10 CELPIP Words 10+ 

These 10 CELPIP Words Will Give You a 10+ in Writing! These ten words, one of which is a phrase that is crucial for CELPIP writing. They carry significant weight in your exam.

10 CELPIP Words 10+ 

These 10 CELPIP Words Will Give You a 10+ in Writing!


10 CELPIP Words 10+: Today, we are going to discuss ten words, one of which is a phrase that is crucial for CELPIP writing. Although they can also be used in speaking, our focus today will be on writing.

Despite the small number of words, they carry significant weight in your exam. This is because not only do you need to use complex words, but every vocabulary you use needs to be of a higher calibre. For instance, “good” should be replaced with “magnificent,” “bad” with “detrimental,” and “huge” with “ginormous” or “enormous.” Your vocabulary should be unique and complex enough to warrant breaking a sentence into two parts.

Furthermore, having a range of vocabulary is essential. Without it, you risk losing marks, especially if you rely only on nouns and verbs like most people.

Now, let’s delve into the ten words that can easily be used in CELPIP. They can be used frequently and earn you marks every time you incorporate them. These are the words that, when utilized correctly, can significantly boost your score. It’s the reason why people who have perfect grammar in writing still struggle to score a 9 and are stuck at 8.




There exist numerous alternatives to the term “furthermore,” such as “moreover,” “also,” and “likewise.” However, since “furthermore” is a connector, many individuals neglect to include connectors in their writing. It is essential to understand where and when to use them effectively. The optimal location to use a connector like “furthermore” is at the beginning of a sentence, or paragraph, or when introducing a new point.

Sadly, many individuals overlook this and begin a new point without incorporating a connector. Although some people may have a slight interest in connectors, they will not enhance their vocabulary or earn extra points. On the other hand, using “furthermore” is deemed an advanced technique and can elevate one’s writing.




Using the word “although” can be very effective in your writing. Some people may think that using “although” will make their sentence long, but in fact, it helps to break the sentence into two parts. For instance, consider the following example: “Although it is raining outside and I will get wet, I need to go and get some groceries.” This is a complex sentence that demonstrates your ability to use a wide range of vocabulary, and it can earn you marks in your writing. The more you practice using complex sentences like this, the better you will become at using them effectively.




When writing for the CELPIP exam, it is common to begin new sentences or paragraphs that relate to the previous paragraph. To accomplish this, you can use phrases such as “based on this point” or “based on this concept.” This method involves constructing a complex sentence by breaking down the content into two parts. The purpose of this blog is to provide you with highly practical words and phrases that can be used effectively in CELPIP writing, including the use of “based.”




At the beginning of this blog, I referred to the importance of using a diverse range of vocabulary in order to impress examiners and teachers. Simple sentences such as “I went to the market” and “I bought food” may not garner high marks, as they lack descriptive detail. To elevate your writing, it is advisable to incorporate adverbs ending in “-ly”, such as “extremely”, “actively”, “quickly” and “slowly”, as each adverb provides another part of speech for the examiner to assess. An effective way to include an adverb is by using the word “interestingly” as a connector. This word is versatile and can be used in any sentence. As a sophisticated “-ly” word, it can enhance your writing and potentially earn you extra marks.




The primary function of “primarily” is as a connector, but it is not commonly used in everyday language. Instead, it is typically utilized by average or typical candidates. A more astute candidate will employ superior connectors such as “moreover,” “furthermore,” and “likewise.” However, if one combines “furthermore” with “primarily,” it can demonstrate creativity and uniqueness, as it showcases a broader vocabulary and incorporates the appealing “ly” suffix. Such a combination may catch an examiner’s attention.


These 10 CELPIP Words Will Give You a 10+ in Writing!




In debates, the term “senseless” is often utilized to convey a lack of purpose or meaning in a certain thing or situation. It has gained popularity due to its potency as a word choice. When compared to the term “stupid,” which can be viewed as derogatory and informal, “senseless” is a more suitable alternative in formal writing such as CELPIP.

By using “senseless,” you are able to make a strong critique while also demonstrating your proficiency with language. The variation in your tone and vocabulary adds to the impact of your argument, making it more effective. In this manner, “senseless” is an excellent choice of words as it highlights your mastery of the language.

In summary, “senseless” is preferred over “stupid” due to its formal nature, potency, and effectiveness in a debate. It’s a valuable tool for demonstrating your proficiency with language and asserting your control over your writing.




“Conspicuously” is synonymous with “obviously.” Instead of using “in conclusion” when drawing a conclusion, one can use “conspicuously.” Additionally, “conspicuously” can be used as a conjunction to connect two points.




“Therefore” is a concluding term that is simpler than “conspicuously.” It is useful to use a simpler word to combine two conclusions because there may be a need to use both “conspicuously” and “therefore.”




Here’s a possible rephrased version: “The phrase “Before all else” is something that you may or may not find useful. It denotes that I want to express these thoughts before anything else. Make an effort to use it at the beginning of your sentence.”




There are numerous scenarios where the use of the word “but” may be necessary. However, to elevate the quality of your language and make it stand out, it is advisable to substitute “but” with the word “nevertheless.” This term is superior in terms of sophistication, originality, and its relatively low frequency, which can enhance your writing and earn you better grades. Whenever there is a contradiction, either between sentences or within a sentence, it is recommended to use “nevertheless” instead of “however” to increase your chances of getting higher marks.




Use these ten words in CELPIP frequently and earn marks every time you incorporate them. These are the words that, when utilized correctly, can significantly boost your score. It’s the reason why people who have perfect grammar in writing still struggle to score a 9 and are stuck at 8.


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