achieve higher band scores in IELTS Writing Task 2, you need to combine effective planning, strong arguments, coherence, grammar accuracy, and vocabulary usage. Therefore, by following these tips and dedicating time to practice, you can improve your writing skills and increase the likelihood of obtaining the desired band score. Further, keep in mind that practice and perseverance are essential for success in IELTS Writing Task 2.

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