PTE Part 3: Listening: Highlight Incorrect Words

PTE Part 3: Listening: Highlight Incorrect Words: In the "Highlight Incorrect Words" task, you will listen to a short audio recording, usually a sentence or a short paragraph. Alongside the audio, you will see the written transcript on the screen. However, some words in the transcript will be different from what you hear in the audio. Your task is to identify and highlight those incorrect words.



PTE Part 3: Listening: Highlight Incorrect Words


PTE Part 3: Listening: Highlight Incorrect Words:  One of the challenging sections of the PTE exam is Part 3: Listening, which includes several question types designed to assess your ability to understand spoken English accurately. One such question type is “Highlight Incorrect Words,” which requires test takers to listen to a recording and identify the words that are different from the transcript. In this blog post, we will explore the specifics of the “Highlight Incorrect Words” task and provide some useful tips to help you ace this section of the PTE exam.



Understanding the “Highlight Incorrect Words” task:


In the “Highlight Incorrect Words” task, you will listen to a short audio recording, usually a sentence or a short paragraph. Alongside the audio, you will see the written transcript on the screen. However, some words in the transcript will be different from what you hear in the audio. Your task is to identify and highlight those incorrect words. This task aims to evaluate your listening skills, attention to detail, and ability to differentiate between similar sounds or words.


How to answer this question

In this item type, a transcript of the audio recording is presented to you; however, the transcript contains some errors. You need to select the words in the text that differ from those the speaker says while listening and reading.

The audio starts playing automatically. You can listen to the audio recording only once.

To select a word, use the left button on your mouse to click on it. If you change your mind, click on the word again to deselect it. The words you select will be highlighted in yellow.



Tips to excel in the “Highlight Incorrect Words” task:


1.  Familiarize yourself with common pronunciation variations:


English is spoken in different accents worldwide, and there can be variations in the pronunciation of certain words. It is essential to expose yourself to different accents and practice listening to various English speakers. This exposure will help you develop an ear for the subtle differences in pronunciation and make it easier for you to identify incorrect words during the exam.


2.  Pay attention to homophones and word stress:


Homophones are words that sound similar but have different meanings. These can often be the source of incorrect words in the transcript.  Additionally, the stress placed on different syllables within words can change the meaning or make it challenging to identify words accurately. Be mindful of these aspects while listening to the audio and comparing it with the transcript.


3.  Focus on context and meaning:


Understanding the context of the sentence or paragraph is crucial in identifying incorrect words. Even if a word sounds similar to what you hear in the audio, it may not fit logically within the context of the sentence. Pay attention to the overall meaning and coherence of the text, which will assist you in identifying incorrect words more effectively.


4.  Practice active listening:


Active listening involves fully engaging with the audio by concentrating on the speaker’s words, tone, and overall message. Train yourself to listen attentively, making mental notes of any differences you notice between the audio and the written transcript. Practice with various audio materials, such as news broadcasts, podcasts, or lectures, to improve your active listening skills.

5.  Develop a systematic approach:


It is advisable to adopt a systematic approach when answering the “Highlight Incorrect Words” task. Start by quickly scanning the written transcript to get an idea of the content. As you listen to the audio, focus on specific keywords or phrases and compare them to the transcript. Mark any differences or incorrect words that stand out. Having a structured approach will help you stay organized and prevent missing any discrepancies.


PTE Part 3: Listening: Highlight Incorrect Words

More Test tips

Before you listen, quickly read the transcription to focus on the keywords.

In the 10 seconds before the recording begins, you can’t read word for word, but you can skim the transcription.

Focus on the words that provide information, such as nouns (economy), adjectives (industrial), and verbs (manufactured). Determine the general topic. This will assist you in identifying words that don’t belong to this topic area as you read and listen.

Follow the text with the cursor as you listen

In this item type, you must select the wrong words as you read the next. Avoid making notes while listening. Move the cursor along the screen as the words are spoken and click on any words that sound different from the words on the screen.


How is this question scored


The judge evaluates your ability to listen for and point out the differences between a recording and a transcription to assess your response for highlighting incorrect words.

The judge scores each selected word as either correct or incorrect. If all the chosen words are correct, you receive the maximum score points for this question type. If one or more selected words are incorrect, partial credit scoring applies.

This question type allows you to lose points if you choose any incorrect options. For each wrong option chosen, one point is deducted, while correct options are awarded one point. Make sure you are confident in your choices.





The “Highlight Incorrect Words” task in Part 3 of the PTE Listening section demands focused listening skills and attention to detail. By familiarizing yourself with common pronunciation variations, homophones, and word stress, and by practising active listening, you can enhance your ability to identify incorrect words accurately. Remember to pay attention to the context and meaning of the sentence or paragraph to ensure your selections align with the overall coherence. With practice and preparation, you can improve your performance in this task and confidently tackle the PTE exam’s Listening section.

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