IELTS Task 2 Writing Question?

IELTS Task 2 Writing Question? Understanding the different types of questions is crucial to effectively answer the Task 2 question.


IELTS Task 2 Writing Question?

Biggest IELTS Writing Confusion – How Many Bodies Per IELTS Task 2 Writing Question?


The IELTS Task 2 Writing question is one of the most challenging parts of the exam, and it requires candidates to write a well-structured essay on a given topic within 40 minutes. Understanding the different types of questions is crucial to effectively answer the Task 2 question. In this blog post, we will discuss the structure, body paragraphs, and seven main types of IELTS Task 2 Writing questions and provide some tips on how to approach each one.



First, it’s important to understand the basic structure of an IELTS Task 2 essay. Typically, this type of essay consists of four parts: an introduction, two or three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, you should provide some background information on the topic, as well as a statement that outlines your main argument. The body paragraphs should each focus on a specific aspect of your argument, with evidence and examples to support your claims. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points and restate your thesis in a new way.


How Many Body Paragraphs

When it comes to the IELTS Writing Task 2, one of the most common questions that test takers have is: how many body paragraphs should I write? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are some guidelines that can help you determine how many body paragraphs to include in your essay. 

Now, let’s take a closer look at how many body paragraphs you should write

Task 2 consists of various questions where you need to discuss both sides and express your opinion. It’s crucial to understand the different question structures, the number of bodies needed, and why it’s essential for task response. Organizing information coherently will help the examiner comprehend your ideas, and the structure reflects your cohesion and coherence.

The short answer is that it depends on the prompt and your argument. Some prompts will be more complex and require more nuanced arguments, while others will be more straightforward and allow for a simpler approach. As a general rule, however, it’s a good idea to aim for at least two body paragraphs.

Why two? Well, one paragraph is often not enough to fully develop your argument and provide enough evidence to support your claims. On the other hand, three or more body paragraphs can sometimes lead to a lack of focus and cohesion in your essay. By sticking to two body paragraphs, you can ensure that you have enough space to make a compelling argument, while still maintaining a clear and focused structure.


Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule. For example, if you’re writing a very complex essay that requires a lot of evidence and examples, you may need three or more body paragraphs to fully develop your argument. Similarly, if you’re writing a very simple essay that doesn’t require a lot of explanation or support, you may be able to get away with just one body paragraph.

Check out this Video How Many Bodies Per IELTS Task 2 Writing Question?

IELTS Task 2 Writing Question?


Simple Question

The first type of question is a simple one that requires either two or three body paragraphs. For instance, “Common people have two bodies. This is not recommendable.” It’s better to choose a complex structure with three bodies to showcase your skills.

To organize three body paragraphs, start with Body 1 to present your point of view, then in body 2 discuss the opposing viewpoint, covering one point per paragraph. In Body 3, address both sides of the argument.  Resultantly, this approach enables you to provide four points and demonstrate your ability to develop complex structures with three bodies. Being unique attracts more marks.

Alternatively, you can use two introductions, three bodies, and a conclusion. In the introduction, express your opinion, and in the conclusion you rephrase it. Each body paragraph should focus on a single point, and you can use examples to elaborate on it.

In this type of question, it’s crucial to discuss only one side. If you’re supporting something, body 1 should explain why you support it, and body 2 should offer another reason for your support. Although discussing both sides is possible, we recommend focusing on one side because students tend to score better using this approach.


Direct Questions

This is where you have two questions that are being asked:-


Globalization is taking place in the world

  • Why is this happening?
  • How can this benefit humanity?

In this question, you need to do three bodies again.  In the introduction, you have the opinion, in the conclusion, you rephrase the opinion but now the bodies how you divide them is:-

Body one answers to question one, and Body 2 and 3 will answer question 2.

You can also do the opposite way, you can do body one and two answering question One, and body 3 answering question 2.

It is completely your decision which body goes to which question.

Descriptive questions

The three main question types in IELTS Task 2 Writings are advantages and disadvantages, causes and effects, and problems and solutions. However, some questions may be a combination of these, such as advantages and effects or causes and solutions instead of causes and effects or problems and solutions.

For descriptive questions, you should have two body paragraphs and avoid expressing your opinion in the introduction. Instead, approach the question as a reporter, explaining the causes and effects of a present technique or situation. As these questions are always in the plural, you should provide two points per body, such as two advantages or two disadvantages.

In the introduction, briefly mention the advantages and disadvantages of effects and rephrase this in the conclusion. In body one, discuss two advantages, and in body two, talk about two disadvantages. This approach ensures coherence and cohesion in your writing, leading to better marks on the IELTS Task 2 Writing question.


Cause/effect questions

Cause/effect questions ask candidates to identify the causes and effects of a particular issue. These questions usually start with a statement or a general topic followed by a question that asks the candidate to discuss the causes and effects of the issue. For example:

  • Obesity is becoming an increasing problem in many countries. What do you think are the causes of this problem, and what effects does it have on society?

When answering cause/effect questions, it is important to identify:

Causes and effects, it’s the same thing, the intro and conclusion will briefly mention what the causes and effects are.  Body one is going to talk about two causes body two is going to talk about two causes.   The same thing to problems and solutions you have an intro and conclusion mentioning them briefly, body one is two problems and body two is two solutions.


You will notice that throughout all these structures we are gaining much on coherence and cohesion, how in advantages and disadvantages you mentioned in the intro the advantages and disadvantages in the introduction, you explain them in the body paragraph and then you conclude by rephrasing them briefly.

The same thing to other questions about causes and solutions, when talking about advantages and disadvantages you mention your opinion first, two bodies about your opinion and then one body on the other.

When you have the simple question/opinion question you have your opinion mentioned in the intro and then you have both bodies supporting your opinion. 

So it is like a flow.  So this way you gain marks for coherence and cohesion.

This is the guide you can use confidently, this one works.  Reapply at home and practice and if you want more practice visit our youtube channel for more resources

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