How to improve your IELTS Speaking at Home

How to improve your IELTS Speaking at Home: These advice and tips will help you improve your IELTS at-home speaking and developing your fluency and other speaking skills to get a better score on your IELTS speaking test.


How to improve your IELTS Speaking at Home


How to Improve IELTS Speaking at home: Learn the best way to improve your IELTS speaking for free. This BLOG gives advice and tips on improving your IELTS at-home speaking and developing your fluency and other speaking skills to get a better score on your IELTS speaking test just from the comfort of your home. Enjoy


For IELTS speaking topics and questions, visit our blog:, click the search button, and write IELTS speaking.

So many students tell us they cannot improve their English because they don’t have a foreigner to talk to, but this need not limit you; these tips will help you practice and improve your English speaking just from the comfort of home.


How to improve your IELTS Speaking at Home

1. Get the list of topics for

  • speaking part 1
  • Speaking part2
  • speaking part 3

 Topics Examples

  • IELTS Speaking 1 Practice 1 (Accommodation & Hometown)
  • IELTS Speaking 1 Practice 1 (Advertisement)
  • IELTS Speaking 3 Practice 2 ( Art)


2. Get the list of these topics and develop ideas

If the topic is Accommodation and home town – talk about  where is your home town, what appeals to you about it, and the kind of Accommodation available, as shown above  


IELTS Speaking 1 Practice (Accommodation & Hometown)

    1. Let us begin with your hometown.
    2. What is the address of your hometown?
    3. What appeals to you about it?
    4. What exactly do you dislike?
    5. What significance does your hometown hold for you?
    6. Do you intend to return to your hometown?
    7. Let us now talk about accommodations.
    8. Tell me about your living situation.
    9. Do you have many conveniences where you live?
    10. Can you change anything about your current address?
    11. Do you plan to stay for an extended period?

Speaking 2 for IELTS Practice 1 (Advertisements)

    1. Describe an advertisement that convinced you to purchase a product.
    2. What advertisement it was.
    3. What kind of advertisement was it?
    4. Was it broadcast on television, radio, or in the newspaper?

IELTS Speaking 3 Practice 2 (Art)

  1.  How do people in your country feel about art?
  2.  Do people in your country prefer music over art? What are some traditional art forms in your country?
  3.   How has art changed in the past few decades in your country?
  4. Let’s move on from art in your country to art education.
  5. Do you think children should study art in school?
  6. How can children benefit from learning about art?
  7. Do you think the government should provide support for art and cultural activities?


How to improve your IELTS Speaking at Home

3. Word list

Get the list and range of vocabulary for those topics and learn.

How to improve your IELTS Speaking at Home

4. Record the answers

Get six or more questions

Record your answers; this gives you a chance to find your weaknesses and will be a pointer to areas of improvement.

Listen to your answers and check the following


 –  The first thing you need to check:-

  • Check the Length of your answer. Did you give a very short answer? Or you need to check it.
  • How many times were you silent?
  • How many times did you say um /ah


  • Range – means how many different words you are using. Are you using a different word? or are you using the same word
  • paraphrasing mistakes


  • check the range of tenses
  • Sentence structure
  • Mistakes- the more mistakes you make, the lower the band


Word pronunciation – are you pronouncing words correctly? If you are not sure, use online dictionaries.


Intonation – Are you speaking very flat? You use intonations to make the conversation interesting.


By following the above tips from the comfort of your home, you will learn how to improve your IELTS speaking answers based on the criteria used by the examiner in your IELTS test.

Finally, Practice, Practise: The more you practice, the better your IELTS.












