PTE Part 3: Listening Question 2

PTE Part 3: Listening Question 2 - Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers

PTE Part 3: Listening Question 2


PTE Part 3: Listening Question 2 – Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers


PTE Part 3: Listening Question 2:The PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic exam designs the Part 3 – Listening section to assess the test-taker’s listening and reading skills. The Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers question type in Question 2 of this section requires the test-taker to listen to an audio or video recording and select all the correct response options from the given choices. Let’s examine this question type more closely and discover some tips and strategies to excel in it.

The test administrators allocate 30-43 minutes for the listening part, which comprises eight different question types. The audio or video clips will begin playing automatically, and the test-taker will listen to each clip only once. While answering the questions based on the content of the clips, the test-taker can take notes.

In this blog, we will discuss question 2 – Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers




Task:  Listen to a recording and select more than one response to answer a multiple-choice question on the content or tone of the recording.


PTE Part 3: Listening Question 2 – Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers


How to answer this question


In this task, you will listen to the recording and answer a multiple-choice question. It is important to note that there is more than one correct response.

The system automatically starts playing the audio recording, enabling you to listen to it only once. Afterwards, you must select all the correct response options from the provided list.

To choose an option, use the left button on your mouse to click on it. If you change your mind, simply left-click on the option again to deselect it. The options that you select will be highlighted in yellow.


PTE Part 3: Listening Question 2: Test Tips


Take notes of the main points and supporting details


Before the recording begins, you should read the question and prepare to take notes for your answer during the seven seconds. Taking notes is likely to be more helpful than trying to select options while listening because the information may not be heard in exactly the same order as the options.

Note down details eg: times places, things that happened) as well as the main points, because you will need to select more than one option.


Question:  What occurred as a consequence of the arrival of colonialists?

Choice Answers

(i) The people cleared vast areas by deforesting.
(ii) The people abandoned traditional farming practices.
(iii) The people planted new species on large stretches of land.
(iv) The people depleted stone quarries.
(v) The people used stones to delineate land sections.

“To help get the right answers, note down anything that happened to the land, as options (i), (iii), and (v) relate to areas of land.”


Select the meaning, not just to match the words you hear


To demonstrate your understanding of what you have heard accurately, you should select the options that match its meaning, rather than simply choosing based on similar words or phrases to the recording. Furthermore, note that some options may include words from the recording, but they may not accurately convey the intended meaning. Therefore, you must carefully consider each option and choose the one that best represents what you heard.



How this question is scored


Your response to Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers judged on your ability to analyze, interpret and evaluate a brief audio or video recording on an academic subject.  Therefore, you will receive the maximum score points for this question type if you select all response options correctly. However, partial credit scoring will be applied if one or more response options are incorrect.


The question type only impacts the reading score. Thus, it does not assess your speaking and writing abilities. However, it relies entirely on your reading skills to comprehend the instructions, prompts, and response choices.




The PTE Listening Section-Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers question is challenging but with the right preparation and strategies it can be excelled.  Therefore, it is important to listen carefully, read the questions and response options then identify the keywords, eliminate the wrong choices, and use time wisely.  By following these tips, the chances of selecting all the correct response options and scoring high on the PTE exam can be improved.


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