CELPIP Speaking Task 3 Walkthrough

CELPIP Speaking Task 3 Walkthrough: CELPIP Speaking Task 3 requires test-takers to effectively describe a scene in detail. By following the suggested structure, employing descriptive language, and managing your time well, you can enhance your performance in this task.

CELPIP Speaking Task 3 Walkthrough



CELPIP Speaking Task 3 Walkthrough: One of the sections in the CELPIP exam is the Speaking Test, which consists of several tasks to assess your spoken English skills. In this blog post, we will provide a detailed walkthrough of CELPIP Speaking Task 3, offering valuable tips and strategies to help you succeed in this challenging component of the exam.


Task 3 of the Speaking section requires test-takers to describe a scene in detail. In this blog post, we will explore strategies and tips to excel in CELPIP Speaking Task 3 by effectively describing a scene.


Task 3:  Describe a scene


During the test, the examiner will provide you with a random picture. The picture will contain numerous elements, and you cannot predict its content in advance. Therefore, keen observation is necessary. You will have 30 seconds to prepare, followed by 60 seconds to speak. It’s important to note that the preparation and speaking times are equal, totalling 2 minutes.


First, let’s cover some important points that you should keep in mind. You will be describing the picture to someone who cannot see it. Imagine that you are describing the picture to someone over the phone without the option of a video call, or imagine that you are describing it to a blind person. It is crucial that your description provides a clear and comprehensive outline of the entire picture, conveying its visual aspects effectively. Your goal is to enable the person to form a clear mental image of what the picture looks like.


You are describing to someone who cannot see the picture


The second point emphasizes the need for a thorough examination of the picture, considering the first point mentioned earlier. Not only should you study the picture closely, but you should also categorize it into different parts. This recommendation arises from the fact that pictures often depict multiple activities or elements. For example, it could show children playing in a park or a bustling highway scene. Typically, various sections of the picture will have distinct focal points. During your preparation time, take the opportunity to carefully analyze these aspects and identify the different categories that will form the basis of your response. These categories should be included in your answer and will also help structure your response. Therefore, keep this in mind as you proceed.


Use prepositions (where they are in the picture)


Regarding prepositions, it is essential to utilize words such as “behind,” “in front of,” and “top corner” when describing the picture. You must explicitly state the location of the object you are describing within the picture. Additionally, ensure that you address every scene depicted in the picture. This does not imply providing an exhaustive and detailed description of every single thing. For instance, if there are 10 people in the picture, it is unnecessary to describe each individual. Instead, focus on clearly and concisely covering the most prominent parts of the picture.


Do not make it sound like a list (focus on key parts of the picture


When you encounter a list of items, it is common to use simple conjunctions such as “and,” “also,” “after that,” “and then,” and so on. However, using such conjunctions when describing the picture is not recommended. Instead of creating a list, your goal is to provide a detailed description. Therefore, when focusing on the key parts of the picture that give clarity to the person you are describing, ensure that your speech maintains a casual and conversational tone. Let your words flow slowly and naturally, creating the impression of a relaxed conversation.


Use Adjectives and prepositions


Your answer should incorporate numerous adjectives, as they are essential for providing detailed descriptions of the objects or people in the picture. When you encounter a person, it is insufficient to simply state, “Oh, there’s a man doing this.” Instead, you need to include additional adjectives to enhance clarity. For instance, you could say, “Oh, there is a man wearing a white T-shirt with jeans, playing in the park.” Avoid overloading a single object or person with excessive adjectives; include just enough to create a clear and vivid depiction.



Structure of your answer


  • Introduction: Describe the picture in general –

Begin by providing a brief overview of the scene and capturing the main elements that stand out.

 “In this picture there are …….

  • Main Features:  Don’t start off immediately pinpointing specifics, give an overview of what the pack of what is actually about or what it looks like.

Identify and describe the primary features or objects in the scene. This may include people, buildings, natural elements, vehicles, or any other prominent elements. Use adjectives to add detail and create vivid imagery. Describe prominent areas of the picture (use the 5 Ws again) one at a time.

  • Close with General Description


Check out this Video on  Sample Picture and description 

CELPIP Speaking Task 3 Walkthrough


Tips to Excel in Task 3:


To enhance your performance in CELPIP Speaking Task 3, consider the following tips:

  1. Observe the Picture Carefully: Take a few moments to observe the picture provided. Pay attention to details and note down any significant elements that catch your eye. This will help you provide a more comprehensive description.
  2. Use Descriptive Language: Utilize a wide range of descriptive adjectives, adverbs, and phrases to bring the scene to life. This will showcase your vocabulary skills and enable the listener to visualize the scene.
  3. Practice Time Management: Task 3 has a time limit, so it is crucial to manage your time effectively. Divide the allocated time for each part of your response, ensuring you cover all aspects of the scene.
  4. Maintain Fluency and Coherence: Speak clearly and fluently while maintaining a logical flow of ideas. Use appropriate linking words and phrases to connect different parts of your description smoothly.
  5. Rehearse and Seek Feedback: Practice describing various scenes beforehand to build confidence and improve your delivery. Consider recording your responses and seeking feedback from native English speakers or tutors.





CELPIP Speaking Task 3 requires test-takers to effectively describe a scene in detail. By following the suggested structure, employing descriptive language, and managing your time well, you can enhance your performance in this task. Remember to practice regularly and seek feedback to further refine your skills. With preparation and practice, you can confidently approach Task 3 and demonstrate your English language proficiency in a compelling manner.

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