5 Mistakes CELPIP Examiners Always Notice!

5 Mistakes CELPIP Examiners Always Notice! -"We commonly see these five mistakes with students. Please avoid them in CELPIP exams to score better marks."

5 Mistakes CELPIP Examiners Always Notice!



5 Mistakes CELPIP Examiners Always Notice!: This blog discusses five common writing mistakes that CELPIP students make in writing. Unfortunately, we see these mistakes from time to time, so it’s possible that you, as a student, maybe making them.

Let us discuss the first one


1. Being too general


Giving information without good examples or descriptions is being too general. I don’t want to mislead you by saying that examples are important, that’s not my intention. Instead, it means providing specific examples such as discussing how a hospital should be built in an empty park instead of a park. In task 2, you may talk about how the hospital will help patients and make them happy by being there for them. This type of generalization is common, but it lacks the necessary detail.

To explain the concept in a way that students can understand, I like to use the example of building a hospital. If a hospital is built, it will help people get medical care more quickly, create a sense of calm in the community knowing that medical facilities are nearby, and reduce waiting times in other hospitals. This way, we have descriptions of the hospital and exactly how it will help. Additionally, we have discussed why it would help and how people would benefit from it, providing a more comprehensive explanation.

Apart from explaining the theory, it’s important to understand that providing an example is not mandatory, but it can be helpful. If you choose to give an example, you can begin by saying “For example,” and then provide specific details. For instance, you can mention how someone who is currently 20 minutes away from the hospital would benefit from having a hospital nearby, reducing their travel time by half. It’s crucial to avoid being too general and saying things like “This is good” or “People will love it.” Additionally, avoid making vague statements such as “because of many reasons.” Instead, specify the reasons and provide details to support your argument.


2. Do not be too specific


The key to success in the CELPIP exam is finding the right balance between being too specific and too general in your answers. While being specific can add credibility to your response, going too deep into details and quoting news items may make it seem like you are simply memorizing information without demonstrating your thoughts or ideas. Instead, strive to explain concepts clearly and concisely, using language that is accessible to everyone, like a parent explaining something to a child.

For example, if you were asked to explain the importance of healthy eating, don’t just stop at the obvious statement that it reduces obesity. Instead, go deeper into the “why” and “how” behind this concept. A scientist might explain that healthy eating reduces levels of fat, sugar, and insulin in the body, leading to the burning of fat and a decrease in cholesterol, which results in a healthier weight and a healthy heart.

It’s important to remember that when explaining concepts, you need to provide a solid theoretical foundation for your response. If you don’t fully understand the topic you’re discussing, it’s best to choose another topic that you can explain with confidence.

To strike the right balance between being specific and general, always ask yourself “why” and “how” when preparing your response. This will help you develop a clear and well-supported answer that demonstrates your understanding of the topic.

5 Mistakes CELPIP Examiners Always Notice!


3.  Simple Sentences


People fail in CELPIP writing because they use too many simple sentences. Writing “I am writing this letter because” is too basic and will not earn a good score. To create more complex sentences, one can use words such as “considering,” “although,” or “due to” to split the sentence into two parts. For example, one could write “Not only would this measure be great for humanity, but it would also help with…” This creates a complex sentence with two parts.

Other ways to make sentences more complex include using semicolons to break up the sentence or using connectors such as “however,” “furthermore,” or “therefore” in the middle of the sentence. It’s important to maintain a good balance between simple and complex sentences and not overdo either one.


4. Vocabulary


Using basic words is very common, people say stuff like “I want to complain” Let’s change

Let us say:  I would like to complain regarding—–“

“It is a small issue”  “can say it is a trivial issue”

“It is an important matter”, it is crucial” “It is significant”, It is imperative” etc there are so many synonyms there.

Instead of saying “It’s an important matter,” you can use fancier phrasing like “The matter requires your immediate attention.” This will make it unique and help you receive better marks.


5. Body 2 Issue


In task 2, many people face a challenge when choosing between options A and B in certain survey questions. If they choose option A and only discuss its benefits in body 1 and body 2, neglecting option B, it becomes a problem. This approach works for IELTS but not for CELPIP, as it requires discussing both sides, not just the positives. It is essential to explain the pros and cons of both options. For instance, if you choose option A, you should highlight its benefits in body 1 and discuss the drawbacks of option B in body 2. This approach lets you keep your opinion straightforward and present a balanced argumentative essay.

This method demonstrates your ability to write an argumentative essay, which is similar to task 2 in IELTS. Therefore, it is crucial to present both sides of the argument, as it shows that you can critically analyze a topic. Avoid the common mistake of discussing both options positively, such as saying option A is great in body 1 and option B is great in body 2. Instead, focus on the pros and cons of both options to score better marks in the exam.

CELPIP.  CELPIP want you to explain both sides, not the positives, please understand this is not positive on both sides but positive on your side and negative on the other side.  So let’s say you selected option A, and you are talking about how great option A is, all the benefits and all those things in body one. 


“We commonly see these five mistakes with students. Please avoid them in CELPIP exams to score better marks.”

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