Why choose PTE instead of IELTS?

Why choose PTE instead of IELTS? PTE is a more efficient, objective, and fairer way of testing English proficiency than IELTS. Its fully computerized system, faster results, availability of test dates, and more accurate pronunciation assessment make it an excellent choice for students looking to showcase their English proficiency.

Why choose PTE instead of IELTS?


Why choose PTE instead of IELTS?  : In today’s globalized world, English proficiency has become an essential requirement for international studies, immigration, and career development. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Pearson Test of English (PTE) are two of the most widely recognized English proficiency exams worldwide. While both exams are designed to assess the test taker’s language proficiency, there are some fundamental differences between the two exams. In this blog post, we will explore why one should choose PTE over IELTS.


Frequent test dates

We run regular test dates with last-minute availability in over 350 test centres across the globe.


Fast results


It is common for PTE scores to be accessible within a mere 48 hours.


Single test session


PTE differs from IELTS in that it is completed in a single sitting, taking only two hours. Unlike IELTS, there is no need to wait for a separate speaking exam, which can take up an entire day.


No need to speak to an examiner


Are you someone who gets nervous when speaking to an examiner? With the PTE, there’s no need for concern because the entire test is conducted through a computer, and there’s no interaction with an examiner required.


Unbiased results


Have you ever experienced the suspicion that your IELTS examiner may be having a bad day, struggling to comprehend your accent, or just holding a negative bias towards you? With PTE, your scores are determined by a computer, ensuring that every score is evaluated objectively and consistently, regardless of your location in the world.


Unlimited score reports


PTE allows you to send your score to an unlimited number of institutions without any fees. They believe that your score is your property, and therefore, you should have the freedom to share it as often as you desire.

Simple preparation


Preparing for and sitting the IELTS exam can often feel like running a marathon. However, PTE offers scored practice tests that enable you to evaluate your performance and customize your study plan accordingly.


Why choose PTE instead of IELTS?


How PTE & IELTS compare


If you’ve already prepared for the IELTS, you may be wondering how the questions in the two tests compare and how you can prepare for the PTE.

The PTE Academic is a real-world English test that requires an understanding of section timings and strategies for success. However, the good news is that if you’re already familiar with preparing candidates for the IELTS, you’ll find preparing for the PTE Academic to be relatively easy.

By examining the similarities and differences between the two tests, you can adapt your exam preparation classes to ensure success in the PTE Academic.


The structure of the exams 


Both PTE Academic and IELTS share a similar overall structure. Both exams assess students on the four key language skills speaking, writing, reading, and listening. However, the sequence in which these skills are evaluated, as well as the timing and organization of tasks, differ between the two exams.

In contrast, the Speaking sections of IELTS and PTE differ significantly. One key distinction is that PTE Academic assesses both speaking and writing skills in an integrated manner, which aligns with the way we naturally use language in everyday life. This differs from IELTS, where this integrated approach is not employed.

Another difference is that PTE’s speaking section is computer-based and evaluated by artificial intelligence, whereas IELTS candidates interact with a human examiner in person. Consequently, several students find the PTE Academic Speaking section less intimidating and stressful

Additionally, as the PTE Academic Speaking section is computer-based, the entire exam can be finished in one day. In contrast, IELTS candidates must return on a separate day, sometimes up to a week later, to complete the speaking section.


Why choose PTE instead of IELTS?


PTE Academic and IELTS tasks 


Although some tasks in both tests may appear dissimilar, they frequently evaluate comparable proficiencies. Let’s examine this further:


1.  Writing 


The writing tasks in PTE Academic and IELTS are strikingly similar, meaning that you do not need to adjust your preparation methods significantly. However, the primary distinction lies in the fact that PTE Academic requires students to summarize written passages twice – first in a brief paragraph and then in a single sentence.

Both tests assess similar skills, and to achieve a high score, students must:

  • logically organize their sentences and paragraphs;
  • synthesize information for writing a summary;
  • support an opinion with details, examples, and explanations;
  • use correct grammar, spelling, and mechanics;
  • use appropriate language for the context of their writing. 



2.   Speaking  


The Speaking component of PTE Academic poses several challenging tasks, among which Describe Image proves to be a challenge for many students. Thus, it is crucial to practice this task extensively during class to improve your proficiency. This activity evaluates the same language skills as the initial writing task in IELTS, which involves describing an image. Therefore, you can easily modify your preparation strategy for this task.

Both assessments necessitate students to communicate articulately with accurate pronunciation, stress, and intonation. They must be able to structure an oral presentation coherently while providing details, examples, and explanations to support their viewpoints.



3.  Reading 


The structure and timing of the reading sections in IELTS and PTE Academic vary. In PTE Academic, test takers are allotted a shorter time and have to answer fewer questions. While there are more texts to read, each text is comparatively brief, and only one question is asked per text. Hence, if they face difficulty with one text, they can easily move on to the next without worrying about being questioned about the same text multiple times.

To excel in this section, learners must concentrate on comprehending the text and identifying its main theme, purpose, and tone. They should also develop skills like skimming and scanning for information, as well as the ability to deduce meaning. Encouraging students to read extensively and regularly is the most effective approach to ensure their success in this section.



4. Listening  


In terms of the Listening sections, there are notable distinctions between IELTS and PTE Academic.

While IELTS includes dialogues and monologues in social situations, PTE recordings are sourced from authentic academic material. Additionally, the number of recordings in IELTS is less than PTE, and the test takers are presented with more questions, which can pose a challenge. Furthermore, the task types are dissimilar; IELTS requires completing sentences, labelling diagrams or maps, and matching answers, while PTE mandates highlighting inaccurate summaries and words, and transcribing dictated material.

For students who are aiming for either PTE or IELTS, the skills to learn will be quite similar. To perform well in the Listening section, the students will need to develop their ability to comprehend both the main idea and specific details. They should be able to recognize words and phrases that are appropriate for the given context. Additionally, note-taking skills will play a crucial role in their success. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that as a student you receive ample practice in taking accurate and thorough notes.



In conclusion, PTE is a more efficient, objective, and fairer way of testing English proficiency than IELTS. Its fully computerized system, faster results, availability of test dates, and more accurate pronunciation assessment make it an excellent choice for students looking to showcase their English proficiency. So, if you are planning to take an English proficiency exam, consider PTE as your preferred choice.

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Check out this PTE Course

15-hour All-Inclusive PTE Course!

15-hour All-Inclusive PTE Course!

