OET Writing FAQs

OET Writing FAQs -the answers and tips outlined above can help you improve your chances of success in the Writing sub-test and achieve their goals

OET Writing FAQs



OET Writing FAQs: In this blog, we will focus on OET Writing and answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about this sub-test.


OET Writing FAQs



Is It Important To Read The Case Notes And Plan My Response? 


To achieve the best possible performance on the Writing task.  First, you need to understand the task and the case notes.   Secondly, plan the response in a manner that includes only relevant information for the reader. In any case, the five minutes of reading time provided at the start of the Writing sub-test gives you the opportunity to do this.

The designers have created the tasks for the Writing sub-test in a way that allows you to write and review a response of the required length within the remaining 40 minutes.  Therefore, you can refer to the task and case notes at any time during the 40 minutes allocated for writing, and not just during the reading time.


Why Is The Writing Sub-Test In This Format? 


Most medical professionals still need to prepare letters as part of their regular practice, even though work is now mainly done on a computer. In fact, the Writing task is taken directly from the workplace context. Therefore, you need to select and organize the relevant information in a clear and accurate manner appropriate for the intended reader. Moreover, practising professionals have to deal with the reality of preparing such a letter with limited time.


Do I Lose Marks In The Writing Sub-Test For Spelling Mistakes? 


Spelling, along with punctuation and grammar, is one of the aspects included under Language. Notably, the Writing sub-test has six assessment criteria, and the score for Language takes into account any spelling mistakes made by you.


What Happens If I Write Too Many/Too Few Words In The Writing Sub-Test? 


The task does not impose an automatic penalty for writing over or under the word range of 180-200 words. However, the task aims to be achievable within that range. Further, if you write significantly more, you may have included irrelevant material or poorly organized your letter. On the other hand, if you write significantly less, you may have misunderstood the task or case notes or missed out on important information. In either scenario, your scores will reflect any weaknesses in the six assessment criteria for Writing.


What Layout Do I Use? Where Do I Write The Date And Address? 


Health professionals in various local contexts accept different formats.  Therefore there is no specific format that you must use in your response for the OET Writing sub-test. However, it is crucial that your letter is suitable and clearly presented for the given task. The OET does not prescribe any particular layout or template that you must follow.


OET Writing FAQs

Can I Use Capitals In The Writing Sub-Test? 


Absolutely, you can use capital letters in the Writing sub-test if they are necessary, such as in headings or abbreviations.


What Scores On The Level Descriptors Do I Need To Reach On The Writing Test? 


Test-takers should strive to attain the highest level in the descriptors for each criterion. Generally, those who score 2 out of 3 for Purpose and 5 out of 7 for the remaining criteria will receive a grade B.



To conclude, the OET Writing sub-test holds significant weightage in the OET exam. Therefore you must familiarize yourself with the format and requirements of the task and practice regularly to enhance your performance. Certainly, by implementing the tips mentioned above, candidates can increase their likelihood of success in the Writing sub-test.  Further, they can achieve their objectives of working or studying in an English-speaking environment.

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