PTE Part 3: Listening

PTE Part 3: Listening Question 1 -Summarize Spoken Text:Part 3 of the PTE Listening section is a crucial component of the test and requires careful preparation and practice. By understanding the different question types and practising your listening and note-taking skills, you can increase your chances of performing well on this part of the test and achieving your desired score overall.

PTE Part 3: Listening


PTE Part 3: Listening Question 1 -Summarize Spoken Text

Let’s examine Part 3 of the PTE test, which is the Listening section, and specifically focus on Question 1, Summarize Spoken Text. This section consists of eight different question types that test your ability to comprehend spoken English in various situations.

The test comprises eight different question types and lasts for 30-43 minutes. Audio or video clips are played automatically and each clip is played only once. Note-taking is allowed during the clips.


Understand each question type


Question 1: Summarize Spoken Text

How to answer this question


To complete this task, you must listen to an audio recording and provide a summary of it in 50-70 words. You will have 10 minutes to do so.

The audio will play automatically, and you’ll only get one chance to listen to it. further, your word count will be displayed at the bottom of the screen, and you must write at least 50 words but not exceed 70.

Additionally, there are cut, copy, and paste buttons available that you may choose to use while constructing your summary.

Cut: Select text from your answer that you wish to remove and left-click “Cut”.

Copy: Select text from your answer that you wish to copy and left-click “Copy”.

Paste: Place the cursor where you wish to paste the cut/copied text and left-click “Paste”.



PTE Part 3: Listening Test Tips

Make sure you summarize the main point and include the supporting points


When you listen to the recording, make sure you jot down both the main idea and the supporting points on your erasable note board booklet. Then, use your notes to summarize the primary point and briefly mention the crucial supporting points. This will earn you high marks for your content.


Remember to check grammar, spelling and punctuation

When writing your 50-70 word summary, your grammar, spelling, and vocabulary skills will be evaluated. Therefore, ensure your summary is error-free, by setting aside one or two minutes to review your work. Check for subject-verb agreement, tenses, and word order.

Also, use grammatical structures and words you are confident with and know how to spell. Lastly, review your punctuation, ensuring you’ve correctly used full stops and commas, and capitalized the first letter of each sentence.


How this question is scored


The Summarize Spoken Text task evaluates your performance based on your ability to comprehend, analyze, and integrate information from a lecture. You must then condense the essential ideas into writing, and your writing proficiency and the effectiveness of your summary in presenting the lecture’s key points are also evaluated.


Your score is based on five factors

Content:  Does your response summarize the main points in the lecture?


In the Summarize Spoken Text task, evaluators check if you have accurately covered all the significant points of the lecture without distorting its intent to evaluate your content. However, if you fail to address any of the five factors, you will receive a score of zero. Of importance, the top-performing responses maintain a focus on the topic, exclude non-essential information, and present a concise summary of the main ideas and essential supporting points.


Form; Does your response meet the length requirement of between 50 and 70 words?

The form is scored by counting the number of words in your response.  You will receive full credit if your response is between 50-70 words.

Writing fewer than 50 words or more than 70 words will decrease your score.  If your summary contains 40 words or more than 100 words you will not receive any score points for your summary on any of the five factors.  Your summary will be scored zero.

Grammar:  Does your response demonstrate correct grammatical usage?

Grammar is scored by determining if the basic structure of the sentences is correct.  The best responses use concise sentences that clearly communicate the intended meaning.

Vocabulary:  Does your response demonstrate correct and appropriate word choice and Usage?


The Summarize Spoken Text task evaluates how well you use vocabulary relevant to the lecture and suitable for an academic setting. It also assesses your ability to use appropriate synonyms. The highest-scoring responses effectively use words from the lecture, show an understanding of the context, and skillfully use synonyms to demonstrate a range of language use.

Spelling:  Does your response demonstrate correct and consistent use of a singer spelling convention?


Partial credit scoring applies to summarize the spoken text.  No credit is given for no response or an irrelevant response.  This question type affects the scoring of the following:  listening, writing, grammar, spelling and vocabulary.

Your speaking skills are not tested by this question type, and your reading skills are only used to read the instructions.


In conclusion, Part 3 of the PTE Listening section is a crucial component of the test and requires careful preparation and practice. By understanding the different question types and practising your listening and note-taking skills, you can increase your chances of performing well on this part of the test and achieving your desired score overall.

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