The Most Common CELPIP Questions

The Most Common CELPIP Questions You Have! Knowing what to expect on exam day is crucial, and we are here to provide you with the information you need to feel confident and prepared

The Most Common CELPIP Questions You Have!


The Most Common CELPIP Questions: From time to time, we receive questions from CELPIP candidates regarding what to expect on exam day and how to prepare for certain situations. You may have similar inquiries, as we have seen in emails. Certainly, be assured that we will address them all here to clear up any confusion. Knowing what to expect on exam day is crucial, and we are here to provide you with the information you need to feel confident and prepared


Question 1: Re-evaluation


One of the most common inquiries we receive is about the re-evaluation process. It can be beneficial for students who believe they deserve higher marks. If you are aware of your mistakes and missed a significant number of words like 50 in the writing section.  It is not recommended to apply for re-evaluation as it is unlikely to result in a change. However, if you believe that you did a good job, it is worth considering applying for re-evaluation. In many cases, students who feel this way experience an increase in their scores.


Question 2: Do Marks Decrease in re-evaluation?


No marks ever decrease in re-evaluation, they either stay the same or increase.


Question 3: Does Multiple Re-evaluation help?


The answer is mostly no, It can be in a very rare situation, but if you apply for a re-evaluation once you must not change, and most likely they will not change.


Question 4: By How many points does re-evaluation change the marks?


Typically, re-evaluation results in an increase of one to two points. However, in rare cases, some candidates have reported an increase of three points, which is quite surprising. I have never heard of a re-evaluation increasing a candidate’s score by four points, though. If you are aiming for a significant increase in your score, it may be best to consider retaking the exam rather than relying on re-evaluation. Generally, re-evaluation is not a guaranteed solution to achieve a substantial score improvement.


Question 5: Do Reading and Listening Get re-evaluated?


No, re-evaluation only applies to the writing and speaking sections of the CELPIP exam. The reading and listening sections are scored by computers and do not undergo a fresh evaluation. However, the writing and speaking sections are assessed by human examiners who may have varying marking criteria, resulting in different scores. As humans, examiners may have their interpretations and judgments that can influence the scoring process.


I got 5 tests or 6 tests in reading instead of four; I got 8 listening tasks instead of 6


It is possible that during the CELPIP exam, there may be extra tasks that are not marked. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine which tasks will be marked and which will not. Some of these tasks may be used for testing and survey purposes, making it challenging to discern which ones are being evaluated. In such cases, it is crucial to work diligently and put forth your best effort since you cannot predict which tasks will be scored.

I have also heard that if there are five reading parts instead of four, only the four highest-scoring parts will be marked, but this information is not yet confirmed. Therefore, it is vital to work hard and perform your best in all tasks, as the selection process may be random.


How do I postpone your exam?


Delaying or rescheduling your CELPIP exam is not a common occurrence. Typically, if it is within five weeks of your exam date, you will not be allowed to postpone unless you have a significant condition, such as an illness, that makes it impossible to take the exam. However, if your exam is more than five weeks away, it is relatively easy to request a postponement or reschedule the exam. The five-week limit is a crucial consideration when making arrangements for your exam date.


Tech issues in an exam what happens?


At times, technical difficulties may occur during the CELPIP exam that is beyond your control. It is frustrating when such issues arise, but it is important to understand that it is not your fault. In some cases, you may receive an exception, and the examiners may request that you reschedule your exam or resolve the issue. However, there are rare exceptions where nothing can be done, and you are unable to take the exam. Unfortunately, in such cases, there is no refund or option to retake the exam, and you end up losing your money. This situation is unfair, and it is unclear why there is no solution available to address these issues.


You get how many pieces of Paper are in an Exam


In the CELPIP exam, you will receive only one sheet of paper to take notes during the exam and for listening purposes. However, it is recommended to ask for another sheet once you are three-quarters done with your current paper. This is because having only one sheet of paper can be limiting and potentially affect your ability to take notes effectively during the exam. In previous videos, I mentioned that having only one sheet of paper is not ideal, and it would be better to have more.

Check out this youtube video

The Most Common CELPIP Questions You Have!

Speaking Distractions


During the CELPIP exam, distractions can be a common occurrence. Other candidates may finish their modules faster than you. This may lead to speaking or making noise while you are still writing part. This can be distracting and affect your focus during the speaking part. However, to prepare yourself for this scenario, it is highly recommended to practice at home with this format. Create a distraction-free environment and open a new channel.  Listen to a YouTube channel in the background, and practice speaking while cancelling out distractions.

Definitely, by practising in this way, you can train yourself to maintain focus and deliver your responses effectively even when there are distractions around you during the actual exam.


Spell check


Yes, we have spell check in the writing part.


Type of questions


The type of questions you get for reading and listening are all multiple-choice.   You don’t have any blanks, you don’t have any true or false questions.


Timer in all parts


The timing for each section of the CELPIP exam varies.  There are different methods to track the time for each section. Our course on the CELPIP exam provides a breakdown of the time for each section.  But if you don’t want to pay for it, there is a free sample test available that you can find by searching online.

For listening, there is a timer for each section, but the timing varies depending on the section. Similarly, each section of the reading test has its timing.

Regarding speaking, there is no stopwatch showing seconds or minutes. However, a rolling bar displays the time remaining, which is not digital, so it requires estimation.

For writing, a digital watch is available that displays the time remaining, making it easy to keep track of the remaining time.


CELPIP is Easier or IELTS

In general, CELPIP is considered to be easier than IELTS. However, the writing section of IELTS is considered to be the most difficult, while the speaking section of CELPIP is considered to be the most challenging. If you are a proficient speaker, it might be best to take CELPIP, even though the speaking section is difficult. On the other hand, if you struggle with writing, it might be better to avoid IELTS.


Word Count


You should not do more than 10 extra words.

So 211 for task 1 and task 2 don’t do more than 210 but the recommendation is you do 199 – 200


Speaking Limit


Timing is crucial during the exam, as it is important to start and finish on time. If you start late, even by just a few seconds, the examiner may perceive it as stalling and may not catch all of your mistakes. In fact, this can lead to a loss of marks. It is also essential to complete the conclusion within the given time. If the timer runs out before you finish your conclusion, you will lose marks. It is recommended to aim to complete the task a few seconds before the designated finishing time.  This will ensure you have enough time for the conclusion.


CELPIP Score Needed


To determine the score requirements for your visa application, it is recommended that you consult with your immigration consultant or lawyer. Alternatively, you can visit the CIC website and check your profile to see if you need a visa, which may require a score of either 7 or 9, as these are standard score requirements.




Scoring a 9 on the CELPIP test is a notable achievement.   It demonstrates that the individual is an exceptionally skilled English speaker, capable of communicating effectively in various personal and professional scenarios. To obtain a CELPIP 9, one must possess near-perfect English language proficiency, as the exam only permits 2 to 3 errors.




In conclusion, the CELPIP test is an important requirement for Canadian immigration purposes, and it is essential that you have a good understanding of its format, scoring system, and preparation strategies. By having a clear understanding of the test, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your immigration goals.

Check out this course:

CELPIP ALL INCLUSIVE 10+ Course! 15 Hours!

CELPIP ALL INCLUSIVE 10+ Course! 15 Hours!
