OET: Writing Structure Explained!

OET: Writing Structure Explained! With these tips, you can confidently approach the Writing sub-test and achieve the desired results.

OET: Writing Structure Explained!


OET: Writing Structure Explained! One of the components of the OET is the writing sub-test, which requires you to produce a letter based on a given case note. In this blog, we will explore the structure of the OET Writing sub-test and provide tips on how to excel in this section.

Structure of the OET Writing Sub-Test

The writing sub-test consists of a task asking you to write a letter based on a given case note. Further, you must demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively in healthcare. You will be given 45 minutes to complete the task, and the letter must be between 180-200 words.

You must write to a healthcare professional or an administrative officer, and the content relates to a specific healthcare situation. The case note provided should contain relevant information about the situation, such as the patient’s medical history, symptoms, and any tests or treatments that have been performed.


The letter must follow a specific format, which includes the following components:



Don’t Mention January or February; mention the numbers, day, month, and year (i.e., 12/08/2023)



You have no specific requirement to mention the postcode; even in some places, you can ignore the province and the country as long as you have the city. So your address should have the name, occupation, hospital name, address-street address, city province, and state.



Start with the greeting –Mr. or Ms., then insert the name- note to input the last name.



Start with Re, then the name of the patient- first and last name, and then how old is the patient?

Example:  RE:  Joyce Williams, 67 Years Old



1st Paragraph – this Paragraph is the purpose of the letter. The purpose of the letter should be stated clearly in the opening Paragraph. The purpose can be to request, provide, or make a referral.



The constitutes the Case Notes – 2 Paragraph.

The context of the situation should be explained in the second Paragraph. Further, this includes any relevant background information about the patient, such as their medical history or current symptoms. 



The details of the situation should be outlined in the following paragraphs. This includes any tests or treatments performed and any relevant observations or concerns.



2nd last Paragraph – The letter should conclude with a clear statement of the writer’s request or recommendation.


Ending Conclusion

It is mandatory to write if they need further information, let you know.


Final Salutation 

Finish the letter with “Yours Sincerely” and designation, i.e., Dentist.”

Check out this Video on OET: Writing Structure Explained!

OET: Writing Structure Explained!

Tips for Excelling in the OET Writing Sub-Test


To excel in the OET Writing sub-test, you should follow these tips:

 Read the case note carefully:

 The case note provides all the relevant information for the letter. Therefore you should read it carefully to understand the situation and the letter’s requirements.

Follow the format:

The letter must follow the specified format, which includes the purpose, context, details, and Conclusion. Therefore, you should ensure they have these components in their letter.

Use appropriate language:

You should ensure that your letter uses appropriate language for a healthcare setting in your letter. The letter should use appropriate language for a healthcare setting. This includes using medical terminology correctly and using polite language throughout the letter.

Check for errors:

You should check your letter for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Further, they should also check that they have included all the necessary information.

Practice, practice, practice:

The more practice test-takers you have, the more confident you will write an effective letter. Therefore you should practice writing letters using the OET format to improve your writing skills.


In Conclusion, the OET Writing sub-test requires you to write a letter based on a given case note. The letter must follow the specified format and demonstrate effective communication in a healthcare setting. You can excel in this section by reading the case note carefully, following the format, using appropriate language, checking for errors, and practising your writing skills. With these tips, you can confidently approach the Writing sub-test and achieve the desired results.

Check out our “15-hour All-Inclusive OET Course!”

15-hour All-Inclusive OET Course!

15-hour All-Inclusive OET Course!
