Part 1 CELPIP Speaking Common Mistakes

Part 1 CELPIP Speaking Common Mistakes That Keep You Below 9! being aware of these common mistakes can help you avoid them and achieve a higher score on the CELPIP Speaking test.

Part 1 CELPIP Speaking Common Mistakes

Part 1 CELPIP Speaking Common Mistakes That Keep You Below 9!  


Part 1 CELPIP Speaking Common Mistakes That Keep You Below 9!: The focus of this blog is to shed light on the reasons why individuals fail to attain a score of 9 in CELPIP, as well as to highlight the factors that adversely impact their marks.

Despite the numerous aspects of CELPIP, certain errors are more prevalent than others, with over 85% of test-takers committing them. As a result, many individuals fail the exam, often due to the erroneous belief that such mistakes are acceptable in everyday communication, as exemplified by misleading online samples. However, this is not the case, and it is essential to understand the common pitfalls to achieve a high score.




The usage of “Umms” is prevalent among individuals, both consciously and unconsciously. It is crucial to substitute them with pauses instead. Similarly, fillers like “You know,” “So,” and “And” should be avoided. The ideal approach is to pause instead of using “Umms.” These fillers can significantly undermine your speaking marks, so it’s essential to eliminate them.




It is recommended that individuals avoid solely relying on the three main conjunctions “and, but, and so” in their writing. Instead, to replace “and,” consider using alternatives such as “also, other than that, apart from that, furthermore, likewise, moreover, or on top of that.” Similarly, to replace “but,” one may use “however, nevertheless, or nonetheless.” When concluding, it is suggested to use alternatives such as “therefore, hence, thereby, overall, or conclusively” instead of “so.” For further information and examples, please refer to our in-depth video on connectors.




To maximize your speaking score, it is crucial to begin speaking promptly as soon as the speaking prompt is presented without any delay. Procrastinating may indicate to the examiner that you are attempting to stall for time, resulting in a deduction of points. Additionally, it is advisable to conclude your response five seconds prior to the allocated time to ensure you have ample time to cover all necessary points and leave a lasting impression




Ensure that your structure includes recursion even though it is different. Prepare your notes again.

Part 1

In task 1, your structure should begin with an introduction where you state your opinion. Following this, you should provide three supporting points for your opinion, and conclude by rephrasing your opinion.

Part 2

For part 2, your descriptions should focus on an event or person. When describing a person, limit your description to just three quality points. For example, you could describe your favorite Rolex watch by detailing its appearance, price, and where you purchased it. Providing a detailed description with these three points is sufficient.


Parts 3 & 4

For questions 3 and 4, it is recommended that you provide a detailed description of the picture. Although the instruction asks for 5 or 6 points, describing the entire picture in detail is better. To achieve this, start with a sentence that covers the background, foreground, and middle of the picture, and make predictions about what might happen in each area. Try to include as many details as possible, but aim for at least three main points. If you are running out of time, you can summarize by stating that overall, everyone is enjoying themselves.


 Part 5

In part 5 when comparing two options, begin by stating your opinion and preference. Then, compare all the points that you prefer in your option, as well as all the points that you do not like in the other option. It is also important to criticize the other person’s options. For instance, if your object is priced at $5000 and the other person’s object is priced at $10,000, you can use a combination of sentences to compare the prices, such as “My object is $5000 cheaper than the other option.” This approach will help you cover as many points as possible.

Check out this Youtube video Part 1 CELPIP Speaking Common Mistakes That Keep You Below 9!

Part 6 

The typical structure for delivering bad news involves beginning with a statement of regret or apology, such as “unfortunately” or “I am sorry to say,” followed by providing two to three reasons explaining why the situation is occurring and why it is beyond our control. Finally, it is important to offer an alternative or potential solution to the issue at hand.

Part 7 

To express your opinion, you can start by stating your viewpoint, followed by providing three supporting points that bolster your argument. To conclude, it can be helpful to rephrase your opinion in a concise manner.

Part 8 

During a conversation at Solon, it is common to have a slow start and end, with the main focus of the conversation occurring in the middle. This central portion of the conversation should consist of three to four points that clearly explain the picture or situation at hand. By doing so, all parties involved will have a better understanding of the topic and can engage in a more meaningful discussion.




When conversing with a friend, particularly during CELPIP Part 1, if you intend to provide a recommendation and express your desire for them to shed some pounds, it’s advisable to refrain from being excessively polite. Instead, consider using more impactful language with variations in tone, volume, and pitch.

For instance, you could try saying something like, “I implore you to quit this unhealthy diet! Stop consuming junk food, or else you’ll be harming yourself. Please, I beg you to prioritize your well-being and make the necessary changes.” By using such phrases with emphasis, tone changes, and fluctuations in volume, you can convey your message more effectively and potentially motivate your friend to take action.



Ensure that your vocab is strong, avoiding simplistic terms such as “good” or “sad,” and opting instead for more elevated vocabulary such as “marvellous,” “detrimental,” “gloomy,” “colossal,” “significant,” or “massive.”




Just follow our template and what we explained in the structure.  You will make sure you head the task response.



In conclusion, being aware of these common mistakes can help you avoid them and achieve a higher score on the CELPIP Speaking test.

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