The 10 Things About CELPIP

The 10 Things About CELPIP That Will Push You Over 9! 10 crucial things that one must know for CELPIP. These are mistakes that people often make, particularly when transitioning from IELTS to CELPIP, or when taking the exam for the first time. 

The 10 Things About CELPIP

The 10 Things About CELPIP That Will Push You Over 9!


The 10 Things About CELPIP; In the blog, we will discuss 10 crucial things that one must know for CELPIP. These are mistakes that people often make, particularly when transitioning from IELTS to CELPIP, or when taking the exam for the first time.  Additionally, we will provide a bonus tip at the end that you must be aware of before taking the exam.




Reading in CELPIP is not sequential, meaning that the answer to question one may not be in paragraph A, nor in paragraph B, and not even in reverse order. There is usually no identifiable pattern, which contributes to the exam’s increasing difficulty. Therefore, it is advisable to approach two questions simultaneously. Start by examining the questions and then move on to the passage. For instance, pick questions one and two, identify the keywords, and look for related words as they may be paraphrased. Once you have located the paragraphs where the answers are, read them and answer the questions accordingly.

The best way to do this is to look for keywords, look at the questions first, skim through the whole passage to find the relevant paragraph, read it, and target it for a particular question. However, it should not be forgotten that there is likely no sequence to the questions. It is a rare chance if there is, and one would need to be lucky.




Why do people always fail to get a nine? It is relatively easier to get a nine in reading and listening, but many people score eight in writing and speaking, despite having perfect grammar, good vocabulary, and flawless speaking and writing skills. However, they lack great vocabulary, and that is where the use of complex sentences becomes important. Let’s discuss complex sentences first.

Words like “if”, “considering”, “while”, and “because” begin complex sentences. When you start a sentence with these words, you break the sentence into two parts. For example, “While my wife was sleeping in the bedroom, I was working in the kitchen.” “While” has two conditions. Examiners expect above-average writing, which requires the use of complex sentences. To achieve a mark of nine, which is far from average, it is crucial to use complex sentences.





To write effectively, one must utilize a sophisticated vocabulary in addition to crafting complex sentences. Using precise and elaborate language, rather than filler words like “um,” is crucial. It is advisable to substitute commonplace terms such as “good” with more impressive adjectives like “spectacular,” “brilliant,” or “magnificent.” Words like “however” can be replaced with “nonetheless” or “nevertheless.” Every word should be thoughtfully selected to attain excellence. A thesaurus can be a helpful tool for discovering appropriate terminology. If you seek further guidance on constructing complex sentences and improving your vocabulary, I encourage you to follow my YouTube channel and subscribe to receive weekly lessons.

Check out this video on The 10 Things About CELPIP That Will Push You Over 9!

The 10 Things About CELPIP




Many people speak very well with perfect grammar, great content, and without saying “um’s”, yet they still score an eight. This is because eight is average or below-average level, and to achieve a score of nine, one needs to be above average. It doesn’t mean perfect English, but it means being better than perfect, having excellent English skills. Therefore, in addition to vocabulary and complex sentences, it is crucial to incorporate expressions. However, people often overlook this fact.

The tone used varies depending on the audience.

When speaking, the tone used varies depending on the audience. For instance, when talking to friends or family, the style is typically more exciting, like saying “Hey Bob, I heard that!” However, when speaking to a boss, the style should be serious and respectful, such as saying “Hey Mr. Bob, I understand that you require this.” The volume of speech should also vary based on the question being answered. Excitement may increase the volume, while seriousness or descriptive answers may require a lower or medium-paced volume. Even within a particular question, there should be fluctuation in pitch levels to show the examiner that the speaker is natural and not robotic. Additionally, expressions and tones are graded, so it is crucial to use them




Many individuals believe that note-taking strategies are essential to score well in listening. Writing down everything that is being said can help answer the questions effectively. However, note-taking should not be done all the time. In parts 1-3, note-taking is unnecessary as the questions are straightforward to comprehend. Despite this, many individuals take notes and lose focus on what is being said.

It is advisable to listen attentively in such cases and rely on your mind to retain the information. You can keep a pen handy in case there are details such as directions, names, or dates that you cannot remember. However, it would help if you did not write down the overall conversation in parts 1-3 as note-taking can be distracting. On the other hand, note-taking is necessary from parts four to six because the speakers tend to provide a lot of information that may be difficult to remember.

Part five Listening. 

The video shows three people having a conversation. Often, people don’t pay attention to their appearances, such as what they are wearing, whether they have glasses, or whether they have hair or not. However, it is important to remember these details because questions may ask about who said what, such as “What did the bald guy say?” If you don’t know who was bald, you need to look at the video. This is tip number seven for part six of listening and part four of reading, which both include debates. In the last part of the reading section, there are usually two people arguing about something.

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Similarly, in the last part of the listening section, there are usually two, three, or four people debating about something. It is important to understand these viewpoints because questions may ask about what they are fighting about or someone’s opinion, and you won’t be able to answer them if you don’t understand the argument. As long as you keep in mind that people are arguing and a debate is going on in these last parts, you will be attentive and know that those kinds of questions might be coming next.





Talking about both sides of an issue can be a game changer, helping you go from an eight to a nine in Writing Task 2. When discussing your survey in the task, you need to talk about both your opinion and the opposing opinion you reject. You can explain why the other opinion is flawed in the second body paragraph while highlighting why your opinion is superior in the first.

The same goes for Speaking Task 2, where you need to compare and persuade. People often focus on their own choice when answering Question 5, but it’s important to compare both sides and explain why the other option falls short compared to yours. This applies to every speaking question – even in Question 1, where you might discuss a friend’s decision to move abroad versus staying at home, you need to talk about both sides.




The content of what you write or speak does not matter as long as you simply answer the question. If you provide the date and time of a party, for instance, in a letter but merely state “this is the date” and “this is the time,” it serves no purpose. The examiner doesn’t just want the date and time, they want to see how you express it. You should strive to make it fancy by using sophisticated vocabulary and phrasing to explain the situation. For instance, instead of saying “Let’s have the party on December 25th on the weekend,” you could say “Coincidentally, the date falls on the weekend, ensuring we will all be available to celebrate this holy occasion on the 25th of December.” It’s the way you phrase it, the words you use, and the punctuation you employ that matter to the examiner.


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