PTE Part 3: Listening: Write from Dictation

PTE Part 3: Listening: Write from Dictation: Remember that this task assesses your ability to understand spoken English and accurately transcribe what you hear. Practising dictation exercises regularly can help you improve your listening skills and typing speed, leading to better performance in the PTE Part 3: Listening - Write from Dictation task.

PTE Part 3: Listening: Write from Dictation


PTE Part 3: Listening: Write from Dictation: In the “Write from Dictation” task of the PTE Part 3: Listening section, you will hear a short sentence or phrase you must type accurately. The audio recording is played only once, so it is important to listen carefully and take notes while you can.



How to answer this question

For this item type, you hear a short sentence. Type the sentence into the response box at the bottom of the screen. The audio will begin to play automatically. You will be able to listen to the audio recording only once. Note: You can take notes on the erasable note board provided while the audio is playing. Remember to check your spelling.

You will hear a short sentence for this item type


Here are some tips to help you perform well in the “Write from Dictation” task:



1.  Familiarize yourself with the audio quality:


Before the task begins, make sure you adjust your headphones or speakers to a comfortable volume. Listen carefully to the sample audio provided at the beginning to get used to the sound quality.


2.  Focus on the main points:


As you listen to the sentence or phrase, try to capture the main keywords or key ideas. Write down important words or phrases that stand out, but avoid spending too much time trying to get every word right.


3.  Use shorthand or abbreviations:


To save time and increase your writing speed, you can use shorthand or abbreviations when taking notes. For example, write “w/” for “with” or use symbols like “&” instead of “and.”


4.  Pay attention to grammar and spelling:


While it’s important to write down the main points accurately, also keep in mind the grammar and spelling. Make sure to capitalize the first word of the sentence, punctuate correctly, and spell words as accurately as possible.


5.  Practice active listening: Active listening is crucial for this task.


Train yourself to focus on the speaker’s voice, tone, and pronunciation. This will help you catch the words more accurately and reduce the chances of errors.


6.  Review your answer:


Once the audio recording is finished, quickly review what you have written. Check for any grammatical errors, misspellings, or missing words. Make necessary corrections if needed.


PTE Part 3: Listening: Write from Dictation


More Test tips

Type as many correct words as you can remember into the response box in the right order.  You will score points for every right word that you write in the response box.  If you can remember a word but you are not sure where it goes in the sentence, use your knowledge of Eglish Grammar to help you decide


How This Question is Scored


Your response for writing from Dictation is your ability to understand and remember a sentence you hear and then write it exactly as you hear it, using correct spelling.

Your Score on Write form dictation is based on the following factor:


Does your response include all the words in the sentence and only these words? We score the content by counting the number of correct words in your response.

If you have all the words right and spelt correctly, you will receive the maximum score points for this question type. If you have one or more words incorrect, partial credit scoring applies.




Remember that this task assesses your ability to understand spoken English and accurately transcribe what you hear. Practising dictation exercises regularly can help you improve your listening skills and typing speed, leading to better performance in the PTE Part 3: Listening – Write from Dictation task.


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