PTE Part 3: Listening Question 4: Tips

PTE Part 3: Listening Question 4: Highlight Correct Summary -Following the tips and strategies outlined in this post can enhance your listening comprehension skills an d accurately identify the most suitable summary statement

PTE Part 3: Listening Question 4: Tips

PTE Part 3: Listening Question 4: Highlight Correct Summary


PTE Part 3: Listening Question 4: Tips:  In this blog post, we will discuss the fourth type of question you may encounter in the Listening section of various PTE English proficiency tests, namely Highlight Correct Summary.

The Highlight Correct Summary question type assesses your comprehension of the primary concepts and vital details of an audio recording, and it necessitates that you select the summary statement that most accurately represents its overall content. You must keep in mind the following information about this question type.


Question Prompt:


You will listen to a talk, lecture, or conversation, and then you will encounter three to five statements that summarize the main ideas of the recording. Your job is to determine which of these statements best represents an accurate summary of the recording.


Task Length:


This type of question is usually a single item, but it may appear in combination with other question types.


Skills Assessed:


To answer the questions, you must listen to audio or video clips that will automatically play, comprehend the main ideas, distinguish between important and less important details, and have knowledge of the organization of discourse.

You may take notes while each audio or video clip plays only once.



PTE Part 3: Listening Question 4: Highlight Correct Summary


How to answer this question


To answer this question, select the summary that best matches the recording, which will play automatically.

You can only listen to the audio recording once.  Further, there are multiple response options, but only one is correct. Use the left button on your mouse to click on the selected option, and if you change your mind, click on the option again to deselect it or choose a different option.

The option you select will be highlighted in yellow.

Note that it may be challenging to read and listen at the same time, so it is recommended to listen first, take notes on the erasable note board, and then read the summaries.


Test tips


Take notes and match them to the correct summary

Don’t read the options before or while listening to the recording as there is too much to read and too much to read, which will distract you.

Instead, note down the key ideas on your erasable note board booklet as you listen (eg keywords and phrases, numbers, names and dates, and any information that is highlighted by the speaker through stress and intonation).

Then read the options and match the option that is closest in detail to your notes:


PTE Part 3: Listening Question 4: Highlight Correct Summary


Sample Question and Answer:


Let’s examine an example of a Highlight Correct Summary question:

Question Prompt: The speaker will deliver a lecture about the history of jazz music. After the lecture, you will hear three summary statements. Choose the statement that best reflects the overall content of the lecture.


Summary Statements:


  1. A blend of African and European musical traditions gave rise to jazz music, which is a uniquely American art form.
  2. Jazz music gained popularity after it originated in New Orleans, and became known for famous musicians such as Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington.
  3. Jazz music has a rich and complex history, encompassing a wide range of styles and cultural influences.

Correct Answer: A

Explanation: The lecture focuses on the origins of jazz music and how it developed from a combination of African and European musical traditions. Statement A accurately summarizes this content, while statements B and C contain more specific details that are not central to the overall topic.

How this question is scored

The Highlight Correct Summary question evaluates your ability to comprehend, analyze, and combine information from a recording to identify the most accurate summary of the content. Your response receives a score of either correct or incorrect. No credit is given for no response or an incorrect response.



This question type affects the scoring of listening and reading skills, but it does not assess your speaking and writing abilities.


Tips and Strategies:

  • When you listen to the recording, focus on the main ideas and identify the key points made by the speaker. Importantly, take note of any important details or examples that support these main ideas.
  • Find the summary statement – Find the summary statement that best reflects the overall content of the recording. Ensure that you capture the main points and key details while excluding excessive irrelevant information.
  • Be mindful of the organization of the discourse -Be mindful of the organization of the discourse.  Also, ensure that the summary statement reflects the order of presentation in the recording. To avoid getting distracted by similar-sounding options, pay close attention to the wording of each summary statement.  Further, search for subtle differences in meaning.
  • Regularly practice – Regularly practice answering Highlight Correct Summary questions under timed conditions. Additionally, become familiar with the types of audio recordings and summary statements that appear in English proficiency tests, as it is essential.



PTE English proficiency tests include an important but challenging question type called the Highlight Correct Summary question. You can improve your listening comprehension skills and identify the most appropriate summary statement accurately by following the tips and strategies outlined in this post.


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