Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes!

Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes will help you prepare better by pointing out these mistakes that could keep you from doing well on the speaking section of the CELPIP test.

5 Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes!


5 Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes: One of the most anticipated parts of the CELPIP Test by test takers is the speaking component. This blog is meant to help you prepare better by pointing out these mistakes that could keep you from doing well on the speaking section of the CELPIP test:

Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes”:1. Pauses

A pause is an interval of silence while speaking, and when used effectively, pauses can
Enhance delivery.

Points to note about Pauses

  • Pauses themselves are not bad, but improper use of them is.
  • A good public speaking rule is to pause occasionally to gather your composure and give yourself time to consider what to say next.
  • The proper use of speech pauses is a master technique. 
  • Examiners like it when you pause a little; if you do it right, nobody is conscious of your pauses, and your ideas are communicated persuasively.
  • Pauses can be disruptive or annoying when used carelessly or unintentionally. However, you gain more marks when you sound confident with your pauses. Equally, if you do it wrongly, your credibility is weakened, and your examiner struggles to comprehend your message.

Strategically using pauses

Strategically using pauses can also benefit you. For example, pausing just before your conclusion can allow you to gather your thoughts before delivering your final summary.




Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes!: 

2.  Being Robotic

In Celpip, you must pretend and exaggerate that you care and wear a good tone and expression. Do not be robotic.

Pretend like the tester is a friend you talk to daily to relieve some of the stress you might be feeling. Articulate your message clearly so they know exactly what you are saying and speak confidently!

You should speak at a “normal” volume, not too softly or loudly. Try speaking more softly if your voice tends to be louder than others so the rater can understand what you are saying.  Equally, speak a little louder if you have a quiet voice so the rater can understand you.




Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes! 3. Timing

Start on time and finish on time. If you don’t start on time, you will have little time to speak. Finish 5 seconds before the actual time to allow preparation for the next session.

Time management is one of the most troubling issues. Still, if you are well-prepared and well-organized, you should be able to answer your questions quickly and easily. Look at the speaking timer each time you want to start speaking to convey the message and say the final sentence before the time is up.

Remember that you have 10 seconds before each prompt. Therefore, use it wisely to relax, clear your mind, and collect your thoughts.


Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes! 

4.  Not using the Connectors


Connectors are used to join together large groups of words, such as phrases and sentences. You can also use them to link paragraphs together to make them more coherent. Sentence connectors are typically used at the start of a sentence and are classified as follows:

They can be categorized as; Despite, Even though, although, whereas, yet, But, in contrast, while, By contrast, Conversely, Nonetheless, Instead, Alternatively, At the same time, Otherwise, though, Notwithstanding, Even so, On the other hand, On the contrary, Nevertheless, However.

Notwithstanding, most of the students wrongly use connectors before every new sentence. You are advised to use them sparingly and try to learn the natural way to use them in a sentence. You can use connecting words to make complex sentences. Try not to use them to create an impression on the examiner. Watch this Video for the Best connectors/conjunctions for IELTS/CELPIP Speaking and Writing




Most Misunderstood CELPIP Speaking Mistakes! 

5.  Doing Too Much

Usually, this happens in Part 2, and you only have 20 seconds to speak about it. Quality is more important than quantity; hence, include a few points per question and avoid doing too much.
Doing too much is a common problem for most candidates. Either they speak less or more.
However, sometimes candidates need to answer the exact thing the examiner asks. As a result, this will affect the overall band score as the examiner will deduct points for wrong answers.



Preparing for the CELPIP speaking test can be daunting. However, with some advanced preparation and practice, you can alleviate this anxiety and be ready to ace the test. With this guide, you’ll learn the Mosts Misunderstood CELPIP speaking mistakes which you will avoid and increase your odds of success.

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